[MF] [FreeUse] [Fiction] The Skylar Chronicles pt. 3

I threw my head back against the seat, my eyes rolling in the back of my head as I tightened my grip. It had felt as though I was holding my breath in forever when I finally released it in a heavy sigh.

“COME…ON!!” I shouted from the driver seat of my car toward my apartment building where Skylar had been taking her sweet time in packing and getting ready to leave.

My hands, knuckles white as snow against my tan skin, relaxed from the steering wheel as I reached for my phone and pulled up Skylar’s name in a text message.

*“It’s been 20 minutes since you told me 5 minutes, and we were supposed to leave 45 minutes ago. Hurry up!”* I typed quickly and then tossed my phone back into the cupholder.

Finally, she emerged with her suitcase trailing behind her. I watched her descend the few steps from our door to the car, dressed casually in jeans, an oversized red t-shirt, and black sneakers. Her hair was shorter now, which was crazy to me considering that it was already just over shoulder length; but she looked great with her new wavy bob. She walked around the car to the back and opened the trunk to lift her suitcase inside. With most women, I’d usually get out of the car and offer to help, but Skylar was not most women and I’d likely end up getting punched in the chest and rebuked for my efforts. And, let’s be honest, with as long as she had made me wait, I half wanted to throw her in the trunk and be on my merry way.

She slammed the trunk shut and walked back around the car, opening the passenger door and taking her place in the car. She finished up a text message and then proceeded to glance over at me.

“You are the most impatient,” She let out with a look of annoyance.

“My parents are expecting us in time for dinner, and it’s a four hour drive to their place.” I retorted quickly, as I started the car and threw it into reverse.

Skylar and I grew up around one another and my parents were very familiar with her. They very much treated her like the daughter they never had, even more so when Skylar’s younger brother graduated high school and went to college and Skylar’s parents moved to Seattle not long after.

I had asked Skylar last month if she had plans to go and visit them around Christmas. She told me that she wouldn’t be able to take the time off work for it to be worth the drive or the cost of plane tickets and that she’d go see them in January when everything slows down at work. It only made sense to ask if she would want to join my family for Christmas then this year, an invitation she accepted after I assured her she wouldn’t be an inconvenience at all.

It didn’t take long for Skylar to pass out in the car. She found long road trips boring and would either watch a Netflix movie or fall asleep; this time it was the latter. I drove the familiar drive for about three hours before she began to shift around and eventually sat the seat back upright. We sat in silence as Skylar looked through her phone, responding to text messages and snapchats that had accumulated over the past three hours. Finally she looked over at me.

“How much longer do we have to go?” She asked.

“Not too long, another forty-five minutes to an hour.” I replied, my eyes not moving from the road.

“Hm. Well, at least you don’t have to drive in the dark too far.” She was looking out the window as the last bit of sunlight had started to fade over the horizon.

I turned my music up a little bit, letting Shinedown fill my mind and keep me distracted from the mindlessness of such a long drive. I guess I hadn’t noticed when Skylar took off her seatbelt because before I could even register it, she was leaning over the center console of my car and grabbing at my dick through my pants.

“Well, hello there.” I managed as my dick began to grow hard in my pants, “Got something on your mind?”

Skylar smiled up at me and then proceeded to place her mouth on my ear lobe, sucking gentle and nibbling, her hand never leaving what she knew was her goal. My pants grew tight very quickly as my mind shot back to having Skylar bent over our dining room table and taking her for myself at a moment’s notice. By this point, anyone could have looked at my pants and known I was hard as a rock for this girl. Lucky for me, it was just us in the car.

She continued teasing with her hand sliding up and down the outline of my hard dick and her mouth nibbled at my ear lobe. Then her hand left the outline of my dick and traveled upwards. It landed on my waist, right at the button of my tight jeans. I enjoy wearing these jeans because of the way they hug my legs and ass, which is apparently something women like. I hate wearing these jeans because they hug literally everything else too. Skylar took her thumb and pointer finger and pushed the button through its catch, releasing its hold on my pants. Her hand traveled slightly downward and found my zipper, pulling it down gently and slowly. She knew what game she was playing.

“You know what I haven’t done?” She finally spoke.

“What haven’t you done?” I replied in a somewhat sarcastic tone.

Her small, smooth hand slid into my pants and immediately located my hard dick. She took it in her grip, a grip just wide enough to touch her middle finger to her thumb around my dick. A tight grip, nonetheless. I looked over at her and found her bottom lip had become tucked under her top teeth. Skylar proceeded to pull my dick from my boxers and jeans, pulling them down in the process to reveal its full length. She let out a breathy sigh and then let her head drop.

As Skylar’s mouth met the tip of my dick she let out a quick moan. Her wet, full lips began to take me deeper and deeper until she was a little over half way down my length. The warmth of her mouth on my dick rushed over my whole body in a singular wave.

“Oh fuck,” it was my turn to let out a moan, my head jerking back against the headrest with my grip tightening around the steering wheel.

Skylar’s motions up and down my dick were smooth and quick, with her occasional venture to take its entire length into her throat before retreating back to the tip. After a few minutes, she readjusted herself to get a better angle. She placed her mouth back on the tip of my dick and proceeded to let her tongue dance around it in circles. Her right hand swirled my balls in her hand.

“*Eyes on the road”* I told myself more than once.

I glanced over to see Skylar’s tight jeans had slid down on her gorgeous ass, revealing her dark purple lace thong. My right hand immediately left the steering wheel, over Skylar’s bobbing head, and rested on her back before sliding backward and under that thong. I began to try and push my hand into her pants but they were as tight as they looked. Skylar, not missing a beat, brought her hands back to her pants and undid her button and zipper and then brought them right back to my balls and my dick. Her pants had loosened enough that I could lean over and guide my hand where it wanted to go.

I grabbed at Skylar’s ass, feeling the firm effects of her workout routines. She let out little moans as I grabbed and pulled up and down, letting my memory fall back to what it looked like as she walked away from me our first time. I could feel my dick responding to the thought, pulsing little by little with the memory. I proceeded to push my hand further back, traveling past her ass hole and to her wet slit. I let one finger glide between her pussy lips, teasing the entrance and then continuing on. The angle was a little difficult to work with, but Skylar’s muffled moans increased with each slide back and forth of my finger was entirely worth it. As I continued I felt her trying to match my motions, so I finally took the plunge. I let my finger glide past one last time and then retracted it. As I began to slide it forward again, I pushed it deep inside of her. The loud moan she let out as her pussy welcomed my finger with increased wetness and slight tightening was pure ecstasy. I smiled to myself as my finger began to pump back and forth, Skylar matching the rhythm flawlessly. I let another finger come uncurled and push in right next to the other, hooking them both and then releasing over and over again. Skylar became soaked and returned the favor by taking as much of my dick as possible and holding it in her throat this time.

“Fuck, that feels amazing,” I let out as part of a deep exhale.

“Mmmm” she replied in a moan.

I felt my dick begin to pulse, ready to finally have its release. In response, I pushed my fingers as deep inside of her as I could from that angle, causing her to let out another deep moan, vibrating my dick. My mind began to go blank as I started to inform her.

“Skylar, oh fuck, I’m gonna..” I began, “I’m going to fucking cum.” She didn’t move from her position and just kept taking my length and then back to the tip. She lifted her head just enough to give her permission with an affirmative moan and then dropped right back on to my dick.

I couldn’t hold it another second as I felt my dick release and shoot hot cum straight into Skylar’s throat. I let out a moan as I pushed my fingers back inside of her and then slid them out, my hand resting on her ass. Skylar’s movements paused as she swallowed every drop of cum my dick had to offer before lifting her head from my dick and sitting back in her seat. She re-buttoned and zipped her pants, having left my dick to soften and lay at the opening of my pants. She smiled.

“You taste good.” She said nonchalantly.

I smiled a little bit as I used one hand to push my dick back into my pants and re-zip and button them. I brought my right hand up to my mouth and let one of my fingers slide between my lips. Skylar watched with an obvious satisfaction in her eyes.

“Well, if my fingers are anything to go by, so do you.” I responded.

Skylar chuckled and sat back looking forward in her seat. She continued to chew on her bottom lip as she picked up her phone and began swiping through her apps.

“How far away are we now?” She asked.


I pulled my dark grey Camry up my parents’ driveway, parking behind my younger brother’s Corolla, registering that I guess we’re a Toyota family. It was 6:15pm, 45 minutes later than I had wanted to arrive. Skylar unbuckled her seatbelt, this time to let herself out of the car and grab up her suitcase. I followed her around to the back and grabbed out my duffle bag with clothes and hygiene products, and my backpack with my laptop.

We entered the house to be met by my mother who ushered us to the dinner table where my dad and three brothers, and the wife of my older brother, were sitting. We exchanged our pleasantries and sat down to ham and loaded mashed potatoes.

“Skylar, how’s work going for you, hunny?” My mother asked, making genuinely invested eye contact.

“Oh, it’s going really well! I like this law firm a lot compared to the last one I had worked at.” Skylar replied with a smile.

My mother loved Skylar and had desperately wanted to see us get together for a very long time, but it was just never in the cards. Until recently, Skylar and I had never crossed those lines of intimacy; even now, the lines crossed were purely sexual.

Dinner came and went, mostly with my brothers and me exchanging insults and catching each other up on our lives, sometimes both at the same time. My mom stood from the table when she saw everyone was done and began collecting plates. Skylar was quick to jump up and offer her assistance with bringing all the dirty dishes to the kitchen, always having been very helpful to my mom.

“So…you two dating finally, or what?” my younger brother Mike sounded off almost immediately after Skylar left the room.

“Nope. We’re just friends, as always.” I responded, scrolling through my phone.

“Okay, but like…you two live together. You’re telling me you’ve never…?” my eyes glanced up from my phone directly at Mike, probably appearing a little more menacing than I had intended. He let out a smirk and laughed a little.

My older brother Scott then spoke up, “It is entirely possible for a guy and girl to live together and be just friends; not everyone starts fucking just because they’re under the same room.”

*Yeah, right…totally.*

It didn’t take long for Skylar and my mom to finish up rinsing the dishes before they returned and we moved from the dining room to our living room. My mom informed me that Skylar would be taking my old room for this visit and that I’d take the couch. I figured that would be the sleeping arrangement before we had ever arrived, so it didn’t really catch me off guard. The couch was comfy enough, and I had slept on it almost every night when I was 13 years old. I was very familiar with passing out on the couch while watching TV.

My family has this Christmas tradition: every year, we watch one or two of the Christmas claymations. The really old ones. This year it was my turn to choose which of them we’d be watching tonight. I chose my favorite among the stack: *The Year Without A Santa Claus*.

Skylar wasn’t very familiar with the claymation movies, and probably not very interested in this tradition either, but expressed excitement to my parents as she sat down next to me on the couch. My dad turned out the lights. This is what felt like Christmas the most to me: 8:30pm, the day before Christmas; all the lights off except the glow from the Christmas tree and the TV; my family all in one place. Even Skylar. I’d never call her my sister, but Skylar was family in some way.

The movie rolled on, with my siblings and Skylar all glancing at our phones from time to time and then putting them down and then picking them back up for a minute and then putting them back down. After about 45 minutes, my older brother and his wife decided to call it a night and went to bed in his old room upstairs. Everyone else stayed until the movie ended before my younger brothers decided to go upstairs and play video games in their old room that they shared as kids. My parents stayed up and talked with me for a while about life. I was the son they didn’t see quite as often, so there was usually some catching up to do. Skylar interjected at one point and expressed that she would also be going to sleep now. She excused herself from the room, giving my mom a hug, and then proceeded upstairs to my old room. My parents and I talked a while longer until it was about 11:00pm and they decided to also go to bed.

I laid on the couch in my shorts and a black t-shirt. Normally I sleep in considerably less clothing, as I hate sleeping with clothes on, but that wasn’t really an option when sleeping on my parents’ couch. I sat on my phone for a while, playing phone Chess and scrolling Reddit, before tiredness really began to take hold. I set my phone on the coffee table, thankful I didn’t have an alarm to set, and covered myself with a blanket. I would typically turn all the lights off, but I decided to leave the Christmas tree glowing on the other end of the room as I slowly drifted into sleep.

It was a little chilly in the living room, so I wrapped myself snug under the blanket I was provided and let dreams take hold. It’s hard to say what I actually dreamed about, given that I usually just dream in very random scenarios. I turned from my side to my back more than once, always shifting to become more comfortable and warmer. The couch was not as welcoming to me as it had been when I was 13 years old and at least a foot shorter.

The chill of the night air crept up from time to time as I slept. It would have been very hard to not notice and wake up when the lower half of my body suddenly became colder in most areas and warmer in one. My heavy eyes slowly opened, wondering if this was still just a dream, and became set upon the lower part of my blanket having been moved and seeing in its place…Skylar. Her sexy figure, covered by an oversized t-shirt, lit up just enough by the light of the Christmas tree. The warmth was her breath, as she had pulled down my shorts and began to stroke my dick to hardness before exhaling as she licked from the base to the tip.

“What are you doing?” I whispered, probably louder than I realized.

Skylar looked up and smiled, “Getting a better angle than earlier.”

“What? The car ride wasn’t satisfying enough?” I asked.

“That was for you…this is for me.” She licked her way back down the shaft and then onto my balls, her tongue swirling around them and then taking them in her mouth, sucking lightly on one and then the other.

“*We’re gonna get caught”* the thought danced in my head, but only made me harder considering the risk.

Skylar’s warm mouth on my balls caused my body to squirm a little, making her giggle a little as she looked up making eye contact with me, staring right past my hard dick in her hand. She released my balls from her mouth and began licking back up, her eyes never leaving mine until she took the length of my dick as far as she could into her throat. I heard her give a light gag and back off. I had to tell myself that I wasn’t allowed to moan or make any kind of loud noise. For all I knew, my younger brothers could have been still playing video games right upstairs. It was in that moment that I realized I had no idea what time it was. How long had she waited? Did she sleep and then wake up from being horny? Did she plan this?

None of that mattered now as this girl began bobbing her head up and down quickly, covering my dick in her drool. My breathing intensified as she took my body for herself, no matter the risk of being caught involved. Skylar sucked on the tip before removing her mouth entirely and began sliding her hand up and down, using her spit as lube and stroking around the tip of my dick. The sensitivity was amazing and hard to handle. My body squirmed more almost as if to say it was too much. She smiled that mischievous smile, like this was exactly what she wanted from her actions.

She returned to sucking my dick for a while before she made her way up my body and began laying her lips on my neck, giving sucking kisses and little bites.

“No marks.” I spoke in a commanding tone, only to be met with a disappointed groan from her.

Skylar reached her right hand down, grabbing my dick and beginning to tease it against her clit. She let out little moans into my ear and then slid it further back to tease at the entrance to her soaked pussy. She backed her head up then laid a kiss on my lips and smiled, never stopping moving my dick back and forth against her slit.

“I need you,” she said to me with unbreakable eye contact.

“What did you say?” I responded, feeling a strong desire and animalistic nature well up inside of me.

“I said I need you,” she repeated herself.

In that moment, something clicked in me, very similar to when I had her bent over the table in our apartment but different… more primal. I wrapped my hand around her waist as I sat up and spun her around to the bottom, pressing her back into the couch. She looked surprised that I had moved so quickly to take control. Her lips curled into her mouth as I kicked off my shorts from my ankles and grabbed her legs. I raised her legs up, positioning her ankles on my shoulders, and revealing her same purple thong she had been wearing earlier. I balanced myself on my knees and grabbed my dick with one hand. My other hand moved to her thong and pulled it to the side. I positioned my dick against her warm, wet slit and guided it up and down. She began to let out more moans, a little louder now knowing she had no control of what would happen next. I pushed my dick against her tight opening and removed my hand from her panties, my dick holding them in place to the side. My hand moved up to her thin neck and wrapped tight around it, squeezing on the sides.

“Beg…beg for it, you slut,” the words rolled out of my mouth as I established eye contact with her.

“P-please…” she let out.

“Please, what?” I growled, tightening my grip a little more.

“Please fuck me…please,” She forced the words through limited breath.

I pushed my dick in, deep as it could go, never letting go of the hold I had on her neck. I began thrusting almost all the way out and then all the way back in. My balls moving in a rhythmic pace, slapping against her ass. She wants to moan, I can tell, but my hand on her neck is keeping her from it. Or maybe she’s deftly aware that my entire family is on the floor above us. I let go of all restrictions, drilling my dick deep into her warmth. I let my body lean forward, leveraging myself as best as I can to pump my dick into her pussy. After some time, I pull out and release my grip on her neck. I assume her face is beat red, but I can’t tell from the red, green, blue, and yellow glow that the Christmas tree is giving off. Skylar let out a little whimper, regaining her breath.

“That’s new for you,” she said through heavy breathing. It wasn’t. I had done this before with other girls, but had yet been able to with her.

I pulled her panties from her body and spread her legs. Her pussy lips were tight, but very noticeably wet and opened from my dick just ramming inside of her. There wasn’t a trace of hair. Skylar had told me I-Don’t-Know-How-Many-Times that she waxed her body hair. I had never really taken the time to look, but I was definitely taking in the sight now. Instinctively, I raised my open hand and slapped it down on her pussy. Skylar let out pained moan, not expecting what I had just done. I brought my hand up and back down two more times, Skylar turning her head into the pillow to let out the pained moans again and again.

I grabbed her by her hips and turned her on her stomach. She immediately arched her ass up, revealing her tight ass hole and the back view of her pussy. I grabbed what hair I could, which is admittedly very hard to do with a bob cut, and positioned my dick again at the opening of her pussy. I pushed myself in and began to quickly move back and forth inside of her. This time wouldn’t be as long, and I knew that. I had pulled out earlier to keep myself from cumming just yet, but it was inevitable. My pace was hard and fast, drilling deep inside of her and then back out as quickly as I could. My breath was heavy and frantic. I pushed her face into the pillow, allowing her to moan a little more than she had been.

I began to slow my pace, knowing it was time to give her my second load of cum for the day. She forced her head to turn and looked back at me as much as she could.

“My mouth…please. Cum in my mouth,” she spoke in an exhausted and breath-heavy voice.

“Get on your knees,” I commanded her.

Skylar rocked forward until my dick slid out of her. She immediately swiveled and got herself to the floor before repositioning herself on her knees between my legs. Without hesitation, she began sucking my dick quickly and deep. I positioned my hand on the back of her head, my fingers interweaving her short, brown hair. My dick began to pulse as I pulled her a little deeper and let it release, my hot cum filling her mouth again. I sat back on the couch after letting out a grunting moan, taking deep breaths. Skylar sucked a little longer before the sensitivity on the tip was too much and I gently pushed her head away. She sat on the floor a few minutes before grabbing her soaked panties and sliding them back on. She pulled her shirt all the way back down her body and stood before me.

“Merry Christmas, fuckface,” she spoke with a big smile.

“Pretty sure you’re the one who just got face fucked,” I shot back, “but Merry Christmas to you too.”

Skylar turned and walked upstairs, leaving me to sit and stare at the light of the Christmas tree a while longer. The tiredness then began to set back in, more as exhaustion this time. I slipped my shorts back on my body and covered myself again with the blanket Skylar had pulled from my body. I sank back into sleep, no more tossing a turning.

The next morning I was woken up early by the sound of my family preparing breakfast. I rolled from the couch and headed straight for the bathroom to pee and then brush my teeth. As I headed from there into the kitchen, my mom turned to me from the stove, where Skylar was helping her cook breakfast.

“Good morning, son, how did you sleep?” she smiled at me.

“I slept…really well, mom.” I replied.

Skylar turned around from cooking pancakes and smiled at me, her face red in the area just under her eyes from burst blood vessels. I bit my bottom lip slightly as she spoke.

“Good Morning!”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/edsfy7/mf_freeuse_fiction_the_skylar_chronicles_pt_3


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