Early Gift [MF] [rom] [creampie]

“Are you ready yet, Richard? The weather isn’t going to get better out there,” said a stressed out and restless Helen Rollins.

“Almost,” answered her equally restless husband, Richard Rollins. “I’m just making sure your parents’ fancy dishes are tightly packed. I don’t need your mom giving crap about me chipping a cup again.”

“I already made her promise she wouldn’t be that petty this year,” she said.

“Doesn’t mean she won’t be. So long as she can piss off my mother through me, she’ll find an excuse.”

Helen rolled her eyes and groaned as she paced restlessly in the living room of the small, suburban house she shared with her husband of two years. She kept going over the list in her head of things they needed to do before heading to her parents’ house for Christmas. What should’ve been a joyous, exciting prospect had been mired in less-than-festive feelings for her and Richard. Many of those feelings pre-dated the holidays.

It had not been an easy year for her and Richard. It might have been the toughest year they’d endured since they got together. She and Richard had been childhood friends, growing up in the same community and coming of age together. He wasn’t the first man she dated, but she still ended up marrying him less than a year after they graduated high school.

However, that was where much of the drama between them and their families started.

Her family had always given Richard a hard time. Her mother once said described him as being good enough to marry, but not great enough to spend the rest of her life with. That was because he came from a broken home, having had a volatile relationship with his father and a less-than-supportive dynamic with his mother. Being the oldest and only girl of her family, her parents had hoped she’d move away and find someone who would lead her to bigger and better opportunities.

On top of that, her mother and Richard’s mother hated each other. Before she and Richard got married, her mother had sued Richard’s because she suspected she stole some rare jewelry that she owned. It got ugly fast, even after she dropped the suit. Nothing was ever proven and nobody went to jail, but that was the catalyst for many more feuds that quickly engulfed their lives.

At one point, Richard’s mother tried to make him enlist in the military in lieu of a baseball scholarship from a nearby college, thinking that would drive them apart. It didn’t work. When his mother tried to plant pot on him to get him expelled, that crossed a line that left scars on Richard’s heart that would never heal.

He could’ve broken up with her, if only to spare himself from more melodrama. Instead, he proposed to her. It showed how much he loved her and how much he wanted to get away from his family. However, it only acted as a catalyst for more melodrama.

“It’s just two days,” Helen kept telling herself as she paced about the living room. “Two days with my parents…two days of them harping on all the crap we went through this past year. We can get through it, right?”

She cursed herself for sounding so unconvincing. She wanted to believe that the holiday spirit would get her parents to overlook the issues surrounding Richard and his family, but even Christmas miracles only went so far.

The past year was a strain on all of them. While she and Richard had graduated college, him distancing himself from his family left him in a financial mess. He needed help and Helen had to convince her parents to assist them. It had not been a pleasant process. Her mother was especially reluctant. Helping Richard, in her mind, meant helping his thieving mother and that disguised her.

They still agreed. To his credit, Richard did his part. He used their money wisely, paying down debts and using the rest to get a business going with his old college teammate. It made for long hours and late nights. Helen did her part, working extra shifts at the hospital where she worked as a nurse. They barely had time for each other, which affected their love life, as well as their holiday spirit.

It didn’t help that her parents constantly pestered her about paying back the loan they gave them. They had fallen behind a few times in recent months, which made things even more volatile. Spending a few days with them, even for the holidays, was sure to bring up plenty of questions and complaints. They just had to endure, which only seemed more daunting with each passing moment.

“Okay, I think they’re ready,” said Richard as he joined her in the living room, looking as restless as him. “I even triple checked to make sure we have every dish.”

“I believe you,” said Helen, “but don’t be surprised if my mother still accuses you of stealing them.”

“I know. And I’ve been practicing my responses,” he said with a sigh. “I’m ready for her scrutiny.”

“Famous last words,” Helen muttered. “You know my mom finds a way and my dad never stops her.”

“I’ll endure. It still beats spending Christmas Eve with my mom and hearing how she pawned my old action figures to make another mortgage payment.”

“And people wonder why we haven’t been in the Christmas spirit all month,” she groaned.

Helen muttered more curses under her breath. She started pacing again, but ended up in Richard’s arms, who tried to ease the tension with an embrace. It helped, but only to a point.

He was as stressed out as her. He didn’t hide how much he resented relying on her family for support. Doing so vindicated their concerns that he somehow held her back, using their resources to rebuild his broken life at their daughter’s expense. It didn’t seem to matter that they loved each other. Helen tried to not let that affect their relationship, but it had only gotten harder this past year.

“We’ll get through this. We’ve gotten through much worse this past year,” Richard told her.

“I believe you,” she said, “but it feels like that’s all we’ve been doing lately.”

“To some extent, we have,” he said sheepishly.

“The extent doesn’t matter. It’s still so wrong!” said Helen, her emotions echoing through her voice. “Every day, it seems, we have to prove ourselves in some absurd way. I somehow have to prove that I made the right choice, marrying someone I loved instead of someone from Estate Hill. And you have to prove you actually know what you’re doing, building a life that your mother tried to destroy.”

“I wouldn’t mind that challenge if we didn’t keep having to prove that to close family members.”

“And that shouldn’t be the case!” she said angrily. “We shouldn’t be in a situation where dealing with family and building our loves needs vindication. You know, when my old roommate married her boyfriend, her family gladly supported them in moving up north for new jobs.”

“I’ll bet that made things nicer around the holidays.”

“That’s just it. I want things to be nice. Hell, I even wrote one of those goofy letters to Santa last week, asking for anything to make Christmas better this year. How pathetic is that?”

“It’s not pathetic, Helen. That’s just where we are right now.”

Now standing in the middle of the living room, Helen fought a round of sobs and buried her face in her husband’s shoulders. He gently embraced her, as he always did. She sensed he was as exhausted as her, unable to muster much strength after everything they’d been through.

It wasn’t right.

It shouldn’t have been this way.

They were young, in love, and building promising lives together. Why wasn’t that enough?

Helen lingered in her husband’s arms, if only to delay the prospect of hitting the road during snowy weather. It would’ve been nice if they could just stay home and spend Christmas in their undersized suburban house. She might have even suggested that if she weren’t convinced her mother wouldn’t use that as an excuse to hate Richard even more.

As they embraced, however, something caught Helen’s eye. She noticed something under their Christmas tree, which was in the corner next to their couch.

“Hey, what’s that?” she asked. “I thought we put all the presents in the trunk of the car.”

“We did,” Richard said as he looked over towards the tree. “I don’t remember that being there.”

Curious, they both made their way over to the tree where Helen retrieved the box. She held it up so Richard could see it too. It wasn’t very big or heavy. There was no tag on it, but it looked like it had been professionally wrapped. Just holding it felt strange.

“Just out of curiosity,” Richard said, “that letter you wrote to Santa…you didn’t send it out, did you?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Richard,” said Helen, rolling her eyes. “It was just some act we did at the hospital. Maybe this just got mixed up in the gift exchange or something.”

“Well, what do you think it is?”

“I don’t know,” she said, “but there’s only one way to find out.”

They briefly exchanged looks, unable to come up with any reason to leave it unopened. Following their curiosity, Helen unwrapped the present, which revealed a small black box that resembled a jewelry case. Still seeking answers, she opened it to reveal a dazzling, flower-shaped jewel.

“It’s beautiful,” Helen commented.

“That, it is,” said Richard. “I wish I could take credit for buying it, but there’s no way you’d believe me. It’s not like I could afford something that fancy, even if it were a fake.”

“I’m not sure it’s real or fake,” she said as she looked at it closely. “It kind of looks like this gem my grandmother told me about as a kid. There was even this elaborate story about how a magic gem shaped like a flower gave two tired lovers renewed passion.”

“Sounds like quite a story,” he said.

“And one she claimed was a Christmas story, no less,” Helen added. “But it was just a story. There’s no way it could be…”

Her words trailed off as she reached to touch the gem. Richard reached out to touch it too. As soon as their skin made contact with the shining gem, something unexpected hit them. Like touching a hot stove or an exposed wire, a strange surge hit them both like a bolt of lightning.

What happened next defied the laws of physics, logic, and Christmas miracles. In an instant, all the stress that had cumulated over the past few weeks vanished. All the restlessness, anxiousness, and dismay faded like a fleeting memory. In their place, a new feeling washed over them…a very hot, very powerful feeling that filled them with renewed energy.

“Whoa!” Helen exclaimed.

“What the…” Richard gasped.

It was like a shot of adrenaline. Helen’s heart began pounding in her chest. The air around her suddenly felt 10 degrees hotter. Beneath her clothes, she broke out into a light layer of sweat. She looked over to her husband, who had the same intense look on his face. He looked ready to fight a lion with his bare hands.

The effects were strong, but the effects were concentrated in some parts more than others. Everything around her felt hotter, but the areas between her legs were by far the hottest. Helen instinctively rubbed her thighs together to dissipate the heat, but only made it worse. The effects remained the same.

She was aroused.

She was very aroused, more so than she had been in months.

When she looked down at her husband’s lower body, she noticed a large bulge forming in his pants. His demeanor quickly shifted. He soon had the look of a teenage boy who’d walked into class with an awkward boner.

“Richard,” Helen said, her gaze narrowing on her.

“I’m sorry,” he said, blushing profusely, “I…I don’t know what happened. I just…”

“Do me,” she said, cutting him off before he could ramble on.

Richard blinked a few times in disbelief. He opened his mouth to say something, which was often his first instinct whenever met by an awkward situation. For once, no words came out. He just laughed to himself, smiled at her, and adopted a sense of confidence she hadn’t seen in years.

“Okay, my beautiful wife,” he said. “I’ll do you right here…right now.”

“That might be the most loving, concise thing you’ve ever said,” Helen said.

In a move she hadn’t tried since she was a teenager, Helen jumped her lover’s arms and dared him to catch her. Richard met that dare perfectly, catching her and getting a firm grip on her butt in the process. She rewarded him with the deepest, hottest kiss she’d given him since their wedding day.

Impassioned and motivated like never before, Richard carried her to the couch next to the Christmas tree. Along the way, Helen unbuttoned his shirt and rubbed her pelvis up against the bulge in his pants. That motivated him even more. By the time he set her down on the couch, she’d already gotten his shirt off. From there, he went to work removing her clothes.

“Off! Take them off!” Helen urged him.

Richard heeded her desperate words, pulling her shirt off over her head and practically tearing off her pants. While she unclasped her bra from behind, he removed her panties, rendering her naked in record time.

Usually, getting her clothes off in intimate moments was drawn out. It had to be in order to set the mood and build up her arousal. That wasn’t necessary this time. She was already very aroused. Her inner thighs were so wet that she could’ve melted the falling snow outside. Richard clearly noticed that as well. While he admired her exposed body, she helped him out of his pants.

“Those look tighter than usual,” Helen commented.

“They are,” Richard said, already breathless.

“Then, let’s get them off as well.”

The grin on his face widened as they coordinated to remove those distressingly confined pants. In doing so, it exposed a throbbing erection the likes of which she hadn’t seen since their anniversary. Helen almost forgotten how well-endowed her husband was. Being reminded felt like a gift in and of itself.

“Ooh Richard!” Helen cooed. “Talk about a festive package!”

“Are you talking dirty to me, Helen?” Richard asked.


“I didn’t say I minded. In fact, I like it!”

As it to convince her, he pounced on her like an alpha male in heat. He quickly pinned her on her back, the worn fabric grinding against her naked skin. She loved that feeling. She loved it even more once Richard began smothering her with hungry kisses and heated foreplay.

They started making out like horny teenagers, fondling and groping one another as though being naked together was a novel concept. She quickly remembered how much she loved it when Richard nibbled on her neck and pinched her nipples. She returned the favor by squeezing that firm butt of his, which filled him with a manly vigor that reminded her why she married him.

Heated foreplay and making out was fun, but it was hardly enough to sate the desire that burned between them. Helen didn’t care that they had to be at her parents’ within the next two hours. She didn’t care that the weather almost guaranteed they would be late and her father wouldn’t accept excuses. She and her husband were going to make love. Nothing short of a Christmas miracle was going to stop them.

“Richard…take me,” Helen whispered into his ear.

Again, he replied with no words. Richard was once again a man of action and it couldn’t have come at a better time.

Still looking at her with unparalleled intensity, he rose up off her, turned her around, and bent her over the edge of the couch. Her shapely butt now pointed right at him, she could feel the desire in his gaze. He wasn’t just going to take her. He was going to ravage her, as only a loving husband could. Helen hadn’t felt so desired all year.

“Brace yourself, my love,” he said to her. “Consider this an early gift!”

With a strength and bravado that raised the bar for husbands everywhere, Richard grabbed her by the waist and aligned his rigid cock with her wet entrance. There was no hesitation or reservation. As soon as she felt the tip graze her outer folds, he entered her with a firm thrust. The quick and sudden melding of their flesh filled her sensations that might as well have been Christmas magic.

“Ohhh Richard!” Helen cried out.

Following the siren’s song of her cries, her husband proceeded to make love to her with a focused passion that rocked her world, literally and figuratively. She clung to the arm of the couch, feeling it rock in accord with each hard thrust. His hard, masculine member slithered effortlessly within her moist, feminine depths. It was like welcoming her lover back into her body, heart, and soul after months of distress.

Richard was just as welcoming. He was quite animated with their lovemaking. As he moved her body with hers, he leaned over and hungrily kissed along her neck, which evoked more cries. He also reached around and fondled her swaying breasts, sending shivers of ecstasy coursing down her spine. He embraced her with the kind of passion that any lover craved. It reaffirmed that their love was genuine. This was just them expressing it in a physical, tangible way.

It felt incredible.

It felt passionate.

It felt like everything she and Richard had wanted, but denied themselves.

It was just what they needed. The fact they received it on Christmas Eve made it feel like a wondrous, yet overdue gift.

“Helen…my love,” he whispered into her ear.

“Richard…I want this. We need this!” she panted.

The pace of their sex intensified. Richard moved his hips faster. The sound of his pelvis smacking into her butt filled the living room. It sent Helen deeper into a sensual daze. Eventually, that daze morphed into a sensual awakening of her own.

At one point during their ravenous humping, Helen flipped the script. She shifted their position, pinning her husband on his back, with one leg draped over the couch, and pouncing upon him like an animal in heat. From there, she straddled his pelvis and rode his cock with the same vigor as he’d dhown her. It caught Richard by surprise, but he didn’t seem to mind.

If anything, seeing his wife ride him like a Christmas sex goddess was a real turn-n.

“Wow! You’re right, Helen. We did need this!” he said with a beaming grin.

Helen just laughed and kept riding, taking his hands in hers and guiding them to her bouncing breasts. He lovingly squeezed them, evoking more moans to supplement the chorus of blissful gasps and grunts.

This was the kind of love that brought them together.

This was the kind of passion that had eluded them for much of the year.

This was the kind of gift that made Christmas special for years to come.

Together, she and Richard savored that gift. They used every ounce of the passionate energy that had overtaken them, going at it like horny teenagers all over the couch. It wasn’t just about getting off. It was about giving substance to their love. That didn’t stop a powerful orgasm from building in her core. Helen felt it approaching inch by inch, like a looming avalanche that she could see in the distance.

She sensed Richard was close as well. He didn’t usually draw sex out this much. They usually didn’t have the time or energy. That was not an issue this time. In his eyes, she saw both a desire to maximize the feeling, as well as a desire to maximize his approaching climax.

“I’m almost there, Richard! I’m almost…there!” Helen panted.

“I am too, Helen. I’m really…really close!” he said through labored breaths.

As they both neared their destination, their bodies shifted once more. Richard was now in an upright position, leaning back on the middle of the couch where it was the softest. Helen was on his lap, her knees planted firmly at each side while she rode his dick through the last leg of their journey. He kept one hand on her breast and the other on her hips, supplementing her every movement with his arms. Helen clung to his shoulders, holding for dear life as the feeling approached.

Their eyes never diverted from one another. His face remained inches from hers, keeping the love in his gaze at the center of her world. It made that ultimate moment when they climaxed together feel both special and cathartic.

“Oohhh Richard!”

“Ohhh Helen!”

In an instant, their bodies achieved a harmonious release. The movements stopped and the basics of pure ecstasy took over. It might as well have been another Christmas miracle.

Helen dug her nails into her lover’s shoulders. Her inner muscles contracted hard around her lover’s cock as every nerve in her core ignited with pleasure. As the avalanche of sensations washed over her, she sensed her lover get his too. She watched as his face contorted with ecstasy, his grip on her tightening as his manhood throbbed inside her. Hot manly fluids mixed with hot feminine juices as the waves of euphoric warmth flowed through them.

In that moment of raw bliss, born through an act of love on Christmas Eve, Helen and the man she’d so eagerly married kissed. Under the light of their Christmas tree and in wake of such a passionate surge, it might have been the most meaningful kiss they’d shared all year. It reminded her why all the stress, struggle, and melodrama was worth it.

“I love you,” she told him.

“I love you too,” he replied, caressing her face as they caught their breath.

“Thank you for this early gift,” she told him. “I still don’t know who sent it or how this happened so suddenly.”

“Does it matter?”

“No, it doesn’t,” she said without hesitation before embracing him closer. “This is what the holidays are about…connecting with those we love after such a long, hard year.”

“I’d say we got the connection part right,” said Richard. “And while I can’t promise that things will go smoothly with your parents, I can promise you this…I’m going to make things better next year. I’m not going to let the little things get in the way of our love.”

“That, my darling husband, might be the second greatest gift you could get me for Christmas,” Helen replied.

They shared a laugh and kissed again, allowing their bodies to settle as they shared in the feeling. Eventually, they were going to have to get dressed, hit the road, and endure her family’s holiday drama. Now, it didn’t seem so daunting anymore.

She and Richard had something rare and beautiful together. It hadn’t been an easy road for them. They had to overcome forces beyond their control. It was easy to overlook the strength of their love when their lives got stressful. Remembering that strength and embracing it on Christmas Eve felt like more than a great gift. It was a sign that their love could carry them through whatever fate had in store for them.

Even so, Helen still had a thank you note to write. She and Richard might have been too old for toys, but that didn’t stop “Santa” from giving them exactly what they needed for Christmas.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/edqj7d/early_gift_mf_rom_creampie


  1. This was an awesome read. It had a few typos and whatnot which I would read over, but the set up I especially enjoyed

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