Fool’s Mate, or The Right Place at the Right Time [FMF]

Several years ago, I was in my mid-20s, and met up with some friends to see a band. I was traveling solo that evening, which I guess made me feel free to wander around and make conversation with whomever I saw. After the band I was there to see finished their part of the show, I found myself talking to a woman I knew a little; she was someone from the same scene if not the same circles — we knew people who knew each other, and it seems like we had chatted in that context once or twice. She was one of those people with a good attitude about their crappy situation. She had a dumb sort of service job, took a few classes every year, but remained friendly and positive. She was heavy, and average-looking with fine strawberry blond hair and a nondescript haircut. Her clothing priority seemed to be comfort: baggy sweater and jeans with boots. I wasn’t particularly attracted to her, but I guess that made me a little more… effusive. I was not trying to impress; I was just responding to a friendly person, named Lisa.

That night, she was with a friend, having a girls’-night-out. The sidekick was Tricia, and she was also solidly in the middle of the attractiveness bell curve. Her look was kind of like a doll, short dark curly hair, pale skin and cupid’s-bow lips. She had a thick chunky behind and large thighs, but without the compensating bosom that sometimes goes with it. We never got into genealogy, but I wager she was Irish Catholic.

They were commiserating over the friend’s fresh breakup. Tricia had been, not dumped, exactly… it was a long time ago, but I rather have the impression she had a moment of clarity: he was not really into having a relationship, but he sort of liked access to a girlfriend type sometimes. She called him out on it, and here we were on a Saturday night.

“Men are all awful. They’re liars and cowards and they can’t deal with feelings and aren’t worth the time to try a relationship,” Tricia proclaimed. And so I had to retort, not playfully, but seriously, “So, are you going to become a lesbian, because that’s the logical outcome?” For some reason, this was funny, and T and L laughed and decided that they were going to go dyke, and we toasted it with tequila shots.

“But I will miss cocks.”

This statement sparked my interest, as I have a cock, and women who like them make up a large part of my target demographic.

But it was light-hearted, and we decided that despite the pain, or annoyance, or whatever in between thing she had, the thing with the boy had run its course and was never going to be, and so these girls, with many nice features needed to move on to something where they would be appreciated.

The band finished their set long before last call, and the three of us decided to go to a nearby dive bar for our next round. It was a short walk away. Lisa decided that we should detour by her apartment – she lived sort of between the places – to use a clean bathroom. The door to her ground floor studio entered into the kitchen, and she offered a quick “drink where it’s cheap” cocktail while I snuck into the toilet.

She handed me a beer when I came out, and the girls slipped into the bathroom. I sipped my drink and started looking at her bookcase. It had a collection of middlebrow novels, school texts, pop psychology, nothing too out there but reasonably literate. I could hear giggling from the bathroom, and one loud laugh. When they appeared, I was paging through something or another, reading the first page or looking at an illustration, I don’t remember what, but I was engrossed.

Lisa slipped up behind me and dragged a finger up my hairline. “ What’re you checking out?” And then she pressed in close and nuzzled under my ear. I closed my eyes to the sensation, basking in it, turned my head, and was met by a soft, gently opening mouth. We necked for a minute, her pressed against my shoulder. I was at that perfect point of intoxication: awash in sensation, uninhibited, but not yet out of control physically. I rotated to meet her full on, and felt a hand on my hip. Glancing that way, I see Tricia an arm’s length away staring at us with half-lidded eyes. “That’s so fucking sexy,” she says in a husky voice, “just go, just go…”

So I went, I just felt free, and no nerves. I grabbed Lisa’s breast through the sweater and she ran her right hand shoulder to thigh, circling around to my ass. Like so many heavy girls, she was hiding BIG boobs with that fuzzy sweater. I could feel nipples like stones through her layers. She started making breathy, moaning yummy sounds as we made out. Meanwhile Tricia has started rubbing my stomach and groin. I’m getting hard, and she’s rubbing me in circles whispering, “so fucking sexy.” She started pulling my belt open, sinks to her knees, and starts nuzzling in between. I kept kissing Lisa, and snaked my hands under her clothes. She had big and heavy breasts, and I rubbed them through the bra. Her nipples were large and stiff.

Meanwhile, Tricia has my belt, then my trousers open, and my dick in her hand. She has turned her head to Lisa’s belly – the sweater is lifted up, and she’s got her mouth running hip-to-navel, mumbling something, I don’t know what, but the sound was driving my crazy. Her free hand was jammed in her pants and moving to the same erratic tempo. Lisa was guiding her head back and forth, and had started panting in my mouth. Tricia turned back to me and began rooting for my dick, Lisa pressing close as well. I nuzzle her nape, I feel a wet mouth on me low, and I swear it happened just this fast.

Lisa pulled back, breathing hard with her hand gently scratching Tricia’s short curls. She was staring at the rhythm of the bobbing head. She backed away with her eyes locked on the only moving thing in the room. When she made it to the bed, she kicked off her boots, sat down and peeled down her jeans with panties inside. She watched us, both hands making small circles between her thighs, for what seemed an eternity – Tricia was making insistent passes up and down and around the head of my cock. My legs were straining to keep me on my feet.

Lisa dropped to her back with an “Oooof! Mmmm.” pulled her feet to the bed and increased the intensity. Lisa grinned, stood up and pulled me over to the bed by my erection. “Let’s go get her,” and we tumbled on either side. We started making out across Lisa’s chest, stroking her thighs, licking her nipples. She tensed and arched and went rigid.

As T and I kept at it, she wiggled out from under and stood to pull off the tangled sweater. We started working out of our clothes too, pulling and twisting. Lisa moved to the nightstand and reached into the drawer and fished out one, then another toy. One was a bullet vibe; the other a yellow plastic model the size of a c-cell flashlight. She crawled back onto the bed, saying “I’m going to help you out,” turning the tools on. She started on her with the larger one, running it along the thigh-crease, nudging my hand out of the way. Tricia’s eyes were closed by now. She had gone far away into herself. I could see the moisture, hear it even, and certainly smell it. I pivoted and started going down on her. Lisa pulled back and put the tool between her own legs. Tricia grabbed my hair and pulled me tight, I focused on the nub and slid one then two fingers in, angling up. She was starting to make cries.

Lisa was buzzing the bullet between their respective nipples, and started plunging the other vibe along and into her own pussy. Tricia was making gasping cries, and Lisa started chanting, “I’m gonna fuck him, I wanna fuck him” into her friend’s nape. We all were scooting up the bed. I began to twine my legs with hers, and she reached out and took my cock in her hand. That was the first time I’d ever had a vibrator used on me, and I immediately understood why they have such a fan base. I was hard as sun-warm stone and felt like every hair on my body was standing up.

Tricia cried, “ O my god o my god” and started fingering her clit, and a pulled back to watch, hooking up and in and shaking her with strong pulls. She began to shudder, and throw open her legs and buck, and I thought she would sprain my wrist. And then she came to rest with all tension gone.

Lisa stretched to the bedside drawer again. She tore it open with her teeth, and rolled it down my shaft. She pressed my onto my back, lifted a leg over, inserted, and started grinding away, back on her haunches with her eyes closed. In the dim light, she looked like an exaggeration of the female, breasts swaying. I rubbed her hips and ass. She didn’t take very long to come… I felt the rippling and instantly she was so wet and her pussy relaxed. She tumbled away, face down in the bedclothes and breathing hard. Tricia began giggling, and I laughed too. The situation suddenly felt a little ridiculous, over the top. Except for the fact that I was frustratingly hard, uncertain of what else was going to happen.

Tricia asked if I still needed to come, and I started to lean her way, but she sat up and pulled the condom off, and started a hand job. I didn’t think this was going to work for me until she leaned over and let a mouthful of saliva all over me. She looked me right in the eye and said, “I want to see you come.” And it was as if those were the magic words that let me go. A dozen strokes and I shot all over my belly and chest, one of those orgasms that course up your spine and expand your head.

In all candor the aftermath was awkward. Tricia got up to go to the bathroom and brought back a warm washcloth. Lisa and I sort of cleaned up, and we were all worn out, but had fucked ourselves sober. Birds were starting to chirp, and it was getting lighter outside. I think we were all a little embarrassed and didn’t want to look each other (or ourselves) in the eye.

Never any further physical interaction between any of us. I ran into Lisa a few other times. We never mentioned that night She was friendly, and cheerful, and always thinking of going back to school or moving. I lost touch, and I don’t know that I’d recognize either of them after all this time. We just all happened to be in the right place at the right time.

