[Group] A Friendsgiving Miracle

(This is a true story of something I did just recently. Hopefully we can talk about it together!)

Hello! About a month ago it was that time of year again (Thanksgiving!), whatever that means, and we all have our own little rituals and plans surrounding it, although we usually ultimately end up spending the holiday itself with our family.

I’m a very social person, and I know a lot of people, and I make friends very easily. I have close friends who mean a lot to me, but usually they’re all from different friend groups, and I don’t really have a fixed friend group of my own.

I have a pair of very close friends, both women, let’s call them S and K.

S is part of a very nerdy friend group of three girls (the other two we’ll call A & C), and a bunch of guys, one of whom I’m also close friends with. I know that group super well, and I hang out with them very often, and I only have S and the other guy I mentioned to thank for that.

K is best friends with me and S, and only hangs out with that group sometimes. A lot less than I do, anyway.

In that group there is a guy called James, and what can be said about James? Well, he’s easily the shyest, nerdiest, most socially awkward of them all. The others are all actually very successful in one way or another, good careers, that sort of thing. James, on the other hand, while he succeeded academically, because he’s a massive nerd, never really has “gotten out there” so to speak.

He still lives with his parents, and he’s never had a girlfriend in his life. Despite all this, he’s really nice and sweet, and while I do feel sorry for him, I’ve still always liked him. He’s a bit pathetic, but hey, that’s no worry to me.

I ended up in a situation a couple of weeks ago – the reasons for which aren’t really important – where I was hanging out with just S and James.

A & C were talking about doing “Friendsgiving” a few days before Thanksgiving for their group of friends, and S & James were talking about how they were going to it. This kind of annoyed me, in part because I hadn’t been invited (which I understand, I’m not a core part of the group), but also because I’d planned to do the *exact* same thing in a slightly more intimate scenario with just S & K.

I also had a very specific idea about things I wanted to cook.

I told her and James they should blow off the other thing, and come to *my* Friendsgiving, but they very much insisted they’d agreed long in advance, and couldn’t do it. I understood, but I also couldn’t help but spend the next two weeks thinking of how to stage some kind of coup and get them over to my place.

Let’s fast forward to this week.

The night of A & C’s Friendsgiving dinner came, and S showed up at James’s house to pick him up, because he doesn’t drive, so she was going to give him a ride there.

This is where James’s Friendsgiving night took a bit of a turn that he didn’t expect. About halfway through the journey, he noticed S wasn’t driving to A & C’s place, but S reassured him it was fine, and not to worry.

Instead, S drove him to my place, where she pulled up and told James there had been a change of plan, and they were now going to my dinner.

James was very unsure, but she eventually managed to get him to come inside with her.

Waiting upstairs in my apartment were K and myself, and I already had food laid out on the kitchen table.

James came inside to realize it was just the four of us here: himself, myself, S & K.

I walked behind him and locked the door, before telling him he should sit down in the middle of the living room couch. We had a surprise for him.

He looked very confused, but did as I asked.

We told him there was bad news tonight, and good news.

The bad news was that he wouldn’t be going to A & C’s Friendsgiving dinner, but the good news was that he was now here and mine, and it would be much, much better. Why? Because at this Friendsgiving dinner, something was about to happen to him that would make every guy at the other dinner so fucking jealous they’d want to throw themselves off a bridge.

Without elaborating any further than that, myself, S & K walked over to James and knelt down on the floor in front of him. We undid his pants, slid them off, and all three of us began licking and sucking all over his cock together, at the same time. Literally all three lips and tongues on it simultaneously.

He lost his fucking mind. He was bright red in the face, jaw wide open, eyes popping, sweating like crazy, and just going “Holy fucking shit!” and “No fucking way!” over and over. Within 2 minutes, he had cum all over our faces, and the three of us already began licking it off each other, and sharing it.

He stared at us in total disbelief and was groaning loud “Thank you”s, but we told him not to thank us yet, because we still had a question for him.

“How do you think things are going at A & C’s dinner?” we asked him.

He said something like “Nowhere near as fucking good as this”, and that’s when I told him I had some *more* bad news, and some *more* good news.

The bad news, was that because of us, A & C had actually canceled their dinner.

That sucks, he said. And I said yeah, it does, but the good news, is that it frees them up to be here.

This was A & C’s cue to come out of the hallway where they had been hiding, and into the living room.

Before he could even comprehend what was happening, they knelt down around James with myself, S & K, and all five of us began licking and sucking all over his cock and balls together once more, now five pairs of lips and tongues literally all over his dick at the same time.


Yes, this actually happened. Yes, we actually did this, and yes, I’m looking to chat about it with someone!

So, if you want to talk about this with me, I’m going to need you to send me your initial reaction to the whole thing, and priority will probably go to those whose minds are truly blown, rather than those who are just sort of impressed.

The more thoughtful/excited the message the better. Don’t be lazy, and you’ll be more likely to get a response.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ecwdxl/group_a_friendsgiving_miracle