Advent Kinkendar: December 19th [Ffm] [possible rape trigger warning]

This morning Miss scared the shit out of me – almost literally.

The whole day started fairly normally, Miss waking us both up and presenting our boxes. Each contained a little vial labeled “drink me” in a very Alice in Wonderland fashion. It was cute as fuck, and I didn’t hesitate before draining it. The room span and everything went black.

I woke up strapped into a hospital bed, my legs spread up and wide in birthing stirrups, my mouth filled with what felt like a large ball gag. I couldn’t move my head much to look around, but It looked like one of those back street surgery things you see on TV shows – plastic sheets hanging all around, and bright lights pointed at my body.

I absolutely freaked, convinced that Miss was really some psychopath now going to harvest my organs. The past two weeks were just making sure nobody came looking. I tried to scream at the top of my lungs, but the gag muted it somewhat, and I got no response anyway. That didn’t stop my trying again and again until I was exhausted and my throat was getting sore. I hadn’t even had breakfast and was feeling weak.

I looked around as best I could, saw a drip beside the bed with a tube to the back of my hand. A little table covered in various shiny looking implements, though I couldn’t see it all that well. In my peripheral vision I could just about make out green and red dotted lines across parts of my body. I was seriously freaked out.

This was another occasion when I lost all track of time; it felt like hours, but was probably less than one, but eventually someone entered. It was a nurse, dressed in pretty typical looking scrubs – not a sexy nurse at all.

“Please, what’s going on?” I tried to ask, but all that came out was mumbling through the gag. She came closer and bent over me, her face was covered by a surgical mask, and shadowed with the bright light behind her. She said nothing but turned away and picked something up from the table. When she turned back I could see a syringe with a huge needle in her hands, flicking it and squirting a little out of the end. I screamed with my eyes so wide and panicked, but she pressed it against my side and I felt a sharp sting. She then turned and left.

What the fuck was in that thing? I was panicking even more than before, my head swimming; I felt sick. Across the next.., hour?… maybe? Doctors and nurses came and went, poking and probing my skin and orifices with their gloved hands and various implements. It was cold, impersonal, treating me like just a piece of meat. I didn’t even feel like a patient; nobody addressed me, hardly any spoke at all except to mumble something.

I don’t know when I started crying, but hopelessly I did. Nobody took any notice, and that only made it worse.

Eventually one of the nurses came and unfastened the ball gag. I was too messed up by hunger, weakness, and drugs to scream anymore. She held a small tube to my lips and raised a bag; liquid poured into my mouth. Petrified what was in it Ispat it out, spilling it down my cheeks. She dropped the bag and slapped my face, still without a word. It tasted sweet and pleasant enough, so reluctantly as she raised the bag again I swallowed.

Once the bag was empty she wiped me up, refitted the gag, and left again. Despite my trepidations I did feel better at that point; my blood sugar raised and feeling much less hungry. Did this mean it was passing lunch time? I couldn’t tell; but I would have even believe it was dinner time.

A doctor and nurse both came in, she stood beside my legs while he sat on a low stool and examined my pussy. I felt his fingers all over, parting my lips and smearing lube around. I wasn’t at all wet myself anymore; pretty much the first time in almost three weeks now. I was cold, literally as well as figuratively, as his lubed fingers pushed inside me. I felt horribly violated and began to cry again just as the nurse’s fingers began to rub my clit.

I gasped in shock, but soon couldn’t hold back a moan. The doctor’s fingers worked inside me easily, two zoning in on my g-spot and massaging slowly. I felt horrible, panicked, terrified; and yet my body responded. I could almost feel the blood flowing in, swelling my lips and clit, a familiar warmth spreading out from my crotch despite the chill I had been feeling.

“MMmmmmph! Mmmmmmph!” I protested hopelessly, shaking my head; but they just kept going, keeping up a steady pace. Pretty soon I couldn’t hold back moans and groans of pleasure; my hips trying to rock back against their hands, but unable to really move. Was I really going to cum like this?

The answer, however, would take longer to arrive as their pace was just so excruciatingly teasing. My climax built and built and built so slowly it was almost like a form of torture all of it’s own; even my day of denial wasn’t as frustrating as this. Or maybe it was, but it didn’t feel like it at the time.

Finally I could feel the brink right there, so close, too close to care about my surroundings anymore, I just needed it to desperately. Right on the brink, moaning like an animal,

And they stopped.

“Mmmmhh!! MMMHHHHH!” I screamed at them as they stood up and walked away, muttering to one another.


I could feel the mixture of my wetness and the lube dribbling down across my spread asshole when the doctor returned on his own. He sat back down and continued poking and probing, rubbing the wetness all around. Without warning I felt an icy sensation pushing between my lips, entering inside and then stretching.

I’d never experienced a speculum before, but I was aware of them. Doctors usually try to warm them up a little beforehand, but this felt like he had deliberately tried to keep it cold. I felt the handle against my ass cheeks as the freezing arms cranked me open. I felt myself gaping, cool air flowing into me, and then his fingers… on my clit.

He kept his face between my legs, apparently watching inside me as he pleasured me. Part of me wondered with horror what it would look like, what was he watching for? What was the end game to all of this? It took longer to push me for a response this time, but he didn’t stop; rubbing and massaging my sensitive, swollen clit until I was aching and moaning once again.

I readied myself for him to stop, accepting that climax wasn’t going to come; and then it did. I felt myself clench around the cool implement, my insides contracting in very strange ways indeed. I’m not sure if I felt or imagined my actual cervix convulsing in the cold air.

Without a word he got up and left, leaving me there still spread wide open; panting and sobbing.

Time was still completely beyond my reckoning, but at some point a nurse came and removed the speculum, watching closely as my hole shrank back down again. I heaved a sigh of relief, shaking with the last few sobs. I felt like just an amusement attraction, and not in the same way as at one of Miss’ parties.

I heard someone else come through the plastic sheeting, looking down as best I could I saw a doctor. He was looking around nervously as though he shouldn’t be here and was worried about being caught. He came and stood between my legs, fumbling at his crotch while still keeping an eye out for anyone. I knew what was coming, and sure enough I soon felt his dock push into me. He fucked me quick and came after about a minute, grabbing a handful of towels to wipe himself up before scurrying out again. I could feel his cum dribbling out and down over my asshole.

I felt completely disgusting, used, invaded, and now even raped. I lay my head back and sobbed in despair. How had this happened to me? Where was Miss; was this her plan all along?

I didn’t even notice another nurse come in until something poked at my ass. I jumped and clenched, but she pressed a little harder and waited. With little choice to avoid unnecessary pain, I was forced to relax and allow whatever it was to slide in. I was grateful it was only small, but quickly clenched back around it as warmth began to spread from it. I looked down as best I could to see the nurse raising a bag of liquid onto a stand and leaving. I could see the bag emptying as the warm feeling grew and I started to feel myself filling up.

Once the bag was mostly empty it stopped flowing and I could just feel this weird feeling of fullness. As I breathed and clenched the level of liquid in the bag would rise, then fall again afterwards. Eeeew! It was pretty disgusting.

The nurse came back in and removed the tube, leaving me there holding it in for fear of them embarrassment of spraying disgusting water everywhere. It quickly became quite difficult and uncomfortable, and I felt the need to pee rising as well. Visions of my day of encasement came back to me; but this would be so so much worse in almost every way.

I heard someone come back in again, but couldn’t look – I was focusing too much on holding it all. Without warning I felt a hand on my lower abdomen, pressing gently into my bladder, then fingers starting to rub at my clit. My eyes snapped open, my head jerking to look at the nurse watching between my legs.


She rubbed quickly, arousing me with expert fingers and before long I couldn’t hold back. My body began to clench, and I felt the first little squirt released from my ass. My desperate attempts to hold the liquids in made it impossible to hold back my climax, and shortly it hit. Violently I released both as I jerked and screeched in the bed. I was horrified and yet overwhelmed with the combinations of new and unusual sensations, climaxing extremely hard.

The last thing I remember of my experience was the nurse coming back again with another bag of drink. After the first few seconds, everything goes black again.

I came round up in our bedroom in Miss’ arms just as though it was first thing in the morning. She was cuddling me, stroking my head. It all seemed like an awful dream. When I was properly awake she led us downstairs… for Dinner.
