[MF] Back Seat Lover (Creampie) (anal) (cheating)

My wife no longer sees herself as the sex crazed slut she was before the baby.

Two years ago, she was insatiable. We’d go at it in every room in the house, multiple times a day. Pull over on the side of the road and have a quickie in the front seat. Tying each other up and begging for an orgasm. Public sex in the bathroom at the pub, or in the locker rooms at the gym. I’d have the remote to her vibrator, she’d have one for my cock ring and we’d torture the other while at work. 

Today? I’d be lucky if we tripped and fell into “the mood.” After childbirth, she’s indifferent towards and sex, and completely disinterested in acheving an orgasm on the times we do. Don’t get me wrong though, I am not upset or resentful of her. Not in the slightest. I understand the large physiological changes women go through during birth, and she came out looking more beautiful than ever. 

The feeling wasnt mutual. We’ve had sex a twelve times in those two years. Nine of which didn’t end in orgasm for her. Two of which when faked, the last one she was on top and possibly she came. I doubt it though. She hopped off of me long before my cock stopped pumping my cum into her. 

Even more disheartening is that I’ve tried everything to get my sex crazed wife back. 

Spontaneous car sex went rejected because the carseat reminded her of the baby. Teasing her all day with sexy text messages, only to come home and find out she was never in the mood, her responses only serving to entertain me. Coming up behind her while she was cleaning or reading, and then gripping her waist tight, making her weak with neck kisses, but now it made her feel annoyed with me. Candles, rose petals, a warm bath and a back massage would greet her at the end of a hard week, but by the time I get ready for sex, she’d fallen asleep.

Ok that last one is understandable, and actually pretty funny.

I’m not some master of the female orgasm, nor do I pretend to be, but it’s fucked with me on a level deeper than I expected it to. My confidence is shot to the point where I’m not sure I can make a woman orgasm at all, nor can I really enjoy when I orgasm when we have sex. All I can think of is how badly she wants me to get off of her so she can go back to reading something for her book club, or watching Desperate Housewives of wherever.

But I love her. Pressuring her to fuck me more might just make whatever she’s going through worse. So for now, this would have to do.

I kiss her softly before I head to work, and drive to work with an erection that could crack a windshield. I bee line for my office to jerk off to start the day. Done it more times and in I’d care to admit. I rip my cock out of my pants and try to queue up some porn, but my computer shows that I have 40 emails. I can’t push them out of my mind, and by the time I find a video I like, my heart sinks and cock shrinks. Wasted effort. I sigh, and spend the next three hours with my head down. Is it Friday yet? No? Only Wednesday? Dammit. 

Just before lunchtime, a knock at the door comes. “Come in.”

I can’t fight the giant grin that crosses my face when a refreshing sight enters the room. The summer intern, Christine Law stepped in with her trademark giant, adorable, smile and gorgeous face. 

Christine was such a cutie. Downright adorable. The type of person you want to talk to just to see their infectious smile. A brilliant, radiant one that makes your day feel noticeably better. Plus, she was hot as hell. Her cute face was attached to a small, petite body, perky tiny tits, and firm curvy ass with very grippable hips. Long silky hair. Cute lips to die for, and radiant soft skin you couldn’t help but want to kiss all over.

I’m certain she’s seen me eyefucking her across the office, my libido kicking into overdrive when I see her. But I do have enough self control to respect her as both a woman and a professional. After all, she was a godsend, making everything about this shitty company work significantly smoother. I joke that she should immediately drop out of State to work here full time. But with a beaming smile, she’d reply that she’s the first in her family to attend college, and had no plans to leave without a degree.

“Good morning! There’s a mixer going on after work, I didn’t see you walk in, but I did see your car, so I figured I’d knock and personally hand you one!” She cheerfully hands me a flyer.

“It’s been a while since we had one of these.” My disappointment is immeasurable while I scan the flyer. It’s at fucking TGI Friday’s of all places.

“Fridays? Not the ten breweries or gastropubs less than a block away.” I chuckle. “Wow, I hate this company sometimes.”

She laughs as well. “I guess Applebees asked for too much cash. Or maybe Outback Steakhouse was busy. But you get two free drink tickets for showing up!”

“Free booze does wonders for attendance. You going?” 

Her cheeks flood with color. “I mean, I’m just an intern so I doubt I’d get a drink ticket. But, I could be persuaded if… a certain somebody went.”

My heart jolts in a way that was so long ago it feels foregin. Was she flirting with me?

My eyes undress her, locking on that perky butt, those cute breasts under her adorable blouse, and ripping off that two-sizes-too-big cardigan that was still adorable on her.

Suddenly my necktie feels tighter, and collared shirt feels two sizes too small. “Well, if I go, and I see a certain someone is there, I may or may not buy them a drink or two.”

Her face lights up, and my heart jumps again. “Sounds good. I’ll check my schedule for what may, or may not, happen.”

“See you tonight. Possibly.” A grin all across my face. I can’t help it. She exits the room, and she turns and looks over her shoulder, while I’m busy getting an eyeful of that bubble butt.

“See you tonight, Andrew. Perhaps.” and she exits with a wink.

My heart pumps at triple pace when I have to text my wife I’ll be home late. She’d have no reason to suspect me for any foul play, plus it’s been months since I’ve taken a night to myself so I think I’ve accumulated enough good faith to not have to beg to attend.

I text, “Employee work mixer tonight right after work. I won’t be too late.”

Her reply is an hour later, “That’s fine. Be safe.”

It was only a few short years ago when I’d texted her I was working late, and she’d tell me, “I can’t wait to suck your dick when you get back.” I sigh and return to my work.

I’m the last man out of the office at 5 on the dot, my heart is pumping on the entire 20 minute ride. I’m so excited to see Christine. I’m not cheating. I repeat to myself. 

All I’m doing is scratching my itch while we feed each other’s ego over two drinks. Then I’m going to go home and masturbate to BDSM at some point before bed. Typical day.

I pull into the parking lot of TGI’s, and head for the rear of the restaurant where we have a set of tables in the back for our mixer. Surprisingly, there’s more people attending than I’d thought. It’s mostly the construction group, the type of folks that will show up when there’s free booze to be had. The rest is made up of a handful of people from HR, and Accounting and Legal. My eyes scan for Christine, and finds her by the window alone, on her iPhone. The seat next to her is empty, and I power walk to it.

“This seat taken?” I try my best to sound as suave as possible.

“You made it!” she slides me two drink tickets in front of her. “Saved these last two for you.”

“Glad to see you. These old stiffs don’t seem to be your crowd.”

“They’re not. I’m just a woman of my word.”

I flag the waiter down, who immediately comes over for our orders. “And I am a man of mine. What are you having?”

She grins from ear to ear. “A margarita, please.”

I add, “Jack and coke.”

The return on our drinks is prompt, and before I sip mine, she says, “How about a toast?”

I laugh, “What for? For our food not taste microwaved?”

“Not likely. It’s a TGI Fridays.”


“How about… for a good night?”

I get lost in her eyes. “To a good night.”

We click the rim of our glasses, and pound our drinks. The restaurant fades away, and the only thing that matters is us. We don’t leave the others side. We indulge in conversation, getting lost in each other. She protests when I say I’ll put both meals and drinks on my card, but we both know she can’t afford it with the poverty wages the company is paying her. I get a burger. She gets a salad. We share the fries.

She explains the dumb shit she and her roomates get into, not unlike the dumb shit I did when I was in college. We go on tangents about stuff that only matters to us. She couldn’t stop laughing at my rants about my hatred of mixed fruit, and I love the look in her eyes when she talks my head off about Superhero movies and her distaste for people at the gym who don’t wipe down their equipment after use.

This all feels like a first date. A really good first date.

Before long, the sun sets. Aside from us and a small group of coworkers, everyone else has long departed. A twinge of guilt hits me. I truly, truly do not want to cut my time with her short, especially with her time at the company being limited. But I’ve already stepped out enough, what would people start whispering about the two of us joined at the hip?

“I think it’s about time for me to head out.” I try in vain to hide how disappointed I truly feel.

“Awh man.” She gives an exaggerated fake pout that makes her look infinitely more adorable. “I was thinking the same. Looks late.”

 “Hang on, I’ll walk you to your car.” she smiles and gives me an “okay!”

We finish our third drinks. While the waitress handles my payment, Christine heads to the restroom, and when she emerges, we leave without a goodbye to anyone else. The pair of us leisurely strolls to her hatchback, and I feel more satisfied and content than I have in a long time. I feel so connected to her I wouldn’t be surprised if she held onto my arm while we walk. Part of me wants her to. 

Go home, Andrew. Go home to your wife. 

We arrive at her car, and I’m saddened to see her go. “Christine, it’s been real fun tonight.” 

“Hmm… I don’t know about that.” she grins.

Her arms tightly cling around me with more of an embrace than is appropriate for an employee and the intern. I don’t mind it one bit. I quickly returned the hug, rubbing her back with more intimacy than a married man should be giving someone that isn’t his spouse. 

She rises on her tiptoes, and plants a soft wet kiss on my lips.

“Now it’s been real fun.”

I go numb, head to toe, but there’s a fire within me that burns so brightly it rivals a sun.

Christine has no idea what she’s done to me. No clue as to the hunger of the beast within me she’s prodding at. I could turn her out. Fuck her in my office, creampie that tight hole of hers, and making her walk around the office with my cum in her. Having a vibrator in that pussy and torture her during business hours. Tie her up and deny her an orgasm until she begs. 

Andrew, go home. “Christine, I can’t. I can’t do this.”

She grins, but not the cute innocent grin I’m accustomed to. It’s instead this sneaky, devilish one. It’s sexy as fuck and melts my defenses with ease.

“You mean this?” She grabs my hand and places it on her warm pussy. “You don’t want to see how wet you make me?”

My fingers are breaking trying to resist the urge to play with her sensitive little nub. What does she taste like? What are her moans like? What are the faces she makes when she’s fucking?

“It’s ok if you don’t.” She places some fabric in my palm, and forces my hand shut. “I’ll have to take care of it when I get home. I’ll see you tomorrow, Andrew.”

She swings her door open while my eyes affix to my hand. My heart settles somewhere near my navel, and my cock nearly bursts out of my pants. I’m holding onto a black lace thong, her scent filling my nose. The thought of that pussy resting bare under those black leggings bursts into my mind.

I resist no more. I grab her tight body and force it against mine, where my lips and tongue meet hers. She melts into me, grinning the entire time. The sly little minx, she laid a trap and I fell right for it. Her battle for my cock was won before I was even aware there was a game to be played.

She breaks off, and I nearly cry being seperated from her lips for even a second. “Let’s fog these windows up.”

I fling the car door open, and she falls in. I enter, close it behind me, and crawl over her. Her hands paw under my shit, feeling my abs and chest. I grip her small firm tits, and she bites and pulls at my lip the rougher i treat her perky B-cups. Her hands dive in my pants, pumping my cock. I’m so unaccustomed to it that I am seconds away from finishing all over her.

“Wow, you’re big.” she moans.

I rip her pants off, revealing her glowing skin on those perfectly toned legs. My fingers reach between her thighs and play with her clit. Our kisses are erratic, making a mess all over each others. As if we stopped for a moment we’d die. Her hips shiver while I play with her clit, her warm pussy drenching my rhythmic fingers. 

“Fuck me.” she aligns my shaft with her dripping pussy. “Right now.”

Other than being told, “don’t stop,” I’ve never been ordered during sex, and it was hotter than I thought. For a woman to not only demand more control over her orgasm, but more control over her partner? I wanted more. With the tight wet walls expanding around me, my cock glides in.

“Oh fuck.” we say in unison.

Her legs pin my hips to hers, drawing me in deeper. My thrusts are powerful, and deep, shooting wave after wave of pleasure deep into her. 

“Yes! Yes!”

Her gorgeous face staring at my cock pound her makes me shudder. Her moans were so cute, better than I could ever imagine in my dreams. Her hands grip my back, holding on for dear life, binding my torso to hers. I’m rocking her body up and down, shaking the car with the pleasure I’m pumping into her wet cunt.

Oh God, did this feel good. I felt so alive. I moan in her ear, “Fuck, you feel so good!”

Something deep in her stirs, and I can feel it.  She moans, “Right there. Fuck me.” And spanks my ass.

How did she know I’d love that? I plunge myself deeper, keeping at the rhythm she demands. She cums so hard her hole threatens to snap my cock off and keep it forever. She screams, echoing off the car upholstery, gushing all over me and the seat. The sweet candy that is her orgasm running down my balls and her thighs, dousing me in her fresh juices.

It’s been years, years, since I’ve made a woman orgasm.  I feel that all the doubt of me being less of a man fall off my shoulders. I’m still good at this. It’s enough to make me cry. I honestly don’t even need to cum, I’m over the moon.

“Who taught you to fuck like that?” she says through winded breath.

“Dunno. But you brought it out of me, so there’s that.”

“Let’s try something.”

Before I can respond, she forces me away from her to fish for something contained in her purse. I can hardly see what’s in there, it’s like she’s rummaging through a packed suitcase.

I soon have my answer. She trots out a clear tube of lube. “I want you to fuck me in the ass.”

Cute, innocent, hard working Christine? The bubbly girl behind the front desk? That girl loves anal? I haven’t had that since my wife was pregnant, and now this smoking hot 21 year old was asking for my cock in that brown star tucked in that tight ass?

I snatch the tube from her without question. A generous coat is applied to my cock, and she turns over on her stomach and wiggles that perky ass for me to apply it to her.

“I need you in me like this.” 

I toss the bottle aside, spread her curvy cheeks, and enter. My throbbing cock slides in her glistening hole, and to my surprise I can feel my soul and sanity leave my body with every inch I give her.

“More.” she moans. “More.”

I’m nearly losing it. Her asshole is too tight for me to do anything but cum. My toes are curling, my thighs are tight, and I’m breaking a sweat trying to hold back. This bubble butt smacking against my hips, milking my cock. Her hands clawing at the upholstery, those sexy, sinful lips uttering cries of pleasure.

“I’m not going to last much longer inside you.”

“Then don’t. I want to drive home with your cum in my ass.”

My head spins and my body floods with euphoria, her body being the origin. I drain my balls, filling her asshole with as much of my thick load as I can give. The cloudy windows mask our private backseat party. I’m eternally thankful for the anonymity of condensation. I inhale lungfuls of warm air, trying my damndest to not fall in love with her.

And like a good girl, her asshole takes all of it with whimpers of pain and pleasure.

“That was… Wow. Amazing.” 

“Better than amazing.” She moans. “I’ve never cum so hard.”

“You don’t need to make my ego any bigger. I’m the one who came in only a few pumps.”

“I’ll just have you make it up to me next time.”

Next time? The word echoes in my head while I dress myself in the dark, look presentable and get rid of my rugged just-finished-fucking look, trying to shake off the best sex of my life. We kiss goodbye, and she climbs into the front seat. 

“See you tomorrow.”

I climb into my own car, her scent covering my fingers, her sensation still on my lips. The image, sound and feeling of me stretching out that little asshole. The thrill of it all. The taboo of secret car sex outside of a casual restraunt. The high of her kisses, and the low of her leaving my presence. I couldn’t just walk away. I still was hungry for more. 

A next time indeed. 

~Part Two coming soon! ~

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/eck2fu/mf_back_seat_lover_creampie_anal_cheating


  1. Very nice writing with enough touch of imagery but still being erotic. 9/10 would cum to it again

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