[MF] When in doubt, don’t risk the pullout

Here I am again, Day 2, the well is dry but the writers seat is hot and u/puriuh is once again convincing me through her lies and sweet talk that my writings are worth reading so here’s one of many many encounters I took part in as a result of a little website called okcupid. This ones a little dumber and less heated and intense but, what matters is that it happened and someone should know

**Online Dating – Circa 2013**
So before smartphones were booming, before Tinder became the app every other dating app wanted to copy, when online dating meant something man…(please read this heavy sarcasm because boy is online dating not the greatest, lol) there was a dating “site” called okcupid. First referred to me by a friend in college due to it being free and me being clueless about dating at the ripe age of 18, I had poked around and made an account a few times but ultimately never had much early luck, but (if you read my last story) as you know, 2013 was a blooming year for me sexually and okcupid was still a functional site where you could easily get to know and meet partners of all kinds.

One such partner, we’ll call her Ms. Chey, happened to reach out to me in January of 2013. Me, still finding my bearings and feeding off the attention from anyone who messaged me first instead of me being the one to reach out, I was super into her but, as I will tell you, Chey was a busty, pale and freckled brunette lady with a thirst that would cross many lines for not just me but most likely any fella she might end up with. Here’s why.

**Baby Mother**
So, Ms. Chey was my age or close to it for the time (sorry for those of you wanting more MILF adventures, I’ve got one of those in the can left for now and I’m saving it for a…rainy day…am I allowed to have rainy days as a gonewild author?) and when she began flirting with me she eventually revealed to me that she had just broken up with her boyfriend. Wow great, you know why because late December 2012 I had also just broken up with someone, my first serious relationship and it had set me into a real similar place to where I am now so in typical rebounder fashion we were both flirty and feeling each others energy.

Anyways, we messaged back and forth for a few days and were getting along find but something I found out in out chatting was that Chey had a 3 year old daughter.

Now, before I get judged or weird looks from ya’ll reading thinking you know where this is going, let me lay a little more context. I grew up in a single parent home under a very hardworking mother. I have nothing against single moms, i have nothing against single mothers dating, i have nothing against single mothers hooking up, single mothers are still human beings who have valid needs and as long as they are taking care of their business and responsibilities, they have every right to date, fuck and pursue the romances they want and shouldn’t be judged for it.

We on the same page still? Good.

So Chey revealed that to me and it made me wary because I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t about to get in any trouble and also that she wasn’t trying to get me to meet her daughter or anything like that. (if single parents end up dating I think its wise to wait to have the kids meet your partner, kids need stability) and thankfully she seemed to have a level head and reveled to me that she was feeling horny and lonely after her break up so I was “the guy” and we made our plans

**Big Tits and Bad Movies**
So once it was clear to me that Chey and I were looking to fuck I made plans to bring her over to my place one morning before work. Now, I say bring her over because this lass was unfortunately without a car. She only lived 20 minutes away in a little gated community but regardless, I had to come get her. And this was very much pre Uber/Lyft time so calling a taxi just to bring a girl over seemed silly.

Anyways, I made my way to her place and rolled up to the gate and told the attendant which unit I was picking someone up from and he just gave me a silly look and opened the gate. Rolled up to her unit and after a few minutes she came out and boy did she deliver in the looks department.

For 22 she had all the assets that could make me weak. Huge 34DDD tits that somehow stayed in her shirt, thick thighs and a real juicy ass all complimented by long rusty brown hair and a pale face adorned with freckles. Just my type of woman.

Anyways, she got in my car and we headed to my place. We flirted and talked a bit and made chill casual conversation until we arrived.

Once in my room, I suggested we put on a movie and I let her pick from my shelf, and I don’t know what compelled this woman but she pulled out one of, if not the dumbest movies I own, a film I’d learned about from a friend years ago and she said she had seen it and liked it so I was more just impressed because you either know about this film or you don’t and this chick knew. So we popped the movie in and got to cuddling.

While I was not shy about kissing and trying to fit my hands down her shirt to cop a tit feel, she eventually just offered to pull them out and I spent a good 10 minutes just massaging them, feeling them, licking her nipples and watching her get turned on. All while one of my favorite dumb ass comedy movies is running in the background.

Anyways, that goes on, I eventually strip down and she removes everything but her undershirt. She claimed she felt insecure about her stretch marks from pregnancy and I assured her I didn’t mind/liked bigger women anyways but I wanted her comfortable so we left the shirt on, tits fully on just bouncing out and I proceeded to go down on her.

Now, mind you, at the time, I was a very inexperienced pussy eater so I did my damn best. Her pale pink pussy was covered in a nice neatly trimmed bush that didn’t bother me at all and getting to eat her out while playing with her tits felt amazing. Eventually she sat me up and started to go down on me instead. taking her time to suck on my hard cock while fondling my balls. Again, all with my favorite shitty movie going on in the background

**Extreme Thirst**
Things were going smooth as they could, it was 10 in the morning, I didn’t have work till 2pm and all was well so she lays back and begs me to put it in her, so, naturally i reach into my night stand for a condom. I sift and sift and realize that I’m the worlds biggest idiot.

Certified and stamped.

I had no condoms. Rock hard, saliva dripping off my tip, wet pussy prepared, girl begging for it…my dumb ass had forgotten to buy condoms because I had ran out.

I look over to her with a massive L tied to my face and said, babe I’m sorry, I don’t have condoms. And thats when things got interesting.

*”That’s ok, stick it in me anyways Eric”*

Words I’ll never forget. For a half second of heat and hedonism, I almost faltered, I almost just slammed my dick into her and began to fuck that pussy up till I couldn’t hold it in…is what I want to say, but nah. I had a stronger moment of clarity when I put a lot of puzzle pieces in my head together.

While I simply said “sorry Chey, I don’t feel comfortable without it” i had to resist several begging attempts. Hot as it was knowing how bad she wanted it. It wasn’t till later and afterwards that things got real awkward. Anyways, we ended up tied together using our hands till we both came. We cleaned up and then got back into my car and I drove her home.

**An L Worth Taking**
So, I get back and drop her off and we go about our separate ways. I honestly can’t remember why we didn’t try to hook up again with condoms. Honestly though, after really analyzing what had just happened, I think I felt safer not doing it.

This woman, who already had a child (which I wasn’t sure was planned or accidental) was asking me to raw dog her and play with the pull out tech, just because she wanted the dick that bad. I do not judge, I know that horniness is a hell of a drug and I wasn’t judging her situation at all but the “it aint me” mode just took over and I resisted as hard as I could. Got no pussy from the outing but I also don’t have any babies, so if that’s an L, I wear it proudly every day because sometimes the pull out just isn’t worth that kind of risk

And by the way, it was Kung Pow

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ec2hyh/mf_when_in_doubt_dont_risk_the_pullout

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