The Night When [M]y [F]riend Told Me The Group Wanted to Hang Out

This all happened around 2008 to 2009 so my memory of how things unfolded may be hazy. Some details might be missing so please bear with me.

[Me and my girlfriend of 2 years broke up]( What’s worse is that due to the recession that year, I was demoted and transferred to a different department. I tried to make best of the situation by making new friends in the department and I was somewhat successful. The circle of friends I found were:

* **Con:** The oldest among us. She’s half Caucasian and around 5’7” in height. A single mom with 2 kids.
* **Danna:** We’re the closest. She’s around my age, full Asian, petite, and around 5’7”. She’s the one who’ll always message me to make sure I’ll go with them. She’s sensible to talk to so that’s probably why we were close. Danna’s married with 1 kid.
* **Heidy:** She’s also around my age and is close with Danna. She’s also half Caucasian but unlike Con, you won’t figure out that she has Asian in her just by her looks alone. Petite, around 5’8”, and the most beautiful among the girls. She also has a kid but is unmarried.
* **Chie and Ernest:** The two men included in this circle of friends. These two are inseparable, like brotherly close.
* **About Me:** 5’9” in height, 167 lbs., and I’ve always saw myself as looking average. I own a car during those times which was probably the reason why they always made sure I came to hang out with them.

This circle of friends were the ones who helped me throughout my self-destructive phase as I still can’t get over my ex. I’ve learned to smoke from them, learned to drink hard and party from them, and basically made me a little bit extroverted. They served as my distraction from my feeling of being all alone.

We always hangout at least once a week. It doesn’t matter where we hangout *(the beach, each other’s apartment, or at the karaoke bar)* we always had fun. We worked our asses off and this served as a relief from that. We usually hangout during the weekends, but there are times during the work week where we would be out all night then go to work with just a couple of hours of sleep.

During those times, I would notice that Heidy was always paying close attention to me. Not in a flirty or an affectionate way, that wasn’t her personality. She was outspoken and can be in your face. She always picked on me and tell me what to do which I would always tell her, *“I’m busy. Do it yourself. Or get Chie or Ernest to do it.”* That part of her personality would sometimes get on my nerves. That’s probably one of the reason why I didn’t pursue her despite her being my type.

Heidy and I would exchange texts from time to time. She’s more of the same during our text conversations, but there would be times when things get serious. She would tell me about her problems, which is mostly about her kid’s father.

One afternoon, Heidy texted me. *“Hey, are you doing anything tonight?”* she asked.

*“I have nothing. Why?”* I curiously replied.

*“Danna wants to go out. She’s asking you to come along.”*

You probably know where this is going but I thought nothing of it during that time. Evening came and I left the house to meet them. I arrived at the meeting place and while I was parking the car, Heidy came up to the passenger side door.

*“Hey!”* she greeted enthusiastically.

*“Hi, come in”* I told her as I unlocked the car’s door.

*“So, where’s Danna and the others?”* I asked as she settled on the front seat.

*“Oh… Uh… Something came up and I don’t think they’ll gonna make it.”*

*“Well, that sucks.”* She was obviously lying to me but I was too dense that time to figure out. *“So, where do we go now?”* I asked her.

*“Hmm… I know! We can go to a friend’s house. I think they’re having a thing there. They have food and drinks.”*

*“Yeah, that sounds good. You tell me the directions.”*

We drove a few blocks down the road and arrived at her friend’s house. It turns out that it was her friend’s kid’s birthday party and since it was already evening, all the kids have all gone and all that’s left were a few adults drinking and eating.

Heidy introduced me to her friend to which her friend comments, *“Hmm… This one is handsome!”* in a playful kind of way.

*“Well, he is handsome isn’t he… If he isn’t always looking serious all the time”* Heidy claimed.

It was at that point where it all clicked in my mind; Heidy set all of this up. I wasn’t even pissed for being deceived, more of laughing at myself internally for not figuring it out sooner. I didn’t even bother to confront Heidy about it. Free food? Free drinks? Who am I to complain.

I ate and drank a bottle of beer while Heidy and her friend gossip and catchup. It was getting late and to be honest, I was already getting bored.

Heidy soon came up to me and told me that she and her friend would like to go out clubbing. 3 of her friend’s cousins heard and they wanted to come along too.

*“Is it okay if we go?”*, Heidy asked. This was the first time she was all being nice to me which I found weird. I only agreed because I didn’t want to ruin everyone’s night and drinks were on them.

We arrived at the club and found our spot soon after. Beats were blasting and people were having a good time. I just sat there with my bottle of beer and watched all the girls have a good time.

Soon, the mood on the dance floor changed. The music became slow paced and romantic. People got out of the dance floor except for a few lovers and would be lovers. Heidy quickly turned to me and walked in my direction. *“Oh, hell no!”*, I uttered to myself.

*“C’mon, dance with me!”* as she grabbed my right hand trying to yank me out of my seat.

*“Fuck no. I don’t dance.”* I said in her face.

*“Tsk! C’mon… Meal, please dance with me.”* She asked as she looked me directly in my eyes with her most sincerest voice.

I took a deep breath and stood up. She led me to the dance floor and there we danced. I put both my hands on her waist and she wrapped her arms on my nape. I tried my best to give a respectable distance between us as we swayed along to the romantic tune.

My head wasn’t in the moment and I remember seconds feeling like minutes. I wanted it to be over soon. I guess Heidy felt this in me so she held my face. I snapped back in the moment and locked eyes with her. I don’t know how long we stared into each other’s eyes when I reached in for a kiss. She met me halfway and we locked lips. Our awkward distance became an embrace so tight. I held her back tight as she held on to me tighter.

It was the first time I felt a human connection again. I was warm and tender. The breakup made me angry and bitter but Heidy somehow washed it all away at the moment.

We separated when the romantic set was over. The beats blasted again and Heidy wanted to go home. Heidy told her friend to which she agreed and soon we were leaving the club. We drove them home, stayed for a bit then left again. It around midnight and it was just Heidy and me in car.

*“So, let’s take you home?”* I asked.

Heidy was being uncharacteristically being quiet. *“It’s up to you. I don’t mind staying a bit more.”*

*“Want to go somewhere we can be alone?”* I asked.

*“Yeah. Let’s go.”* She answered.

I drove to a hotel within the city. I don’t know if it was the booze, but I remember being extra confident that night. I felt familiar things I never felt for a long while. We got in our rooms then we proceeded to freshen up. She went in the shower first then I followed after her.

I got out of the bathroom and Heidy was lying on the bed with just a towel on. I dimmed the lights and crawled on the bed towards her. I went straight to her lips continuing on what we started on the dance floor. The freaking anticipation got me hard and incredibly horny even before we started.

We were deep into kissing when I unmade Heidy’s towel wrap. Her petite body and bushy slit exposed and open for me to explore. I have a big thing for petite girls and this was a huge turn on. She then pulled the towel from my waist exposing my already rock hard shaft. She stroked it gently and this made me want her more. Unfortunately, she doesn’t like sucking cock so I didn’t try to force it – choose your battles, I guess.

One thing I discovered about Heidy as she lay naked on the bed was that she’s a bit on the fuzzy side which was definitely a new experience for me. It wasn’t obvious at all because her fuzz was a lighter shade compared to the hairs on her head. You’ll need to touch certain parts of her body to feel them which is making me crazy.

I went down to her chest to suck on her already erect brown nipples. I felt her breaths getting faster and deeper. At this point, I was trying my best not to go straight into smashing. Heidy’s body, her warm skin, and her reactions made it all difficult.

I slowly moved myself in-between her legs. I parted her pubes and saw she was already glistening. Heidy was a conservative moaner which I discovered when I gently licked her clit a few times. I then took both her legs and raised them to give me easy access to her inner lips. I traced my tongue on her inner lips and tasted her opening. I put her clit in my mouth and sucked on it.

I sucked and licked her to make sure she’s good and wet. She was already panting and gently moaning with every exhale. I can feel her squirming in my mouth so I increased the pace.

*“Meal, I’m near… I want dick in me…”* she struggled to say under her breath. Who am I to deny her what she wants? So I got up on top of her, aimed myself and slowly went inside her.

I immediately found my pace and concentrated hard not to blow my load early. I stroked her at a steady pace and soon I felt her going tight on me.

*“Meal, go harder…”* Her breath got faster and faster and her legs tightly held on my sides. Her sexy flat tummy flexed with each breath as I go in and out of her. She was still a conservative moaner, but she was starting to get louder.

Her wetness and tightness was getting the better of me. I felt my release slowly creeping but I didn’t want it to be over yet. I slowed down my pace and I let both of us catch our breaths. I dropped down and kissed her lips as I slowly go in and out of her using my full length.

*“I want to go on top…”* she said as she broke off from my lips. I got up and rolled over on my back. She went over and with one smooth move, I was insider her again.

Heidy was kneeling on the bed with me below her. I was so deep insider her that she was pressing hard against me. I admired her tight body as she slowly grinded on top of me. I held her waist tight and tried to sync my movements with hers. She grinded and grinded until her hands fell on my chest. I felt her increasing her pace and her getting tighter. Her fingers are digging on my chest as I meet her movements with my thrusts. Her breath got deeper and faster as she finds her release. I remember just closing my eyes and just felt wet and sloppy – it was heaven.

I tried my best not to cum so that she can get more but I again felt my release slowly creeping and this time it’s stronger. I quickly raised myself to pick up Heidy and gently place her on her back. I went inside her for the last time and with just a few hard strokes I withdrew and blew my load on her tummy. It was a strong one and it took a while before I caught my breath.

Heidy and I took a shower and went back to bed after. We never really talked about what had just happened, we just enjoyed the moment. We checked out a few minutes later and I dropped her off at her mom’s apartment.

I stuck around a few months after that. I decided to finish it when the father of her kid was starting to text me. It wasn’t an angry text, but a creepy text. “I hope you enjoyed my wife” was one the texts. I talked to Heidy about it and she did confirm that the guy was a creep. We talked about it some more and we ended up deciding not to continue the relationship.

Months passed and I found out that Heidy and Ernest were dating. A week after that, Heidy was pregnant with Ernest’s baby. Ernest actually approached me one day and told me about it. I acted like I didn’t know. I reassured him and gave him my congratulations. I figured Heidy told him of our relationship.

The thing is, no one was supposed to know about Heidy and my relationship. Well, there was one. Danna had a hunch for the longest time but she kept quiet about it. She did confront me about it, but it was already over. I can’t forget what she said to me after she scolded me, “… and next time, make sure ‘friends’ stay just as that. Friends.”

Bless her.
