My Confusion Part 7 [BDSM] [MM] [MF] [Oral] [Anal]

As the last syllables left his lips my cock exploded in his hand.
Spurt after spurt flew from the tip.
Until there was nothing left in me to shoot.

Flipping the table back to a reclining position the coach went about releasing my bonds.
Once freed he took the time to wipe away the sweat and clean off the refinements of the wax.
After a few minutes rest he told me to grab one of the robes hanging in the closet and join him upstairs when I was feeling rested and up to it.
Taking a well deserved but quick nap I joined the coach in the living room.
Wrapped in a warm over sized robe I found a glass of milk waiting for me.
The living room was one of my favorite places here.

The fireplace was large and held a real fire rather then a gas log setup.
Just the comforting feel of a fire in the room lent an air to the intimacy of the room.
The walls like the rest of the house was fitted with old dark paneling.
We were sitting in large wing back chairs that just invited you to sit while they wrapped you in the wings giving you a sense of being in a little room all of your own.

“Frank, how are you doing.
I want to talk to you about where we are in our friendship.
I know that things have moved a bit quickly.
Also I have taken you into a world that was totally foreign to you and asked you to accept things that you had never even thought of before you and I met.
Do you have any reservations or worries?
Is there anything you would like to talk about?”

“Sir, these last few weeks have been an eye opener.
You are absolutely right in saying that so much of this is new to me.
Back home never would I have considered anything like I have experienced here under your tutelage.
Bondage was something that happened when you drank to much and the sheriff cuffed you and had you sleep it off in his cell until morning when he drove you home.”
This caused the coach to begin a deep laugh that just rolled out UN-bidden.

“Sir the truth is you have taken me places I never thought I would find exciting let alone comforting.
That is the part that amazes me, the idea that in all of this I find comfort in what we have been doing.
I have been trying to wrap my head around this idea and the only thing I can think of is that somewhere deep inside I have always been a sub.
It only took the right person and circumstances to bring it out and for me to recognize my nature.
Also I knew inherently that you would never knowingly or by omission cause me harm or to be harmed.
The point is I feel safe when I am in your presence.”

“Frank I must say that I am honored that you feel that way.
For myself I was very worried that I had taken you somewhere that you weren’t ready for or even cut out for.
When we first met way back when I had an instinct that you were looking for something.
I wasn’t sure what that something was but I was willing to take a chance and see if you were the sub I suspected you were.
I am glad I was right.
I could have lost my job and my standing in the collage community if my lifestyle were revealed to the vanilla crowd.
That being said this community is far larger than most people ever considered.

Every once in awhile we hold a party called a “Munch”.
This is where like minded folks who exist in the lifestyle meet to enjoy others who indulge in themselves in the BDSM world.
You have only met Mistress Martha and Pet.
During some of our parties we practically fill this house with people living in the lifestyle.
Some only dabble in it, others live it full time.”

“Sir what exactly goes on during these “munches”.”
“Frank, it’s not what you might think.
Yes it is what you might call a meet and greet.
However there is some variation in that many of the Dom’s will bring their Subs to display them to others.
Along with that there is often displays of an individual Dom’s techniques and methods around the art of BDSM.
You are going to witness how others treat their Sub’s.
There is a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to the world of BDSM.
Many have the idea that it is only about control and pain.
Well nothing could be further from the truth.

If a Dom is a true Dom he must have it in himself to take his charge and help them grow as mature individuals.
I know that this seems contradictory but it’s the truth.
In a way you have said it yourself.
When you came here you had no idea that this world existed.
You have done things that you never thought you could or would do and you have not only done them, you have conquered your fears by doing that which you have feared.
All in all you have proven yourself and I for one am proud of you.
Now how about we spend the rest of the night watching some movies.
I have a couple I borrowed from the library.
One of my favorites “The Addiction” staring Lill Taylor and Christoper Walken also “A Dark Song.
If you haven’t figured out by now I am a sucker for a great horror film.

Later that evening I returned to the dorm.
Entering my room Paul was at his desk writing a paper for one of his classes.
“Frank, you have a pile of messages from Susan.
She has been trying to reach you all evening.
I told her you were out with some friends and you would call her asap.” Paul said.
“Thanks, I’ll give her a ring in the morning.” I said.
While Paul was writing he asked me what I did every night after classes.
I wanted you to join Beth and I bar hopping.
After all who is going to drag my sorry ass home after I took on to many beers?” Paul chided me.

Retreating to the lounge I called Susan and made my apology’s for not returning her calls sooner.
We made small talk for the next thirty minutes or so until Susan had to crash.
Saying our goodbyes I sat in the lounge and began reviewing where I was in life and what I thought I wanted out of it.
So many things had changed in the last few months I didn’t know how to tell her that many of my priority’s had changed.
Its not that I didn’t care about Susan its just that my world has gotten much larger and wider then I had expected.

For the next week the coach had been far to busy planning and setting up the “Munch” that was to take place in his home this coming week.
In the mornings and during our track team workouts he was all business.
When I asked him he made his apology’s for not being attentive to my needs.
He assured me there was nothing wrong between us.
It was just the first time he was given the privilege of hosting the “Munch” and wanted to have everything perfect for the big event.
When I offered to help he explained that he wished to keep the arrangements a surprise.
He told me he has been getting calls from other Dom’s about what he had planned.
Even from his peers he had planned this to be a surprise.

Wednesday morning I was as usual getting ready for my morning run.
I had planned on an extended run to burn off the beer and pizza I had over indulged in last night.
In preparation I was doing my stretching routine getting myself into the right frame of mind and body.
A few minutes into this I spotted Pet walking in my direction.
Waving her over I was pleasantly surprised to find she was headed my way by choice.
Allie walked right up and planted her lips onto mine.
Delivering one of her patented killer kisses she had me hard in three seconds flat.

“Frank I’ve missed you, my class schedule has been so demanding this week along with Mistress having me at her place all week.
I barely had time to breath this week.
She is in such a panic preparing for the big party this week.
As wonderful of a Dom and person she is, she can go a little overboard on some things.
Along with that she has taken on a new Sub.
I haven’t met her yet but I understand she is a real handful.
Mistress plans to unveil her at the party.

“Allie, what are you doing around eleven?
If you are free why don’t we meet at the library.
I have a study room reserved.”
I told her with a wink.
To which she replied with a giggle and a knowing smile.

By ten-fifty I was in the study room I had reserved.
I had fully intended to use this time to work on my project for Nat-Sci 1 class.
However as of six this morning my plans had taken an extraordinary turn.
At exactly eleven sharp there was a knock on the door.
Opening said door I ushered Allie in to the room.
As soon as the door shut Allie tossed her backpack onto the table and tossed off her coat.
Coming around the back side of the table she jumped into my arms and began the process of painting my face with her lipstick.
There was no transition from hello to full on sexual activity.
Her attack was awesome in it’s directness.
Yanking my polo shirt up and off she drew her lips across my chest and began to bite and nibble on my nipples.
I had never thought of them as an erogenous zone but Allie taught me otherwise.
Working her way downward she her hands began undoing my belt.
As I reached down to assist her she batted my hands away telling me to stand still and not to move or she would stop and leave me standing there alone.
So I stood there as the proper Sub I had become.

As soon as she had my belt undone she ripped my pants and boxers down, while lifting one leg then the other as she removed the last vestige of my clothing.
Reaching around with both hands she grabbed hold of both my cheeks and drew my forward and into her mouth.
The moment my cock was within her mouth my knees weakened and began to buckle.
For Allie the techniques of oral sex were well developed.
She would spend a long time using just her tongue.
Swiping up and down my cock, then shifting to swirling her tongue around the head.
Round and round it went, just her tongue no lips no sucking.
Soon though she would lower her lips around the head and then began applying suction.
Every once in awhile she would run her finger around the little ring of my bottom.
Now in every oral session there is a point of no return.
Go any further and someone is getting a mouthful.
Stop and you get a few moments to calm down and change directions.
Allie stopped.
Taking a deep breath and retreating from the brink I pulled her up and kissed her.
Turning her away from me I reached up under her shirt and played with her little “A” cup tits.
Running my fingers over and around her nipples caused them to harden further.
As I pulled and pinched them drew a moan from her lips.
Ripping her shirt up and off followed by her sports bra I turned her to face me as I locked my lips onto her nipples.
Grabbing the back of my head she forced my lips tighter to her chest.
Taking this as a sign that I was doing something right I re doubled my efforts in my attack on her nipples.

I could taste the sweat as it ran down her chest.
Under normal circumstances I might have thought this gross, today however it was a nectar given to me by the gods.
Pushing my head away from her chest she began taking deep breaths in an attempt to re gain control of her senses.
I had no plans on allowing her to come back to earth.
Grabbing her wrist I twisted her around and pressed her face down upon the table.
Telling her not to move if she knew what was good for her.
Yanking her skirt up over her hips and tucking it under her belt.
Her panties yanked to her knees, I kicked her legs apart as far as those panties would allow.
Reaching into my backpack I produced a riding crop without her seeing it.
Stepping back I let it fly, “crack” the sound reverberated throughout the small room.
Arrgh, the sound flew from her lips.
The shock of the unexpected hit forced her body to attempt to stand.
I however was expecting this and kept my hand pressing downward on the small of her back pinning her in place.
Now that she knew what was to come she relaxed a bit, but not to much.
I chose the riding crop because the sound it made had a smaller sound footprint and the sound would be harder to hear and locate at a distance.

“You liked that didn’t you my little slut.
Tell me what you want, if I feel you deserve it you may be rewarded.
Although maybe not the way you wish for or expect.”
Four more times the crop found it’s mark.
Now her magnificent bottom had five very distinct imprints of the crop’s leather flap.
Keeping her pinned to the table I pushed my cock into her.
I had come prepared with lube but found it unnecessary as she was wet and dripping.
Slamming forward I took her hard and fast.
Both hands grasping her bottom on the marks left behind from the crop, she would gasp as my fingers squeezed the tender marks.
The sound coming from her throat were otherworldly.
With each inward push the table moved across the floor with a scraping sound.
Once centered in a room that was ten by ten it was now shoved against the far wall.
Each push now caused the table to pound against the wall.
Luckily there wasn’t anyone in the study room next door.
Pulling out I took my fingers and coated them with her juices I worked first one and then a second finger into her bottom.

Taking hold of each cheek of her bottom I took careful aim, pressed forward and began to bugger her bottom.
Allie began whimpering.
My first thought was that I was hurting her and to that end I slowed down a bit until I heard her say “Please Sir, harder!”.
Upon hearing this I re doubled my efforts my hips became a blur.
The sweat began pouring down my body dripping onto her back to mingle with the sheen that coated her back.
Rivulets of moisture ran across her back only to run down her sides onto the poor tortured table.
Suddenly her entire body began shaking and her legs attempted to straighten out as a massive orgasm began it’s journey from within her soul to her physical body.
Her back arched upward and her breath came in gasps as the climax washed over her.
Collapsing across the table I heard something completely unexpected, she was crying.

“Allie, are you OK?
What’s wrong?”
She didn’t answer me at first.
She just laid there, the tears running down her face.
When finally she could speak she didn’t.
What she did do is flip around on the table and grabbed my shoulders pulling me downward and swallowed my face while kissing me never missing a single spot.
Coming up for air she said.
“Nothings wrong, I was just, I mean I, I was suddenly struck with an overwhelming sense of happiness.
A happiness I had never before experienced.
It just washed over my entire body.
It came out of nowhere and enveloped everything that is me.
Frank, will you marry me?”


1 comment

  1. To my readers,
    Thank you for taking the time to read my stories.
    I welcome any feedback you may wish to send.
    If you have any ideas for future
    stories please let me know.

    Check out my other stories.
    “My Step Sister”
    “My Sister Lizzy”
    “Sara’s Self Discovery”
    “Once upon a train ride.
    Or (“The adventures of Frank and Karen” )

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