Chapter 1: How The Fling w/ My [F] Professor [M] Began While I was Studying Abroad in Europe. [Teasing] [Long]

# *I kept a journal throughout this entire time period, so all the details are accurate & true.*

**So, for context, when I was 21-22 I had a fling with a professor in his mid-late 30s while I was studying abroad in Europe**. This prof was from the university I was attending, but was going on the trip because he was potentially taking it over. We had started the class(es) about a month before departure & all the profs & students going on the trip attended ea. meeting. We even had a cookout at one of the profs houses the week before we left. This was to help everyone get to know each other, so with this in mind, I already knew him a bit before we even got to Europe.

While in Europe, everyone became close knit as we would have dinner together as a group, watch films together, go to pubs, go on “field trips”, many of these things the profs also did with us. All of us even lived in the same building, only being separated by a floor or two. All of this helped set a very laid back tone for the whole trip and everything felt a bit removed from typical academia.

For some background, I’ve always been a teacher’s pet & a bit of an ass-kisser. Not because of my grades, those have always been good, but because I want good references… and I like the approval & validation of authority figures lol. With this in mind, it was not uncommon for me to help professors out. He was no different & I, nor anyone else, saw anything wrong with this when I would help him paperwork or course prep or what have you.

***So, for reference:***

I’m 5’7, slender (a size 2-4 dress, if that helps), creamy porcelain skin (the best way to say “I’m pale” lol) with a smattering a freckles across my cheeks and a few on my shoulders, dark brown eyes, full lips that I’m quite fond of, long straight auburn hair down to my waist. 34C. I feel like I’m plain-but-pretty, but idk how accurate that is and how much of that is low self esteem lol

He was a good looking guy (the girls on the trip literally didnt shut up about it lol) almost a “hollywood handsome” type. Almost. Light eyes, dark hair, tall, in shape (toned/fit but not “ripped”). If you think of Will Graham in the Hannibal series, that’s kinda what he looked like & he’s even been told he looks like Hugh Dancy more than once so there ya go.

One night, as usual, I agree to help him with papers or something, I dont even remember what pretense we were meeting under tbh lol. Nothing had gotten “inappropriate” up to this point (he was almost too “appropriate” dammit). I would feel a tension b/w us but I didnt know if that was just me projecting because I found him hot. So anyway, we end up where we usually do. We’re in this office-type space with computers that’s pretty tiny and has a small library area connected to it. It’s open at all hours to anyone staying there, but no one ever goes in there cuz everyone has laptops… and no one reads books i swear lol

So, this little library/office is always nice & dimly lit because it shares one old light between the rooms (during the day it gets light from the big windows in the hallway). Luckily, it was in the evening, thus dark out. After we’d been sitting there for a bit, he pulls out a bottle of whiskey that he obviously got from the distillery tour we had done. He asks if I want any (i should mention I had already drank a little with some other students in the pub-type deal in the cellar of the place we were staying). So of course I say yes. We end up drinking and chatting for… a damn long time. Idk how long exactly. Hours. We get no “work” done.

And half the time I’m sitting there listening to him & telling myself “Don’t stare at his mouth. Don’t stare at his mouth. Don’t stare at his mouth. Wow this whiskey is nice. One more sip. Ah god stop being weird to him.” And somehow we’re sitting really close in front of the desk we’re sharing. Knees-touching close. And there’s a beat of silence at one point and i think im for sure gonna kiss him right then. If we were in a movie, i would’ve haha

And he just grins at me. Then hes excitedly popping out of his chair (so random) and wants to show me something. He motions for me to follow him into the other room, which is the library area. I do. I definitely feel the booze when i stand. I feel warm & cozy and like my legs might be turning to jello and it’s great. It’s even darker in there without all the computer screens. I even remember thinking “wow what a cute intimate little area. I want a book shop like this” lol.

He shows me some book, explains some historical stuff (this part of the story doesnt really matter, although it was interesting). Then I’m leaning one arm on the bookshelf, clearly holding it up & looking cool. Obviously. I drunkenly smile at how close he is and how i think i want to open a distillery now and how I think whiskey is fucking great.

And then he leans on the bookshelf next to me, mimicking me, poking fun. And we are so. So. Close. He says “Hi.”. That’s it, just hi … aaaand i’m melting xD

And for some reason I feel really shy all the sudden and look away. Mostly I look away because I don’t want to give away just how much I want him. I felt like my face was probably an open book (hah. puns) & It was a little embarrassing. And I won’t meet his eye and he leans in further & I can feel the warmth of his breath on my neck. I look back at him and his smile has faded. He has 100% bedroom eyes. And I lean towards him, just slightly, and he PULLS AWAY. Only a little but still. I can tell by his easily readable face that he’s hesitating, questioning himself, mulling his intentions over in his mind…

“You’re my student” he whispers. Whether he’s reminding himself or me, I’m not sure.

No, shit sherlock…

& I lean in, very slow, and as soon as he registers this, he’s kissing me. And my two drunken neurons are trying to process everything i’m feeling all at once and it’s quite literally overwhelming. It started off as a very soft & fairly hesitant kiss on his part. No tongue, soft pressure, no touching, very reserved. Then his hands found their way in my hair and he’s just barely tugging it and then he slowly but rather firmly presses me against the bookshelf. And then his tongues in my mouth. Idk if it was the booze or me but his body heat was crazy & he tasted like whiskey and smelled great and then I unzipped his jacket & ran my hands down his chest …

I almost regretted wearing a dress… I was wearing this flimsy blue sundress because it had been pretty warm that day… but suddenly I was feeling very naked & was so acutely aware of how turned on I was I worried it was going to well… cling. The way wet clothes do.

One benefit of a flimsy dress though is you can feel A LOT. I had pulled his hips into me and could feel just how hard he was. When I leaned my hips into him he moaned into my neck and I seriously considered fucking him right then. (guys that moan might just be the best thing ever)

He’s very softly kissing my neck & the hollow of my throat and he runs his hand from my hair, down my neck…over my collarbone…purposefully, teasingly, misses my breasts and runs his hand more towards the edge of my chest, by my ribs… then over my hips, almost ass, but not quite… then down the outside of my thigh and lifts my leg around him. How I was angled he really was supporting a good amount of my weight… which im pretty sure was the point. His hand is on my skin, not my dress, and our hips are perfectly aligned… This was sorta fantastic, also sorta mildly tortuous….

thin panties, this angle, how hard he is behind the seam of his jeans…urgh! Then we’re back to making out and he starts rocking his hips and he’s hitting my clit and i know he knows he is because i can feel his smirk. omg… i could hear myself panting xD

He’s biting my ear, kissing then licking from my neck to the edge of my jaw & then it dawns on me that this isnt fair. I’m basically a slip of a dress away from being naked & he’s felt way more skin than I have & I suddenly have the urge to feel all of his skin. I need to. So i shove his jacket off, which he lets me, then i go to pull the hem of his shirt and he grabs my wrists. I stop kissing him & petulantly huff. He chuckles, actually laughs at me… He’s pulled away from me a bit now and kisses my wrist and then so horribly slowly kisses the tip of my finger and puts in his mouth and starts to suck. And I’m just dumbfounded as to why that was so hot lol then he takes my hand & presses it against his dick on the outside of his pants. i playfully squeeze and start to stroke and he takes it away just as quick and puts my arm above my head

My other hand is still free but I cant reach it in front of me very well because he’s so close. so now i slip it under the back of his shirt. Better to feel something than nothing. Thats when I really noticed how toned he was lol. I was like oh, ok. Didnt have a good view under all his tweed professory bullshit.

I’m trying to grind against him but he’s being super difficult… he wont really let our hips make contact. thats when he slides his other hand under my dress and over my panties. He moans – such an amazing, deep and sexual and almost pleading moan – when he can feel how wet i am through them. I’m partly embarrassed, because now that he’s purposefully being a tease i’m feeling stubborn. Part of me doesn’t want him to know how much of an effect he’s having on me lol the other part of me is hoping this will convince him to fuck lol

“You’re so wet” I ignore him. I refuse to acknowledge this fact lol

Then he presses his hand into me harder and starts to rub. Never has such a thin fabric felt like way too much before. I reeeally want them off, but at the same time i was also completely fine with what he was doing and just wanted to cum hah

Im leaning against this bookshelf trying to hold in my moans cuz im half-remembering this is technically not a private space, while also trying to keep my balance (i’ve always found it difficult to cum standing up. i feel like my legs give out. idk how guys do it)

I try to guide his hand under my panties and he stops. Stops. Completely quits moving!

“What are you doing?” i asked, half annoyed half confused. So i grind my hips into him and he uses his whole body to pin me against the bookshelf. His breathing is heavy and his chest is pressed firmly against my breasts. Every time he inhales I can feel the edges of the spines of the books behind me making little indents in my back. I cant move. I’m hot & panting and now i’m squirming cuz he’s being such a tease & hes grinning & its killing me.

He kisses me, a really deep and consuming kiss. Then he kisses my neck & half-whispers half-moans in my ear “We have class in the morning. See you tomorrow?”

I gasp. “You’re joking!”

“It’s late,” he insists. Mocking me. He knows what he’s doing…

We stay like that for a moment, leaning against each other, tipsy and turned on and breathless, but then he starts to slowly untangle himself from me and he lets my leg that was wrapped around him slide off him and back to the floor, digging his nails in my thigh and grabbing my ass as he does so. I’m left speechless and flushed and flustered and wanting… Realizing this was it I felt more sober than before I had the whiskey. He’s disheveled and his cheeks are pink and he’s radiating body heat and cologne.. I grab the belt loop on his pants and pull him back in and teasingly grind against him and I can tell by how lightning fast he jerks his hips away that he’s about to cum if he didn’t stop. Good.

You know what he said when leaving? “Glad to see you liked the whiskey ;) Goodnight…. Oh & have fun tonight.” lol

We did end up having sex the next day so theres that… He mentioned something about how he didnt want me blitzed the first time we fucked

He later told me he almost didnt stop. That if it hadnt been so late or in semi-public space, he wouldnt have stopped.

Anyway, thanks for coming to my tedSex talk & on that note, *’Goodnight … oh & have fun!”* ;D

(Should I continue posting the rest of the story?)



  1. Oh my god, this is incredibly hot and well written. Please post the rest of the story!

  2. This was fantastic. Really enjoyed the teasing and the slow build. Definitely want to read more.

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