Send nudes.

Let me reconcile, asking for such things may be futile in this wording but instead of using such words how about i ask in such a fashion that the words will make you quiver in lust and want that you are unable to fight urges of exposing your true and amazing self.

This may seem like a lost cause at this point but in reality, you did consider doing so, if only for the shortest of seconds, you did want to do it. But when you started to think about it, the reward seems nearly too low to do such a thing or maybe your embarrassed to do something like that. This ultimately became an automatic response when seeing such a question and ended up being shamed upon. In reality, the reward is so great that non can comprehend the truth of what it really is. It is greater than a Gods will to save humanity in the depths of extinction. This reward, this amazing reward, is something that all of humanity should strive for. The reward that i have highly stated is simply, happiness. The happiness of support, the happiness of openness, and ultimately, the key to a happy life altogether. This is what people cannot find in these woeful days, the reason to be happy, to feel wanted and the reason to be positive about ones body. This is one of the only ways that you can achieve this, and it is so simple that everyone just brushes it aside as fake, unreal, totally wrong to do. But in reality, it is because it is so simple that people shame on the people who do so and think that it is un-beneficial. But once you break that mindset, the truth is ultimately revealed and the path towards true happiness is at your avail. Now with all of this in mind, take that picture, and with absolute certainty, it will reveal the true feelings that you have been wanting to express for such a long time, true happiness.

TL;DR – Send nudes and you will be happy.
