I’ve taken a risk and I’ve wrote about a fantasy of mine. Bestality

I just want to start by saying that I know this fantasy isn’t for everyone, but I’m posting that on the off chance I connect with someone that secretly has the same mentality as me. Before you read any further I’m not going to keep it a secret.

*I’ve got an interest in a hybrid mixture of Puppy Play and Bestiality.*

If you don’t want to get involved I totally understand but I wanted to give you a heads up before you discovered more below, if interest or curiosity has taken a hold today then I encourage you to read further.

Now I want to start by saying that the actions in this post are purely fictional and that although I have this fond fantasy that I play over and over in my head, at this present time I haven’t acted nor do I intend to act out this fantasy in the near or distance future.

**It will remain in fantasy land**

I might get down voted like crazy for this post, but if there is anyone, anyone at all that had a mild to extreme interest in the topic then please reach out! I might fall on deaf ears but I’m interested in trying.

I’ve had the below written out for months, if not years. Just sitting idle on my computer Desktop, never really seen the light of day until now.


The fantasy starts in my house it’s always my kitchen. In the UK the floor plans for the houses mean that rooms are often partitioned off. The kitchen is it’s own room with it’s own door.

I’m in the kitchen and the door is shut, I’m alone knelt on the cold tiled floor, I don’t look around or inspect my surroundings I’m just transfixed on the door. Specifically the handle, waiting for it to turn. I’m wearing lingerie, the colour or design is irrelevant, I just know my master instructed me to wear it.

In addition to the lingerie I’m wearing a tail and collar, the collar bright and playful, in the interest of keeping my OCD in line the collar matches the lingerie like some sort of fashion statement. Deep down though, the collar has more of a symbolic meaning.

I’m still knelt on the floor, my knees aching as well as my mind for the anticipation to come, they’re different “pains” but the have the same impact, I’m sitting on the soles of my feet in and upright position. Just waiting facing the door.

I’m not alone in the house because I can hear banging around, the scraping of dog claws on hardwood floor. A muffle of a voice followed by playful whimpers from a dog.

A man is also in my house, he is faceless and no one specific fills the spot. I don’t picture a particular man. The dog. It’s a doberman. Although I haven’t seen it yet. The man could be anyone, boyfriend, husband, dominant, friend. The list is endless

The door opens and only the man enters, he walks up to a counter but totally ignores me. He’s fumbling around in the cupboard above the counter, although I can’t see him because I know better than to turn my state from the door, the sounds and clanging only reinforce his actions.

Two cans slam on the counter before he proceeds to fumble in a nearby draw for what I can only guess to be a can opener. The soft sound of metal on metal and a grinding of a can opener is heard and finally a ceramic bowl is placed in the floor with big letters on the edge “Dog”. It contains dog food real dog food.

“Eat” is all that is said. So I do

I eat the dog food, even though this is a regular occurrence and scene for me now the first few bites of dog food are always hard, I often see myself gagging over the taboo and nastiness of the act. But I can’t help but think I’d be soaking my panties a little as I partake in this act. The bowl is full, as it contains 2 big tins of food massive, but I eat without any problems. The more I eat the easier it gets. When I have had a couple of minutes of my own the door is opened. A name is called down the hallway instantly followed by a sound of clipping nails on hardwood floor, as the dog enters the room for the first time. Running straight for me and the food. He is greeted in a different way “Good Boy”, “eat up”, followed instinctively by a rub and a Pat on his head. He wastes no time as his tongue begins to dart in between my face and the food licking my face and eating the food. We share as best we can gentle with each other. Sometimes out tongues collide in the bowl but we don’t mind. It’s like we’re french kissing, he can taste the half chewed food in my mouth. I can taste it his, He licks my face, as we kiss for a while. Cleaning the food from my face. He eats the food, It’s passionate, We share.

Then the bowl is taken. My face licked clean by the dog but not completely. I’m sat there like a dirty bitch with dog food around my mouth. I don’t lick it clean but instead leave it to dry naturally, the smell of dog food only making me more aroused. The man lowers my underwear and the dog walks behind me. The man hooks under my tummy and lifts me into the doggy position. I’m rubbed with this sort of oil. It’s a clear liquid but I know what it is. “Bitch Scent,” female dog scent. It’s rubbed on me. In between the lips of my pussy and the hole of my ass. Its odorless to me but the dog seems to be getting excited. Then I feel him, his whole weight crashing down on my back as I tense my stomach for his impact.

The Doberman goes rabid, with every hard thrust I must strain my arms to stop his immense wait crashing me head first into the cold kitchen floor. My tongue naturally escapes my mouth as a slight moan emits uncontrollably from within me. I taste the dog food once more, sending shivers of ecstacy throughout my body. The arousal loosening my pussy for the dock that explores my inner crevices

The Doberman rests his head do peacefully on my neck, to him it’s natural, it’s instinct as his natural need for breeding takes over. His tongue dropping out of his mouth in some sort of mimicking fashion to my own, the only difference is he doesn’t have dried dog food that I’m so delightfully licking at.

The other difference is he’s drooling a lot more. Thing bulbs of saliva drooling out of his mouth onto my neck and shoulders. It’s impossible to tell his saliva from the beads of sweat that has started to form on my body. Not to mention the illusive “bitch scent” that’s made my sex partner so aroused and frantic.

I continue to lick the dog food from my chin, the Doberman thrusting deeper and deeper into me. I’m lost in a trance as I forget my place for a few moments. Only to be brought back in the room but the sharp sensation in my nipple. The gentleman accomplish pinching it slightly. I couldn’t help my Yelp at the sudden pain.

“Good girl” he mumbles. The first time he’s complimented me all night.

The Doberman didn’t appreciate his advances. Nor my cries for help. Turning his head towards the gentleman the Doberman let’s out a harsh warning growl. A growl of protection. A growl of ownership.

The whole ordeal went on for minutes, maybe hours. The gentleman retreated to the other side of the room. Sat in a chair, beer in hand. The Doberman continues, he thrust, licked and drooled for the majority of our sexual adventure together, that is until he knotted. It happen. I was owned.

The pain, I couldn’t describe the pain. As with one last penetrating thrust the Doberman met his match as he was unable to pull out. Streams of thick creamy cum mixed with my own arousing juices creation a solution within my tight pussy. We were locked together. I stretched my arms out in front of me. Laying on the cold tiled floor. My nipples reacting to the instant change of temperature. The Doberman following me down as we laid together on the floor.

The gentleman noticed our love making ending. He picked a blanket from the nearby cupboard. Laid it across both of us, before starting for the door. Flicking off the light as he did so.

“Goodnight puppies”


I’m preparing for the worst but deep down would like to find like minded people. I want to talk, discuss. Explore.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/eacc0y/ive_taken_a_risk_and_ive_wrote_about_a_fantasy_of


  1. Great story pup… Doesn’t it feel good to make your dreams a fantasy… Reminded me of a girl I knew enjoyed getting knotted by a doberman/rot. Got to watch her do it once and funny thing is the dog growled at me when I got close

  2. Your fantasy is yours. Do not let anyone down you for it. We are all kinds , with many thoughts and fantasies

  3. If you’d like I can expand on this fantasy for you. Ive written plenty of puppy play and I have also explored bestiality with various animals as subject matter. I prefer writing to request nowadays so feel free to message me. If you’d like a sample: (from dom perspective but I’ve written from all three)

    I have the best dogs in the world. Beautiful animals. A pair actually, not the same breed but both are intact, a stud and a bitch. The stud has been with me since he was a pup. Anubis, after the Egyptian god that guides the dead. Morbid yes but there’s a bit of a story behind it. My bitch is a lovely girl named Emma, wavy hair, shaved body as the breed is typically groomed for show, today I picked a pink leather collar for her. She quivered as I buckled it on, not too tight.

    “Good girl.” I respond in a dominant voice. It’s important especially with intact animals to maintain a firm but gentle working relationship. Emma drops to her hands and knees instinctively, I give her a pat on her head and a gentle scratch behind her ears, rubbing gently on the erogenous zone hidden away there. Lovely breed, caucasian originating from Britain. A local girl, perhaps my most spoiled of the two. I let her wander about, sniffing for a scent she has come to know. The scent of Anubis, he has a strong masculine scent. They both are groomed regularly and he’s very well behaved so using shampoo that has a scent strong enough for Emma to pick up on is perfectly reasonable. Her sense of smell is not exactly the best but that’s because of her breed. I whistle and hear the impact of Anubis as he jumps off the bed in the guest room. I must’ve forgotten to shut the door, now I’ll have dog hair all over the white sheets. I roll my eyes but feel a soft chuckle escape. In he trots, black coat glossy, built of pure muscle, his dark eyes so intelligent, his ears perched high on his head are fully erect with confidence. Typically pitbulls are the only dogs one would see that have a built frame. Powerful animals, they need that exercise, body building dogs isn’t a typical practice, but Anubis is majestic and healthy. He loves our runs, he always gets excited for pulls, and of course I feed my pups a raw diet to ensure proper nutrition. My dogs are always happy to see each other, kissing each others snouts, tongues often meeting. I know from experience how soft Emma’s tongue is. I pick up Emma’s favorite toy, a tug rope, and toss it near the two. She takes her toy in her teeth and whips it around playfully. Anubis loves to play this game. He gingerly takes one end into his powerful jaws and pulls the rope taught.

    His deep rumbling growl isn’t aggressive so there’s no need to step in. Emma pulls, I can see her dripping down her legs. Later today I might have Anubis mount her again. It’s a joy for both of them. I do it mostly for my Emma though. She’s such a good girl, I love to spoil her.

    Anubis as usual wins but licks Emma’s face playfully as a sort of consolation prize. I let the two play together while I read for a while. Their playful growls bring a smile to my face. Occasionally one or both come up to my chair for a pat. They end up settling down around the base of the recliner chewing on the bones I bought last night. Doing their best to extract the marrow from the center. Such good dogs. I know that they are both going to enjoy their favorite night of the week. They always do.

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