Pick Your Own Taboo Sexual Adventure (4,313 words) [OC] [F/M] [Taboo] [Sleep Fantasy] [Incest]

It’s the first day in some time that you haven’t had to set the alarm to wake yourself up. You feel somewhat well-rested and find relief in the fact that it’s still early in the day. It’s the weekend before finals, and there’s a lot to accomplish in a short amount of time. As you go through your morning routine, you try to engage your brain to begin working out what you should do first. Maybe you’ll pack up some stuff and get a little cleaning done, then try studying some more. It would be to your benefit to organize the desk at the very least today, but maybe later. How easy it is to become disorganized when you’re hyper-focused on cramming all those fun facts and tidbits into your brain.

You check your phone to see messages from your dad and stepfather. They both have said pretty much the same thing, to call them when you have a free moment this weekend. Both of them have been texting you more regularly over the last few weeks, which you’ve brushed off as them missing you more as you get older and spend more time out in the world sans Daddy.

As you begin debating doing the dishes, having been neglected for far too long now, your phone starts ringing. It’s your mom, so you pick up.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning! How are you today?” she inquires of you.

“I just woke up.”

“Did you sleep well?”

“Yeah, I think so. How’s your day going, Mom?”

“It’s going pretty good. I have a bunch of errands to run today. I can imagine you also have a busy weekend ahead of finals.”

“The older I get, the more infinite my to-do list feels.”

“Hmm, I never thought about it that way,” Mom says, probably just being polite this early in the morning. “I did need to talk to you about something today.”

“Okay, what’s up?”

“It’s about where you’ll be spending the summer.”

“Uh, okay.”

“I had to sell the house.” A pregnant pause on both ends follows her statement. “The house has been sold.”

“If you sold the house, then where is all of my stuff?” you ask.

“I put everything into storage, my stuff included.”

“How much stuff did you get rid of so that you could fit everything into storage?”

“I didn’t sell a single thing of yours or mine. Every piece of furniture and clothing is present and accounted for.”

“When did you decide this, and why did you wait until now to tell me? Mom, I could’ve used the heads up to plan for the summer. I was planning on coming home.”

“I know, sweetie, and now you don’t have anywhere in which to come home. I’m sorry about that, but I can’t afford that house anymore since your stepfather and I split up. The buyers wanted to take possession before the end of this month, and I wasn’t in a position to say no to the money honestly.”

“So, where does that leave you and me? Where are we going this summer?” you ask to make your mother feel a little more guilty.

“I’ve spoken to both your dad and your stepfather, and they’ve both agreed that you can stay with them over the summer, whichever you choose. Unless you decide to stay in the city and pick up a job to cover your bills,” your mom says in too casual of a manner. Well, that explains all of those messages from both your dads you’ve been getting recently.

“I’m getting the impression that there’s no option to stay with you this summer.”

“I’m sorry, sweetie. I’ve been invited on a retreat with a friend down in South America,” your mom offers vaguely.

“Mom! Are you about to get involved in some pyramid or real estate scheme?”

She shoots back way too fast for your comfort, “No!”

“What country in South America, Mom?”

“Um, oh, dear, I forget.”

“Can you even name one country in South America?”

“Of course, I can!” She’s so defensive at this point that you find her flustered demeanor amusing. “Um, Jonestown?”

You keep pushing because you feel entirely put out by your mother, “Wow. That’s the worst example you could’ve picked. What country was Jonestown in?”

“I don’t know,” she says as she sighs loudly through your phone’s speaker.

“Are you joining a cult, Mom?” you ask, sincerely this time.

“No! Why are you so mean to me?”

“Mom, I know what rhetorical questions are. Do you?” you say, sarcastically.

“Please don’t be mean to me.”

“How do you think I feel right now?! Abandoned by my mother, that’s how!”

“I’m not abandoning you. Oh, I’m sorry sweetie, I have to take this other call coming in. I love you, and I’ll call you back later. Bye!”

Beep, beep, beep, the sound of your mother hanging up on you. How could she do you like this? You begin to ponder your choices, as you only have a few days before the end of the semester and a limited student budget.

Your first option is to stay in the city. Your lease is up at the end of the semester, which means you would have to secure housing. Extending the rental lease where you are now is unlikely since the 60-day deadline for notice has passed, plus, you’ve already confirmed with the leasing office that you would be moving out. You would also need to secure employment to cover your expenses. You would have your independence, but little free time or extra money to do much else. This option is not the most appealing choice if you want to relax over summer break, but you’re capable of thinking and living on the fly, and *Adult Independence* isn’t an elective course that you can take to fill a gap in your class schedule.

Your stepfather’s place out in the country is a better option. He had always been generous to you with your monthly allowance while you lived with him. That allowance would allow you to focus on finishing up a few personal projects you’ve been mentally kicking around all year without having to work full-time. It would be nice to take a moment to breathe, financially speaking. You do feel a little bit of guilt with this thought, but you know he would never think about it in those terms. You’re family, always and forever.

Your third option is to stay with your dad. He recently remarried, and this would be an opportunity to spend some quality time with his new family. You missed the wedding because of project deadlines, and still have yet to meet any of them. You’ve seen pictures on Instagram, and she’s a nice looking lady with two handsome sons, both a little older than you, from her previous marriage that left her a widow. In one of his texts, he sent you a link to this beautiful place that they’re renting down in the Caribbean for the whole summer, and he did promise you a private bedroom with an attached bathroom. Plus, the place is right on the beach.

What do you decide?

Stay in the city, go to (A1).

Stay in the country with your stepfather, go to (A2).

Stay at the beach with your dad, go to (A3).


You decide to give yourself a bit of a break, and with the guilty hope of a generous allowance coming your way, you call your stepfather. He answers on the second ring.

“I was hoping that you would call,” he says. “I’m glad that you did. How are you doing?”

You give him a vague response to keep the conversation light and airy. You can tell he’s genuinely ecstatic that you called him, and you find his upbeat tone lifting your sullen student spirit. Someone on his end asks who it is on the phone, and following your name, there’s a beautiful cacophony of voices that overtake your stepfather’s voice. It’s hard to tell what everyone is saying, but it all sounds like overwhelming excitement. It lifts your spirit a little more to hear how excited everyone is that you called. Once everyone settles down, there’s another voice asking a question that you can’t make out on your end.

“Eddie wants to know if you’ll be joining us for summer break.”

“Yeah, if he’ll have me,” you say, trying to be funny.

Eddie’s voice becomes more clear. “If I’ll have you? If I’ll have my little sister? If that’s a joke, it’s a bad one. You’re bombing. Get off the stage and get home now! No, I’m kidding. When will you be home, though?”

“Next Friday afternoon or evening, depending on what time I wake up and leave.”

“I’m going to call you and wake you up early.”

“So I can sit in morning rush hour traffic leaving the city? How thoughtful of you, Eddie.”

Everyone gets a laugh out of that one before Eddie continues, “You can’t blame me for being excited to see my sister. What’s it been, a year or two now since I last saw you?”

“Something like that, I think.”

“We’re long overdue for some quality time together. I can’t wait to see you. I’m handing you back to Dad now.”

After discussing the condition of your vehicle and the maintenance it will need for the trip home, you and your stepfather verify each other’s account information for a money transfer. He insists that you stay on the phone while you check to make sure it went through, and you find far more money than you’ll need to cover everything.

“Dad, I think you typed in too many zeroes.”

“Just in case anything else comes up, go ahead and get it taken care of. All of us here, we can’t wait to see you!”

“Thanks, Dad! I can’t wait to see all of you, too,” as you try to not dwell on the little bit of guilt that’s bubbling up in your throat.

“I’m going to let Albie know so you two can coordinate your trip home together. I don’t think he has any solid plans as of yet.”

“Sounds good. I’ll have plenty of space in my vehicle, at least I should.”

“If you need anything else, just call or text, okay?”

“Will do. Love you, Dad.”

“I love you too, sweetheart.”

“Love you, little sis!” you hear Eddie yell clearly.

“Love you too, big brother!”

Before he and your mom got married, he sat you down for a one-on-one conversation where he told you that he wanted you to feel comfortable and call him by whatever came naturally to you. Be it his name or ‘Dad,’ he wanted you to feel included no matter what you chose. After you got to know him and his side of the family a little bit, calling him ‘Dad’ starting feeling natural. Of course, your bio dad doesn’t know this because he’s a bit fragile in the ego department, and his feelings would definitely be hurt by it. Your stepfather’s affection for you has always been very pure. There aren’t many women on his side of the family, and it was obvious that you were the daughter that he always wanted but never had. You could ask him for the world, the moon, and Mars, and he would do everything in his power to make it happen for you.

Since it’s the weekend before finals, and your brain could use a break from studying, you head out to your local mechanic so they can get started on the maintenance you’ll need. As you sit down to wait and pull out your phone, there’s a text from your stepbrother Albie waiting for you. You both attend the same college, and you hang out when you can. Still, different work and class schedules on the opposite ends of campus and town have prevented that from happening more often this year.

“Hey! I just heard the good news!” the first alert reads. It’s quickly followed by another alert, again from Albie. “If you need a break from studying, there’s a party happening at my place tonight.” Another alert from Albie because he prefers a sequence of rapid-fire short texts as opposed to typing out novels, “You should come through. It would be good to see you.”

You don’t need to take long to ponder your choice, and you tell him that you’ll be there.

“Great!” your phone dings, and then again. “Can’t wait to see you!”

“Looking forward to it!”

“I’m here all day, so you can come on over whenever you want,” Albie offers.

“I have a few errands to do, then getting ready. I’ll let you know when I’m on my way.”

“I’ll keep an ear out for your text then.”

Because the weather has been staying warm at night, you choose your favorite sundress with pockets to wear to the party. It’s short but not too daring for hanging out with your brother. You take a picture of yourself and send it to Albie with the caption, “Am I overdressed?”

He quickly responds with, “Not at all,” which is immediately followed by another text, “If you’re ready now, I’d be happy to order you a ride.”

“Do I need to bring anything? Drinks, snacks?” you ask out of politeness, already knowing the answer he’s going to give you.

“You only need to bring yourself.”

“That means I’m ready then. Do you need my address?”

“You really think that I don’t have my sister’s address saved?” he texts back, which includes a link to the rideshare that he just ordered for you.

“I’ll see you soon,” you send back.

The party is already in full swing upon your arrival, and Albie finds you as soon as you walk through the door. He wraps you in his signature brother hug and offers you a drink.

“To living to see the other end of finals week,” you say as you raise your drink for a toast.

“To getting through finals!” Albie repeats after you. After taking a drink, he asks about your schedule for the coming week.

“I have a final Thursday afternoon, so I’m planning to leave Friday when I get up.”

“My last final is Wednesday morning, and then I have nothing going on.”

“Lucky you.”

“You know, if you like, we could ride home together on Friday. If you have space in your vehicle for me, that is. Sorry, I don’t want to be presumptive.”

“No need to apologize to the reigning champion of *Packing Tetris*. I am pretty much purging everything except books and class stuff. All of my furniture is from the free section of Craigslist, and soon enough, the cycle will repeat.”

“That will make it an easy move. You can leave some stuff here over the summer, too, if you need. We’ll both be back here in the fall anyway.”

“I might take you up on that offer. Mom called me today to let me know all of my stuff is in storage while she goes to South America for the summer.”

“Where in South America is she going?”

“That’s what worries me, she couldn’t even name one country down there. She’s probably about to lose what little money she got from selling the house in some kind of scam.”

“Uh,” Albie starts, unsure of what to say.

“She didn’t go into much detail with me, so maybe she already lost the money.”

“Have you told Dad about that?”

“No, but I’m sure that he has his suspicions already. I think he’s already expecting a mess to clean up. I kinda feel bad for him. She isn’t his responsibility anymore, legally speaking, but we both know he’ll be there for her when she comes back with her tail between her legs.”

“That’s admirable of him, though, don’t you think?”

“I’m mostly just projecting my own guilt right now.”

“Why do you feel guilty?”

“Because I feel like I’m taking advantage of Dad’s kindness and generosity. I haven’t lived with him for how many years now? I’m not his responsibility.”

“Stop. Stop right there,” Albie says as he moves to wrap his arm around you. “No matter what legal status our parents have together, you will always be my sister. That means you will always have a seat at the table with us. Dad will tell you the exact same thing. Why are you always so hesitant to include yourself?”

“Because self-deprecating behavior is my major.”

“I didn’t know you had switched majors,” he says with amusement. “I’m sorry that you feel that way. Me, Eddie, Dad, none of us feel that way.”

“I commend you for proving otherwise to me. You’re an amazing brother, Albie.”

“I love you, sis,” Albie says as he gives you another hug, though this lovely moment between siblings is quickly interrupted.

“Hey, Albie. How are you tonight?”

“Hey, Shannon. I’m good. How’s the party?”

“It’s great. I was hoping to get some one-on-one time with our gracious host this evening.”

“Oh, Matt should be out in the backyard. He’s probably chain-smoking cigarettes right now. You know how he gets when he drinks.”

“Oh, I was actually talking about you, Albie.”

“Maybe a little later, Shannon. It’s just that my sister is here tonight, and I never get to see her anymore. You understand, yeah?”

“Your sister? I don’t see any family resemblance,” she posits incredulously.

“Stepsister, but I don’t care for that term. She is my sister, no matter what.”

“Good to know you’re a family man, I guess.”

“Enjoy the party, Shannon,” Albie says dismissively.

Once Shannon has cleared the room, you turn to Albie and say, “You know she likes you, right?”

“I am uncomfortably aware of that fact. Unfortunately for her, I’m not interested. She’s simply just not a good person.”

“Knowing what you like is half the battle. To decisiveness,” you say as you raise your drink for another toast.

“To being decisive about what we like,” says Albie.

The night wears on, and most everyone is having a good time, with the glaring exception of Shannon because Albie hasn’t left your side the entire time. She eventually makes a huge scene in front of Albie about leaving, and much to her chagrin, he got the front door for her as he wished for her to get home safely. Everyone that bore witness to it had a good laugh once she left.

“Looks like most everyone is gone or passed out,” you say to Albie at the end of the night.

“Would you like to stay here tonight?”

“I wouldn’t be imposing on you?”

“Not at all. You can sleep in my bed,” Albie offers.

“Okay, but you shouldn’t feel obligated to not want to hang out with whoever is left at this point.”

“I think someone is a little drunk,” Albie says as he smiles one of his big genuine smiles and helps you up.

“And definitely a little stoned too, as well. También.”

“At least you’re retaining your Spanish,” Albie says as he cracks up laughing. Once you’ve made it to his bedroom, he closes and locks the door behind him.

“I hope you don’t mind or think it’s weird that I’m locking the door,” he says nervously. “It’s just that I have very nosy roommates. They would just barge on in.”

“It’s cool. I don’t think it’s weird if you don’t think it’s weird.”

“Cool. Er, there’s a bowl on the nightstand and some weed in the top drawer if you want to smoke a little bit more.”

“Maybe one more bowl to end the night,” you muse as you make your way over to the bed.

“Also, if you want, you can borrow a t-shirt and shorts to sleep in instead of your dress. They’re clean, I promise. You can change in my bathroom.”

“Do you also have clean socks, by chance?”

“I do!” Albie says as he starts pulling clothes out of drawers while you load up the bowl.

“I’m going to change, then we can smoke this together. Sound like a plan?”

“Sounds like a plan to me,” he says as he hands you his clean clothes.

“I’ll be right back,” you say needlessly as you take his clothes and head to his private bathroom.

While you change and steal a swig of mouthwash, Albie changes in the bedroom. Upon your exit, he takes his turn in the bathroom. When he joins you in his bed, he inquires about what you would like to fall asleep watching on TV. It doesn’t matter because you know you’ll be asleep within twenty minutes anyway. So you suggest a nature documentary or something else that can be deemed as benign. As you both watch and smoke, you begin to realize how cold it actually is in his room because boys and men always tend to run hot.

“I may need to borrow a hoodie to sleep in. I forgot how cold you like to keep it in your room.”

“I don’t have any clean hoodies at the moment. I’ve done laundry recently, just not cold weather laundry.”

“That’s fair because neither have I. You’re a boy, though, which means you’re a heat factory, like a kitten. May I thieve some of your heat?”

He starts laughing uncontrollably at this before he can answer, “Yes, you may thieve my heat to stay warm tonight.”

“Thank you, kitten. You’re so kind and generous. Your dad did all the right things with you.”

“*Our* dad did all the right things with both of us.”

You smile at each other before Albie moves closer to initiate the heat transfer process while you both work to cash the bowl out. Soon enough, you’re both sound asleep and cuddled up close to each other.

Later in the night, you’re awakened by a gentle shaking of the bed. Your initial thoughts are whether it’s an earthquake or a sinkhole collapsing under you. You quickly realize that it’s not an earthquake or a sinkhole. Albie is still spooning you from behind, and he’s rocking back and forth against you as he holds you. You begin to wonder if you stole the covers off of him, and maybe he’s cold now. You turn your head to get a view of him and take note that he’s fully covered. A few more conscious moments pass by, and you begin to realize exactly what’s happening. You’re sure he’s completely out and dreaming right now because he’s always muttered incoherently in his sleep, which he is doing now. If he had curtains hung up in his room, the light from the street lamps wouldn’t be flooding in now, illuminating his face in the mirror hanging on the wall adjacent to his bed.

You embrace how nice his warmth and sleepy vigor feel against your body as he holds you close to him, one of his hands on your hip. He’s definitely erect and humping himself into your lower back at a steady pace. You allow him to continue until curiosity gets the better of you. Ever so delicately, you reach around underneath the covers and take note that he is definitely not contained in his shorts. It feels as though the button on his fly is broken, allowing him to spill out into the bed. As you debate with yourself what to do, you find yourself playing with him as he continues gently grinding into you. Then, wanting to feel a little bit more and enjoy yourself like Albie is, you carefully slip the shorts he gave you down your thighs, and maneuver him in between your legs. He lets out a sleepy gasp, and his grinding against your clit now makes quick work of getting you wet. On a couple of thrusts, he almost slips in, but you catch him by changing the angle of your hips before he gets more than tip-deep, and you think about not interfering the next time it happens.

It’s not long before that opportunity arises again. Once he’s in, you press your hips and pelvis into him as much as you can from the spooning position. Albie continues his muttering as his pace picks up. Everything feels so good, his warmth, how he holds you, the taboo of all of it. All too soon, Albie reaches the end of his dream. You can feel the heat of his come inside of you, the dissipation of the heat as it flows out of you, down your leg, and onto the sheets. He stays cuddled up close to you, wrapping his arms tighter around your waist, which keeps him inside of you after he’s gone soft.

The next morning, you’re awakened by the closing of the bathroom door. Albie got up before you. A smile comes across your face thinking about last night, wondering about what the experience was like for him.

“Good morning, Starshine,” you say upon his exit from the bathroom.

“Good morning, Starshine. Sleep well?”

“I did. How about you?”

“I did, aside from one bizarre dream I had.”

“Care to share?” you prompt hopefully.

“Uh, well. You were definitely there,” Albie starts hesitantly.


“And our parents had never been married, so we were never brother and sister. But our connection to each other was still powerful, regardless of not having grown up together.”

“Meaning we were still best friends?” you ask quizzically.

“Something of that nature, yes.”

You can tell he doesn’t want to say that he dreamed about fucking you. At this point, you know you have a choice. You can tell Albie that his dream and reality melded together last night, or you can let him have his lucid dream.

What do you do?

Tell Albie the truth, go to (C1).

Let Albie think it was a dream, go to (C2).

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/e8qnqf/pick_your_own_taboo_sexual_adventure_4313_words


  1. I’m a little confused on what happens after we pick choice A2, what happens? Are we a girl?

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