[MFF] My wife surprised me.

Quick bit of context. I’d always told my wife my fantasy was to have two women to myself one night. She knew about an incident in college from before we met when I’d been part of an MFMF situation. When I wrote about it here a few weeks ago (she has me delete it since) I think it started to occur to her that I was serious about it and she gave some thought to how to make it happen.

We saw on Facebook where a friend of ours had gotten divorced. They were close enough to the couple to feel sad about it, but not close enough that we knew the details or even learned about it personally or right away. When school started up again in August, we started to see the woman involved in the divorce almost everyday when we all went to pick our kids up.

No big deal–except that my wife and this woman started talking a and, without me knowing, had occasionally grabbed lunch together over the course of a few weeks. Most of this I learned later, but after 3 or 4 lunches our friend started to open up to my wife more. I think she started to trust that we weren’t in contact with her ex and that we wouldn’t share anything with him even if we had been. After another few lunchtime chats, the conversations moved from how stressful divorces are, to wanting to date, to, eventually and surprisingly, how horny she was getting without dating.

The problem wasn’t this woman’s looks. While not a model or movie star, she was very attractive. Petite. I’d guess 5’2″ or 5’3″ tall. For someone that short, I don’t know how to guess weight, but I’m betting just a little over 100 pounds. Nice little butt. Cute little tits. Both fit her frame just right.

So, when she comes in the door with my wife one day after work, I’m a little confused, but not altogether upset. Nice to look at and all that. They are also carrying a paper bag. In it is wine. Three bottles. All a brand called Menage a Trois. As they pull them out of the bag, I avoid making a joke. I don’t know the woman with my wife well enough for that. I also didn’t think it was a message of any kind.

I was wrong. I just didn’t know it yet. The other woman who I’ll call Katy ended up staying for a while and sharing some wine with my wife Chrissy. The first bottle went fast. They asked me to sit with them and share the second one bottle so that they wouldn’t get too drunk.

We never touched the third bottle. By the time we each had a glass of the second, the game was up. Little remarks kept catching my attention. I ignored them even though they were all pointed in the direction of some adult oriented fun. It hit me a few minutes later, and without the help of a sultry comment, that there was a reason my wife let our kids go home with friends after school. Surely it was just to drink with her new friend? Or, the friend she was at least getting to know better?

No. That wasn’t it. I offered to go open the third bottle of wine, but was told not to. I wasn’t catching on and just thought that was the end of the evening. Finally, my wife bluntly said what I thought I was just imagining. A version of it anyway. “Let’s not get you too drunk. I promised to loan you out.”


“I said I promised to loan you out.”

I knew of the divorce. I thought I was going to have to look at a car, mow yard the next day, or something like that. “Sure. Just tell me what you need.” I say that to Katy.

My wife answers for her, “She needs a little action.”

I’m stunned. I know what she means. I am sure she means with me. I try to cover by naming a friend of mine that is single thinking that is a good response and will keep me from embarrassing myself with what I was still thinking was a crazy assumption.

“Not him. Well not yet maybe.” Chrissy laughs as she says that. I look over at Katy, trying to feign confusion. I catch her pulling her wine glass up to her face while exaggeratedly covering her eyes while she downs that last two gulps of it.

“Oh my God!” she half giggled just before the glass got to her lips.

All I can do is say, “Uhhhh. What are you saying?”

Chrissy said, “You’re going to mess around with Katy tonight. I don’t know if it will make me horny or mad, but either way, I’ll want to reclaim you at some point.”

A weird beat of silence. I finally utter an “OK.” Another beat of silence. I look up at Katy. She’s biting her lip and looking back and looking back and forth between me and Chrissy. She finally says, “I don’t want to cause you all any trouble in your marriage. One divorce is enough between all of us!”

Chrissy cuts in and says that won’t be a problem. She reminded Katy that it was something I’d wanted to do. Yes, Chrissy had shared that fantasy of mine as part of the plan and understanding. I wasn’t thrilled about that but didn’t think it would be a good idea to object right then. She then reminded Katy what she’d said about how horny she’d been lately. After my jaw hit the ground and the women laugh at me for being surprised at how much they’ve obviously shared with each other, Chrissy scoots around our sectional couch and gets right next to Katy. She pat’s her on the leg and says, “Seriously, get over there. I know you need it and I want to see it.”

Katy looks at me. I look away to glance over to Chrissy. She smiles and quickly nods. Katy catches half of it as she turns to look at Chrissy too.

Another bite of the lip and Katy stands up and takes two steps over to the other end of the sectional and sits next to me where Chrissy had been. I know I have a healthy heart in my late thirties because at this point I feel it beating rapidly in my chest. I don’t even feel it beat this way when I run or workout. Yet, I didn’t pass out or have a heart attack.

Katy had sat down looking straight ahead, but after a quick deep breath, turned to look right at me. Right in the eyes. I meet her gaze just long enough to let her know I’m not uncomfortable, but then look her up and down quickly in a “checking you out” kind of way. I didn’t really know what else to do and was afraid I’d end up being too aggressive if I didn’t try to play it a little slow. Trust me, I wanted to dive in.

I also didn’t know if there were any boundaries. Can I kiss Katy? Should I kiss her? Or, should I just go for it? Would that be too forward or taken the wrong way? What might upset Chrissy?

The question of how to begin was settled when Katy put her hand on my crotch. I’d changed into flannel pants before they’d come int the house, not knowing we’d have company. Flannel is thin. Really thin. Suddenly, my dick wasn’t. Katy felt that. She almost hid her grin afterward. She lowered her head to try to completely do so.

I put my hand on the side of her neck, hoping she’d look all the way back up. Instead, she cocks her head to that side and lets out a little breath that wasn’t quite a sigh. Somehow, I can sense that she has gone without for a while and is really, desperately wanting to end that streak.

I work my hand down to her rib cage, just to the left, from point of views, of her right tit. I ask explicitly, “Are you OK?”

“Yes.” is the reply.

I lightly squeeze with the hand I have so close to her tits and ask, “Including this?” She giggles and says, “Sorry, that tickled but it’s OK.” A brief pause, and slightly lower, almost whispered, “More than OK.”

That’s when I leaned in and kissed her. When our heads turned enough to where I though I could see Chrissy, I opened my eyes and met her gaze. She grinned and gave one last quick nod of approval. So, I pushed Katy back on the couch. Nothing harsh or forceful. Just enough to let her know how I planned to get started.

My hands went up under her shirt and bra. I wasn’t going to waste any time! Smaller tits are usually firmer than larger ones and this was no exception. Chrissy isn’t large, but she’s got more than Katy. I also noticed how SMALL Katy felt underneath me. Strange how about four inches in height and 30 pounds can make so much difference in how a woman feels underneath you.

Katy stopped me. I thought she’d changed her mind. Instead, when she leaned up she pulled off her t-shirt slipped her bra straps down to her arms and said, “Can you help me with the back?” and playfully pursed her lips after, sort of a joking dare or “prove it to me” type tone and expression.

I unsnap her bra and it joins her t-shirt on the floor. “I’ll let you handle my pants.” she said. I take that as an instruction and immediately undo her button fly. I hadn’t seen those in a while and they were more complicated than a zipper!

I left her panties behind when I pulled off her jeans. She had been laying down as I did so. She arched her hips up and started to pull her light pink panties off while saying, “Sorry for the granny panties, but I won’t be needing them.” Off one leg, then the other, then down to the floor. She said her feet were cold so she left her socks on. Little details that you remember in these situations!

I was hard as a rock. I looked back up at Chrissy. She was now also biting her lip, but didn’t look at me when I looked at her. I didn’t quite know how to read her face in that moment. So, I threw the big question out there. “Chrissy?” She shifts her eyes from Katy’s body to my face. “You’re OK with this?” She nods quickly yes. I clarify, “You’re OK if I fuck her?”

“Yes! Just do it already. Stick it in!”

I put an elbow on each side of Katy’s head to brace myself. The couch is a little narrow and I can’t put my hands down without it being awkward. It is a good thing that Katy is so small and slender so there is more room on the cushions. I exchange one last look with Katy. I hold it as if to ask, “Are you ready?”

Her holding my gaze and moving her left hand to the top of my ass and her right to back of my head tells me what I need to know. I hadn’t thought to see if she was wet enough for easy entry. It didn’t matter. She was. I slid right in, easier than I thought I would and almost went balls deep on the first thrust.

With Chrissy, that’s not good. She’d wince and have to work up to taking all of me. The smaller woman underneath me was having no trouble with that. Her deep breath in and the quick exhale, all while looking me right in the eyes, told me there were no problems.

As I started to go in and out, Katy would take long blinks. She started to breathe through her nose, sharply. Then, her pale face got flush and it wasn’t as much a contrast to her dark hair. She went back to breathing out of her mouth as she seemed to need to take deeper and faster breaths.

Soon, she started gasping. Those gasps became little sounds after each thrust. There were no words for the first few minutes while that was going on. I occurred to me that I ought to look up at my wife so as not to give her the wrong impression or idea. She had one hand cupping and lightly gripping one of her own tits. The other was rubbing the inside of her leg. She wasn’t masturbating to the scene in front of her, but she was clearly turned on by what she was seeing. She looked back at me and just smiled. So, I kept going on Katy.

I started feeling good. The nervousness had worn off. I felt the urge to pound Katy’s pussy. Slow pace, hard thrusts. I looked for her reaction. It was loud gasps, yelps really, with each thrust. Her little tits jiggling every time. It’d been years since I fucked someone other than Chrissy. I caught Katy’s eyes and tried to silently ask if she was OK. If what I was doing was what she wanted.

She understood and said, “I need this. OHHHH! Oh God I needed this. Just like this. UHHHH!”

I said, “If we do this enough, I’ll know on my own, but you tell me what you want right now.”

“Put my legs on your shoulders. I want it as deep as it can get.”

I obliged. After about 20 seconds she wanted them back down. “That was almost too deep!” she said laughing. I think the alcohol was really starting to kick in.

“Why don’t you take control. Get on top.” I said.

She nodded in silent agreement and as I laid back on the couch she said, “No, why don’t you sit normally and I’ll straddle you.” So, I did. And, she did.

Yeah. This woman was horny and in need. As soon as she had “control” of the situation, she started grinding her pubic bone on mine, and hard. And fast. Back and forth. Then in a circle. She quickly started to run out of breath, but she just kept going. Then her inner slut, or at least horny housewife, came out.

“Of fuck. Oh shit. Fuck. I needed this. I needed this. Oh shit. Fuck that feels so good. Oh shit. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. You’re gonna make me cum.” Katy said. I remember it clearly.

Then Chrissy chimed in, “You’re making yourself cum. And me.” I looked over and she had a hand down her pants. I hadn’t noticed, but Chrissy had started playing with herself while she watched.

Unfortunately, that sort of broke Katy’s rhythm as I guess she was suddenly reminded that the man who she was riding’s wife was in the room. Chrissy said, “Don’t stop.”

“You don’t care, right?” a winded Katy asked.

“You wouldn’t still be on top of him if I did!”

“I’m going to cum. It won’t be long. Is that OK too? If I cum on him? With him inside me?”

“That’ll be fine. More than fine. I may end up cumming over here too.”

Katy started slowly grinding again. A slight rock back and forth. Her clit was still between her pubic bone and mine, stimulated but not borderline violently like before. Then, the hottest part of the night started when Katy said, “Like this? This is OK?” while looking over at Chrissy.


“What if I were to go a little faster? Like this.” Katy said as she sped up her hip movements just enough to be noticeable.

“He can take it.” Chrissy said. She didn’t know that might not be true. I was already feeling good. The new exchange between the two of them started and made it what she’d said even less true.

Katy put her hands back on the tops of my shoulders and began to move her hips in circles again. “Is it OK if I go round and round like this?”

“I’m sure he likes it.”

“I want to be sure you do.” Katy said.

“Oh yeah. Definitely.”

Katy never looked back at me during all this. She kept looking at Chrissy and continued, “I may bounce on his dick. I haven’t done that yet. Is that OK?”

“Yes.” Chrissy’s voice was suddenly airy.

Katy starts bouncing. Takes one hand off my left shoulder and starts feeling her own tits as she bounces. I’m not going to last long at this rate. Chrissy sees my face and says, “Not yet. Don’t cum yet. I know when you’re about to cum!”

Chrissy says, “Is it OK if I make him cum?” as she keeps bouncing, but a little harder with a slight paused after she got all the way down each time.

“Yes! Wait! Are you on the pill or anything?”

“I am. It’s not a problem.” Katy replies.

“I may still…” Chrissy starts before Katy cuts her off with “Maybe want to see him cum on me rather than in me?”

“Yes. I want to see that. Are you OK with that?” Chrissy asks Katy.

I chime in, “You all are going to have to decide, because it’s going to be in her if you don’t.”

“Is her pussy going to make you cum babe?” Chrissy asks from the other side of the couch.

“Yes. And soon.” I’m about to explode, but trying to hide it.

“You have to make HER cum first. That was the whole point.”

I look at Katy and ask, “Where do want it?”

“It’s right where I want it.”

“No, where do you want me to cum on you?”

“Oh. Chrissy? Where would be best?”

“He always asks for my face.”

Katy draws the first and only line of the night and says, “How about my stomach or tits this time?”

Now, I’m gasping and sighing and out of breath. “OK. I’m going to make you cum first though.” I sit up a bit, lift Katy off my dick since she’s light enough and small enough that I can! I hold her as she puts her arms around my neck and I turn to lay her back on the couch.

She’s at an angle. I half suspect it was uncomfortable. As short as she is, the couch still isn’t that deep. But, her hips are at the edge of the cushions and plow right back into her.

“FUCK! OH FUCK!” Katy said as soon as I did. I thought I may have gone to deep again and pulled back little. That brought on, “No. It’s OK. You hit me just right. Come on. Keep going.”

“You sure?”

“Yes, fuck me. Put it all the way back in. Fuck me. I need this.”

At that point, with her dirty talk, Chrissy starting to throw her head around a little bit clearly about to orgasm, and me getting that “I don’t care about anything but the pussy I’m in right now” feeling, I started to come out of my shell a little. “You needed this, huh? This big dick?”

Chrissy just blathers at that point, even as I keep asking if it feels good, does she like being fucked, and everything else, she’s just saying, “I needed it so bad. I needed to fuck someone. I need you to keep fucking me. Fuck me. Keep going. Fuck me. Oh shit. Oh God! Oh fuck.” Most of this evening I can remember like a recording in my head. Those words, and others like them, were spoken repeatedly. I just don’t remember in what order. I was in that zone where memory isn’t quite as good.

It was Chrissy who first yelled out, “I’m cumming! Oh my God. I’m cumming! Keep fucking. I’m cumming, but keep fucking. Fuck her! Oh shit. Keep going.” She wound down just to watch.

I realize I haven’t cum yet and can’t believe it. But, I’m at the point of no return. I look back at Katy and don’t quite get the first words of warning out before she clinches her teeth and contorts her face so that I can see them. Her jaw is clenched, but in an instant, that stops. She opens her mouth wide, but there is no sound at first. Then, with no change on her expression, her brow still tightly furrowed, her mouth wide open, tightly closed eyes, she lets out a long and loud, “Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Her eyes spring open, but not wide. She looks right at me and says, “Oh my God, I’m cumming on you. I’m cumming SO HARD!” Eyes shut again, she throws her head forward and lets out four or five rapid, but lengthy, “OHHHHH” sounds.

She throws her head back, “Oh no, did you cum in me?”

I started at that moment. I wasn’t going to pull out and ruin her orgasm. But, I couldn’t contain it anymore. “I am right now. Uggghhhh!”

She reaches up and grips the muscle above my collar bond tightly. Frankly, it hurt. But, it was also hot AF. “Come in me. Deep. It’s OK. You can cum in me all you want. I need that too. I feel it. Keep going. You don’t have to stop until you’re done.”

I’m slowly thrusting, just working out the last of what felt like a flood of cum. We both look over at Chrissy apologetically. She says, “I feel too good to care. That was too hot for me to care. Did you make her feel good babe?”

“I think so.” I said.

Katy said, “Fuck. Look at me. Listen to me. I sweaty, out of breath, and a little hoarse. You know you made me feel good. I couldn’t have faked that anyway. Damn!” Then, one last time after a deep breath, she said, “Oh God, I needed that.”

Chrissy got up and started zipping up her pants. I said to Katy, “I hope you could tell I enjoyed myself too.”

Katy replied, “I could tell!” with a little smile. Then, she whispered, “Thank you.” while looking me straight in the eyes.

Chrissy said, “I’ll get you all some towels. We didn’t think of that.”

Katy said, “Take your time!”

“You like him inside huh?” Chrissy asked as she walked to the bathroom.

Katy said, “Oh yeah,” and took another deep breath.

After the towels came I pulled out, we cleaned up, and got dressed. Chrissy said to me, “You know, I don’t know that you got your threesome. That was kinda the plan.”

Katy said she’d gotten carried away in the moment. I was never going to press my luck and didn’t know of the plan anyway. Chrissy said she’d thought about it just before I first put my dick in Katy, but thought that we both might enjoy each other without her involvement. Then, she asked Katy if she had any plans for the weekend.

Katy replied, “No. But, we could probably carry through with the ones we originally had for tonight. If you want to?” She raised her eyebrows at Chrissy when she said that.

They found babysitters and bought more wine for that weekend. I’ll tell the story of that Friday night here soon.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e8tz93/mff_my_wife_surprised_me


  1. YOU FUCKING LEGEND! I’m so happy for you.

    FMF 3some is my all time #1 fantasy. I literally just left my gf, one of many reasons being I want someone who wants threesomes, voyeurism, swinging/sharing. I will join you on the other side soon. Best wishes for your weekend, I look forward to reading your story.

  2. Very good story but the names get mixed up, be careful of that! Was really confusing at some point, but a very good story

  3. That was great, had my cock hard the whole time. Also looked at your profile, your wife has a great body ??

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