Amber’s Little Problem – Part Three [Cheating]

She cried out at the touch of his fingers, nearly biting his lip in the process. She broke the kiss, unable to focus on even that relatively simple task as his fingers worked their magic, robbing her mind of the ability to form rational thought. She threw back her head in blind ecstasy, arching her back and crying out again as his fingers continued their relentless assault, more roughly now, more urgent. Without warning he popped those questing fingers into her soaking wet, aching pussy. They just went in up to the first knuckle before swiftly sliding out again, but even that brief incursion nearly caused her knees to buckle. Before she could regain her composure his fingers found her clit, rocking her entire body with another knee-buckling electric jolt. Then he was inside her again, three fingers this time, and deeper. Once, twice, three times he thrust before retreating once more and turning his attention back to her swollen clit. She could feel a massive orgasm building from the very center of her being, a tsunami of pleasure that would wash her away like a wine cork on a raging river. Danny played her body like a Stradivarius, demonstrating complete mastery over her. The control she had enjoyed just a short time ago was now a distant memory as she surrendered herself to him body and soul.

In the throes of animal ecstasy she was only barely aware of Danny’s left hand, the one that was not savaging her pussy, busy at the buttons of her nightgown. Her got the first three buttons undone, spilling her breasts free, before impatience got the better of him and he ripped the gown open, popping off the three lower buttons, and exposing her body to him. He bent and took her left nipple between his teeth, nipping her, and not gently. At the same time he pushed the three fingers of his right hand deep into her. Again she cried out. The tidal wave of her orgasm loomed over her now, cresting, so tantalizingly close. “Fuck me, Danny! Please, fuck me!” she pleaded, oblivious to the fact she’d made the same urgent demand of her husband mere hours earlier.

Much like her husband, Danny did not comply with her request. This time, however, there was no cell phone, no distraction to interrupt the proceedings. Instead Danny suddenly, inexplicably, removed his hands from her body and stepped away. 

Right on the brink of orgasm, Amber watched this happen in astonished disbelief. The wave of pleasure that had been about to crash over her suddenly receded, leaving her weak in the knees, her bare breasts heaving with insatiable lust. Danny just watched her, seemingly enjoying her obvious frustration, an annoying smirk on his face.

“What the fuck?” she demanded in a shaky voice, her pussy still tingling with phantom echoes of Danny’s fingers plumbing its depths.

“Something wrong?” he asked, all wide-eyed innocence.

“You know damn well what’s wrong!” she shot back. “You could have at least let me cum!”

“Not as fun when the shoe’s on the other foot, is it?”

“What? What the hell are you talking about?” she demanded.

“I’m talking about your behavior a few minutes ago. I seem to remember telling you to slow down, and you not only ignored me, you toyed with me. I’m just returning the favor.”

Her jaw dropped. “Are you fucking kidding me? Returning the favor? If you were returning the favor you’d have me bent over that dresser, fucking my brains out right now. If I recall correctly you had a pretty mind-blowing orgasm just a few minutes ago. Now that is one favor I’d like to have returned!”

Instead of waiting for him to reply she shrugged off the tattered remains of her torn nightgown. Completely naked now she sauntered over to the dresser. She bent forward, reached across the width of it, and gripped the far edge tightly, pushing her ass out and up into the air as she did so.

Danny said nothing in the wake of her wanton display, but in the otherwise silent room she could hear him start to pant in response, breath heaving in and out of his body like a stallion on the scent of a mare in heat. She waited, body quivering in anticipation, praying that the crude seduction would work, and she would finally get the sexual release her body was begging for. She allowed herself a small, triumphant smile as she heard him pad across the carpet towards her.

She gasped as he pressed up against her, his upright cock pushing between her ass cheeks.

“My, you are a wicked little horny slut, aren’t you?” he growled in her ear.

“*Slut? Excuse me?”* she replied, her voice rising a couple of octaves.

He barked a laugh. “Are you denying it, *Mrs.* Barnes? You seemed pretty determined to clarify your marital status when we spoke at the front door earlier. You are married, are you not, *Mrs.* Barnes?”

A momentary pang of guilt assailed her, but the emotion was quickly burned away by the roaring inferno of her lust. “Yes,” she replied in a small voice.

“Hmmm. Here you are, a *married* woman, naked and bent over a dresser, waiting for me, a man you met just an hour ago, to… how did you put it? Oh yes. Fuck your brains out. Sounds pretty slutty to me.”

The words were damning, but Amber was too far gone to feel any shame at the accusation. The feel of his cock between her ass cheeks, so deliciously close to her pussy, was all-consuming.

Without warning he reached down and grabbed her hips hard. He bent at the knees, ever so slowly sliding his cock down the crack of her buttocks. When he was low enough he reached down with one hand and pushed the tip between her legs. She cried out as it grazed across the lips of her pussy.

He was panting more heavily now, the thick throbbing head of his penis paused just at the sweet entrance to her body. His stubble burned her cheek as he nipped hard at her earlobe. “So, are you, or are you not, a horny slut, *Mrs.* Barnes?” he breathed in her ear.

“Yessssss,” she groaned.

“Yes, what?” he asked.

“Yes, I’m a horny slut,” she told him, her voice husky with desire.

“Do you want me to fuck you?”

“Oh god, please, yes!” she begged.

“Tell me you’re a horny slut and you want me to fuck you,” he commanded.

She embraced the accusation, reveled in it. After all, it was all true. “I’m a horny slut and I want you to fuck me. Please, Danny. I can’t take it anymore. Fuck me now!”

His first thrust was so powerful her feet almost came off the floor, but there was no pain, only pleasure, pleasure too long denied. She nearly screamed with the sheer bliss of it. He slowly drew his cock back out until just the tip was resting against the lips of her pussy once more. He waited there, torturing her for a seemingly endless time, swirling the tip of his cock back and forth against the entrance of her throbbing pussy, driving her wild. She could feel her orgasm building deep within her again, seemingly more intense than the last time. He penetrated her again, far more slowly this time, his thick cock sliding in almost gently. He pushed deep inside her, and deeper still, hands gripping her hips for purchase as he forced himself up and in. She gasped at the sweet pain of it. No man had ever taken her so deeply before. He pushed until she could feel his balls against the lips of her pussy, then his hands shifted from her hips to her ass, pushing her cheeks hard against one another and enveloping himself tighter within her flesh. He began to slowly gyrate his hips, grinding against her, his cock swirling deep inside her, driving her lust to unimaginable heights. She was fast approaching the brink of orgasm again, and her pussy began to clench and unclench in time to his gyrations.

He seemed to sense the approach of her climax, and he began to slide in and out of her again, still pressing her ass cheeks together, heightening the sensation for both of them. He increased his pace, still sliding at first, then pounding, his body slapping against hers as he plunged in and out of her. He was groaning loudly now, matching her gasping in almost perfect rhythm and she knew he was just as close as she was to orgasm. One final hard thrust and they were both there. She smashed her ass backwards, pushing into him as she came harder than she ever had in her life. Through the earthquake of pleasure wracking her body she could feel him spurting inside her, a seemingly endless torrent of cum, a surprising reserve considering the blowjob she’d administered only a short time ago. Her own orgasm went on and on and she felt tears come to her eyes at the sheer sweet intensity of it. Her legs gave out, and only the fact that her hands still gripped the far edge of the dresser kept her from falling back into Danny. Finally the torrent of pleasure waned, though tiny aftershocks continued to jolt outward from the center of her body intermittently.

Danny’s own orgasm finally subsided and he slumped over her, head resting on her back where she sprawled over the dresser. They both lay like that for a long moment, hot, sweating and panting in the afterglow of the incredible sex. Finally Danny straightened and slid his cock out from between her legs. A stream of semen leaked out after, trickling down her thighs, but she paid it no mind, still luxuriating in the memory of Danny’s cock slamming into her again and again. She released the dresser and stood, a little shakily, her legs still not quite ready to bear the weight of her body.

She turned slowly and found Danny regarding her with a crooked smile. His green eyes twinkled mischievously as he looked her up and down.

“So, *Mrs.* Barnes. About that little problem of yours… I trust it’s been rectified to your satisfaction?”

She rolled her eyes and gave him an exasperated punch on the shoulder. “Enough with the Mrs. Barnes already. You’ve made your point. Call me Amber, please.”

He dipped his head in acquiescence. “As you wish… Amber.”

“Thank you. As for my little problem? Well, let’s just say it’s been resolved for the moment. However, I think a series of follow-up appointments will be necessary to ensure my complete satisfaction with your work.”

That ravenous gleam returned to his eyes. “I take great pride in ensuring my customers are totally satisfied. I’ve got a pretty hectic schedule over the next few days, but I certainly don’t mind putting in as much overtime as it takes to fully meet your needs.”

She stepped in close to him, resting her hands lightly on his muscular chest. “It’s so refreshing to find a young man so dedicated to his work.” She slid her hand down to his cock and gave it a playful squeeze. Though now flaccid from its exertions of the past half hour his penis still stiffened slightly in her grasp. “My, what stamina you have,” she cooed. “Just as well. I suspect I will have a great many needs this weekend, and my husband won’t be home until Monday night to help me with any of them.” She gave another squeeze and he groaned in response. She smiled, savoring being in control again, no longer blindly enslaved to her lust… temporarily at least.

She spun so her backside was facing him again, then she slowly demonstrated the flexibility all those years of yoga had granted her, bending at the waist and languidly reaching down and placing her palms on the floor. Above her she could hear Danny give a strangled moan.

“Of course, with my husband away this weekend, and with nosy neighbors all around, it’s probably best if you come in the back door when you return for our follow-up appointment. How does that sound, Danny? Would you like to come in the back door next time?” As she spoke she slid her ass up and down the length of his cock, eliciting another loud moan.

“Yessss, that, um, oh god, seems like, ahhhh, a very good idea,” he managed finally.

“Mmmmm. Yes, it does,” she purred. God, it had been way too long since she’d done *that*. She could feel his cock stirring against her ass and was half tempted to let him in the back door right then and there. *No*, she thought. *It’s his turn to suffer a little. He deserves a little payback after the torment he put me through*. She pushed her ass into his groin one more time and then slowly stood back up.

She sauntered away from him, leaving him breathing hard behind her, and retrieved her thick robe. She put it on and cinched the belt before turning to face him once more. She arched an eyebrow at him. “Well, the router is fixed, Mr. Roberts. Shouldn’t you be off to your next job? You’ve got a big weekend ahead of you. You don’t want to get behind schedule.”

He shook his head ruefully. “Now who’s toying with whom?” he accused.

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll come up with all sorts of creative ways to punish me for my insolence,” she replied, a wicked gleam in her eye.

He gave her an equally wicked grin, his mind obviously already processing the possibilities. He stooped to retrieve his jeans and underwear and quickly got dressed, then grabbed his laptop and packed it back into his satchel. As he turned back to face her he clutched the satchel to his chest like a shield, suddenly adorably awkward in the wake of their sexual encounter.

“I, um, I guess I’ll be going then,” he mumbled.

“Of course. Duty calls.” She shook an admonishing finger at him. “Just don’t be giving any of your other clients the ‘full service’ treatment.”

He snorted a laugh. “Well, I can’t make any promises. If my next client opens up the door holding a vibrator, wearing nothing but a tiny teddy, and informs me she’s got a little problem in her bedroom that she needs my help with, all bets are off!”

She flushed, but couldn’t help but giggle. Yes, it had started out as an absurd, embarrassing situation, but she certainly wasn’t going to complain about how things had turned out.

He grinned at her, and his hungry eyes silently promised her of the delights to come over the next few days. He kept her pinned with that stare for several long moments, then shrugged his bag up on to his shoulder, and walked out the bedroom door.

“Danny!” she called after him.

He ducked his head back into the doorway, an eyebrow arched inquisitively. “Yes?”

“Throw that vibrator in the trash on the way out, would you? I don’t need it anymore.”



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