Amber’s Little Problem – Part One [Cheating]

Amber groaned as Brett’s alarm jolted her out of the sinfully dirty dream she’d been having. The details were fading fast, but she distinctly remembered a young Latino man licking whipped cream from between her legs. She writhed, rubbing her thighs together. Yes, her pussy was definitely wet, though sadly not from the oral ministrations of a handsome young Mexican man. She blinked the sleep from her eyes, resisting the urge to slide a hand down between her legs and pick up where the dream had left off. God, she was horny! Not surprising, considering it had been nearly a month since she’d had Brett’s cock inside of her.

She’d fallen asleep on the couch waiting for her husband to come home from work. He still hadn’t arrived when she’d woken shortly after midnight and stumbled wearily to bed. He’d obviously arrived sometime in the wee hours of the morning and hadn’t bothered to wake her. It was an all too common scenario in recent months. Brett was hungry to climb the corporate ladder, and had been burning the candle at both ends trying to earn brownie points with his superiors. However, his ambition was taking its toll on their physical relationship. The few hours she saw him in any given week he was too exhausted from work to do much more than scarf down a quick meal and stumble off to sleep. Any attempts by Amber to initiate sex were met with a yawn and a guilty apology. 

Laying on his side and facing away from her, Brett had already shut off the alarm and was stretching languidly, trying to shake off the cobwebs of yet another insufficient sleep. As she watched the muscles play across his strong, broad back her ardor rose sharp and hot. She snuggled in tight against his body, pressing her soft breasts against his back. She slid one hand beneath his body, holding him in place, while the other hand snaked over top, fingers gently caressing as they moved down his chest, over his abs and finally beneath the waistband of his boxers. His cock was already at full mast, and she gasped as her hand closed over the thick shaft, imagining it rammed to the hilt in her dripping wet pussy.

She pressed even tighter to him and slid her hand back up his shaft, then flicked her thumb lightly back and forth across the tip of his cock, eliciting a long groan from him. She smiled and her heart started to pound harder. She nipped hard at his ear, then breathed, “Fuck me, Brett. Please, fuck me.” She was on fire with need. It had been so long and her vibrator was no longer cutting it. She needed his big, thick cock in her pussy, in her mouth, or even in her ass.

She felt his cock harden even further at her urgent demand, and he growled low in his throat, a sound of pure animal lust that matched her own need. He started to twist in her arms and she moaned loudly in response, ready to surrender her body to his desire. And then the phone rang.

The passionate lust that had been about to erupt between them was snuffed out in an instant at that awful sound. Brett’s cock softened perceptibly in her hand as his attention turned from the promise of wicked carnal delights to what might be happening in his downtown Phoenix office.

“Let it go to voicemail,” she pleaded, sliding her hand up and down his now flaccid member in a desperate attempt to rekindle his lust. She knew it was in vain, but she was so horny, and she’d been so close!

He gave her that pathetic, apologetic smile that was becoming an all too familiar fixture on his face, gently pulled her hand away from his penis and turned away to answer the cell phone that buzzed annoyingly on the night table beside him.

Five minutes later he was up, dressed and out the door, on his way to help put out whatever fire had erupted at work, leaving her lying in bed, angry, sad and very, very unsatisfied.

She lay there for the next fifteen minutes, feeling sorry for herself. The sadness and anger eventually faded, but the red hot lust wasn’t going anywhere. Sighing, she reached into her lingerie drawer and pulled out her vibrator. She regarded it with a wry smile. “Looks like it’s just you and me again.” She flicked the on switch, resigning herself to yet another round of soulless, self-inflicted pleasure. The device gave a pathetic, half-hearted buzz, puffed out a cloud of black smoke, then shut off, leaving a crushing silence in its wake. She stared at it in disbelief.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” She switched it off and on again, shook it, then tried replacing the batteries with a spare set from her night table drawer. Still nothing. She buried her face in her hands, not sure whether to laugh, cry, or hurl the traitorous device through the bedroom mirror. She wasn’t completely surprised the vibrator had kicked the bucket. It had been doing yeoman’s work for the better part of six months now. Still, the timing was downright shitty.

She contemplated leaving the now useless vibrator on Brett’s pillow as a silent accusation that he was clearly not living up to his marital duties. It was tempting, just to see the look on his face. She shook her head. No, it would only make things more awkward between them. She growled in frustration, hopped out of bed with vibrator in hand and marched to the front door of their three bedroom rancher, intent on disposing of it in the garbage can at the side of the house. She flung open the door, and nearly jumped back in astonishment.

A muscular young man with tousled blonde hair and a surfer’s tan stood there, mouth agape, his knuckles poised to rap on the now open door. His look of surprise was quickly replaced by one of amusement, and he held his hands up in mock surrender.

“I’ve got a twenty dollar bill, and a coupon for three dollars off a haircut in my wallet. They’re all yours, just please don’t, um, vibrate me.”

“What are you talking-?” Amber started to say, her surprise giving way to confusion. It was then she realized she’d unconsciously raised her vibrator and was brandishing it like a weapon at the handsome young stranger standing on her front porch. Her face heated and she thrust the device behind her back, completely mortified.

His smile grew wider. He was clearly enjoying her discomfiture. Even in her state of extreme embarrassment she couldn’t help but notice his perfect white teeth, his sparkling green eyes, and the muscles of his chest, shoulders and abs that the tight ringer t-shirt he was wearing accentuated nicely. She closed her eyes and drew a deep breath, trying to regain her composure. She opened her eyes and that dazzling smile was still waiting for her. God, he was cute. Ten seconds of silence stretched between them before she finally realized she was staring at him, drinking in every finely formed inch of the young man before her. She shook her head to clear the spell.

“Can I help you?” she demanded, annoyed that she was making such a fool of herself.

He lowered his hands, and managed to wipe the grin off his face, though his eyes still twinkled with amusement. “Actually, I think I can help you, Miss Barnes,” he declared boldly. As he spoke his gaze wandered down the length of her body. The amusement in his eyes vanished, replaced by a powerful, raw hunger.

Her heart hammered not only from his audacious assertion and his ravenous gaze, but also with the sudden realization that she was wearing nothing but her diaphanous nightie, a sheer, extremely low cut sleeping gown that clung to the curves of her body like a second skin. She was suddenly, uncomfortably, aware of her full breasts heaving with her accelerated heartbeat, threatening to spill free from the relatively tiny piece of fabric that was covering her body. She awkwardly crossed her free arm – her other arm was still behind her back, hiding the traitorous vibrator that had started this whole mess – in front of her in a ridiculous attempt at modesty.

“It’s actually *Mrs.* Barnes, if you must know, and what do you mean, you can help me?”

“Sorry, *Mrs.* Barnes. Got it,” he replied with a quick nod. Even as he acknowledged her marital status his eyes continued to roam her body, the hunger in his gaze undiminished by the information. He reached the side pocket of the slim bag slung over his shoulder of and pulled forth a business card, presenting it to her, despite the fact that both her hands were clearly occupied. He shrugged as she made no move to accept it, and tucked the card into the front pocket of his jeans. “I’m Danny Roberts, from Tech Tonic. You called us for a service appointment.” He pulled out a clipboard from his bag and studied it briefly. “According to my job sheet you’ve been having connectivity issues with your wireless router.”

She groaned as she absorbed this information. She’d made the appointment for the router issues last week and had completely forgotten they were sending a tech out this morning. Now, thanks to her absentmindedness she was standing in her front doorway, wearing a scandalously tiny nightgown, trying unsuccessfully to hide a broken vibrator behind her back, full to the brim with desire, while an extremely handsome, likely very virile, young man waited upon an invitation into her house.

“Oh god, I’m so embarrassed. I totally forgot you were coming this morning. As you can see, I clearly wasn’t expecting company.”

She waited for him to reply, to say that he could come back later in the day. A gracious man would have made the offer, allowing her time to get dressed and to compose herself, at least as much as was humanly possible, given the circumstances. Instead he just quirked a grin at her, eyes hungry and still roaming, waiting for an invitation to cross her threshold. Again, the silence stretched between them and she found herself returning his gaze, matching its intensity with an animal need of her own. A twinge of guilt assailed her as she stepped aside and waved him in, knowing what that seemingly innocuous gesture might mean, but it was quickly burned to ash in the roaring furnace of her desire.

He smiled and stepped into the foyer, his elbow brushing lightly over the tip of her breast as he passed. The contact might have been accidental, but she knew it was not, and she had to suppress a gasp as her nipple stiffened beneath her nightie.

He kicked his shoes off and rubbed his hands together briskly. “So, where’s that pesky router?”

Amber missed the question, completely distracted by her body’s response to Danny’s casual brushing of her nipple. She took a deep breath in an attempt to calm her racing pulse. “Hmmmm?” she asked.

He smirked at her, clearly enjoying the response his touch had elicited. “Your wireless router – the one you called us about – where is it? You do want me to help you with your, um, little problem, don’t you?”

“My little problem? Oh, the router! Yes, of course the router.” Jesus, she was so flustered! “It’s, um, it’s in the-“ she cut off with a groan as the realization hit her.

“In the-?” he prompted.

She looked skyward, and barely suppressed a hysterical chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. “It’s in the bedroom,” she finally admitted in a small, shy voice.

He raised an eyebrow, and his smirk widened. “You keep the router in your bedroom?”

“The only two existing outlets in the house when we had our cable internet installed were in the living room and bedroom. We didn’t want the modem in the living room, and didn’t see the point of having the tech drill and run new cable to one of the other rooms, so it wound up in the bedroom by default.” The words tumbled out in one long breath and felt like a lame excuse, despite the fact that they were the gospel truth.

He nodded slowly. “Makes sense, I suppose, as long as you don’t mind having a strange man in your bedroom.” He gave her another smile, but this one was more predatory than playful, and her heart skipped a beat.

“No.” The word came out in a husky whisper, sultry and seductive and she winced as she heard it. She pointed down the hallway. “It’s that way.”

Danny’s grin grew even more wolfish, and his gaze drifted down her body once more. “After you, I insist.”

She gulped, and started down the hallway, surreptitiously setting the vibrator on a stool on her way by. As she walked she could feel his eyes on her backside, drinking in her body. A thrill went through her. Was this really happening? She self-consciously tugged down the hem of her nightgown, and her face reddened as she heard him chuckle softly at her ridiculous attempt at modesty.

By the time she walked the twenty feet to her bedroom door her heart was thundering so loudly she was sure he could hear it. Her hand was shaking badly as she grasped the knob and opened the door.

Stay tuned for Part Two, coming soon!



  1. WOW. This is amazing. Like the sensual parts, the pacing the flow, it’s all so good top to bottom. Part Two already sounds fantastic!!!

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