The Taste of You (poetry) [straight m/f]

Her Lips

Are lightening, the last drag on a cigarette

And I suck till

The Fire

Deeply inhaled

The burn on my throat.

The taste of you on my tongue.

It is in that moment

Just before you pull away

That I feel the desperation

Of an addict

I pull you back into me.

It’s my weakness, not yours

And while my mouth says


My heart whispers

Don’t go.

When I exhale, it hurts.

My eyes feel heavier

My chest feels emptier

And my mind instantly remembers

That you aren’t mine

And that every kiss

Is another line, cut

From your personal stash.

I pull because you feel like home.

You push

Because you know

That I would drink you in


Until it kills us both.
