[fM] Naughty Elfe in Santa’s Workshop

“You’re en elf, not a stripper, Mitchell. Pull your skirt down,” Kevin grumbled, “and put that cigarette out while you’re at it. No smoking on the job.”

Penny Mitchell left her skirt as it was and took another drag from the cigarette pinched between her fingers.

“I’m not on the job, *Kevin*,” she drawled, smoke curls escaping along with her words and framing her face in the cold December air. “You can’t tell me what to do. You’re not my dad.”

Kevin groaned. “Thank god for that, and judging by what my watch says”—he paused to roll up his sleeve—“you are, in fact, now six minutes late for your shift. Get inside.”

He gestured towards the door that led into the shopping mall. He and Penny were standing on the edge of the back parking lot, the frigid air only slightly dulling the reek from the huge metal garbage bins sitting next to them. This was where the food court dumped its waste, and where disgruntled mall employees huddled to smoke away their few moments of freedom during their shifts.

“How come you’re allowed to stand out here and smoke, huh?” Penny taunted. “You’re on the job, too.”

Her puffy winter coat hung open over a cheap Christmas elf costume: a red velvet skirt with a matching long-sleeved top, contrasted by a pair of green tights. They had a ladder running up one leg, baring a trail of pale skin from her ankle to her inner thigh. Kevin had been after her to replace them for weeks.

“I’m allowed because I’m your fucking manager, Mitchell. Now get inside and do your job,” Kevin snapped.

Penny rolled her eyes and dropped her cigarette on the slushy ground, not bothering to stamp it out with her foot as she brushed past Kevin and yanked open the scratched-up door to the mall.

“The skirt, Mitchell!” Kevin shouted as it banged shut.

Penny ignored him.

She didn’t need to be at work. None of them did. It was a dreary Monday evening at the beginning of December, and with a freezing rain warning out for later that night, the last thing on anyone’s mind tonight would be hauling their kids’ asses out to the mall to get photos with Santa.

Penny dragged her feet in her non-elf-regulation combat boots as she made her way over to the ‘Santa Workshop’ set up on the first floor of the mall. A sectioned-off area near the escalators had been decked out with fake snow, holly boughs, strings of lights, and a big, plush red chair for Santa to sit on. Penny was one of the girls who pressed the camera’s shutter button and printed the photos out.

There was a small wooden chalet-style shed set up where the staff kept their things. Penny ducked inside to throw her coat down and check her makeup in the round mirror on one of the walls. She picked a smear of black mascara out of the corner of her eye and pulled out a tube of lip gloss.

“You’re late!” called a chirpy voice from outside the shed. “I thought I’d be stuck on my own.”

Penny didn’t take her eyes off the mirror as she traced her mouth with the gloss and replied to her co-worker.

“Jesus Claire, why’s everyone on my ass about being late all the time? Santa’s not even fucking here yet.”

“Ah, I see you’re still a raging bitch, Penny!” Claire replied, her voice as cheerful as ever.

That was Claire’s modus operandi: chipper as fuck. Penny’s was glowering and making snarky, monotone comebacks. Claire sang songs and did little dance routines for the kids who cried and refused to sit on Santa’s lap; Penny glared at them and whispered threats in their ears whenever their parents weren’t looking.

“Yup,” Penny replied, popping the ‘p’ as she shoved her lip gloss back in her purse.

Claire fussed around with the workshop decorations for the next fifteen minutes while Penny sat sideways in the Santa chair, her legs thrown over one of the arms and her skirt riding up dangerously high.

“Kevin won’t like that,” Claire warned her. “Only Santa is supposed to sit there.”

Penny just picked at a hang nail. “Kevin can kiss my ass.”

Santa eventually dawdled into the Workshop, twenty minutes late for his shift and reeking of tobacco. His real name was Mooch, and he looked more like Santa’s basement-dwelling failure of a brother than Old Saint Nick himself. His beard was wiry, and the white was streaked with grey. His stomach was paunchy under the grey tracksuit he had on, but no one would ever mistake that blatant beer gut for an endearing pot belly nurtured by milk and cookies.

“Boss ain’t around?” he wheezed, scoping the scene out for Kevin. “Looks like it’s Mooch’s lucky day. You girlies ain’t gonna tell on old Moochie, are ya?”

He winked pointedly at Claire and then at Penny before he let out a rumbling laugh that quickly morphed into a coughing fit.

“Watchya doing in my chair, eh, Penny girl?” he continued. “You waiting to sit on my lap?”

He made the same joke every day, and every day Penny flipped him off in response.

“Oh, that’s a naughty, girl, Penny. Santa’s going to take you off his good list and put you where you belong.”

“Can it, you old pervert,” Penny grunted.

She smiled as she watched Mooch look her legs up and down, though. The single dads who brought their kids in for photos were more fun to play with than Mooch was, but it didn’t look like they’d be getting any customers tonight. Penny spread her legs a little further apart.

Mooch disappeared into the chalet after that and emerged a few minutes later in his stained red suit trimmed with very fake-looking white fur. The thing was ancient and only got dry cleaned once a year before it was shoved back into a bin in the recesses of the mall. You could smell the moth balls from a few metres away.

Mooch paused with one hand on the top of the chair Penny sat in, staring down at the neckline of her shirt.

“Okay, Penny girl. Santa’s here now. Time to move those little elf legs.”

“Nah,” Penny drawled. “I don’t wanna.”


They all turned to see Kevin storming up the polished mall floor tiles, his thick black moustache almost twitching with rage.

“Get the fuck out of that chair!” he shouted. “How many fucking times do I have to tell you?”

Penny didn’t budge. “Watch the language, Kev-Kev. There are kids around.”

Kevin was coming straight for her. “There are no fucking kids around here. There are no *people* around here at all. We’re hemorrhaging money tonight, having you all you assholes on the clock.”

He stopped at the foot of the chair, his finger trembling as he pointed it at Penny.

“*Get. Down. Now.*”

Penny sighed and swung her legs off the chair’s arm. Her skirt was rolled all the way up to the edge of her crotch. The velvet slid back into place when she stood up. She was almost nose to nose with Kevin. She stood there staring blankly until he gave in and moved back.

“You happy now?” she said blandly.

Kevin’s face was turning red. “No, Mitchell. I am *not* happy. Just fucking…clean something! Fix that light bulb over there. Make yourself useful for the next two hours before I can legally send you home. Claire!”

Claire, who’d been fluffing up a holly bough, jumped to attention at Kevin’s shout.

“Good work,” Kevin barked at her. “You’re in charge for the rest of the night. I’ll be in my office.”

He marched away to the customer service area at the opposite end of the floor. As soon as he was out of sight, Penny flopped back down into the chair.

“You’re not going to clean anything, are you?” Claire stated rather than asked.

Penny just hummed the tune of the pop song echoing through the mall speakers and looked Mooch up and down, letting her eyes linger on his flimsy faux leather belt just long enough that he’d notice. She could almost see him sweating already.

A half hour eked by. Claire kept herself busy twisting burnt out bulbs in the Christmas lights and polishing up the photography gear. Mooch gave up on getting Penny to move and found himself a stool. Penny watched him out of the corner of her eye as she fingered the ladder in her tights, stretching and ripping the fabric even further. Mooch wiped his face on the furry cuff of his Santa suit.

“Hey Moochie!” Penny called out. “You wanna go for a smoke? I’m bored.”

She didn’t wait for an answer as she hoisted herself out of the chair and grabbed her coat from the chalet. Mooch was on his feet when she reappeared.

“What if a customer comes?” Claire demanded, when the two of them started walking away from the workshop.

“Tell them Santa needed a smoke,” Penny answered over her shoulder.

It was dark enough outside that the floodlights were on in the parking lot. Penny’s boots crunched on the slush, which was congealing into ice pools now. The sky was overcast and glowed a slight orange in the city’s light pollution. The freezing rain would start soon.

Mooch pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his Santa suit pocket and fitted one between his lips before lighting it. He handed them to Penny and she did the same. They each took a drag in silence.

Penny propped a foot against the side of the mall and stared out into the parking lot. “You’re quiet, Mooch. How come?”

He grunted. Penny smiled around the end of her cigarette.

“Your dick’s hard for me, isn’t it?”

She glanced over to see the shock on his face and smiled even wider.

“Come on, you old pervert. You don’t have to lie about it. You’re practically jizzing in your Santa suit over me tonight.”

She pushed off from the wall and stood in front of him, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Don’t be shy. Tell me. Is your dick hard for me right now?”

Mooch’s cigarette hung from his fingertips as he stared at Penny in wide-eyed alarm.

“You—You tryna get me in trouble, Penny girl?”

Penny took a step closer to him and grabbed the cigarette from out of his grasp. She took a long drag from, then tossed both his and her own cigarette away into the parking lot.

“I’m just bored, Mooch. Really fucking bored. So tell me, *Santa*.” She moved close enough that her coat brushed against his chest. “Is it hard?”

Mooch swallowed, and his raspy voice turned even raspier. “Yeah. It’s hard.”

“You sick, *sick* Santa, getting hard for an eighteen year-old girl. At *work*.” Penny couldn’t stop herself from laughing. He was putty in her hands. “Mrs. Clause isn’t going to like knowing you’re messing around with the elves.”

“You *are* trying to get me in trouble, Penny!”

Mooch sounded annoyed, but he didn’t try to push her away.

“No trouble, Moochie, old pal. I can keep a secret.”

Her hand pressed against the outline of his cock. He swore.

“You gonna take it out for me?” she cooed.

“What—*here*? Now?”

His wrinkled face was turning red as his laboured breathing got faster and faster. She watched the whites of his eyes as they darted around the parking lot. There were only three cars, and the garbage bins kept them mostly hidden from anyone who could be passing by.

“I’m bored *now*, Santa, baby. I don’t know if I’m gonna be bored later. Just take it out.”

He hesitated for a moment and then fumbled with the cheap belt. Once it was undone, he paused.

“It’s, uh…It’s a one piece.” He coughed. “I gotta unzip the whole thing.”

Penny cackled. Mooch turned even redder and stared at the slush-covered pavement at their feet, but Penny just stood there until he pulled at the suit’s zipper and slowly tugged it down. His chest was pasty and covered in thick grey hair that trailed down his bulging stomach. He kept unzipping until he revealed his thick and wrinkled cock, straining itself into an erection over a sagging set of balls.

“You don’t wear *underwear* under that thing?” Penny gasped, before she broke out into another fit of laughter.

“It gets hot!” Mooch protested. “This thing’s like wearing a fucking plastic bag.”

“Oh my god.” Penny was giggling now. “Just look at you.”

“Yeah, yeah, ha ha,” Mooch grumbled. “You just gonna laugh, or are you gonna do something with it?”

She licked her lips. “Oooh, Santa, you getting demanding on me?”

“I’m just saying, I’ve got my dick out in the cold, and I want to know if that smartass mouth is good for anything else besides yacking.”

Penny could see right through his angry façade. He was indignant and embarrassed, and still he was horny enough to stand there with his suit wide open and his dick saluting the breeze. She had the upper hand. She always had the upper hand.

She wrapped her fingers around his cock. His skin was already cold from the air, and her touch was warm. He grunted. She stared down at her hand.

“I don’t think I’ve ever touched a cock this old before.” She started sliding her grip up and down his shaft. “Feels kind of weird.”

He was already panting. She moved faster. His head dropped back and hit the wall.

“You’re a good little elf, Penny girl,” he groaned.

“Is that what you want, *Santa*?” She teased his balls with her free hand. “Some kinky talk like that? I knew you were a pervert, but I didn’t know you were this much of a corrupted old geezer. Does Santa like it when his good little elf plays with his toys?”

She laughed as she said it, but it still made Mooch’s dick jump, he could feel her warm breath on his shaft.

“Does Santa like staring at the elves in their skirts all day, thinking about their…What did you call them? Little elf legs? Do you think about what’s between my little elf legs, Santa? Do you think about my hot little elf mouth too?”

He covered her hand where it was wrapped around his cocking, forcing her to stop her stroking.

“Suck it, Penny girl. Get down on your knees and be a good little elf.”

Penny looked up into his strained face. “Looks like Santa knows what he likes.”

Without breaking eye contact, she dropped to her knees. The sound of her tights ripping even more was audible in the quiet parking lot.

“I’ve *definitely* never sucked a dick this old.”

She flicked her tongue over the tip of him. He wrapped a hand in her loose hair.

“No more playing around, bitch. It’s fucking cold. Be a good little elf and put that hot mouth on Santa’s dick.”

She chewed on her lip as she considered him for a moment, and then she took him as far in her mouth as she could go. She gagged and coughed when he hit the back of her throat. His hand kept her in place, slowly pushing her deeper, grunting and drooling until she adjusted to him and could start bobbing her head up and down. She worked his dick at a steady pace for several minutes until she pulled back without warning, sliding her tongue along the underside of his shaft as she did.

Her mascara was streaked down her cheeks, her lipstick smeared, and she was gasping for breath, but she still wore the same satisfied and slightly disinterested smile she’s had on all night. Mooch, meanwhile, looked like he was on the verge of having a heart attack.

When Penny stood up, there was a round wet mark on each of her knees and bits of gravel stuck to her tights. She didn’t pay them any attention as she backed away from Mooch.

“Keep stroking it,” she ordered.

He did as she asked.

“I’ve seen you looking down my shirt,” she taunted, playing with the edges of her coat. She peeled it open so that her red velvet top was exposed. “I’ve seen you looking at my tits, pervert. I bet you’d like to finally see them.”

His hand was a blur on his cock. Penny inched the hem of her shirt up, revealing a taunt stomach and smooth skin. She went higher until her shirt was bunched up over her teal-coloured bra. She tugged one of the cups down slightly, but let it snap back into place before her nipple came into view.

“Huh, Santa? You wanna see my tits?”

He groaned. “You know I do, Penny girl.”

She pulled both cups down this time, letting her breasts spill out. Her nipples were pebbled and hard in the cold air. She teased them with her thumbs and grinned at Mooch.

“You like that, huh?”

He grunted. “You gonna let Santa see your pussy?”

She palmed her breasts and kneaded them. “Santa’s getting greedy.”

Her hands slipped down her stomach and then crept towards her thighs. She pulled her tights and thong down, letting both of them drop to her ankles. She was wet; she’d soaked right through to the tights. She gripped the edge of her skirt.

“Santa’s getting *naughty*.”

She pulled her skirt up around her hips and revealed pale, rounded thighs before she exposed a smooth and glistening pussy.

“Aww, fuck!” Mooch exclaimed.

Penny pressed one hand between her legs and started to tease herself. Mooch looked like the wall he was back up against was the only thing keeping him standing.

“How ’bout my ass, Santa? You wanna see that too?”

The edge in her voice almost betrayed how turned on she’d gotten, but Mooch was too wrapped up in pumping himself to notice. He nodded.

Penny turned around and lifted her coat up, letting Mooch take in the sight of her plump, bare ass. He cursed over and over again. She could hear his hand slapping against the folds of his stomach as he stroked himself.

“You know, I think I’ve been a pretty fucking good elf, today. I think you owe me something.”

“Yeah, Penny girl?” He sounded breathless. “What’s that?”

She walked over to one of the garbage bins and bent over, reaching up to grip the top edge of the filthy bin, still facing away from Mooch. She widened her stance and waited.

“You—You want me to *fuck* you, girl?”

Penny let out another cackling laugh. “No, you old geezer. I want you to finger my ass while I make myself come.”

“Oh, Jesus Christ…”

He moved his hand faster.

“Don’t you dare fucking come yet!” Penny shouted. “Don’t you fucking dare. You make me come first.”

She heard him shuffle over behind her, and then she felt his rough, cracked hands slide over her ass. He squeezed her cheeks before spreading them apart.


“I said finger it, Santa.”

He pressed a finger against her asshole and paused.

“It’s tight.”

Penny shook her head in frustration. “Yeah, it’s tight. It’s an asshole. Here.”

She dropped one hand from the top of the bin and spit into her palm, then reached back and spread the wetness over her hole.

“Now finger me, pervert.”

She couldn’t stop her shiver when his finger breached her. He went slow at first, but got faster and rougher as she ordered him around. Her spit-covered hand slipped between her legs, and she circled her clit. Her pussy was so swollen and soaked it was dripping down her thighs.

“Put another finger in and go hard, like you’re fucking me,” she commanded. “Like Santa’s fucking his little elf.”

She bit down hard on her lip as he did what she asked. Then her added a third finger. She heard the slapping sound of him stroking himself again, but she was too close to coming to tell him off. His fingers thrust deep into her ass and stretched it wide enough to hurt. Her clit throbbed under her fingers. She felt her pussy clench.

When Penny came, her ass flexed around his fingers. Her head dropped forward onto her chest, strangled cries escaping her as she shuddered and writhed, holding onto the bin’s rim above her like she’d collapse if she let it go. For a moment, she couldn’t feel anything except the blissful release, a delicious combination of pleasure and pain. She shook for several minutes afterwards, letting the impact of the orgasm settle deep in her bones as Santa relentlessly pounded her.

Mooch was swearing to himself when she returned to her senses. His fingers were still thrusting in and out of her ass. She pulled away and turned to face him. He wrapped his now-free hand around his balls, the muscles in his neck straining as he pumped his dick.

“I’m gonna…come…”

Penny tugged her bra back into place and then rolled her shirt down. She bent over to pull her thong and tights back up before straightening her skirt.

“Penny!” Mooch protested, looking desperate. “Penny girl, what are you doing?”

She stepped past him and grabbed the handle of the mall’s door. “I’m going inside. It’s fucking cold.”

“I didn’t come yet!” Mooch whined, still going hard on himself, his open suit threatening to slip off his shoulders.

Penny shrugged.

“I’m not bored anymore, Santa.” She gave him her signature smile. “I told you you were gonna jizz in that suit tonight.”

She pulled the door open and stepped inside.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e82vfc/fm_naughty_elfe_in_santas_workshop


  1. Its hard to believe any elfe would be so naughty ;) but I LOVE your style of writing!

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