[MF] Celebrating Thanksgiving Early Leads To Me Eating Out My “Almost” Stepsister (PART TWO)

[PART ONE](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dzq0wb/mf_celebrating_thanksgiving_early_leads_to_me/)

Around three weeks ago, my face was between Kara’s legs. My mouth was on her clit. My tongue collected her juices. Her mouth explored my cock. It was one of the hottest experiences of my life, and it could never happen again. Or at least it should never happen again. Kara’s mom is marrying my father in less than a year now. She’s going to be my stepsister, and that might sound hot in porn, but in the real world…it’s more complicated. You have to think about what would happen if your parents found out. Would it ruin their relationship? And is that something you’d be okay with?

So when I went back to my dad’s house this past weekend to celebrate his birthday, I had decided I would not do anything more with Kara. At least not anything sexual. We could play board games or talk about how to save the bees, but that’s it. I didn’t even think I’d have to worry about the temptation this trip because I thought Kara wouldn’t be in town yet.

She came home early though. When I arrived, my dad, Mary and Kara were in the living room watching television. They were sitting on the same couch Kara and I made each other cum on. It felt like some fucked up episode of *This Is Us*.

“You made it!” My dad said. He jumped off the couch and gave me a hug. Mary followed, and the Kara. A parade of hugs.

“I would never miss my dad’s 80th birthday!” I joked. He’s only 52. He then proceeded to “tackle” me to the ground to prove his youthfulness. He came up from the ground grabbing his back though. He tried to play it off, but I saw it. The dude is getting old.

Anyway, the rest of the night was pretty normal. We ate dinner, played cards and then went to bed. Kara and I talked, but not privately. I went to bed that first night thinking, “Okay. I can do this. I’m not that weak,” but then the next night happened. I was in bed, playing some trivia game on my phone because I like to trick myself into thinking I’m intelligent, when Kara texted me.

“You up?” she wrote. I stared at my phone for a few minutes. I should have pretended to be asleep, but I didn’t.

“Yeah. What’s up?”

She didn’t respond via text. Instead, she knocked on my bedroom door and then entered. She wore an old t-shirt that she had cut to show off her belly button, and a pair of shorts [similar to these](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2152/0639/products/KATYA_BLACK_2_1800x@2x.jpg?v=1549502137). She looked insanely fucking hot.

“I don’t like this,” she said, sitting down at the edge of the bed.

“Don’t like what?”

“How we are now. It’s weird, like we’re avoiding each other or something.”

“But don’t you think it’s kinda necessary?”

“I can control myself,” she said with a smile. “Can you?”

“I guess. Yeah.”

“I bet we can sleep in the same bed tonight and not do anything.”


She crawled up on the bed and moved herself in front of me with her back facing me. She took one half of my pillow and rested her head.

“Goodnight.” she whispered.

*”Fucking hell. What the fuck. Is she serious? I can’t do this. Huh? WHAT? COME THE FUCK ON!”* those were all the thoughts I had in that moment. I was only wearing a pair of boxer briefs, so there weren’t a lot of clothes between us. I scooted a few inches away from her so I wasn’t making contact with her incredible ass.

My head was barely on the pillow though. I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep like this. I’m the type of person who likes two or three pillows. No way I could fall asleep flat on the mattress, so I was forced to move closer toward Kara. I know it sounds like a bullshit excuse, but it’s the truth. The front of my boxer briefs were just barely brushing up against her ass in this position. This could work, I thought as I drifted off to sleep. It was a long drift. It probably took me close to an hour to finally fall asleep.

When I woke up a few hours later, Kara and I had gotten closer. Her ass was now pressed firmly against me, and of course I was hard. To make matters worse, my arm was now draped over her. We were legit spooning like a fucking married couple. This is normal for soon-to-be step-siblings, right? It’s normal for my cock to be pushing into her short-covered asscheeks, right?

Fucking hell. I was wired at this point. No fucking way I was falling asleep, at least not until I dealt with the problem growing in my boxers. I figured I could just go to the bathroom and jerk myself off real quick, but when I moved my arm away from Kara, she pulled me back in, “Where are you going?” she whispered sleepily.

“To cum all over the bathroom because you fucking teased me into submission,” I thought, but obviously didn’t say.

“I was gonna get a drink of water,” I said.

“Nooo. Stay here. Keep me warm,” she replied, and then pushed herself against me. She wiggled just a bit against my cock, and then her movements became direct. She was dragging the crack of her ass down the length of my cock.

“What are you doing?” I asked her.

“Is it really that bad if we just, like, move against each other?”

“What?” I laughed. “Like dry humping?”

“Yeah. I mean, that could just be an accident. Like we were asleep and just started grinding against each other.”

“But we’re not asleep,” I reminded her.

Silence. She didn’t say anything, “Kara?” I said. Still no answer. A few seconds later and she started snoring. An almost believable fake snore. I laughed to myself, and thought, “Fuck it then.” I closed my eyes and moved myself against her to match her movements. She wiggled her ass all around my cock, which was still covered by my boxer briefs. My hand rested on her bare stomach, just below where her shirt came to an end.

We continued to move against each other for several minutes. I slid my hand up her shirt and placed my hand directly on her tit, but I didn’t squeeze…’cause we’re asleep right? I just let our movements drag my hand against her nipples. She lifted herself up on the bed just a bit, so that my cock was now pushing just against the bottom of her pussy. Or at least where I imagined it should be. She rocked her hips back and forth. I pushed myself into her. I could hear her breathing increase, but she tried her best to silence it.

Our movements were getting more dramatic now, which caused the head of my cock to slip out the bottom of my boxer briefs. The head was now pressing against her shorts, and briefly her bare thigh when she made certain movements. The precum from my cock stuck to her thigh like glue.

At this point, we had been “asleep” now for 20 minutes or so. The amount of buildup going on here was incredible. I decided to get more daring. I dropped my hand from her tits and gingerly slid it down her shorts. I let my fingers rest against her clit, but I didn’t move them. I just pressed down on her clit and let her movements do the work. This all could happen in someone’s sleep, right? RIGHT?

She let out a low moan, but then silenced it. We were both doing our best to remain silent as my cock pressed against her and my fingers slid over her clit. I briefly dropped my hand down to her opening to collect some of her wetness, and then positioned it back over her clit. This did the trick. The little bit of lube increased the pleasure for her even more. She was moving sporadically and desperately now.

“Fuck, fuck” she whispered. “Please,” she pulled down her shorts, “Put it in me,” she pleaded. In the state of arousal I was in, there was no way I could deny her request. I pulled down my boxers, positioned myself accordingly and then slid my cock inside her wet, warm pussy. I can’t accurately describe how incredible it felt. We both let out the most satisfying moan. I knew I wasn’t going to last but maybe 30 seconds after this teasing, but thankfully she was in the same position.

I continued to rub her clit with my fingers as my cock slowly moved deeper inside her. She pressed her perfect little ass against me and wiggled around in circles on my dick.

“Oh god, yesss,” she moaned as she came all over my dick. Feeling the sudden rush of warmth surround my cock was all I needed. I came with her. Shot after shot inside her pussy. My cock spasmed inside her. I thought it was going to break off. Our movements continued long after the cum parade had ended. She slowly moved her ass against me as my dick softened inside her.

And then we actually fell asleep. (yes, she got up to pee, but who wants those details?) Also, I know people have been asking for photos of her, but I’m not that type of dude. Even the “just don’t show her face!” thing is not cool to me. It’s still her body, and I’d never post anything like that without permission. In the meantime, you can have another [photo of me](https://imgur.com/a/htfJCwM)? Lol, if that’s your thing. I dunno.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e7zxux/mf_celebrating_thanksgiving_early_leads_to_me


  1. Loved your first story already and this one was great as well.

    Your picture made me audibly laugh though lol

  2. You’re not biologically related. It may be weird for the family but people do weirder shit than fuck their step-siblings. So, ya know, keep going and tell us more! And I get why she might risk the awkwardness for you ;D

  3. Your personality and the fact you’re also skinny dude that finds unprompted excuses to show off his cock makes me feel like we have a lot in common.


    Except I’d have been up in them guts from the second she started to give me the ol f-job on the couch. But my thought process for sex has never quite evolved from “Hm? Pretty girl want fuck? Me no go to jail? Ok me fuck pretty girl now.”

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