[M] Sex with a paraplegic girl

This happened several years back during high school. Prom season was coming around and I had recently gotten out of a relationship, so my senior prom was looking like I would be rolling stag. As prom edged closer and closer I realized the better idea would be to take someone who typically would not get a date to prom. Then at least I could try to make it a special day for her considering otherwise I would just be there with my friends. A week or so before prom while talking to my friend group we decided I should take a girl from my school who was paralyzed from the waist down. She was a sweet girl and honestly very pretty. I extended an invite and I could tell she was very excited so I felt great about the decision. After finding out her dress color, i matched my tie to hers, bought her flowers, the whole shebang.

Prom progressed as per usual. Group of us met before hand and had some drinks, took our dates to dinner, then danced the night away and she was great company. After prom wrapped up it was time to hit the after party. My date was not intending on going so I was to take her home, drop her off, then meet everyone later. At this point it’s close to midnight, the roads are pretty empty and it’s a fairly quiet drive. We chat a little but I could feel some sort of tension building since she wasn’t as talkative as she had been all night leading up to this point. I figured she was nervous about possibly getting a kiss at the end of the night and I figured I would kiss her when I dropped her off. (*boy was I wrong*)

Going into her neighborhood her house was in the far back corner. On the other corner was a park that was somewhat secluded behind trees and the other houses. A few miles before approaching her neighborhood she places her hand on the inside of my thigh which I didn’t give much thought to, however, on entering her neighborhood her hand had gone into full blown **Over-the-pants Handy** mode. I’m not one to let a lady down on her big night, and as far as I’m concerned getting a little friction from a stranger was fine by me, but I digress. We come up to the stop sign that leads to the street she lives on. Left to her house, or right to the park. She is fumbling with my zipper, looks at me and says “drive to the park”. I’m thinking, eh maybe a blowjob in the parking lot why not, and I drive us to the park. We get parked and she has my d*ck out at this point and begins to GO TO TOWN, I’m convinced this isn’t her first rodeo and I’m not mad about it, however , quite surprised because what kind of sick f*ck has been letting this shy, innocent, handicapped girl, get in this much mouth hug practice. I mean, SHE IS COVERING ALL THE BASES, using her hands, spitting, stroking, hacking, gagging. Maybe she watched a lot of YouTube instructional videos.(again, I digress) I decide to add it to my list of moral crimes I should look into later, and get back to the task at hand. After a few minutes my blood is up, hot and bothered to say the least, but my nut is still fully intact. She leans up and tells me without breaking eye contact “I want you to fuck me”….. Now…. I’m a hormonal high school senior with a dick so hard I could chop cocaine with it, but the thought of f*cking a paralyzed girl still gave me pause. I decided I would talk my way out of the situation, try to get her to finish the job she was mid way into, and call it a night. I let her know admittedly, I had no intentions of sleeping with her tonight so I didn’t even bring a condom. Completely undeterred she pulls a condom out of her handbag. *Now I’m in a pickle, out of excuses, and will to resist, so i give in.* The truck cab is small however, and she isn’t the most help at moving herself into a good position for the acrobatics it takes to have truck-cab sex, (for some damn reason). After some struggle I give up and say *I just don’t think this is going to work*. As I raise up she looks out the front windshield at the swing-set and says “put me in the swing”…. wow the determination on this one AmiRight….. so, I place her in the swing and commence the deed.. Up to this point the thought has never occurred to me that she COULD NOT FEEL ANYTHING FROM THE WAIST DOWN…. so as this is happening, she is staring into my soul with expressionless, dead eyes…. I realize shorty, I have made a terrible mistake but this little firecracker isn’t going to be satisfied with a half finished deed that much she has made clear. So I pull the oldest trick in the book, the ole ,fake nut, pull out, and pretend to jizz in my hand. She is satisfied, well, definitely not satisfied, but convinced. On the drive home it’s much quieter then even before and I’m pretty traumatized (trying to shake that thousand yard stair into my soul out of my head) so I don’t make a peep. As we come to the block she lives on she says to me “I’m going to tell my dad”….. I have no words, I’m already spooked, and now I’m panicked. I get to the house and put her into her wheelchair, I’m sweating and in a frenzy, not sure what to do. I wheel her up to her door, ring the doorbell, and my composure breaks, I bolt to my truck……. (*Not today death, not today*) last I hear is a mumble of words coming from her as I slam the truck door closed. I throw the truck into drive and flip a quick U turn, as I drive passed I try to avoid eye contact with the figure I see standing in the door as I accelerate off. I go straight home ditching the after party, and go to sleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e7ej81/m_sex_with_a_paraplegic_girl


  1. Why the heck did she say she was going to tell her dad? She asked you to fuck her, makes no sense lol.

  2. Dont be too hard on yourself. You gave her such good dick shell never walk again!

  3. It’s safe to say that she wasn’t running through your mind that night huh?

  4. I remember a joke from middle school that was similar to this, but at the end the dad came out and paid the protagonist $20 and said “Thanks for helping her have a good time, last time the guy left her on the swing.” Lol ?

  5. i have no clue what to think about that…..also why the hell is this a part 1??

  6. I did a wheelchair girl once, crazy little thing that one, truly no hole barred with a mouth so dirty even I was like woah there girly. She broke it off saying that i couldn’t satisfy her which was very clear to me, later i heard she got into some heavy bdsm lifestyle and is happy.

  7. I dated a girl in a wheelchair. We broke up because she said she felt like I was always pushing her around.

    And she felt like I was always taking down to her.

  8. Crazy comes in all forms, and you, my guy, broke the cardinal rule: never stick your dick in crazy.

  9. Pretty sure this is fake, or copied off TIFU. The same exact story was posted by a different account to TIFU a couple days ago

  10. I was on the edge of my seat while reading this. I was thinking how does she feel anything?! Why does she want to have sex?! Thanks for the story OP … also what could possibly go wrong with part 2? ??

  11. > Maybe she watched a lot of YouTube instructional videos.

    Why the hell else do you think she hadn’t done this before? You don’t get that good watching youtube!

    > As I raise up she looks out the front windshield at the swing-set and says “put me in the swing”

    I’d say she’s done this in this exact place before.

    If it’s true at all anyway.

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