I [M] was having a bad night at the party. Then she [F] asked me to fuck her virgin ass: the real full story [MF].

This is the full story. It’s long, but I’m sure you know how to scroll.


Personal Info:

These are, of course, random fake names.

I, Ted [M22], am a 5’11” white male with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I guess I would describe myself as having a runner’s physique. If you must know, my dick is about 5.5” and it points straight and true. I keep my pubic hair trim but not bald. I met Alayna many years ago and we have been a couple ever since including some time long-distance. She’s my first and only and I have absolutely no qualms about that.

Alayna [F22] is the perfect height for me, a few inches shorter, with – at the time – short brown hair and blue-green eyes. She is in great shape, as she has been a competitive athlete most of her life. Alayna has D-cup breasts with perky pink nipples. She’s beautiful, sexy, and sexually skilled. She’s the smartest person I know and genuinely just the best all-around human being I’ve ever met. Also, she’s kinky.


I was in grad school. We lived together with our dog while Alayna attended grad school too – but in a different department. One weekend near the end of January she informed me she had to attend a party for grad students in her program and that I was invited to come with. We don’t get out as much as we like — we are both busy and somewhat introverted normally — so this was a welcome opportunity for both of us to celebrate.

The party was at a bar downtown, a short Uber/Lyft away from our apartment if we were to go straight there. It was supposed to be somewhat fancy. I wore my nicest suit, and a tie I like; she wore a lacy black dress. But before the party, we had to pregame with friends. This, of course, ensures everyone in the friend group arrives at the party at the same time and that everyone is at least somewhat buzzed by the time they arrive at the actual party — both of which help minimize the awkwardness of going to a party which includes dancing along with people you work around.

Yes, dancing. I’m not usually big on dancing. If I can get over the hump of embarrassment, I can get into it but often that hump is just too much, and it becomes an awkward slog of hyper self-awareness and anxiety. My girlfriend has no problem dancing and quite enjoys it, so my strategy for the night was to get drunk enough to get me over the hump quickly so I could dance with her but avoid the awkwardness.

Well things got off to a slow start. By the end of the pregame I wasn’t feeling it, and I was already starting to feel somewhat annoyed and anxious about some of the individuals that had joined our platoon of friends. I was barely even buzzed, but I knew we each got two drink tickets — and I was told they had more draft high point beer there on tap which should have guaranteed me some blissful drunkenness.

After we crammed our friends into the Uber and arrived at the event, I made a beeline for the bar. I deposited my first drink ticket and… bottled IPA. Now, divulging that I’m a slight beer snob must be a turn-off but it’s just a fact that beer tastes different (inferior) bottled. This particular beer is known to be practically undrinkable in a bottle and so, I could barely choke it down. It took me so long that by the time I’d finished it and a supplementary Jack and Coke, I was barely buzzed, and we were headed for the dance floor, but I was not feeling it.

Alayna was feeling it. And for the next hour or so that is how it went. She was thriving: sometimes throwing her hands up in the air, sometimes throwing her ass back. I was just trying to keep up and not give away the fact that I was not in the mood. Finally, I excused myself to get another drink — this time with the big green drink tickets I get from the bank. I downed it at the bar making polite, mind-numbing conversation with those around me before I headed back to find Alayna on the dance floor.

When I got back, I found her dancing with her best friend; bent partway over, grinding her ass on her. I felt a brief flash of jealousy, but it was undeniably hot. I didn’t mind. It was fun to watch, but when she saw me, she stopped and beckoned me to join her. I could feel my drinks finally kicking in. Now it was my turn to be danced against. She slid her ass back and forth across my waist. I know that when she does this, she can feel my semi-hard cock through my pants. In a way, then, she’s feeling me up in public. I can feel each of her firm ass cheeks and, occasionally, how nicely my cock fits between them. After a few more songs, she arches her back and twists around to kiss me. The music is pounding, drowning out the conversations of everyone around us, but she leans forward to yell into my ear.

“Do you wanna go home and fuck me in the ass?”

There is absolutely no way that I played this cool. My reaction was pure shock and amazement.


“Yes. I want you to fuck me in the ass.” She pauses. “If you want to, anyway.” She yells mockingly over the pulse of the music while she pulls on my tie with a cunning grin.

Within one song, we had finished our goodbyes to our friends; one more song and we had collected our coats and belongings and hailed our ride home. As we sat in the back seat of the car, I slid my hand up and down the inside of her thigh and we exchanged lustful glances. I could see in her eyes that she was proud of herself for how I reacted. She may have even planned this, I realized. For a moment at a stoplight, I remembered how this all started.

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One Month Earlier. Somewhere on an interstate in the US.

We were driving back from the winter holidays with our parents. It takes nearly all day. On the one hand, it’s a painful, boring, stressful drive that we both loathe. On the other hand, I think we both enjoy spending the time together. It’s just the two of us, and we often get the chance for hours of great, uninterrupted conversation. At the same time, because we are coming back from spending the holidays with family, we are both a little sexually pent up – at this point we were still sleeping in separate beds when staying with family, so we hadn’t had any sort of sex for weeks.

About halfway through the drive, the sexual energy manifested as a conversation about sex: recalling fun times, admitting to a few new fantasies or curiosities, and so on. Eventually, the topic of anal sex came up. She had never done it, though we had talked about it once or twice before but never followed up. One night about a year ago, while we were fucking – both drunk out of our minds – she asked if I wanted to fuck her ass, but we hadn’t done any prep, nor did we have lube, so the moment slipped away.

Now, sober, while chatting as she drove, she admitted to some experimenting while I was out of town, but she expressed some reluctance to go all the way. She wasn’t sure she could handle it. I mentioned how I had heard that practice and preparation can make a big difference. After some more discussion (I never pressure her into anything. It only ever has the opposite effect.) it seemed her curiosity won out. That’s how I ended up searching Amazon for a set of quality butt-plugs while we drove.

I ordered a [set like this](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B015TLFTNM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) and a few different lubes just before we got to the last major city on our route home. It was starting to snow, so I switched to driving. The snow quickly got worse. Traffic snarled to a halt. We started to debate waiting it out, but it was already late and spending the night in a hotel was not in the travel budget. Naively, we pressed on.

Traffic crawled, even on the interstate after we got outside of the metro area. It was dark, and the road was completely covered. Our little front-wheel-drive sedan was a chore to keep centered in the increasingly obscured lanes. Portions of the drive that should have taken 30 minutes were taking an hour.

At some point, despite the weather, things in the car started to heat up again. About two hours away from our destination, she rested her hand on my leg. Slowly it crept upward until it rested directly over my cock – separated only by the thin fabric of my sweatpants.

“What are you do –” I started to turn to her, but she cut me off.

“Keep your eyes on the road.” She teased.

I did as I was told, putting both hands on the steering wheel while letting her steer me. My cock had grown to the point she could firmly grasp it through my pants, and she tugged at it playfully for a while. Then, turning toward me after we passed a trooper assisting a car in the ditch, she pried my waistband away from my skin and slid her hand down my pants, dragging my cock back out with her.

For whatever reason, this is one of my favorite things in the whole world. There’s no doubt she was building up to it on purpose and I let out a bit of groan.

“Concentrate!” She chided, releasing me and letting my waistband snap back into place over my dick as punishment.

“Okay, I’ll concentrate!” I begged.

Her only reply was to reach back over and re-liberate my cock. This time, I dutifully suppressed the urge to groan. She stroked it slowly for a while as the windshield wipers stroked snow flakes from the glass. First forehanded, then backhanded as she adjusted in her seat. She reached down to touch herself with her free right hand.

Occasionally, we passed a truck, or a truck passed us, and she would pause, but by the third or fourth time she didn’t even bother. So, there I was, two hands on the wheel struggling to steer us across the snowy-hellscape, and there she was, with her left hand on my cock and her right hand down her pants for any trucker with wandering eyes to see when their bright lights flooded our interior as they passed.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her shift in her seat. She tucked the shoulder strap of her seatbelt behind her and commanded me to concentrate one last time as she pulled herself over the center console and placed her head in my lap. I stole a glance down at her as she looked up at me, tongue outstretched toward the tip of my cock, but quickly returned my gaze to the road.

She bobbed her head up and down. Her mouth was soaking wet and totally smooth as her lips and tongue slid up and down my shaft. We only passed a few more mile markers before I could feel the point of no return rushing toward me.

“Oh fuck!” I exclaimed.

She bobbed faster, and my orgasm raced toward me at full speed. There was nothing I could do to stop it or slow it. I had to be using every ounce of my consciousness just to steer. Before I could fully comprehend anything, I was pulsing, pumping cum into her mouth as she swallowed it down. We must have spent almost half a mile like that – with me shivering with pleasure as she drained me – before I finally relaxed.

I never know what to say after she treats me like that. She’s amazingly talented and deserves praise but I never know the best way to put it.

In this case, all I could manage to say was, “Dear god you’re amazing. Holy shit!”

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

The light turned green and our driver accelerated us toward home. My mind returned to the present. My heart was racing.

The car stopped in front of our apartment. We hopped out quickly and hurried in the door. I took off my coat and shoes, but before I could take a single step away from the entryway, Alayna jumped me.

She kissed me passionately as I pulled her in, reaching around to grab her ass. Without breaking our embrace, we stumbled deeper into the apartment and toward the bedroom. Just before we got to the door, I pinned her against the wall and kissed her neck, biting it gently. She moaned softly and reached out to feel me through my suit pants.

“Did you mean what you said earlier?” I inquired sheepishly, stepping back.

“I don’t know, did I?” She grinned.

“How do you know you can –” She cut me off.

“I’ve been practicing.” She giggled and slid past me into the bedroom.

Alayna plopped down onto the edge of the bed, facing me with her feet dangling off. I approached her and straddled her legs with my abdomen in her face and bent over to kiss her. She stroked me again over my pants as I traced my hand up the inside of her leg, up her dress and pressed just above the growing wet spot on her panties.

She tore off my belt and peeled my pants back. I flung them to the side along with my suit-jacket and tie until I was standing in my boxer briefs and plain white undershirt. I grabbed the hem of her dress and ripped it above her head leaving her in just her black lace-trimmed underwear.

She’s ravenous. Moving quickly now, she peels back my underwear to reveal my half erect penis and quickly slides it over her tongue. She licks slowly from the tip to the base and back again before she swallows me whole. A shiver runs up my spine and I grab her by the shoulders, follow her bra straps down to the band and unclasp it so it falls away.

I push her off me and onto her back so I can peel her underwear down her legs and kiss her swollen lips. I wet my finger in her mouth and slowly insert one then two until she groans. I massage her g-spot with my fingers as she reaches out and grasps me. After a minute or two of this, she sits up and lays on her stomach across the bed. She reaches out and opens her nightstand and grabs the four readily available black silicone butt plugs.

“Start with this one.” She says holding the second smallest of the four.

I spread a gob of lube around the plug with my fingers, part her ass cheeks, and spread another dab on her rosy pink asshole. She shivers a bit. Then I slowly insert the tip, using the groans as cues to speed up or slow down until it passes the widest part and sucks into place.

“Fuuuuuck” she groans gutturally. “Move it in and out.”

I’m happy to oblige, as I pull it out just far enough that it pops back out and then gently press it back in.

Another deep groan.

This continues a few more times until I can tell she’s ready for more.

The next size up is a gradual increase, but her groans are still more desperate as it slides into place. We repeat this process one more time until only the largest plug remains.

As I grab it from the nightstand, she gawks at the size of it. It’s a big step up. I line it up with her asshole as she lays prone on the bed still. Slowly I ease it in. It takes a considerable amount of force.

“Oh my god, Ted I don’t know if I ca –” she starts to say but before she can finish, her self-doubt is disproven as it slides into place. She lets out a groan that rattles through her entire body. There is no way the neighbors don’t hear it.

After catching her breath for a few seconds she’s ready for more: “Do you want to fuck me?”

No sooner can she finish her sentence then I have plopped down on the bed beside her and guided her pussy to sit on my cock. Despite the fact no one has touched it for at least 10 minutes now, I’m as hard as I’ve ever been.

She grabs me and impales herself. I can feel the extra pressure from her full ass. After a minute or two of riding, she lays down and assumes her favorite position – the reverse coital alignment technique – her main position for getting off. In this position she can apply the pulsing firm pressure her clit needs by rubbing against the area above my pubic bone.

It only takes a few minutes until she’s sweating and breathing hard — getting close to cumming. I reach around and grab the plug with my right hand. Just as I had before, I pull it out until it pops out, and press it back in until it slides into place. Just as it does, I feel her convulsing in a wave — moaning in my ear. A minute passes before her breathing finally slows.

“I want you in my ass now.”

I reach around her while she’s still laying on top of me and tug the thick black plug from her ass. Immediately, she grabs my cock, smears some leftover lube on it, sits up, and lines up the tip with her asshole. Slowly she lowers herself down onto me and I can’t help but gently thrust up to meet her. We go agonizingly slowly. I can feel her tight asshole slide down every inch, gripping me tighter than ever. Finally, her asshole is wrapped around my base. I have never felt such a tight grip sucking me in. The thought of being buried to the hilt in her sweet ass, and the sensation of being teased for every inch already has me dangerously close to the edge.

And then she starts to move.

She starts to lift her ass in the air again, reversing the tortuous pleasure of the motion from before and instantly I know I’m fucked.

“Holy shit I’m going to cum.” I growl. “I’m going to cum in your ass.”

And with that she buried me in her again as I came the hardest I’ve ever cum – absolutely unloading inside of her. After about a minute of pulsing and twitching, we untangle.

Immediately, she gets on her knees and starts sucking me off again.

“What are you doing?” I ask, incredulous.

“I want you to really fuck my ass, you know.”

With that, it only took me about another minute of her glorious blowjob skills until I was ready to go again.

This time, I guide her onto all fours on top of the bed as I position behind her. I guide myself into her tight asshole, listening carefully to her moans to judge my pace. Finally, I’m buried to the hilt again and I begin to pull back out. At first, it takes a substantial amount of effort to thrust in and out on account of how tight her ass is, but by the third or fourth time, it’s smooth as silk.

I pick up my pace until I’m well and truly fucking her ass. Now I reach up and press her back down to collapse her arms so she’s laying face down in the bed, ass up as I thrust in and out. We fuck for a while longer like this, her egging me on, cooing and begging for me to cum in her ass again.

Finally, I give in again one last time and thrust into her hard and deep as I shoot my second load into her ass.

This time, all I can do is collapse on top of her. For a while we just lay like that – gathering ourselves.

“What did you think?” she asks innocently.

“That was fucking incredible.”

We both decide to hop out of bed and shower off. We both pee, do all that good post-sex hygiene, crawl back into bed, and pass out.

I dreamt about her all night.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e79up4/i_m_was_having_a_bad_night_at_the_party_then_she


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    – [/r/u_theanon06] [I [M] was having a bad night at the party. Then she [F] asked me to fuck her virgin ass: the real full story [MF].](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_theanon06/comments/e7f4nm/i_m_was_having_a_bad_night_at_the_party_then_she/)

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