[MF] Did I accidentally get my wife hooked on BBC?

It certainly wasn’t my intention, and I’m totally OK with it. I’m just trying to tease out reality from a bunch of the myths you run across on the internet.
A few years ago I got hit with a neurological condition that pretty much killed my dick. After years of a great and satisfying sex life, it was a real bummer. I can still give her all the orgasms she can stand with my mouth and we’re still very intimate and close.

But it seemed selfish to deprive her of the full pallette of sexual experience because of my illness. I also wanted to take future resentment and possible temptation to cheat off the table.

Years ago we had played with the idea of having a MFM adventure, but it never went beyond dirty-talk. But she clearly got excited by the idea of being spit-roasted at least once in her life.

So I mentioned the idea of bringing in the occasional ‘guest star’ into the bedroom when she really was missing a good fucking. The rules were I had to approve of the guy, I would always be present. We talked and talked about it and aired our feelings. We read up on ethical non-monagomy and decided this was something we could handle without jeapordizing our relationship. Either one of us could pause the whole thing at any time if we got uncomfortable.

We made a Tinder profile for her that only showed her from the neck down in regular everyday home and work clothes. She’s a very curvy, busty woman and is incredibly sexy. We’re both professionals, so discretion was critical.

The replies came flooding in! And to our surprise, 80% of the guys were black. No big deal, she said she never had a preference, it was all about the individual and their personality. One one level I got it, the reputation of many (Not ALL of course) black guys liking curvy ladies evidently had a grain of truth. An asshole with a great body would never work for her. She needs to have some kind of connection and common interests before she can even think about sex.

After having drinks with a few guys (all white – we’re in a very white Midwest state) she played with two of them. Total duds. One guy couldn’t perform (She already gets that at home) and the other guy was just about pounding and had no real skill. He was also really boring and she had no desire to see either of them again.
We almost gave up on the whole idea. For her, no sex was preferable to bad sex.

We actually took a break from meeting guys for a few weeks, but she continued talking to Tinder matches. She decided it was much more important to talk LOTS more before meeting. I was behind that 100% because I hated seeing her be so frustrated.

After another week or so of chatting on KIK (I’m always in the group to make sure the guys are polite and know I’ll be present) She wanted to meet up with another possible playmate. A tall good-looking black guy. With a little trepidation, we decided to roll the dice again. He was smart, funny and easy-going. She really liked him and we all agreed to meet at a hotel later that day.

This experience was nothing like the others. The guy took his time AND made her come several times before he even tried to fuck her. She was sucking his cock like she was starving for it. I’d never seen that before. He was well hung, but not crazy porn-star hung. When they did fuck, her squeals and moans and groans were all I needed to hear to know she was finally getting what she had missed so much. They fucked 3-4 times – the guy was ready to go every 15 minutes and she sucked him hard again and they were back to business.
After he left she collapsed onto me like a puddle of goo and was so greatful. She couldn’t stop thanking me. That happy afterglow lasted for days.

Sorting through Tinder messages had always been a real chore. So many guys have Zero chat game and were one-word-wonders when it came to conversation. But she was finding more and more sexy fun conversations recently and that’s when I noticed all the guys were black. Again she said it was all about personality, not any kind of preference. I got it, the two white guys were kinda dorky-suburban-dad-types and again, she got plenty of that at home with me.

The next two meetings were with black guys and went very well. They were talented lovers and took their time with her and made her pleasure their priority. One guy was HUGE and she had to tap out in the end. She was sore for a few days, but also very eager to see him again.
The search for new playmates has been suspended for now. There are two guys she’d like to continue to see – about once a month or so. With everyone’s busy schedule, meeting up is difficult. But in the intervening time, she sends them sexy pics and keep up a fun flirty conversation. Often punctuated with “I love your cock and can’t wait to suck it and feel it fill me up again.”

Oddly, she now makes jokes she never did before. I’ll ask her “Which piece of pie do you want?” Her expression will get all naughty and she will say “The big one of course, I’m a size queen now.”

I’m OK with all of this so far. Through all our reading about swinging, hotwifing and non-monogamy we’ve heard couples say it has brought them closer together and we’ve found that to be very true. The level of trust and radical honest has deepened our connection. Any insecurities or jealously I might have felt flew out the window when I say her so happy and 99% of our daily life is completely untouched by this.

So to my TL;DR. Is the myth and porn-inspired myth that women get hooked on black guys true? I’d like to hear from Women on this point. I’ve read stuff from a ton of guys. I’d like to pick the brains of women who ARE really into black guys and women who think they might be, but can’t have this experience.

This is obviously something I can’t talk about to friends or co-workers about and I’d like to develop a long-term conversation about this.

Please PM me with replies. Thanks for surviving the wall of text!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e5kkn0/mf_did_i_accidentally_get_my_wife_hooked_on_bbc