[MF] Being a total slut (18F) during a high school trip

My best friend at the time was a girl named Myriam. Myriam had been in a long-term relationship with an amazing guy called Ben for most of high school and it was clear the two were madly in love. A pretty chill guy who was genuinely crazy about her, and same for her.

To celebrate our senior year, our school had organized a trip to a large city. The trip would come much cheaper than it normally would, given that it included everything (bus, hotels, food, etc) for less than half of what it would cost if you booked everything yourself. At $235 for a long week-ends, most students who were free that week-end didn’t even hesitate. At this point of our lives, we were mostly adults, and teachers weren’t particularly interested in checking us, so nobody had any problem sneaking in alcohol, weed, etc.

We would spend our three nights in the city at a big dorm for some kind of technical school, left unoccupied as their term had already ended and most had already gone home. While the teachers were not really policing us, there were still some few rules we had to follow (notably a curfew, yes, you read that right), one of them being that we had to share our room with a person of the same gender. If you’ve seen dormitories before, you know exactly how the rooms are: small, cramped, with two small beds, for two people. So, the rule was, girls with girls, boys with boys, and perhaps you can guess why. As I said, we were pretty much all adults, but I think they wanted to reassure the parents or something. I didn’t mind, and of course, I ended up getting a room with Myriam, who was elated about visiting the city (and, on evening #2, its bars and clubs, but that’s a story for another day).

This is where things started to go off track. On our first night there, after a couple of beers, Myriam started to really, really want to spend the night with her boyfriend. You know how it is on vacations, and pretty much for the first time in our lives, we were, well, free. An entire week-end to ourselves.

I should also say, alcohol really made Myriam do crazy stuff. It really turned her on. I caught the two of them kissing aggressively and she was already rubbing her boyfriend’s dick over his pants.

She literally begged me to trade my room with Ben so she could spend the night with him. At first, they promised not to use my bed, but they promptly realized a single bed was too small for two people. I have to say, Myriam REALLY wanted to sleep with Ben. Her parents were sort of strict and although they would manage to have sex something, the two had never spent an entire night together (Ben wasn’t allowed to spend the night at her place, and her parents wanted her home by midnight).

Of course, I wasn’t going to refuse that request. I didn’t particularly want to change rooms and spend the night with someone I didn’t or at best barely knew, but Myriam seemed soooo happy. I suggested joining the beds together so they could share it, and offered to spend the entire week-end, well, in Ben’s bed. Nice of me, I know.

That was against the rules, obviously, but no one really checked, and no one really cared. We weren’t supposed to, of course,but who was I to refuse that simple request from my best friend?

Ben had not brought a friend alone for the trip. His buddies were either not interested, didn’t have the money or had something else planned up. This meant Ben had been randomly paired with another guy who was alone.

The guy he had been paired with – and with whom he was supposed to share a room with – was a guy named alex, and very early on, I liked him. First, he immediately agreed to our little plan. Some guys would have refused or even threatened to report us, but Ben just nodded and said “yeah, sure.” When he did, I felt sort of… attracted towards him. Ben was tall, had short black hair and apparently, he played in our school’s soccer team. He had an above average physique and his arms looked super cuddly. I decided almost immediately I would “thank him” in my personal manner.

Overall, I think he much prefered to spend the night with a girl rather than a guy. I mean, if you are a guy and had to choose between two strangers, a guy or a girl, what would you choose?

I noticed early on he wasn’t totally comfortable talking to girls. Very shy, he talked very little, would look away and sometimes look embarassed. Shy, my type. I decided early on I would have some fun with him. That I would tease him.

This is where I turned the slutty meter up. I had planned to sleep in my pajamas, pants and shirt. This was the outfit I thought was normal with Myriam, but with Alex… I decided to improvise a bit.

I decided to wear one of my loosest-fitting tank top, the one I had brought alone with me. For the bottom, I chose a simple pair of panties. My legs were totally exposed and my breasts looked round and firm under the thin tissue of the tank top. I told him I was going to take a shower and, afterwards, purposely put my tank top on inside out. By the way, I have to say, some other students weren’t as subtle, and I caught at least two couples making their way inside their rooms, hands in hands. Again, I don’t think teachers and supervisors cared, or at least not enough to check. Hey, we were adults after all.

You should have sex Alex’s face as I came inside, with my long slender legs waltzing around, and my top barely covering my chest. I think he went pale in the face and couldn’t take his eyes off me.

Then, this is where I did something really, really dumb, or slutty, depending on how you want to see it. I told him “I put my shirt on the wrong way, it’s inside out. Hold on, don’t look please.” I removed my tank top, revealing my nude breasts to him, slooowlllyy turned the tank top inside out, then put it back on. Then, I looked at him, and his mouth was agape, his eyes stuck on me.

“Are you going to take a shower too?”

“I don’t need to…”


He immediately stood up and went for it.. While he was gone, I prepared everything. I removed my panties and tank top, the same he had just seen a moment ago, and left them quite visible, in the open, on a chair. The first thing you would see as you entered our room. Then, I opened the window slightly.

Alex did notice the clothes on the chair immediately upon coming back. As for me, I noticed he was shirtless, wearing just some shorts. “I usually sleep naked,” I said as he gazed at my clothes on the chair.


“Don’t you?” I asked, giving him the hint.

“Not really, no.”


“It’s very chilly, mind if I close the window?”

“I didn’t know the window was…”

I stood up from my bed, naked, and walked towards the window. I struggled on purpose to close it, my ass clearly pointed towards him.

When I turned around, I noticed he was hard in his pair of boxers. I turned around just enough so he could see my breasts.

“Wow,” he just said, and his dick started to poke through the frontal opening of his boxers.

“I’m sorry, I forgot to put clothes back on…” I said, turning towards him, fully exposing myself. “As I said, I sleep naked.”


“You should try it too, it’s really comfortable.”

Then I paused as he gazed at my breasts, my hips, everything. He just dissected me with his eyes.

“C’mon,” I said. “On vacations, you gotta try new things.”

“Okay,” he finally said, as he removed his boxers and then his socks.

I smiled as I looked at “him.” I’d say average length and width. And he was hard and horny as hell.

“Aren’t you glad I traded placed with Ben?” I giggled.


“Are you?”


“You know what they are doing right now, right?”


“And that’s to you accepting the switch. I need to thank you for being so nice and agreeing to let me take his place, don’t I?”

I walked towards him slowly, then got on my knees, and immediately started sucking him, right where he was. It took merely thirty seconds before he started panting and gasping hard.

“I’m gonna… I’m go…”

I keep sucking the best I could and within a few seconds, he came in my mouth, filling it with big, deep pulsations. I swallowed everything, every drop he made.

“Good?” I asked him, and he simply nodded. I stood up, and kissed him. He kissed me back, shyly. “C’mon, let’s do like Myriam and Ben,” I said, pointing to our bed. While he was working on joining them, I got a condom out from my bag.

There was just one problem. There were no trash bins in our rooms. Don’t ask me why, that’s how it was. There were no kleenex or some kind of paper towel at all neither, and I had completely forgotten to pack some. This would create a problem trying to get rid of, well, the cum. Nothing to soak it up. Sure, looking back at it, we could have tied a knot in the condom and held it for the next day and blah blah, or even risked a sortie to get rid of it in the middle of the night, but at the time, it just wasn’t something that made sense to us.

I told him what the problem was, and he immediately said:

“Not really a problem. I mean, you got rid of it the first time.” He smirked, all of a sudden much more sure of himself, somehow.

We cuddled and kissed until he got hard. He struggled to get the condom on (I think he didn’t have much experience), but eventually manage to fuck me for a surprisingly long time, even making me come. I hugged him and kissed him and he said:

“I’m about to come. Should I come in the condom and then transfer it to you, or come directly in your mouth?”

“You’re the guy, you choose.”

“In you it is then.”

Then he started fucking me really hard and after a bit, I felt him push his dick allllll the way inside me, really hard, and he came moaning. Soon after, he got his limp dick out of me, removed the condom, and started pourings its content in my mouth. As for me, I was completely into it, licking and sucking the cum from the condom as it fell in my mouth.

“All gone,” he said with a smirk.


“We still got two more nights to spend here, right?”

“And two mornings. I’ll make you a deal for the rest of the trip: you can fuck me any time you want, the way you want it. Whenever, as much as you want. I won’t refuse. I’m yours for the week-end, so use and even abuse me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Completely. I’m yours.” Daaaaamnnn I was so horny and turned on. Couldn’t believe I had sucked his cum from the condom!

“Damn I made a great deal with that roomate change,” he said smiling. “We’re supposed to eat breakfast at 9, so I’ll set an alarm at 7 so we have plenty of time. Get some rest.

As it turns out, I wouldn’t sleep until 7 AM, nor even close to that. I was woken up at a time that must have been… It was still pitch dark and I had slept for a bit, but to this day, I couldn’t tell you what time it was.

Alex was rubbing my clit, softly. “Didn’t think it would wake you up, you seemed to like it.”

I giggled.

“You think you can just tease me and parade naked in front of me and that I won’t react? Huh?” His voice was rough and direct, almost scary.

His voice sounded… Different. He was confident, dominant, aggressive. Nowhere like the boy who couldn’t place two thoughts together in front of a girl.

Then I felt him lift my leg up and push his dick in me. It was actually a bit rough as I wasn’t totally wet, nor even close. It even hurt a bit as he slid his dick in me.

“You said I could use and abuse you in every way I see fit, so that’s what I’m gonna do.”

I felt a bit scared as he pushed my face into the pillow and started humping me. I guess it took me so much by surprise. But after a couple of thrusts, it just started to feel SO good, even much better than regular sex! He was just unloading everything into me, fucking the shit out of me with everything he had.

I remember thinking it was the hottest thing in my life, that I couldn’t even see his face, that it was so rough. And this is where I discovered one of my kinks, I guess! I was this close to coming, when he did the final push in and let a long “ahh.” I felt him get out of me, then he brought some kind of thing to my mouth.

“Come on girl, open wide.”

I remembered the condom just a bit too late. The cum had already started to drip on my lips. At this moment, I felt his other hand rubbing my clit, again, and as I swallowed his cum from the condom and very soon, I orgasmed, still managing to gobble the cum somehow.

“Good girl,” he said, as I was licking the inside of the condom. “You should be good to sleep now, see you tomorrow 7AM.”

I felt asleep promptly after that, orgasm helping. It all seemed so… surreal. To this day, had I not seen the second condom on the table, I wouldn’t be sure if it had even happened.

As he promised, the alarm woke us up at 7AM flush and he immediately went to work. “You liked what I did last night, didn’t you?” he said. “You came that time but not the time before.” In me he went, no lube, way too early, the thin layer of whatever it is they put on condoms not helping much. It hurt but this time the pain was pure pleasure and, within a few thrusts, again, I was totally open for him.

“Making you a little early breakfast. This time I’m coming straight in your mouth.”

“Okay,” I said.

As he was starting to slow down, he got out of me, removed the condom and put his dick straight over my mouth. I lifted my neck to catch it in my mouth and a few strokes later, he shot his stuff in me.

“No mess,” he said after. “Four out of four.”

We had to meet the group and all. We left the room about ten minutes apart from each other to make sure no one would notice. Truth be told, nobody really cared. In the cafeteria, I have to say: Myriam laughed. She knew for sure. She knew me too well. She couldn’t help but giggle.

That afternoon, we were visiting some kind of huge school in the city. Some students in our group potentially wanted to study there.

Alex came from nowhere and put his hands behind me, kissing my neck.

“I want you.”

“Not now.”

“You said… Whenever I want…”

“I know, but… Not now,” I said. “There’s so many people around.”

“We’ll find a quiet spot. I really want you, don’t go back on your deal now.” I was on the edge, until he said: “This time it will be easy, I just want oral.”

“Okay,” I said.

We split from the group and eventually found a small bathroom very far from everyone. We locked ourselves in it and I got on my knees to suck him.

I actually hurried up as I was soooo nervous I would get caught somewhat, I mean, the place was deserted, but still.

“There are paper towels around but I still want you to swallow.” I wasn’t going to spit anyway. He came shortly after that and I swallowed it all again. “Good girl, now that your belly is full of cum, we can go back with the group.”

That night, there was a wild party going on in the dorm. I’m not sure how it happened, but we pretty much took hold of some kind of small student relaxation area, put on some music and it went on from there. Someone had brought plenty of beer and even some weed, to which I had a few hits, which definitely loosened me up.

There was no one around to stop or control us, really. The teachers slept in another section of the dorm and/or didn’t care. The music wasn’t loud enough to annoy everyone or perhaps the soundproofing was too good, or perhaps they just didn’t care. With a group of teenagers elated to finish high school + alcohol + weed, I think you can see where it went. After a few hours, it was completely wild, with a girl removing her bra in front of everyone and every guy going crazy about it!

Then, at some point, people started to leave a bit and the ambiance calmed down a bit. People who had just met during the party, or even couples, everyone was making out, some more than others. I was on top of Alex, kissing him with everything I had as weed had made me much… looser? It felt as it every sensation was amplified tenfolds. He was sitting on a sofa and I was grinding my hips on his dick, which promptly turned super hard.

“I want you,” he said.

“Okay,” I said, standing up, ready to go to our room as I wanted him too.

“No no no no no – I want you. Here.”

“What? But…”

“No one will know. Trust me.”

There were at least eight people around I would say. Three couples were making out hard, one of them in a corner. A guy had his finger in the girl’s pants, clearly rubbing her clit. Another girl had removed her top and a man was caressing her breasts from behind. Wouldn’t be long until they would have sex. Overall, it was quiet and relaxed atmosphere, with everyone drunk and high.

As for us, we were in a sort of dark corner. Not completely dark, meaning you could still discern the outlines of our faces, but definitely not a luminous place.

“Let’s show them how it’s done,” he said.

“Okay,” I said, super high. I dropped down to start sucking him, unzipping his pants. I turned around to look quickly, no one was watching. Everyone was too busy with their own partner

“No no no, not like that,” he said after a couple good licks. “Get on top of me.”


“On top. Go,” and on this, he pulled out a condom and started putting it up.

I was wearing a pair of jeans, so it was much harder for me to do anything. Myriam was long gone and so were all the people I knew. Yes, I would look like a slut, but did I really mind? I would most likely never see those people again.

I was so high, so not thinking straight. It just felt so good and I was so wet. I glanced around one last time, and the girl who was getting fingered was now naked from the waist down, her pubic hair fully visible. I decided to just go with it.

I removed my jeans and panties and immediately got on top of him, sliding his dick in me, then in front of everyone, had sex with him. I came super fast and super hard, literally within a minute, and it was SO good, on weed especially. As I moaned in pleasure, he came too from under me, filling another condom.

“I can’t believe…” I said immediately after the orgasm had left me. Once more, I turned around, and I’m pretty sure at least a few people had seen what we had done. I took my clothes quickly, slightly ashamed, but soooo horny.

“No, you go to our room like that,” he said as I was trying to get dressed.


“No but. You’re gonna have to remove it again when we get there, so don’t bother. Oh by the way…” He pointed out at the condom. I gobbled the cum in it quickly, eager to leave the room.

My heart was pounding. I was so scared. This was my first time having public sex. I still caught a glance of other people and Alex hadn’t been lying, we had led by example. The girl getting fingered was now being eaten and the other one was sucking some guy’s dick.

“Did you like it?” he said, once we were in the relative safety of our rooms.”

Oh god. Oh god yes. “It was hot as heck,” I finally said.

“A guy was staring at you while you were drinking that cum, I think he couldn’t believe…”

Oh god. Just talking about it was turning me on. I stripped naked and laid on the big bed. He soon followed, condom in hand. “Hope you’re still hungry.”

The third and final night of our trip was the calmest. The day was super busy with some museum visit, some conference in which I gave him a handjob and finished him in his pants (sitting at the complete back, yay!), to this day it was the only load during the week-end I didn’t swallow, even if I kinda wanted to anyway. We had sex again in the evening and at this point we cared less about getting caught or “leaving evidence” so he asked if he could finish in my face. I obliged, then he had me sleep like that, cum dripping on my pillow (had brought my own of course). It would soon become my favorite pillow, naturally. I felt like a fucking slut, having to sleep with a face full of cum.

We were pretty exhausted in the morning: naked, I mounted on top of him and rode him until he ejaculated. Instead of gobbling up the cum from the condom, I let it fall over my breasts, then put my bra on top of it. I lasted the entire bus ride back home like that.

And that was probably one of the horniest and sex-filled week-ends I ever had in my life :)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e5520v/mf_being_a_total_slut_18f_during_a_high_school


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