[M]y wife’s [f]riend was in town

This just happened last week and my apologies in advance for any typos or grammar I punched this out on my phone and had to retype the second half :-/

My [38M] wife [40F] has a chronic illness and at times is bed ridden and requires additional care. We have 3 small children so I’m often my wife’s caregiver and a single parent. We live a flight away from my wife’s childhood best friend so we only see her once a year at best. Let’s call her Sharon. Sharon is like a second mom to the kids and has known me since I was 18. We are very close and when she heard my wife was in bed again she put her life on hold and booked a ticket on a flight to stay with us for a month. I’m pretty capable of taking care of the family but I certainly wasn’t going to turn down help with a big deadline for work on the horizon.

I picked Sharon up late Sunday night from the airport and immediately I felt a sense of relief knowing I would have help around the house. We briefly caught up on the drive home and both went to bed as soon as we got home. The kids had school in the morning and I’ve learned I need to sleep to keep my routine running smoothly. Because of my wife’s illness I sleep in my office and I set Sharron up in our guest room.

At first things were pretty mundane as we settled into our new routine. I would get up with the kids and get them off to school. I would hit the gym and then come back home and start working from my office. Sharon would get up, shower, tend to my wife, do the house work, laundry, and get groceries during the day. I like to get my kids from the bus so I’d stop working to get them and get them settled back in but then I’d go back to work while she helped with dinner and homework. I’d put the kids to bed and then we’d both collapse from a hard days work. Sometimes I’d play some video games and she’d spend time with my wife or on her own in her room. This was our new routine and it was good.

As you can imagine having a bedridden wife can lead to certain longings. You can get by for awhile with some porn and yanking it in the shower but after awhile you just want to be with someone. I had found myself checking out more and more women at the gym or even Sharon when she’d bend over to help the kids at the table. I got to where I didn’t even care if she noticed. She knew I was only human and worse still my wife always told her what a perv I was.

Last Tuesday (her third week) when I came home from the gym, I caught HER checking me out. I’m not a huge guy but I pack enough to be noticed and I guess that day the bulge in my sweats caught her attention. I played it off. I didn’t want to be the perv she was told that I am, I certainly didn’t want her to get creeped out and leave early, and ultimately I really respected her and didn’t want her to be offended. The rest of the day went as usual with no strangeness.

I skip the gym on Wednesday but on Thursday as I was driving home from the gym I could feel the blood rushing to my cock and new It’d be hard to hide. I walked in the house and Sharon was in the kitchen making a coffee and she just stops. She said a simple hello but then was just hypnotized staring at my package. She literally shook her head, laughed, and said sorry. I smiled back and played it cool saying, “no worries”, and headed to my office. As I mentioned I also sleep there so I boot up my computer and begin to change. I didn’t shut the door mostly out of habit. I took off my shirt and sweats when I had to enter a password for work. There I was in my tight orange boxer briefs typing on my computer with a noticable bulge (not leaving much to the imagination). Then I hear a sweet voice from behind say, “I’m so sorry about earlier and I wanted to see if you wanted some coffee”. I turned to face her and just smiled. I swore she was going to drop the coffee right then and there.

This time I apologized because again I wasn’t trying to put on a show even though apparently I was. She sputtered a little but seemed understanding all while staring at my package. I thanked her for the coffee and went back to work. That evening when she was helping the kids I noticed something different right away. Two things her usual yoga pants didn’t have her panty line I like to check out (maybe she packed some thongs) and she had pokie nipples. Of course when she bent over to help the kids with their homework I tried to sneak a peak. Oh my goodness! I could see her perky little nipples perfectly placed on her B cups. Now I was the one staring and I don’t know for how long but when my eyes traveled up to her clavicles, to her kissable neck, and then to her beautiful face I noticed she was staring back at me. What a freaking power move! I smiled and went right back to staring at my laptop.

That night while I was in my room watching a little TV before bed I got a text from Sharon: If you are going to keep checking me out I’d thought I’d give you a little more to see. After this morning I thought it would make us even. Also the rumors your wife had told us at our last lady’s night were TRUE! The girls are never going to believe me!

Me: What rumors?

Sharon: She just told us how big you were and how bad she felt about not being able to fit all of you in her mouth. I had always joked with her saying it was just because she had a small mouth.

Now me being down a few fingers of whisky and horny as hell from earlier I just sent back, “why don’t you come to my room and find out.” Now I may have been drunk but my heart starts racing. What did I just do? What if I misread her signals and she’s in her room packing her bag. What if she tells my wife? Not much I can do now so I start pouring more whisky and I hear a knock on my door. I turn and in walks Sharon in her shirt with pokie nipples visible, her yoga pants, and her hair pulled up.

In all the time Sharon has been at our house this is the first time she’s had her hair up and for whatever reason that’s what I say first. “You’ve got your hair up, it’s nice” She looks me straight in the eyes and says I don’t want it to get in my way. Then gives me the sexiest smirk I have ever seen. Immediately my dick gets the signal and begins to strain against my sweats. Her eyes drop from mine to my package, she licks her lips and smiles.

[This is where things get a little foggy so please feel free to ask questions in the comments maybe it’ll help jog my memory]

Sharon walked straight to me and places her hand on my package over my sweats. She looks me in the eyes and gives me a deep kiss. While she’s kissing me she hooks her thumbs over the waistband of my sweats and boxers. In one move she drops to her knees taking my pants with her. As my dick sprung from my pants some precum launched at her face which made her giggle. Then she let out a sensual moan I can only assume because of what was to come.

She moved in taking the head of my cock into her mouth. I sighed, threw my head back, closed my eyes, and braced myself with my hands on my desk. Now it had been a few months for me and oh my I forgot how great this felt. She was slowly getting comfortable bobbing up and down on me and then started to tilt her head a little right and then a little left. Then I felt something I had never felt before and looked down. Sharon’s face was against my body and my dick was fully engulfed in her mouth and throat. It felt like an eternity but I’m sure it was only for a few moments. She then pulled all the way off, gasped a few breaths, and then looked up at me and smiled with her chin covered in drool and precum. She casually wiped off her face and said, “Yeah, she just has a small mouth”.

Now I’m the one who is speechless, she stands up, and heads for the door. I start to talk, stammer really and by the time I get out, “no don’t leave” the door is shut. I’m left standing in my office still hard as hell and my mind is racing.

I pull up my pants and grab my glass when my phone buzzes and all I got is a wink from Sharon.

tl;dr; my wife’s bff comes to my house to help take care of her and my family and ends up deepthroating me

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e48jdh/my_wifes_friend_was_in_town


  1. Any other instances happen?
    Did she take any cloths off and show anymore to you or just a quick suck and leave?

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