Mary’s Adventure, Part 4.5 of 6 [FM]

Part 1 is [here.](


I blinked a few times, breathing hard. I heard R’s deep, beautiful, kind laughter, and I was suddenly aware that I wasn’t holding the wine glass any more. I looked over at R, who was holding both, smiling a comforting smile. “Are you alright? The wine can sneak up on you if you are not prepared for it.” I just smiled. He was gorgeous, and we were alone. I should have had one foot on the brakes, ready to keep things under control, should the need arise. Fuck the brakes. We both knew what we were doing, why I was here. I half leaned in, half fell forward, either way, I ended up where I wanted to be, pressed against R’s surprisingly firm chest. He chuckled as I rubbed my hands over his torso, from his firm chest to his ribs to his rippling abs, where my hand lingered. I whimpered, involuntarily, recalling Frank’s slightly flabby stomach. I looked up, my hand flat against his stomach. He looked down at me, his smile somewhat faded, but that energy still in his eyes. In that moment, I was very happy we weren’t on a first name basis. With his physique and those eyes, through the drunken haze, if I’d had a name to hold on to, I might have just fallen in love. For now, lust was the ruling impulse as I closed the distance and placed my lips against the lips of a man who was not my husband’s for the first time since well before we had been married. It felt good. So good, I almost wept. It had been so long since I’d been kissed with half the passion R was pouring into our connection. I drunkenly climbed into his lap, straddling him, without breaking our connection. I got a small jolt, remembering that I had not worn panties, feeling the fabric of his pants against my bare pussy was a definite thrill, and when I realized I could feel him hardening beneath me, I began gyrating my hips involuntarily.

A small voice cried from the ashes of my inhibitions, a tiny voice of reason, so quiet that I could almost ignore it. Almost, but not quite. I wasn’t about to fully retreat, but I owed Frank one last chance. A kiss could be explained away, but I was minutes away from making an irreversible decision. I pulled back from the kiss, made more difficult by him biting my lip, another thing I didn’t know would drive me wild, but it very nearly destroyed the tiny voice of reason. “I need to use the restroom,” I slurred out as I pulled free from his gentle nibbling. He looked dazed, but nodded, helping me to my feet. I was definitely tipsy, but once I kicked off my heels, I was able to stand straight fairly easily. I grabbed my purse, and R gestured towards the bathroom door, located in the same place as in our room. As I turned away, I pulled my phone from my purse. I’d barely been able to get a firm grasp on it when I felt R’s large, strong hand on my backside, squeezing. He growled in my ear in that deep, accented voice of his.

“Hurry back, darling.” My phone slipped from my fingers, back into my purse. My purse fell to the floor. Fuck Frank. I didn’t care if he’d texted me a novel, telling me how much he loved me and couldn’t wait until I got home so that he could treat me the way I deserved. He wasn’t here, and R was. I spun around and tackled R to the floor. I didn’t care if it made me a no good harlot, nothing was going to stop me from doing exactly what I wanted. R was stunned when he hit the ground, but laughed, placing his hands on my hips, pinning me against his groin. I straightened up, flipping my hair out of my face in the process. I ran my hands down his chest and abs again before going back to the top and slowly unbuttoning his shirt, slowly bringing his godly physique into view. He had the body of a man in his 20s, without a hint of sagging or wrinkly skin. When I had the shirt fully unbuttoned and untucked from his pants, I let it fall open and spent a moment staring at it reverently, gently running my hands over the firm lines. I never thought I would see a man built like this, let alone have one ready to fuck me. In awe, I bent over and kissed right over his heart, gently. Then further down, and further, and further. I didn’t know what I was doing, but it felt right. When I reached his waist, I was as turned on as I’d ever been in my life. Even on my honeymoon, in anticipation of losing my virginity, I hadn’t been this ready to spring into action.

He reached down and unfastened his belt and the button, but left the rest for me. Slowly, I unzipped his pants. He wasn’t wearing any underwear. The fly of his pants was folded in such a way that I could only make out a hint of the base of his manhood, with nothing but skin showing above it. No fabric, no hair, neither of which Frank was daring enough to ever try. Even through the alcohol induced haze, I recognized what was about to happen. I stared at that expanse of flesh for a long while before muttering two words I hoped I wouldn’t regret.

“I’m married.”

“I beg your pardon?”

I tore my eyes away from his crotch, up to his face. “I’m married.” He was breathing heavily. He held up his hand to show his own wedding ring.
“I know. Me too. This is not romance, M. This is sex.” He hesitated. I could tell he didn’t want to say the next words, but he was a gentleman. Or, at least, as much of a gentleman as he could be while cheating on his wife. “Do you want to stop?”

I didn’t even stop to think before shaking my head in the negative. “No. Do you?” He shook his head without hesitation.

“My wife and I are very open. I assume you are the same?”

I frowned. “No. He’s…he’s home. He’s the only one I’ve ever…”

R sat up and put his hand to my mouth gently, shushing me, a world of understanding in his eyes. He moved around behind me with the agility and grace of a man much younger, unzipping my dress, letting fall from my shoulders to bunch around my waist. From behind, he wrapped his arms around me, gently cupping my breasts. “You are so beautiful, M,” he whispered into my ear, tweaking my nipples. My mind was swimming, and not just on the alcohol. He slowly kissed my neck while playing with my small, perky breasts. Each time he pinched my nipples was a revelatory experience. Frank never played with my breasts. I was there purely for his pleasure, and his pleasure tended to involve about 30 seconds of furious thrusting with no foreplay. This was uncharted territory, but I already knew I didn’t want to go back to the way things had been. Each tweak, each kiss, every touch of his skin on mine was a spark of pleasure. When his hands finally slipped over my flat stomach and into the puddle of fabric around my waist, finding their way through the maze to my bare-shaven pussy, it was like a religious experience, like I’d walked forty days through the desert to find salvation on the other side. As his fingers slid over my wetness for the first time, an involuntary shudder passed through me. It was almost too much for me to handle. I opened my mouth to tell him, but I sigh was all I could manage. As his fingers started tracing small circles around my clit, I surrendered, collapsing back into him. Somewhere in the recesses of my mind, it clicked that, by all but the most liberal definitions of the word, I had cheated on my husband.

All the anticipation of the day, from the time I saw R at the café, to waiting for Frank to respond to me, to the wine, combined with my encounter with Chris the day before, came to a head when R first brushed across my clit. A gentle brush, almost incidental, was all it took. Suddenly, I was on fire, a feeling of pure, white hot pleasure radiated from that one point. I could feel myself pushing myself against him, lifting my butt off the ground to intensify the contact, while various muscles in and around that area spasmed uncontrollably. My eyes were clenched shut, and I was vaguely aware of making a high, moaning sound. As I came back down, the white heat fading to a pleasant warm glow over my entire body, my eyes fluttered open. There, in front of me, was the picture window, with the utter beauty of the beach at St. Bart’s spread out in front of me. My first climax had come for all the world to see. I smiled. I wanted to laugh, but I didn’t have it in me. I was as relaxed as I could ever remember being.

R brought his hand from under the folds of my dress, soaked in my juices. I suddenly became aware of that aspect of my immense pleasure. I could feel the moisture on my legs, and on the part of my dress still trapped under me, and I knew this moisture, complete with its sweet and musky smell, was soaking into the carpet. I could feel my cheeks blushing as I weakly tried to stammer out an apology, but R would hear none of it. As soon as it became apparent what I was trying to say, he turned my head to the side and planted a searing kiss on my lips. I melted into it, clumsily turning myself around to face him, my breasts swinging free and the remainder of my dress falling free. I leaned into the kiss fully, not ever wanting R to stop. In the warm afterglow of my orgasm, it was like I had been unleashed, uncoiled. I had cheated, and life had continued. I hadn’t been flung into the fiery pit, I hadn’t sprouted horns, I was still just Mary. The same Mary, just more relaxed and happy. So, when this strong, chiseled man, over a decade my senior, scooped me into his arms and carried me into the bedroom, leaving my dress and purse behind, I was only vaguely aware that the old Mary would have been vastly uncomfortable with what I was leaving behind. The new Mary, the Mary I hoped was here to stay, was quietly excited by what was coming ahead.

“My God, you have a beautiful ass!” R had flung me onto the bed, setting me rolling happily onto the mattress and giving him a full view of my naked form from all angles for the first time. He crawled onto the bed, his pants refastened and clinging to his hips, and he rolled me onto my stomach. It was a sobering feeling. I’d always hated my butt. No matter how hard I tried, it always seemed to carry some extra fat, though it remained perky. Still, I thought it made me look fat or gross. I hated it. R, however, was entranced, experimenting with its jiggly properties. I swatted his hand away, which he honored, but he still wouldn’t look away from it. “You’ve probably never been fucked in the ass, have you?”

I shook my head. “My husband never seemed interested, and I’ve never really thought about…” I was cut short as his hand cracked off one of my butt cheeks with a loud smack. I cried out, not entirely in pain.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” He smiled sheepishly as he gently caressed the offended cheek. “It is marvelous, though. Too bad we don’t have time to properly open it up. I would love to be your first.” I wasn’t sure how I felt about the idea of anal sex. In his rich, deep tones, I was tempted to promise him all the time he’d need, but he slipped his fingers further down my crack, slipping over my still soaked pussy, sending new tremors through my body. “Are you ready for another round, or are you still recovering?”
I smiled and rolled over, spreading my legs ever so slightly. He got the message, but his response was not what I expected. What I expected was for him to drop his pants, ram himself inside me, cum quickly and then fall asleep. What he did instead was drop between my legs, his pants still on, and bury his face. I almost had enough time to wonder what he was doing before the world melted away. I couldn’t tell exactly what he was doing, but in the brief flashes of clarity I could snatch out of the sea of pleasure I found myself drowning in, I remembered seeing Gina my first night here, with that strange man’s face between her legs and her looking like the happiest girl in the world. I understood. Oh God and all his angels, I understood.

This wasn’t like with his fingers, this was more absolute, and with the tension wiped out by my orgasm, the urgency was gone, the edge had been lost, so rather than it being a cheating experience, or a matter of sexual release, I was able to lose myself in the experience and just enjoy finally enjoying sex absolutely.
I don’t know how long he stayed down there. It simultaneously felt like forever and not long enough. I was floating on a cloud, too blissfully happy to have been sinful, when I heard him whisper in my ear, “Are you ready?”

I giggled and nodded. I didn’t fully understand the question, but everything in this place was so wonderful, I couldn’t imagine saying no to anything. Something rubbed between my legs, up and down my slit, and then I felt the gentle pressure. Something was trying to enter me.
Something BIG.

My eyes flew open. There was R, between my legs, naked and pushing forward. I raised myself on my elbows, feeling drunk, not on the wine anymore, but the immense pleasure. There it was, shaved clean and easily at least double the size of Frank, no matter how you measured it. I opened my mouth to tell him I wasn’t sure it would fit, but just then, the head popped in, and all I could do was waggle my jaw and watch as, slowly, half inch by half inch, he pushed forward.

“Fuck, you’re TIGHT,” he hissed, through clenched teeth as he pulled back slightly and pushed forward again, making some headway.

“S-s-sorry,” I managed to grunt out as I was stretched in ways I’d never dreamed. After several agonizingly slow attempts, R buried himself to the hilt. Staring at our joining, a brief thought flittered through my mind: Even if I don’t tell Frank, there’s no way he won’t be able to tell how stretched out I am. I wasn’t sure, at that moment, that I could ever go back to Frank. This was the pinnacle of what sex could be. Or so I thought.

Then he started moving.

He slowly pulled out, his dick glistening with my juices, until only his head was still inside me, then he pushed forward, hard. It still took several seconds for him to push through my tightness. I held my breath the entire time. Then he repeated, pulling almost all the way out, then pushing forward again, faster this time. Then faster. Then faster, still. My elbows gave way and I fell back on the bed. It wasn’t the same as his oral attention, but it was still like a dream come true, and it was happening to me. With a growl, he hooked my legs over his shoulders, reaching forward and easily grasping my breasts in his hands as he fucked me like a jackhammer. The world outside the two of us ceased to exist. I had no memory of Gina, of Frank, of where we were. In that moment, I couldn’t remember my own name. I was getting fucked. Not having sex, not having love made to me, I was getting FUCKED, and it was all I ever wanted sex to be and more. Had I died right then, I would have been fine facing my maker naked and gloriously fucked. But all good things must come to an end.

“Are you protected?” The voice was gruff in my ear. Urgent, though I didn’t process the meaning immediately. A harsh pat on my cheek seized my attention, and I came back to reality. R was sweating and breathing hard. “Are you on the pill?” The words sank in that time. Right, this sort of thing has repercussions. I shook my head, and in one swift move, R pulled his entire length out of me, leaving me feeling horribly empty. He moved forward, his hand on his swollen member, twitching and ready to burst. His hand flew over it a couple times, and then, with a roar, he burst. Thick white ribbons shot out, more than Frank had cum in all our years of marriage, bathing me in his seed. I was used to a pathetic dribbling, but this, this was something else entirely. The first shot hit my chin, white hot, thick and sticky, leaving a trail down my entire torso. The next splattered over my chest, then my belly. Even after he was done shooting, his cock continued twitching, as if stubbornly insisting it wasn’t done. Quite unlike Frank, as well, it didn’t seem in a hurry to deflate. It was clear just looking at R that he was spent for quite some time, but his cock had not gotten the message. He stumbled back until he hit the pane glass window with a huff, and he sank to the floor.

For a long while, neither of us moved or said anything. The only sound was our breathing. Finally, R was able to regain his feet, approaching me and extending a hand. I accepted it, and he pulled me up to a sitting position. I used the momentum to get to my feet, feeling slightly bowlegged from where I still hadn’t fully gotten used to the emptiness. I tilted my chin up for a kiss, which he happily accepted. Just a chaste peck, though. It was clear that what was done was done. I savored an odd taste on his lips that hadn’t been there before. I realized after a couple seconds that it was me, my juices on his lips. The taste was not entirely unpleasant.

I walked out into the main area with R’s dried cum still covering me. I picked up my dress gingerly, the ache from my workout already setting in. As I slipped back into my dress, still wet from my orgasm, R offered to let me use his shower to clean myself up, or at least make myself presentable. I declined. I was only walking to the elevator, then back to my room. Plus, it was a bit of a naughty thrill, the idea that someone would see or smell me and know exactly what I had done. R walked me to the door and, with a firm grab of my ass, he let me go. I looked back, giggling, as R closed the door. I was as happy as I could ever remember being. Happy in my sin.

I walked down the hallway, reeking of sex, my purse in one hand, my high heels in the other. I looked just like Gina after a long night. The idea was not repulsive to me. As the elevator doors opened, an older woman stepped off and gave me a once over, a knowing smile on her face, before heading down the way I came. I like to think it was R’s wife, though I still can’t recall her face from the lobby.

I stepped back into the room like a woman victorious. Gina didn’t have to ask what happened, or how I felt about it. She greeted me with a genuine, deliriously happy grin. She didn’t care that I was covered in some man’s fluids, or that I smelled like a cheap hooker. My friend, Gina, held me tight before whisking me to the couch and sitting me down.

“Tell me everything,” she said, wide eyed and breathless.

Where could I even begin?


I’ll be posting a part a day until it’s all up. If you’re interested in a commissioned story, DM me for pricing and details.
