[FM] Hooked up with a work colleague, realized I’m kinkier than I thought [Part 3]

tl;dr summary of Part 1 (posted [from my perspective](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/cdptfa/fm_hooked_up_with_a_work_colleague_realized_im/) [F] and [from his](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ciqexa/fm_hooked_up_with_a_work_colleague_realized_im/)): we’re both PhD students in the natural sciences working on the same project at different universities, met in person at a workshop/conference, hooked up on the last night, ended up having sex outside for several hours with some BDSM vibes, including him ordering me to post about our encounter on this subreddit.

tl;dr summary of [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ceeei4/fm_hooked_up_with_a_work_colleague_realized_im/): short update that despite living thousands of miles apart, the sex was so good we decided to meet up again so he could help me explore my growing interest in BDSM.

So now Part 3 and Part 4: our actual reunion. It’s long, so I’ve split it in two. The more explicitly kinky shit happens in Part 4, which I’ll post tomorrow. I’ve also put in some headings to make it easier to scroll down and find “the good parts” if you hate exposition.


**The Set-up**

Soon after Simon and I made vague plans for one of us to visit the other, our advisors announced that we were both expected to attend an in-person meeting to be held at the university of a third professor leading the project. On the one hand this was great news: we would get to see each other soon, and the trip would be paid for. But it also complicated matters: we’d be in a work environment again, which was not what we’d been hoping for. After some discussion we decided to try to stay on the DL, because whatever we were doing was new and uncommitted, and “hey everyone, we’re casually fucking” didn’t seem very professional.

Thankfully we were able to book our own flights, so we made arrangements to arrive earlier in the day, giving us some time together before we had to face everyone else. Simon’s flight landed before mine, so he was waiting for me at baggage claim. I found him casually leaning against a pillar with a big grin on his face, his expression silently gloating that he’d been watching me for a while as I searched the crowd for him. We hugged hello and for a few seconds I felt time slow around me. Seeing him in person again was more of a shock than I’d anticipated, but perhaps not surprising since the last time we’d seen each other was after several hours of somewhat spontaneous, first-time fucking. (Though we’d texted nearly every day in the intervening months, we’d only skyped a couple times — and yes, gotten naked and gotten off, with the help of my new, remotely-operated vibrator.) But then we slipped into an easy conversation about our respective journeys, and it was like we were old friends.

We made our way to the hotel where we were staying, dropped off our bags at the front desk, and headed to a nearby bar to grab a beer while we waited for the rooms to be ready. The tone started out light and flirty. We chatted about the agenda for the meeting, which naturally led into discussion about the addendum that I’d made for us: a tentative list of activities for our play sessions each night, based largely on a couple of kink checklists that we’d both filled out, as well as my now frequent browsing of r/BDSMcommunity, and the discussions that followed. I’d even used the same letterhead and formatting as the official schedule, because I’m a fucking nerd, and of course he loved it, because he’s a fucking nerd too. On the docket for that first evening: “fun and relaxed vanilla sex” so that we could reconnect and establish a baseline before escalating to more extreme endevours.

By the time we arrived back to the hotel, several of our lab mates were in line to check in, so we made plans to meet up for dinner after settling into our rooms. When it was Simon’s turn to check in, we both read through the list of names and room numbers for everyone in the group reservation and exchanged a knowing look: by some miracle both he and I were the only people from our meeting with rooms on our respective floors. Whether coincidence, good karma, or some pervy power in the universe wanting us to fuck again as much as we did, this development would make the next few days much easier.

Dinner was lovely. We managed to play it cool in the group conversation and not let our impatience show as everyone lingered at the restaurant for another round of drinks. Not that I was particularly worried — as I said before, he has impeccable social skills — but it was good to get confirmation that our secret sexual relationship wouldn’t detrimentally affect the social dynamics for our work.

**Night 1: “Vanilla” Sex**

As soon as we got back to our rooms, we both immediately texted each other and made a plan: quick showers, then he would come up to my room. Putting clothes on seemed unnecessary considering the implied step #3, so I answered the door wearing just a towel. He made a joke about me being ready to go, and I replied that he had no idea. We sat down on the edge of the bed and continued flirting for a few minutes until he leaned over and kissed me. As we kissed my towel fell away and he began playing with my breasts, pinching my nipples, running his fingers up and down my bare neck and shoulders, and lightly pulling on my hair. After a few minutes I pulled away and told him that it wasn’t fair and he needed to get naked too. I moved back to lean against the headboard and watched him as he undressed.

The rest of the night is a blur. “Fun and relaxed vanilla sex” ended up being a moderately accurate description of what happened. As we were lying in bed and kissing, Simon played around with my body in a way that’s hard to describe, and that I could not replicate if my life depended on it. He moved my limbs with his, pinning them in various positions, slightly unnatural but never to the point of pain, like he was testing to see how much I would let him control me. It was forceful but exceedingly gentle at the same time, a physicality that felt like a blend of sex, ballroom dance, and wrestling. At one point he even put two fingers in my mouth and used them to move my head around, which I found weirdly erotic. He put his hands around my neck a few times but never squeezed. He went down on me for a long time, using his tongue on my clit and his fingers on my g-spot. I came twice, hard.

Of course, then I wanted to return the favor. After I spent some time playing around with my mouth on his cock and being in control, Simon transitioned to fucking my face. When I gagged lightly once, he taught me a trick to reduce the reflex and it worked amazing well: squeeze your thumbs hard with your pointer and middle fingers to make a kind of half-fist. A few minutes later I told him that I wanted to fuck. We started with him on top – his suggestion since in our conversations I’d complained once that I hadn’t gotten to see his face the first (and only other) time we’d fucked as it was all from behind. The feeling of him sliding inside me again was everything I’d been fantasizing about for the weeks leading up the meeting. When he seemed close, I reached down with my hand and began stroking my clit to bring myself to a third orgasm, and he came with me. As we lay in bed cuddling, my body pulsing occasionally with aftershocks, I commented that now we knew the first time wasn’t just a fluke based on the heightened circumstances, we really did have incredible sexual chemistry. I went to the bathroom to clean up, and when I came back to bed we set our alarms to go off in a depressingly short 6 hours, then fell asleep spooning.

When the alarms went off the next morning, Simon gave me a kiss and a squeeze, and then begrudgingly got out of bed and went back to his room to shower and get ready for the day. I ended up beating him to the hotel restaurant downstairs where we ate breakfast with our colleagues before heading to campus for the meeting.

The first day went well enough. We sat next to each other, and both managed to stay awake, pay attention to the presentations, and make some important contributions to the discussion, with only minimal contact under the table. During one of the breaks I pulled Simon aside and told him that I needed some time that evening to finish my presentation for the next day, so we’d have to start later, which he understood, of course.

**Evening 2: Some Elevator Shenanigans**

Dinner with the full group that evening was fun, but the travel and long day of discussion seemed to be catching up with everyone and we all headed back to the hotel early. The hotel elevator wasn’t big enough to fit everyone, so some people took the stairs, but Simon and I used it as a chance to get some alone time, saying we would wait for the next ride. Once again luck was on our side, and we ended up with just the two of us in the elevator. On the way up, Simon complained about how tired he was and let out a massive yawn. What happened next was based more on instinct than any rational chain of thought: I slapped him in the face, with enough force to shock him but not so much as to injure.

The slap had the intended effect: he was now wide awake and looking at me very intensely. I felt adrenaline flood my muscles and my heart rate increase, my body telling me that I was in danger, even though my brain knew I was safe. We stared at each other in silence as the the ding indicated we’d reached his floor, the doors opened, and then shut again. When the elevator began moving again, he asked me, very seriously, if that was the game that I wanted to play tonight and warned me to be careful. I smiled and replied that it had seemed like he needed something to wake him up, and I was doing him a favor. A few seconds later, the elevator dinged again, the doors opened on my floor, and he followed me down the hallway to my room, keeping his body inches from mine. As I slid the key into the door, I reminded him that I had work to do, and that I’d text him as soon as I was done. I’ll never forget the look of complete disbelief on his face as I stepped inside and shut the door, leaving him outside.

I immediately fell down onto my bed and let out a huge breath. Fuuuuuuuccck. I knew I’d made the right decision — I really did need to finish my slides and walk through the delivery a few times — but damn, I was having second thoughts. I’ve never seen a man so obviously want to fuck me into the ground the way Simon did in that moment. I’d challenged him, physically and unexpectedly, and he needed to show me the consequences for doing so. But I had work to do, and the intuition that those consequences would likely last for several hours, so instead I did a shockingly responsible thing and sent him away.

I sat down at my laptop and quickly became absorbed into my work, sexual desire replaced with anxiety about the next day. After an hour, I texted him that I was almost done, but also feeling pretty nervous and not up for anything new or intense tonight, despite what I’d written on the Addendum to the Agenda. I felt a little embarrassed and guilty about it, especially after the elevator stunt, but I asked if he was okay with a repeat of the night before. I wanted to be fully present for my first experience of a “real,” negotiated BDSM scene, and that was not a possibility tonight. He replied that of course that was okay, and I should just let him know when I was ready to come down to his room.

**Night 2: Actually Vanilla Sex**

Of course, Simon went above and beyond what I asked for. That second night was even more gentle than the first, the epitome of “fun and relaxed vanilla sex.” There was none of the physical manipulation from before, just both of us trying to make each other feel good with our bodies. He made me come with his mouth on my pussy, and I made him come with mine on his cock. Knowing that he rarely comes from oral sex made me especially motivated to give him that experience again, and I enjoyed every second, from the first lick to swallowing the final drop. Then it was my turn again, and after I came for the second time, we were both ready to fuck. We started with me on top: I love being in control and noticing all the little noises and facial expressions that a guy makes when you change the rhythm or the angle. Plus, I wanted to make sure that we tried all of the classic positions by the end of the meeting. Then Simon told me that he wanted me to come again, so I flipped over and told him to fuck me from behind, the best angle for hitting my g-spot, and which also conveniently allows me to reach my clit. We both orgasmed and collapsed next to each other on the bed. We cuddled for a while and then fell asleep with him wrapped around me.

Several hours later, I woke up to Simon kissing the back of my neck and lightly stroking my stomach. This was not surprising — we’d texted about how one of his favorite things was middle-of-the-night sleepy sex, and I’d given him the go-ahead in advance to try it, although I also warned him that I sleep like the dead and might not respond. I was still too drowsy to form words, but I gave a quiet moan and leaned back into his body to let him know that I was awake and very much approving of what he was doing. His hand slipped lower and lower, until his finger was lightly stroking my outer, and then inner, folds, and then teasing at the entrance. I reached behind me and grabbed at his cock, now rock solid and rubbing against my ass. I gave it a few awkward strokes — the angle was not good — and then shifted my body upward on the bed to maneuver his cock into a better position and encourage him to push inside me. Once he did, I could easily see why he liked it so much: these lazy thrusts were an exquisite contrast from earlier’s more frenzied fucking, and just like having sex puts you in an altered state of mind, having sex while half-asleep adds another level of being altered. There was no pressure for me to perform or do anything, I could just enjoy the sensation of being slowly and sensually fucked. I honestly don’t remember if I came again or not, but Simon definitely did, and we both fell back asleep soon after. When our alarms went off the next morning, it was my turn to grumpily get up, throw on my rumpled clothes, and sneak back to my room to get ready for the day.


Part 4 tomorrow. :)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e3n6wu/fm_hooked_up_with_a_work_colleague_realized_im