Leftover Loving [mf] [romantic] [creampie]

“I’m so thankful that you and your family could join us this year, Kari.”

“So am I, Mrs. Zale…more than I can possibly put into words.”

That heartfelt toast had capped off a very filling, very successful Thanksgiving dinner for Karianne Kayden. It was led by Erica Zale, the mother of her childhood friend turned high school sweetheart, Jeremy Zale. It made real something she thought she’d never experience again…a happy Thanksgiving feast.

Having just experienced it over the course of a very memorable Thanksgiving, Kari felt many emotions boil to the surface. She’d held back tears when Jeremy’s mother made that toast. She held back even more when her mother, a woman who’d spent the last three years recovering from a bitter divorce, stood up and hugged her friend and former college roommate. It was a powerful moment and one Kari still hadn’t processed.

“Being thankful on Thanksgiving again,” Kari pondered under her breath, “I almost forgot what it felt like. Just when I thought I’d never feel it again.”

She’d been in a festive daze since dessert at the Zale family home was served an hour ago. Long before that, she’d arrived at the house with her mother, her two older brothers, and her mother’s sister with a broken holiday spirit. She expected Jeremy and his extended family to go the extra mile to make Thanksgiving special for them, but she had no idea they’d succeed so wonderfully.

Three years ago – and on Thanksgiving, no less – Kari’s family and her world came crashing down. Even before that fateful day, it had been a poorly kept secret that her parents had a rocky relationship. They’d met in college and started a business together shortly after graduating. While the business was successful, it did not improve their marriage in the slightest. Over the years, they drifted further and further apart, leading to many heated fights and simmering resentment.

Jeremy and his family knew the details more than most. His mother had been friends with hers throughout that tumultuous relationship. It was part of why she and Jeremy spent so much time together as kids. It was their way of keeping her away from all the upheavals in her family. The sources of tension were many, ranging from disagreements over business dealings to alleged affairs that her father had with his female colleagues. Everyone from Jeremy to her older brothers tried to hide it from her, but they could only hide so much.

Kari didn’t have to know all the sordid details to know that her parents should’ve gotten divorced years ago. The only reason they stayed together was because of her and her siblings. In hindsight, that might have been a mistake and one that earned her the brunt of the drama. Both her older brothers moved out and went to colleges in other states as soon as they could. That left her alone in a house with resentful parents for six years of her teenage life.

Finally, it all collapsed on a fateful Thanksgiving morning. Her father and mother had their worst fight to date. It got so bad that her mother threw the turkey he’d been making out the window and her father took a baseball bat to the TV, stove, and dining room. He left the house after that and hadn’t been welcome back since.

“After that, how could I ever have a holiday spirit?” Kari wondered.

She ate chips and leftover tuna for Thanksgiving that year. The next day, her mother filed for divorce. She claimed that her and her father thought she’d been in the basement during that fight, but Kari suspected that was just her way of saving face. Both she and her father even admitted they hurt her the most by staying together longer than they should’ve. They each spent the next three years trying to heal the scars they’d left.

Time, therapy, and living in a house with less fighting helped, but Kari didn’t think she’d ever enjoy Thanksgiving again. Around that same time, however, her friendship with Jeremy changed. They went from a couple of long-time friends to something deeper. He’d been instrumental in helping her deal with her parents’ divorce. It seemed inevitable, yet fitting that they’d develop deeper feelings for one another.

Now, as she sat next to him on the couch, curled up to his side and resting her head on his shoulder, Kari marveled at how much those feelings had blossomed. Thanks to him, his mother, and their amazing effort to make the holidays feel special again, she felt so grateful to have him in her life.

“You get enough desert, Kari?” he asked, having just finished a piece of his father’s legendary cheesecake.

“I got plenty. Thank you,” Kari replied, still hiding the sea of emotions in her voice.

“You sure? Because you know you’re older brothers are going to eat the rest and fight anyone who tries to stop them,” Jeremy said, half-jokingly.

“Let them have it. They needed this as much as me.”

“But you needed it more,” he pointed out. “Even your mother agrees. You were due a perfect Thanksgiving.”

He lovingly kissed the side of her forehead and held her closer. He then watched with her as his parents, her mother, her older brothers, and Jeremy’s extended family gathered around the TV to watch the second half of the last Thanksgiving football game.

It was getting late. Some of his youngest cousins were already asleep in other rooms. Her older brothers, along with his aunts and uncles, were also somewhat tipsy after multiple servings of beer and wine. Her mother was sober, but Kari hadn’t seen her that happy in years. She and Jeremy’s mother stayed close on the other side of the room, laughing together like the good friends they were.

It was such a joyous, festive environment. They’d spent all day just hanging out, enjoying each other’s company, and feasting on a veritable buffet of Thanksgiving classics. It was everything Thanksgiving was supposed to be and everything she hadn’t experienced for years. The fact that it was almost over and hadn’t gone horribly wrong wasn’t just refreshing. It overwhelmed Kari in an unexpected way.

“Hey,” Jeremy said, noticing her disposition, “is everything okay?”

Kari felt his concerned gaze on her. She couldn’t hide the tears forming in her eyes. She turned towards him, if only to hide them from everyone else. When she looked at him, he just held her closer while caressing her face, looking at her with the love and concern she’d come to treasure.

At that moment, Kari came to a powerful realization. Thanksgiving was almost over. It had gone better than anything she could’ve hoped for, but there was still one way to make it truly special.

“You’re half-right, Jeremy,” she told him. “I was due. I needed something like this so much. My whole family did.”

“So why do you look like you’re about to burst into tears?” he asked with more concern.

“Because it’s not perfect yet,” Kari said, “but I know how to make it perfect.”

He cast her a curious gaze. Then, while everyone else was distracted by the game on the TV, she whispered into his ear.

“Make love to me,” she said to him. “Take me upstairs into your room and make love to me.”

Jeremy reacted with minor shock, but managed to hide it from their mothers and the rest of the family. His shock gave way to intrigue as soon as he realized how serious she was. Still holding her close, he leaned in and whispered back.

“Would that make this Thanksgiving perfect for you?” he asked her.

“Yes,” Kari said, without hesitation. “It would.”

“That’s all I needed to know.”

What unfolded next felt like an early Christmas miracle. Her wonderfully cunning boyfriend took her hand in his and with the utmost subtly, rose up from the couch with her. Nobody else in the living room noticed. Even their moms remained distracted. Between the multiple glasses of wine and the laughter from reminiscing their college years, they weren’t inclined to notice.

Carrying himself like nothing was amiss, he led her out of the living room, through the kitchen, and into the foyer. Along the way, he cast her a sneaky grin and pressed his finger to his lips, encouraging more cunning as they neared the stairs. Kari got the message and smiled back. She didn’t even make eye contact with Jeremy’s cousins, who were in the den playing video games.

As soon as they reached the stairs, the need for subtlety and stealth faded. Once they were out of sight from parents and relatives, Jeremy moved with more urgency. He even gave her hand a firm squeeze, as if to let her know she could stop hiding it. Like a dam starting to crack, those feelings she’d barely managed all day started to come out.

“We’re really doing this,” Kari said. “You’re really this dedicated to making this day perfect.”

“Of course, I am,” Jeremy replied. “You’re my girl. How could I do any less?”

Kari swore she could’ve married him right there in the middle of the stairwell. She managed to hold off on wedding plans just long enough to follow him to the top of the stairs and down the hall to his bedroom.

It was the same bedroom they’d hung out in many times before, both as kids and as lovers. Typically, she and Jeremy never got intimate in his bedroom when his parents were in the house. It was an unwritten rule, but one they’d never broken since they first got together. That was about to change.

“Kari,” Jeremy said, already short of breath as they stood in his bedroom doorway, “before we go any further, I need to know this will be enough.”

“Enough for what?” she asked. “I already told you this will make this day perfect.”

“It’s not just that. I need to know that this will finally do it. This will help you enjoy Thanksgiving and the holidays once again. I’m serious. I want that for you. I’ve seen how sad and miserable you’ve been during this time of year. I want that to end…and I want to help end it.”

Kari’s emotions temporarily muted her voice. Standing in her lover’s arms, looking into those wonderfully sincere eyes of his, she was once again at a loss. She already knew she was in love with Jeremy, but this moment proved that this was no teenage crush.

Their love was real. Jeremy wasn’t just some guy who got her heart and hormones racing. He wanted to make her life better than it had been. He wanted to share his life with hers. Inviting her family to join his on Thanksgiving was a grand gesture that helped mend her wounded holiday spirit. Even after everything he’d done, he still had enough love to offer one more.

“Jeremy,” Kari said, finally finding her voice, “three years ago, I didn’t think it was possible to enjoy the holidays again. I almost accepted that the painful memories of that day would never leave me.”

“Almost?” he questioned.

“I held out a faint sliver of hope that would one day change,” she said. “I can’t tell you how close I came to losing it. But then you had to be there for me…to help me, hold me, and love me.”

“And I still here,” he said. “I want to keep being there for you.”

“Then help me make a new memory for this holiday…a great memory to cap off a wonderful Thanksgiving with my wonderful boyfriend.”

A heavy silence fell over them. More tears formed in Kari’s eyes, but Jeremy gently wiped them away. He didn’t need to say another word. He looked convinced. There were plenty of other things Kari wanted to tell him after three years of heart-wrenching melodrama, but there was only so much she could put into words.

Tonight, in the spirit of the holidays, she preferred to let her actions do the talking.

“Okay,” he said to her, breaking the silence. “Consider this the ultimate nightcap to a new Thanksgiving tradition…one I hope to share for many years to come.”

“Now, you’re rousing my holiday spirit and making me horny,” she said, managing a joyous smile through the heartfelt tears.

“What can I say? When it comes to loving my girl on the holidays, I like to multitask!”

The mood lightened, but the passions intensified. There were no more reservations. She and Jeremy were going to make love in the waning hours of Thanksgiving.

Having embraced that holiday spirit, Jeremy drew her into a kiss and led her into his bedroom. As soon as he kicked the door shut, their affectionate gestures escalated. The kiss became more heated. As their lips and tongues twirled together, they pawed and caressed one another within their tight embrace. It loosened their clothes while communicating their growing desire.

Before her legs failed her, Jeremy lifted her up in his arms and laid her down on his bed with the utmost care. He quickly joined her atop the soft sheets, but not before slipping his shirt off over his head and removing his belt. When he kissed her again, she pawed his exposed flesh more eagerly, heightening the intimacy every step of the way.

From such intimate contact came more targeted arousal. The heat that started in her heart had found its way to her inner thighs. In the midst of all the kissing and touching, she began undressing as well and Jeremy, like a true gentleman, helped out every step of the way.

“Off! My clothes…get them off!” Kari said.

There was an urgency in her tone. She’d never approached intimacy with such desperation. Even on their prom night, which also happened to be the first time they had sex, she hadn’t been this driven. The circumstances of this fateful Thanksgiving were very different.

Regardless of those differences, Jeremy matched her intensity every step of the way. He worked on getting her pants off while she removed her shirt and bra. They fumbled around a bit, ruffling her hair and messing up the sheets of his bed. That didn’t stop her from getting everything off in record time.

Almost immediately after tossing her panties aside, Kari pulled her lover back into her arms. The feeling of her exposed breasts pressing up against his bear chest triggered more arousal. It also prompted her to get Jeremy as naked as her.

“Kari…my pants,” he said, already breathless.

“Here, allow me,” she said seductively.

With more care and coordination this time, Kari rolled Jeremy over so that he was on his back. Even in the low lighting of his room, she could see a noticeable bulge in his pants. Rather than tease or tempt him, as she often did in the other passionate moments they’d shared, she pulled his pants and boxers off as quickly as her trembling hands allowed. Once off, she tossed them across the room into the pile of wrinkled-up clothes that had accumulated on the bed.

For a brief moment, Kari caught her breath with him as they renewed their heated embrace. Sitting upright in the center of the bed, the air around them thick with desire passion, she gazed into his eyes with a fresh round of simmering emotions. Now unencumbered by clothes, she could feel the full extent of his naked body against hers.

Arousal quickly caught up with their desires. Kari could already feel his manhood pressing up against her thigh, becoming hard and rigid. She made sure he knew how wet she was, guiding his hands over her waist and hips. As he took in the moment with her, she wrapped both arms around his neck and soaked in his loving warmth. She sensed their arousal catching up with

“Jeremy,” she said, “I want this…for me and for us.”

“I want it too,” Jeremy said, his voice laced with desire. “God, I want it so much.”

“Then, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, let’s share it!”

He cast her a beaming smile. It was the perfect sentiment for the perfect day. As much as she’d come to revile that same day in the past three years, Kari saw a clear sign in the eyes of her lover. Her attitude towards Thanksgiving was about to change.

“Share it,” Jeremey repeated in an impassioned, “now, that’s the mark of a renewed holiday spirit!”

She smiled back at him. From there, they followed their passions and a new kind of holiday magic took over.

Jeremy set the tone. He kissed her again, pulled back the sheets of his bed, and led her into the soft linens in which they could nurture an intimate heat. A brief, but heated make-out session followed.

As their lips and tongues became affectionately enmeshed, they touched and explored their naked features. Jeremy felt up her hips, fondled her breasts, and gave her nipples light pinches, which he knew she loved. She returned the favor by rubbing her thigh against his penis and softly trailing her fingers down his back, tickling and tantalizing him to build towards their final union.

That moment came sooner than expected. She and Jeremy were usually inclined to draw out the foreplay. They’d learned on their prom night that they really enjoyed the touching and making out portion of sex. Tonight, however, was different. There was no need to draw it out. Her heart, body, and soul were ready and so was his.

“Jeremy…take me,” she gasped as they got into position.

“Kari…” was all he got out in response.

Like two primal forces being drawn together, she and Jeremy aligned their bodies in anticipation. He remained on top while she remained on her back, spreading her legs and drawing him into her most intimate domain. She could already feel his member pressing up against the outer folds of her womanhood. She’d never wanted to share herself so complete with another human being.

Finally, in the spirit of giving and thanks, her love entered her.

“Oohhh God!” Kari gasped.

In an instant, their bodies merged in literal and figurative melding of passions. He was gentle and careful, as always. He guided his length into her, allowing her folds to stretch and engulf his manly flesh. As soon as their union was complete, the next phase of their holiday miracle commenced.

“I’m so thankful, Kari…thankful for our love,” Jeremy said to her.

“Thankful indeed!” she said with joyous moans.

Their bodies began moving.

Her world began rocking.

Male and female flesh became entwined at its most basic level.

She and Jeremy were officially making love. The heavy emotions that had led to this moment gave way to simpler feelings. They kissed, touched, and caressed as their sexual union morphed into a traditional lover’s dance.

Jeremy started things off slow, working his hips and pelvis to get a rhythm going. As Kari felt his dick slither smoothly inside her vagina, she supplemented his efforts every step of the way. She wrapped her legs around his waist, lifting her hips slightly in conjunction with every thrust. With each movement, sensations of ecstasy cascaded between them. The intangible warmth of Jeremy’s love mixed in with the very tangible sensations that came from their intimate act. It was as beautiful as it was pleasurable.

“Jeremy! Oohhh Jeremy! My love…so thankful,” Kari gasped

Encouraged, as well as impassioned, her lover intensified the pace of their sex. He moved with more urgency, working his body with hers at rate that rocked the bed as hard as it rocked her world. She met that intensity every step of the way, showering him with affectionate gestures and loving kisses.

From there, a perfect harmony of passions unfolded. Kari’s affectionate gestures and loving embrace perfectly complemented Jeremy focused desire and physical efforts. It felt so effortless and seamless, as though their bodies had been perfectly molded to complete one another. Every touch, thrust, and caress brought with it a fresh round of hot sensations, fanning the flames of lust that further empowered the love that fueled it.

As they shared in this harmonious dance, they dared to have a little fun. A moment that had been built on three years of holiday heartache suddenly became a joyous celebration. Under the now-ruffled sheets of the bed, they rolled together like the two reckless youths they still were at heart. She and Jeremy even laughed together as their lovemaking manifested in various forms and positions. They’d learned early on that there was no wrong way to make love. They simply followed the various whims and let their bodies keep up.

Between three years of lingering emotional burdens and energy from a holiday feast, Kari dared Jeremy to make their lovemaking last. As he often did, he rose to the occasion. He stayed with her in the moment, building towards a climax they could share and cherish together. When that moment finally came, she decided to offer one last holiday miracle.

“Jeremy…I’m ready,” Kari whispered into his ear as she neared her peak.

“Me…too,” her lover said, already panting heavily.

“Then, lie back. Let’s share…this final holiday treat…together!”

For the final push, they re-arranged their bodies one last time. This time, Jeremy laid on his back while Kari got on top of him. From that position, with their intimate flesh still entwined, she rode her lover with a focused vigor.

As she gyrated her hips, working his rigid flesh within her depths, she took his hands and enlaced their fingers together. In the dim lighting of the room, their eyes locked. Kari saw his loving eyes looking up at her while she rode him. She gazed back down at him with equal affection, as if to synchronize their passions for that final moment.

When that moment came, it was like the final miracle to complete this very special holiday.

“Ohhh Jeremy!” she cried out.

“Kari! Ohhh God!” Jeremy moaned.

It hit them both like a bolt of heavenly bliss. It was hard to tell who climaxed first, but Kari was fairly certain she got the shared ecstasy going.

As the orgasmic rush consumed her, she squeezed her lover’s hands and held them close to her chest. Within her core, a fireball of bliss erupted and spread out in all direction, rippling through every fiber of her being.

As Kari trembled under the weight of the feeling, she felt her lover descend into an orgasmic state of his own. She watched as his face became awash with ecstasy, his lower body tensing in accord with his release. She could feel his manly flesh throbbing inside her as their intimate fluids mixed together in a physical manifestation of their love. It turned an intangible sentiment into something real, like a gift they could cherish every Thanksgiving they shared together from that point forward.

“I love you, Jeremy,” she said, still holding his hands in hers.

“I love you too, Kari,” he said to her. “I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving.”

“I did, my love! I really, really did!”

The miracle was complete. No more words or sentiments were necessary. As they lingered together in their post-coital daze, Kari gave her lover one last affectionate kiss. It acted as the final dessert for a truly special holiday.

Now drained, physically as well as emotionally, Kari and Jeremy settled in for some much-needed rest. She remained under the covers with him, curled up in his loving warmth, taking in the grandeur of what she’d just shared with her lover.

“I’m so thankful for this…for everything,” she said as she prepared to nod off with her lover.

Three years ago, Kari thought Thanksgiving had been permanently tainted. Her family was broken. Her heart was broken. Her entire world seemed to be falling apart before her eyes. It was the lowest of low points. She thought she would never recover.

Now, three years later, that all changed. Thanks to the love of her family and a very special man in Jeremy Zale, her heart and her holiday spirit had never been stronger. For that, she would always be thankful.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/e2y9a2/leftover_loving_mf_romantic_creampie

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