Home Alone – Part 1 [mff][fiction][taboo][rape][nc]

“And don’t forget to water the plants dear.”

“I know mom, don’t worry about it okay?” I gently, but firmly, continued to guide my fussing mother towards the front door. 

“There’s plenty of food in the fridge. If you need anything, give us a call and we’ll be home as soon as we can.”

“I got it mom,” a bit of exasperation trickled into my voice. “Will you go have a good time already? Dad’s probably gonna leave without you.” As if on cue, a car horn beeped impatiently outside.

“Okay dear,” she leaned in for a hug goodbye as we finally reached the door. “You be good now alright? Take care of yourself and stay safe.” 

“Stop worrying and go enjoy your vacation. I’m an adult now, I can take care of myself.” I waved to their departing car until it turned at the end of the street before slamming the door closed. 

For the first time ever, my parents had left me home alone while they went on our annual two-week summer vacation by themselves. It’d taken a lot of planning to not only plant the idea in my parents’ minds but also for them to fully come around to embracing the idea. After all, now that I was 18, if they couldn’t trust me to take care of myself for two weeks, how would I possibly manage on my own during university once the fall semester began?

“Finally,” I said aloud to the empty house. Excitement trilled through me; I’d been eagerly awaiting this moment for the past few weeks, no, *months* even. Of course, I’d also had plenty of time to plan out exactly what I wanted to do and I had a whole list to work through – including throwing a full on house party Friday evening. But for now, it was time to indulge myself and enjoy my time alone…

Three hours and many orgasms later, I was rummaging through the fridge for a snack to satisfy my munchies. In the short time that I’d been home alone, I’d already concluded that I *loved* the freedom of being able to walk around butt naked. The latest porn video in my playlist was still playing on the living room’s 55-inch flat screen TV as I started assembling a sandwich. The steady stream of moans and other lewd sounds emanating from the living room was quickly becoming my preferred background noise. I hummed contentedly to myself while stacking layers of deli meat and cheese between bread, I even added a bit of leafy veg to appease the phantom nagging of my mom chiding me to eat my greens. 

Just as my delicious masterpiece was completed, the doorbell rang, startling me out of my blissful reverie. I scowled, annoyed that my peace and quiet had been disturbed. “No one’s home,” I muttered under my breath as I ignored the doorbell and instead quickly went into the living room to mute the television. It was probably a package being delivered, but just in case, the quiet should discourage anyone from lingering for too long.

I glanced at the TV and paused to watch for a bit, the sight of a tear-streaked blonde being thoroughly facefucked made my cock stir and I reached down to grip my growing chub. Even without sound, I watched, entranced, as her throat bulged from the girthy dick violating her mouth, saliva dribbling out in strands as her mascara smudged eyes started slowly rolling back into her head.

The doorbell rang again, and I cursed quietly under my breath. Who could it be? Quietly, I crept towards the front door but even before I looked through the peephole a familiar voice called out, followed by another ring of the doorbell this time accompanied with some loud knocking on the door. 

“Kyyyyle! Kyle, are you home? It’s me, Lara!” A stream of curses flowed through my mind, I didn’t even bother looking through the peephole and instead opted to plaster my naked body against the hallway. Better to not risk her knowing I was home. 

Lara lived down the street with her older sister, Stella. Stella and I have been in the same class since kindergarten. While Stella and I had a passing thing for each other, it never developed into anything past the occasional fling. We were still friends but never bothered to go out of our way to see each other.

That unfortunately didn’t apply to Lara. Six years younger than me, she constantly wanted my attention and would go out of her way to invite herself over. It was kind of cute to start with. I have to admit that I even liked the puppy love at first and found it flattering, but it quickly got out of hand as she turned into a nuisance. She was part of the reason why Stella and I never worked out; Lara was constantly getting in the way. 

“I guess he’s not home.” I visibly sagged with relief, only to perk up curiously when I heard another muffled voice reply softly. But it wasn’t worth alerting them to my presence just to find out who she was with. Instead, I waited until I heard the sound of their flip-flops fade before migrating back to the kitchen. Finally, I could enjoy my lunch and pick up where I left off with my playlist. 

Plodding barefoot back into the living room, plate of food in hand, I reached for the remote to unmute the TV when-

“Kyle!” I jumped in surprise, dropping my plate while also unmuting the TV at the same time. The unmistakable sound of squelching bodies slapping together accented with moaned screams of “*More daddy, harder!*” broke the silence as I looked over to the deck door and froze when I saw Lara and her best friend, Jessica, standing outside. 

Seeing Jessica, staring bashfully wide-eyed at me, her cheeks already starting to flush pink as she tried to shuffle away and hide behind Lara seemed to snap me back into action. “*Christ*, what the *fuck* Lara!” Anger bubbled over in my voice even as I covered myself with my hands while frantically searching around for my pants, or boxers, anything to hide myself from Lara’s prying eyes greedily gulping down the sight of my naked body.

“I *knew* you were home!” Lara crowed victoriously. Upon seeing just how mad I was, her tone quickly changed. “Sorry Kyle, we just wanted to use the pool.” The apology somehow seemed totally unapologetic. Her eyes kept drifting up and down my body with a coy little grin and she sweetly asked, “Do you want me to make you another sandwich?” 

_     _ _     _ _

Thirty minutes later and I was sitting by the pool in my boxers with a new plate of food on my lap while Lara and Jessica splashed a beach ball back and forth. A deep scowl marred my features as I munched furiously on my sandwich. I’d tried calling Lara’s house and Stella’s cell but no one answered. 

Admittedly, my initial rage had simmered down to plain annoyance at this point. At least they’d helped clean the mess in the living room and made me another sandwich. But I was still pissed that these brats had ruined my afternoon.

“C’mon Kyle, come play with us!” Lara playfully splashed some water in my direction.

“Just go home Lara,” I replied curtly, radiating annoyance as I finished my sandwich. 

“Aww, c’mon. Don’t be like that,” she pouted. “I just wanted to show you my new swimsuit, don’t you like it?” She struck a pose to show off her figure. I found myself begrudgingly giving her a once over. 

For a 12 year old, Lara was cute and would develop into an attractive woman eventually. Her medium-length wavy burgundy hair was tied up in a messy bun. A navy blue bikini with white polka dots and lacey frills accentuated the curves of her developing figure. It was the most scantily clad I’d ever seen her and it was hard to look away from her unblemished tanned skin.

“No,” I replied flatly. I wasn’t about to encourage her. My reply elicited a *hmph* from Lara as she put her hands on her hips poutily. My eyes slid over to curiously glance at Jessica’s swimsuit.

Jessica was Lara’s opposite. Whereas Lara was perpetually energetic and vivacious, Jessica was shy and soft-spoken. A year younger than Lara, she relied on her bestie to be her voice most of the time and would hide behind her the rest of the time. She seemed more than happy to hide in Lara’s shadow.

As if she noticed my attention had drifted from her, Lara scooted over to Jessica and pulled her out of the water. Jessica yelped in protest but Lara had a firm grip on her arm. “Isn’t my bikini nicer than Jessi’s?”

While Lara was cute, Jessica was beautiful. She had a natural refined elegance to her. If she weren’t so shy and anxious she’d probably be a great child model. Long blonde hair cascades down her back in waves. Her large green eyes are framed by lush eyelashes and her constant, doe-eyed expression always stirs up a mix of emotions in me. She wore a light violet one-piece bathing suit that flared out into a short frilly skirt. Unlike Lara, Jessica’s figure was still very much that of an adolescent; lithe, slender and flat with the promise of blossoming. While Lara was naturally tan, Jessica’s pale, almost luminescent skin, seemed like it’d burn even on a cloudy day.

“Cute,” I gave Jessica a sarcastic thumbs-up which made her look down in embarrassment. My positive response seemed to annoy Lara. “But which one of us is cuter?” She asked while striking another pose to show off her developing curves.

“E-eh?” Jessica blushed, obviously not wanting to be a part of this. Lara, on the other hand, kept bulldozing ahead. “Don’t you think I’m cute, Kyle? Look how much I’ve grown!” She ran her hands down her body, cupping her small breasts together to simulate cleavage while trying to show off her dainty waist, rounded hips and firm ass. 

Sometimes I forget that Lara’s not as innocent as she seems. A lot of it she copies from Stella and her friends, but she’s definitely surprised me with how much she knows – or *seems* to know. On my 16th birthday she blatantly asked if I’d like a blowjob as my present! Jessica, on the other hand, was a sheltered only child with overprotective parents.

It was clear that Lara was trying to be sensual but it came off as pathetic and I snorted in amusement. This enraged her, “Hmph! Jessi doesn’t even have boobs yet!” Reaching from behind, Lara’s hands planted against Jessica’s flat chest, massaging it in an attempt to show how Jessica couldn’t even fake any cleavage. Jessica’s pale cheeks flushed as she tried to hide herself, struggling against Lara. “Lara, s-stop it!”

I had to admit. I kind of liked the sight of Jessica being taken advantage of by Lara…but I wasn’t going to say that. “It’s not your appearance that matters,” I replied dryly. “You’re not *acting* cute, are you?”

She let go of Jessica, seemingly stung by my remark, and sank sulkily into the pool leaving only the top half of her head bobbing above water. Jessica followed suit and quickly squatted to splash down and presumably hide herself.

I smirked to myself, pleased despite how childish and petty snubbing Lara may be. After all, it was the small things in life that you appreciate most, right? Leaning back onto my lounge chair, I got comfortable. Sunbathing after lunch seemed like a good idea.

Left to their own devices, the two girls continued playing in the pool. With my eyes closed against the sunlight, their splashing sounds and intermittent giggles became pleasant background noise lulling me to sleep.

Just as I was about to doze off, I heard Lara instructing Jessica. “No, you have to use your feet like flippers! Point your toes, don’t just kick the water.”

It was an effort to get my eyes open, but curiosity got the better of me. Shaking off the tempting lull of sleep, I saw that Lara was holding Jessica’s hands as Jessica tried to propel herself forwards with her legs. At a glance, it was easy to see she wasn’t doing it correctly. Lara kept switching from encouraging her bestie to exasperation that bordered on condescending. Sitting up, I commented, “I didn’t know you couldn’t swim Jessi.” It felt odd to call her Jessica when Lara kept referring to her as Jessi.

Jessi struggled to reply, too busy trying to stay afloat. It seemed like Lara wasn’t babying her friend when it came to swimming lessons, there were no floating devices around to assist Jessi. “She’ll be swimming like a pro by the end of summer!” Lara declared decisively.

I raised a brow skeptically. “Well, if you’re going to do that you’ll want to make sure she can at least float on her own first.” Getting up, I stretched and felt my back and neck crack satisfyingly. I could feel Lara’s eyes on me but I was mostly curious about whether I had Jessi’s attention. “Want me to show you?”

Lara bristled at my offer, cutting Jessi off before she could even reply. “I can teach Jessi by myself! She’s going to be swimming like a pro soon!” I suppressed a smirk, was she jealous of the attention I was giving Jessi?

I shrugged, part of me had expected that. “Well,” walking over to the storage bin where we kept all our pool accessories, I pulled out a swimming board and tossed it to them. “You might want to start from the basics first.”

I walked over to the hot tub adjacent to the pool as they continued their lessons. It was too warm to bother heating it up, instead, I turned the jets on and eased into it with a contented sigh as the water pressure massaged my lower back. The hot tub was above ground meaning I had a great view of the girls in the pool. Lara was showing Jessi how to use the kickboard and swim with it. Much splashing ensued as Jessi tried her best to kick herself forwards without actually going anywhere. After a while, an exasperated Lara decided to try a different approach. Part of me couldn’t help but feel a little smug as she followed my suggestion.

Lara was holding Jessi’s hands while she attempted to float on her back, but Jessi’s legs and lower half kept sinking. “You need to *float* Jessi! Don’t just hang onto me.” Jessi panted back, “I-I’m trying!”

“You should hold her up from below,” I commented nonchalantly. Lara scowled at me but pursed her lips thoughtfully before taking my advice. Standing next to Jessi, she boosted Jessi’s lower half up. Jessi flailed, surprised, and her face went underwater with a startled cry. I chuckled and held my arms up wide. “You gotta hold her up evenly, like this.”

Jessi popped back up with a splutter and the two tried again, this time managing it successfully. I gave Lara a thumbs-up and she beamed back happily. It was amusing to see Lara taking her role as “teacher” so seriously. A few moments later Jessi squealed a surprised “L-Lara! What are you-” 

“This way you’ll know when you start sinking! Pay attention to your form.” Jessi nodded meekly in reply. I watched with interest now, what was going on? From what I could see, it looked like every time Jessi’s lower half started to dip down, something would make her jump and flail. I started to form a guess but…”What’s happening over there?” I asked, genuinely intrigued.

Lara shot me a sly look. “I dunno,” she said innocently. “You should come find out.”

Stretching my arms above my head, I made a show of settling into the hot tub. “Nah, I’m pretty comfortable here.” But my steady gaze on them probably said a different story. Lara must’ve picked up on my unspoken interest because she dropped Jessi who yelped before sinking. She quickly reemerged and sputtered “Lara, why did yo-”

“C’mon Jessi, we’re gonna practice in the hot tub instead!” Lara grabbed Jessi’s arm and tugged her towards the edge of the pool towards me. 

“What? Why?” Jessi followed obediently, treading water as Lara pulled her along. I watched as the two approached and climbed up the steps. “Because,” Lara declared matter-of-factly, “the hot tub isn’t that deep so it should be easier!” Jessi didn’t look convinced but said nothing, meanwhile Lara looked thoroughly pleased with herself.

I said nothing as they got in the hot tub with me, trying to look uninterested at the intrusion. The tub was big enough to comfortably fit eight people with room to spare so while they had plenty of space to themselves, they were still close enough that I could see everything. 

Positioning themselves in the middle of the tub, they resumed practice. Jessi kept fidgeting and darting furtive glances over at me but Lara quickly proved to be more distracting as Jessi dutifully focused her attention back to floating. I took this chance to get a better look at what was eliciting Jessi’s curious reactions earlier. 

Every time Jessi’s lower half started to sink, Lara pinched and groped at Jessi’s ass. I realized I’d been watching intently for a while now. Looking up, Lara’s eyes locked onto mine. There was a little smile on her face and I knew she’d seen me watching. Ironically enough, her “teaching method” actually seemed to be effective as Jessi was managing to float relatively successfully on her own now. 

“See? You’re doing it!” Lara stepped away to let Jessi float on her own.

“Am I…? I’m doing it?” It took a moment before Jessi realized. “I’m floating!” She floated for a bit before going under only to jump up and give Lara a big hug. “I did it! Thank you Lara!” I gave Lara a single silent clap for a job well done.

“Now you have to learn how to float face down!”

“E-ehh? Bu-”

“If you can’t float face down how are you going to swim properly? You need to know how to breathe while swimming!” 

“I guess…that makes sense…” Jessi’s worried expression returned. She obviously wasn’t comfortable with the idea of having her face submerged.

“It’s easy! You just have to do this,” and Lara demonstrated. She actually managed to hold her breath for quite a while, maybe even for an entire minute, before popping back up. “See? Easy. Now you.”

Taking a deep breath, Jessi dunked herself face-first into the water before letting her legs float up behind her. She was definitely floating, but she quickly tilted her head back to try to get more air, only to inhale water as she hadn’t leaned back far enough. I tried not to chuckle as she coughed and spluttered.

Lara didn’t seem discouraged. “You have to *relax*. Don’t be scared of the water! Just float and hold your breath, let your arms and legs relax and dangle.” This time, as Jessi floated, Lara held her up from below so that Jessi was able to easily tilt her head up for air when needed. At first I thought Jessi was being overly paranoid of having her face submerged because she kept squirming and coming up for air way too often. But then I noticed Lara looking straight at me with that smile on her face again. What was she up to?

It was hard to notice, but Lara had Jessi positioned so she was floating in front of one of the jets. I could imagine that Jessi was probably squirming from the feeling of the water pressure rubbing against her ass and smooth lips. Even though I couldn’t see it, I guessed from the way Lara’s arms were positioned that her hands were probably resting against, no…maybe *groping*, Jessi’s mound and chest. 

Maybe it was Lara’s steady, meaningful glances in my direction while she molested her best friend for…*my* benefit? Maybe it was how vulnerable Jessi was, how easily she gave in to Lara with little to no resistance and accepted her fate despite questioning the decisions made for her. Whatever it was, the show unfurling before me was interesting to me in more ways than one and I could feel myself slowly getting excited.

Once again, Jessi was proving herself to be very adaptable and she was picking up on how to float and change breath. Her cheeks were flushed but it was hard to tell if it was from Lara’s groping or simply physical exertion.

“You’re doing great!” Lara chirped cheerily. “But you should be holding your breath longer.” With that, she repositioned herself so that she was only supporting Jessi’s chest while her other hand rested on top of Jessi’s head. Jessi’s bottom half started drooping downwards but Lara pulled her back so Jessi’s feet rested against the hot tub’s seats. Now she was even closer to the jet and her arms flailed out to grab onto and push away Lara as she struggled out of the water with a gasp.

“That was barely even five seconds Jessi! I didn’t even start counting yet!”

“Your hand surprised me!” She reached up to gingerly touch the back of her head. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was actually the sudden force of the jets bubbling against her crotch that had startled her.

“I put my hand there so you’ll know when to come up for air! I’m gonna count to five seconds, then I’ll take my hand away and you’ll know it’s been five seconds! Okay? Let’s see how many seconds you can do!”

Jessi looked dubious but seeing how I wasn’t objecting to Lara’s behavior she murmured a worried, “Okay.” 

This time everything progressed as promised. Lara slowly counted to five mississippis before lifting her hand and allowing Jessi to gasp for air. Five mississippis became ten, then fifteen. Sometimes Jessi’s head would bob up, trying to push up early, but Lara would hold her down firmly until she reached the next goal. 

My hand slipped down towards my crotch as I watched. Maybe it was because I’d spent the entire morning jerking off but this whole situation felt oddly…sexual to me. I couldn’t put my finger on why, I just knew that for once, Lara had my attention and I wanted to see where it went.

Still in my boxers, the wet cotton sticking to my skin didn’t do much to help hide my slowly growing erection. I tried rubbing myself subtly at first, but seeing that Lara seemed more focused on counting for Jessi, I grew bolder and started gripping myself through the fabric to slowly stroke my cock as I watched Jessi’s flushed face pant for breath. Her lips looked so soft and supple… 

It wasn’t until Lara had almost reached forty-five mississippis that I realized she was watching me. Her eyes glued to my hand stroking myself underwater. It wasn’t until Jessi flailed a bit in protest that we realized she’d stopped counting. But instead of immediately letting go, Lara kept a firm grip which made Jessi struggle more violently. Lara’s eyes never left mine; it was like she was silently seeking my approval.

I said nothing, just stroked my now hard cock. I gave myself a tiny shudder of pleasure as I squeezed the tip in a firm grip. 

Lara must’ve noticed because she let go of Jessi who quickly erupted upwards out of the water, gasping and spluttering for air. “What *was* that Lara?!” For the first time since I’ve known Jessi, she seemed genuinely upset. 

“Nothing! I’m sorry,” Lara stepped away to give Jessi some room. “You just reached forty-five seconds and I got too excited!” 

Jessi still looked upset but quickly simmered down till she was back to her usual meek self. “I held my breath for forty-five seconds?”

“Yeah! You’re practically a pro now! I told you you could do it!” Despite everything, Jessi actually looked pleased with herself and her cherubic face was practically glowing. I joined in and clapped for Jessi, giving the girls two thumbs up.

“But!” Lara interrupted before continuing on matter-of-factly. “Swimming’s not always going to be this easy. Most of the time it’ll be in a crowded pool, or in the ocean! It won’t be all clean and empty like this. If you *really* want to swim properly, you’ll have to be able to swim with distractions!” 

Even I had to admit, Lara was making a pretty good point. “Especially in the ocean,” I added thoughtfully. 

Jessi’s glow of happiness had faded as she nodded along solemnly to our conversation. “I hate being in the ocean,” she offered timidly.  We both looked at her, surprised at this rare outburst. Jessi looked down awkwardly when she noticed our gazes on her. “Uhm, I just,” she continued, stammering shyly, before making a face and finishing her sentence in a rush. “I just hate when something brushes up against me and I-I think it’s a sea creature!” 

There was a moment of silence before Jessi splashed down to sit in the hot tub, obviously embarrassed with herself. Meanwhile Lara burst out laughing and I could feel a grin tugging at my lips. Jessi was such a cute girly girl, it was endearingly adorable. It made me want to protect her. It made me want to…I tried to push away the darker thoughts and desires I harbored. Tried to ignore how a part of me yearned to corrupt her innocence. Push at her limits, bend her to my will, crush her beneath me…

Her pale cheeks were flushed and she was staring intently down at the bubbling water as if she could find a hole to sink into and disappear. I liked the way she chewed worriedly on her bottom lip as she tried not to pout. 

“I hate that too actually,” I offered helpfully. Jessi looked up in surprise before her glance quickly flitted away again. Lara simply looked at me, head tilted slightly to the side in curiosity. Her steady gaze focusing on me whenever I interacted with Jessi felt strangely clinical. As if Lara were scrutinizing us under a microscope, trying to dissect every word, extract meaning from every gesture. It’d be unnerving if I didn’t know that she was simply jealous of the attention I was giving Jessi. “It’s always a relief when I look down and see that it’s just seaweed, but you never know.” I shrugged and shot Jessi a reassuring grin.

And it was true. You never knew. The ocean was full of life and life always came with surprises. Sometimes in the form of jellyfish or sharks. Meanwhile, the worst offender in my outdoor salt water pool and hot tub was usually the occasional stray leaf floating in the water.

[continued in [Part Two](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/e1tz5y/home_alone_part_2_mfffictiontaboorapenc/)…]

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/e1txgn/home_alone_part_1_mfffictiontaboorapenc