The Teacher’s Assistant [Mf] [nc]

I sat in class, Algebra. Ugh. I hated Algebra, it was boring and would never be useful in real life. Not to mention the teacher was horrible at teaching it. He seemed to have a personal vendetta against answering questions “look in your book” or “we just went over that, pay attention.” Where the common responses Whenever I asked anything. So I stopped asking, and my grade went down. Well, maybe it went down because of my spite also. But whatever. that’s when the teacher’s assistant first took note of me.

Most of the time he sat behind his desk in the front corner of the room, grading papers or whatever it is teacher assistants do. On the first day of class he introduced himself. He was in college and wanted to be a social studies teacher. He claimed he was a T.A for Mr. smith for some “firsthand experience” or something like that. He never spoke much, and definitely not to me.

Mr. Smith had instructed him to help me, saying my bad grade was bringing down the class average. That was literally one of the questions on the board.

Take this data set and calculate the average grade. Than recalculate with the lowest grade removed. By what percentage does the class average increase?

Robby: 99%

Mark: 94%

Derick: 82%

Joy: 80

Samantha 56%

I felt tears in my eyes. This was Bullshit. I was done. I stood up and asked Mr. smith If I could go to the restroom. Well, I more told him than asked. I didn’t wait for an answer before I was out the door. As soon as I got there I sat in a stall and cried. The tears fell freely from my eyes. I had been humiliated, for no rhyme or reason. Just because It seemed. I don’t know how long I sat there, 5 minutes maybe, before I head the door open.

To my surprises I heard the T.As gruff voice called out. “Mr. smith sent me to check on you. Are you ok?”

NO! I wanted to scream, but I withheld. Of course, I wasn’t ok, who would be ok in this situation? “ I’m fine” I managed to get out between the tears rolling down my cheek. I expected him to leave, or maybe

say something. But he did nether. He sort of just stood there. “ is that all” I asked.

“ I’m not sure you are ok. I just want to make sure you’re ok” ok, that’s a little odd. I opened the stall door and walked out. It was weird seeing a boy in the girls bathroom. He just looked out of place.

“Oh. You’ve been crying. I’m sorry. “He took a step closer to me.

“Ya I guess. “ was all I was able to croak out in response.

“your pretty when you cry” he reached out with his hand traced his fingers down the streaks of tears on my face. What the fuck was all I was able to think. Was this really happing? I was sufficiently creeped out at this point. “Um… thanks” I said, taking a step towards the door.

His hand grasped my wrist. I looked at him, no words were spoken, none where needed. I yanked my hand as hard as I could, but his clasp was too tight. He grabbed at my breasts with his other hand. I tried to push him away, but he was so much bigger than I was. He pushed me back like he was saying; anything you do I can do better. He pushed me hard. I stumbled back into the bathroom stall. His body pushed against mine in the confined stall. He pushed my hands against the stall wall and began to kiss my neck. I whimpered out a light “no” but he didn’t care. He trapped both my arms with his one. My shirt got ripped off as his other hand went lower, into my pants. I felt him force a finger inside of me. I scream louder this time” NO”. He pulled his hand out from below, and for a moment I thought maybe I had gotten thought to him. But I was wrong. He slapped me hard, and told me that If I made any more noises he would hurt me. I believed him.

He unbuckled his paints. I squirmed, trying to escape, but he was so large. He pulled one of my hands down to his crotch. He closed my hand around his cock. Then put his hands around my throat.

“Stoke or ill squeeze. You slut” I did as he commanded. I stroked him as fast as I could. He dropped a hand and slipped a finger back inside of me. I didn’t mean to, but the slighting moan escaped my lips. That prompted him.

“Oh you like that you slut? Just you wait.”

He pulled my pants and underwear to my ankles before turning me around. He entered me in an instant. It felt like he was tearing me apart. Fuck, he might have been. He moaned as he rhythmically humped me. His hands found their way to my breasts and time seemed to slow, I have no clue how long we went like that. But it felt like a lifetime.

He pulled out and flipped me around again. I looked him in the eyes. He had the slightest dew of sweet on his brow. he placed one hand on my ass and the other on my right breast and kissed me. It was a deep, lusty kiss. He moved his hands to my shoulders and pushed down. I slid down the wall onto my knees.

My lips spit for his hard cock as he pushed himself into my mouth. It had a sour flavor. It wasn’t too bad at first, but he went faster, and deeper. my gag reflex reacted violently, my body was screaming what are you doing! Vomit now please!

He grabbed my head with both hands and pushed my face into his shaft. I felt him shiver before he exploded into my orifice, I wanted to spit it out, but he was still down my throat. I thought I was going to pass out before he finally pulled out. I went to the toilet and immediately vomited. He was breathing heavily, leaned up against the stall wall.

“fuck that was good. I’m going back to class. Clean up than rejoin as well. If you tell anyone about our little… encounter I will make you regret it.”

And just like that he was gone. I was nauseous as soon as I tried to stand. I fell back to my knees and gaged into the toilet. there was nothing left to threw up. Tears fell from my face into the toilet bowl. They were a different kind of tear than before, they were real. I stood up, bracing myself against the stall wall and pulled up my pants. I retrieved my shirt and slipped it over my shoulders. I cleaned the cum on my face up in the sink and walked out.

I stood in front of the classroom door. I didn’t want to enter, they would somehow see it. They would know I wasn’t pure anymore. They wouldn’t see a girl, they would see a slut. The door swung open in front of me, causing me to jump back. I was face to face with a girl, I wasn’t sure what her name was. She smiled at me and walked down the hall. I looked into the classroom. He was back in the corner, grading his papers. I took a step forward, and headed to my seat.

“Nice of you to join use Samantha. Take your seat please”

The T.A looked up and smiled at me. I took my seat and looked down at the worksheet. A single tear fell from my face.
