[MFM] My wife and I enjoyed our trip to Spain – pt 2

Sorry for the long delay, for better context on how my wife and I got to this point, here is the
[link to part 1](https://reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/de8tk7/mfm_my_wife_and_i_enjoyed_our_trip_to_spain/)

Our first evening with Pedro, a new friend (redditor) from Madrid ended with us lying in bed, exhausted from our encounter. Pedro eventually got up, his then-soft cock was still quite sizeable, swinging as he walked to get his clothes. We followed him to the door of our hotel room, promising we’d message tomorrow (our last day in Madrid). As we said goodbye he and I exchanged a somewhat awkward yet fitting hug, and he and my still-naked wife a much more natural kiss include a nice grope of her ass for him.

My wife and I returned to bed, both of us glowing and a little bit in “shock”. Our encounter had gone to plan, actually better than I had imagined for our experiment in a foreign country. We spooned and talked about what we had just experienced, both of us aroused. My hands roamed up and down her body while she very gently toyed with herself as we spoke.

For me, one of the standout moments was the increase in contact I had with Pedro. I had never really gotten so hands on with our previous partners, and while I wasn’t against it, it just wasn’t something that I had explored much prior. As we talked about things, my wife brought this up. As we spooned she said, “It was so hot when you grabbed Pedro’s cock and toyed with my clit, did you like holding him and stroking him for me?”.

The thought of those moments had me raging hard, “Mm, ya. I wasn’t really expecting it, but it was super hot. It was the first cock I’ve held other than my own.”

“I know babe, did you like it?”, she teased, “he’s kind of big too.”

At that point she wiggled back, my cock slipped in-between her legs and ran across her slick pussy. She’d been playing as we spoke and was completely wet. She started to move and thrust a bit, my cock running back and forth the length of her lips. “It was hot to watch you holding a cock babe… I didn’t know if I’d like it, but it was so hot… first your two cocks side by side, then you helping him to fuck me…”, her words trailed off as my cock slipped inside her.

Our conversation ended as we started fucking. I hadn’t been inside her during the whole experience, and it felt incredible to finally have her. Maybe it was psychological, but her pussy felt looser than normal. Maybe it was my head or maybe it was Pedro’s big cock that had been pleasuring her just a few minutes earlier.

We found our rhythm, my hand cupping her breast and the other pulling her hips towards me as I thrust. After a few minutes, I couldn’t stand it any further and started to cum inside her. As I moaned in her ear, she reached down and furiously rubbed her clit. I kept thrusting, my cock softening inside her, as she started to buck and thrust, her pussy squeezing my cock as she came one last time.


The next day was our final day in Madrid, we got up around 9 and went down to breakfast. As we finished up we sent Pedro a message thanking him for a great evening and asking if he felt like meeting up again at some point that day.

By the time we were back to our room he had replied, inviting us to have a pre-lunch drink a short walk from our hotel. Both of us eager to see him again, we quickly agreed and got ready for the day. I got dressed quickly(nothing too remarkable if I remember correctly- probably just jeans and a polo shirt), and my wife slipping into a fairly basic set of white bikini-style panties and bra, a kind of flowery blue summer dress, and finally slipping on a pair of sandals.

We headed out and did some shopping, getting gifts for family and some clothes/etc that we had been wanting. Stopped by the hotel to drop it off, and then headed to meet Pedro around 12pm. He had picked a nice cafe with lots of outdoor seating next to a small park. As we sat down, we began by covering all standard topics of conversation (how was your morning, the weather, the traffic in the city, etc), before my wife finally dropped: “thanks again for last night Pedro. I think you’re the biggest cock I’ve ever had!”

Pedro instantly turned red and smiled, “Oh really? I hope it was okay for you?”. From their our conversation pivoted to the bedroom completely, and we talked a bit about our experiences and he about his. As this carried on were were all undoubtedly getting a bit turned on by this frank discussion.

At one point my wife mentioned what she had told me the previous night, about how hot it was seeing me grab Pedro’s cock, and that Pedro was so comfortable with another man through the whole thing. This brought a grin to Pedro’s face as he asked me, “I hope it was good for you too 27dpp_… not too much?”

“No, it was great. That part was totally new for me, but I enjoyed the whole experience.” I reassured him.

We carried on chatting through a second round of drinks in the sun, before Pedro suggested we go for a walk through the park. We paid up and headed off, Pedro playing tour guide.

After a while we found ourselves in a quiet corner of the park and sat down on a bench under some trees, somewhat set back from the main path, to take a quick break. My wife sitting between us, my arm around her. After hitting a moment of silence in the conversation, she gave me a quick look for reassurance, before turning to Pedro and kissing him. I could see her hand now resting on his lap move slightly, surely she had found her target and wasn’t wasting much time.

Likely anticipating this moment, Pedro wasn’t wasting much time either, pulling my wife towards him and grabbing her around her chest, one of his hands fondling her breast. Meanwhile I was sat watching them, my arm now somewhat caught up between them, but really not a part of their moment.

After a while they broke from their kiss and Pedro remarked, “you are a very horny woman Mrs. 27dpp_” , to which we all laughed.

He continued, “I think you are probably very wet”. He lowered his hand to her thighs and began sliding it higher and higher, passing under her dress as he looked mischievously at both of us. My wife gasped and sat back, he had found his target. I was rock hard as this near stranger fingered my wife, middle of the day in a public park. “27dpp_, she’s very horny. Help me?”, Pedro smiled at me. I looked around, there was no-one near.

Fuck it, I reached down and followed his lead. He had one finger inside her and was rubbing her clit with thumb. I ran my index finger along her lips as he continued, but before long he grabbed my hand and essentially made me slip a finger inside her, the pushing his own along side mine. It was tight. A new experience for my wife and I, me and another man with our fingers inside her, my wife let out a gentle “mmmm” as we began slipping in and out of her slick pussy. The nervous side of me kept flipping between what was going on between us, and the fact we were in public(!), doing quick nervous scans for people nearby. Pedro clearly didn’t care and was focussed on making Mrs.27dpp_ cum, and it didn’t take long. After carrying on fingering her for another few minutes, Pedro and her kissing from time to time, she groaned and muttered that she was cumming. I felt a bit of a tightening of her pussy then she released. We both slid our hands away, everyone with a big grin on their face.

“We can go to my apartment or your hotel if you want”, Pedro offered. But before I could agree and get up, my wife replied, “not yet, it’s your turn”. Grinning she started rubbing her hand along his shaft. His cock was clearly visible pushing against his jeans. “Babe, make sure no one is coming”, she said to me as she turned her attention to Pedro.

Nervously I kept “guard”, looking back and forth between the path and what was occurring beside me. My wife undoing Pedro’s belt, and unzipping his jeans. Struggling to pull his thick long and hard shaft out. Finally succeeding, she very thoughtfully gave him a gentle first stroke, unfurling his foreskin slowly revealing his glistening swollen cock head. Then without a hesitation she began blowing him. Pedro was loving this. He was holding her hair, leaning back and smiling.

My wife carried on, fumbling a bit more to maneuver his balls out of his jeans and into the mix. She massaged them as she carried on bobbing up and down on his cock. Sitting beside her, I rubbed her back as she continued to pleasure him.

Rising up from his cock and looking across her shoulder at me, my wife caught her breath and said “27dpp_ , don’t you want to help me… like last night?….”. My heart raced, doing this in public was already a thrill/frightening enough, but I wasn’t expecting to get hands-on with Pedro, at least not yet. She placed her hand on top of my hand which was holding her side and pulled it until I was holding Pedro’s cock. Fuck.

He was smiling and watching us, not saying a word, clearly loving this. My hand wrapped around his member, my wife’s hand holding mine in place. She started to move our hands to stroke him, and leaned in to tongue his foreskin as we stroked. After a few strokes, she let go and repositioned. Sliding out from the middle of the bench and getting on her knees in front of Pedro, she kept blowing him, occasionally looking up at us.

I moved a bit closer, my hand beating off his thick cock, with each stroke his foreskin stretched past the head of his cock then snapped back into position as I pulled up. I wanked him in sync with my wife’s movements. Pedro was clearly enjoying this, and totally at ease in the park… I however was getting more and more nervous that we would get caught.

At one point Pedro caught my glances and gave me a rub on the shoulder, “it’s okay man, don’t worry”. Hearing that my wife got up and moved back to the bench, leaving me with my hand slowly stroking his cock. “Babe, I’ll keep an eye out, you keep going”, she said staring at me with a dirty look. Not wanting to ruin the vibes I kept stroking, my wife kissing Pedro and running her hands along his chest. Pedro kept giving moans of praise as I stroked, but it was clear it wasn’t going to get him there…

“Maybe we should make a move to our hotel and continue where it’s more comfortable”, I offered to both of them, ready to carry on more relaxed, out of the public eye. My wife looked at me with a naughty grin, “if you taste Pedro’s cock, we can go. I want you to try it.” My heart skipped a beat. We had talked about this, and I had thought about it, but didn’t anticipate yet another first…. In a park in Madrid. My hand squeezed and sped up my rhythm. Fuck. “Ok, but then we move to the hotel.”

Still sitting beside Pedro, I switched my hold on his cock from my right to left hand. Moving in slowly with my mouth, I licked my lips, closed my eyes and lowered my mouth onto my first cock. He was big and filled my mouth, I bopped up and down slightly to get him lubricated. Pedro moaned a bit as I did so, he was liking this change. I kept my eyes closed as I continued, first playing with my tongue, and as I got more and more comfortable with his cock, my movements carried on. I was certainly not able to take him in as far as my wife, but after a few minutes I could tell that he was enjoying it.

I pulled my mouth off, stroking him hard. “Mmm, fuck yes 27dpp_, that is very very nice”, Pedro muttered down at me. My wife put her hand on the back of my head, “just a bit more babe and we can go”, she pushed me gently down forcing my mouth on his cock. I closed my eyes again and said fuck it, and went to work, my tongue buried between his foreskin and head (a trick I loved on my own). He groaned, I kept working my tongue around, occasionally taking his cock a bit deeper in my mouth, stroking his shaft and changing my rhythm from time to time.

I was oblivious to my wife and Pedro, intent on my first blowjob, but out of nowhere I found my wife had joined me. She pushed away my hand and was licking his shaft below me. I gave way to her lead and she took over, taking him into her mouth and stroking fast. Then suddenly back to me. Mmm, she wanted to share this. We both alternated, probably 2 or 3 times before Pedro muttered a “si, si… mmmm”, and my wife inhaled his cock as he came. His hips bucking up towards us as he left his load in my wife’s warm waiting mouth.

I sat up and looked around, the coast was still clear (admittedly I had kind of forgotten my early fear for a moment). As my wife sat up from Pedro’s lap, she leaned across and pulled me in for a kiss. The smell of his load hit me first, and as our lips met, the taste of cum was unmistakable. My wife opened her mouth and essentially pushed his load into mine. A bit of cum dripping out the corners of our lips. She pulled away, leaving me, slightly shocked, with a small load of cum in my mouth. “You earned that babe,” she chirped with a sweet little smile on her face, “let’s go guys.” And with that she got up and headed towards the path.

I’m working on the final part of this day with Pedro, hopefully I’ll post it today or tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e13qlq/mfm_my_wife_and_i_enjoyed_our_trip_to_spain_pt_2


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