The girl next door loves to watch me [MF] I’m and exhibitionist, she’s a voyeur

So I’ve posted before about [I’ve been putting on a show for the neighbours.](

TLDR: All my neighbours are students, and the apartment with the best view is full of young women.

Lately I’ve gotten the feeling that the novelty of seeing me naked and/or masturbating has worn off on these women. Fair enough. I also had a run in with a peeping tom trying to jerk off right outside my window. So for the last two nights I’ve closed my curtains when it gets dark, then opened them just before bed.

Anyway, there is one bedroom that is positioned perfectly to see me in my bed, and the girl always leaves a small gap in her curtains to watch me through. First night with the curtains closed this girl leaves the viewing gap as usual.

Now the way my curtains hang leaves a gap which just happened to let me keep an eye on if my neighbours were looking into my apartment. Sounds creepy, but it was honestly just lucky positioning of my couch. So I catch her staring through this gap in her curtains repeatedly the whole night. I thought it might just be because she’d seen me looking, but I left it a long time between checking and she was often there.

So second night same dance, her looking and pretending not to. It gets late and she closes the gap. I then open my curtains before bed and within minutes she’d opened her curtains wider than usual. We’re talking 1am here. I was tired, so no show, just sleep.

Today I am trying to get work done, but she is making me so horny. I’ve got the curtains open beccause it’s the daytime. I had a shower, lay on the bed, caught her watching me a bit. I loved it. I move to my desk to work which is out of sight to her, but the big mirror in my apartment means I can still see their windows. Right now she is walking backwards and forwards in her bedroom, towards the opening in the curtains, peeking in every time. She’ll get bored every now and then since she can’t see me, stop, then start again a few minutes later. I can’t believe I’ve been this lucky as an exhibitionist to find a voyeur across the street.

EDIT: I saw she was pacing back and forwards, and timed my crossing of the room as I went to the bathroom. I’ve just got back to my desk and she has opened her curtains a lot wider. This is so hot.



  1. Write your address on a card large enough for her to read it. See if you can score.

  2. That’s fantastic. Had a group of college ladies in the house next to us at the beach. Made a point of letting them see us walking around nude and fucking.

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