[M] [F mast] [inc] My sister is on Tinder (Part 2)

Reddit, this just happened last night.

Following your advice, I decided to flirt with Rachel on Tinder. It wasn’t an easy choice, and in hindsight I don’t even know if it was the right one. But it’s the choice I made. And now I get to live with it. Please help me out again.

Once the decision was made, I fired up Tinder, and I wrote to her the best opener I could come up with.
I literally wrote “Generic boring opening message”
“lol generic intrigued response” she answered

From there it was basically on. I went on some kind of autopilot, pretending it wasn’t even my own sister I was chatting with.

“Slightly sexual punch line”
“I am oh so embarrassed”
“I’ll walk it back, but only slightly”
“Slightly slutty remark that shows I want it”
“Hint that I want it too”
“Meet me downstairs then silly” was the last thing she wrote before logging off

“Fuck fuck fuck!” I thought to myself “what now?”

Well, I took the bait and went downstairs. She was sitting on the couch, a blanket covering her up. We sat next to each other and started talking. It started off very innocent. Just chit chatting about her day, and mine. Life after the military. How I’m trying to get into private security for a change. She is hoping to intern with some local politician. Nothing too crazy really.

And then it veered. I don’t even know exactly how. But one minute she was telling me about the city manager of such and such small town looking for an intern, and the next minute she is telling me it’s been weeks without sex and it’s driving her crazy.

She started reminiscing. Her mind flying back to the days in college. She described it as a nice warm spring day. One of the first warm days, actually. She went out with this guy, Josh I think she said. Josh had tried to get her on a date for weeks. Finally she had caved. He was cute. He seemed smart and kind. Worth a try, basically. He took her to this nice restaurant, and then on the way back, they sat in the park. On a bench. He pointed her at the stars. Made up stories about constellations. And then leaned in for a kiss.

“I felt sparks” she said. “I don’t know if it was the weather being finally so nice and warm, the air soft on my skin, or something about his scent, or whatever, but I felt sparks fly all over my body. I knew I wouldn’t be able to say no to him that night. I was his. Whatever he wanted, he would get.”
“I never fucked on the first date”, she continued. “But I knew Josh would get to, if only he dared to try”

After a brief pause, I interjected. “Did he?”. My throat dry. My voice coarse. It was more than a brother needed to know. And yet I needed to know. I was staring right in front of me. Trying to avoid Rachel’s gaze. As if I could pretend she was not my sister that way.

“Well, first we made out. He was gentle. He was slow. He took his sweet sweet time with me. My mouth. My neck. Behind my earlobe. He really knew to push my buttons. By the time he was done, I was one giant puddle of arousal. I could feel my own wetness. I could smell it. I was horny”
“We laid down on the grass. He took my shirt off. I helped him unclasp my bra. And he had his way with my tits. He kissed them. He licked my nipples. Fuck they were so hard. I was whimpering. I was moaning. I could feel my legs try to clutch around him. I was basically begging him to fuck me. I don’t know how we was so slow and dedicated. At one point I even thought he had a tiny dick, or he was gonna cum in seconds, and he was trying to make up for it”

I laughed. And then I looked. At Rachel. I saw her eyes closed. Even in the darkness of the room, I could see her cheeks flushed. I could see her back slightly arched. And I could see the motion of her hand under the blanket. If her breathy voice wasn’t hint enough. If her gentle moans and her pauses pregnant with whimpers were not hint enough. Seeing it was believing it. I was sitting next to my sister while she told me about this mind blowing sex she had, and she was fucking herself to the memories.

She continued. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. “His hand slid into my panties”. She started describing how he finger fucked her. And I could see her motion. Her motion matching her words. “He started slowly. Teasing my clit. He found me so fucking wet. Drenched I tell you. I am usually very wet, but this was something else. Something else. Fuck how wet I was” she said. If I listened carefully, I could hear her juices gushing as she pounded her own vagina.

I wanted to do something. Anything. But I couldn’t. I wanted to feel her. I wanted to fuck her. But my own sister! How could I? So I did nothing. I let her continue. I watched. Did she know I was watching? I don’t know. But if she did, she gave me one hell of a show.

She told me about how finally she couldn’t take it anymore and she told Josh to “fuck me already”. How he didn’t bring a condom. “I didn’t think this would happen so quickly” he told her. “I don’t give a shit, fuck me anyway” she said.

“Did.. did he?” I asked
“It was like I pushed a button. Something clicked inside of him. He fucked me like an animal” she answered

“There was no respite. No mercy. Nothing. Just an animal in heat” she continued. And as she went closer and closer to the end of the story, her own orgasm approached. She twitched. She took longer and longer breaks to catch breath, to moan, to whimper. Her body tensed up. Her words finally became just a mixed mumble of scattered sentences and moans.

What I could gather from it all is that he came inside of her, and that feeling his cum shoot drove her to a crazy orgasm that lasted like forever. And on that note, she came. That night. Next to me. It seemed to last forever. It was a thing of beauty to watch.

“It starts from my toes” she said. “And then I see the stars shooting into the sky”. “And only then does it go to my vagina. It feels so warm. So strong. I think I squirted” she added.

And before standing up, she caressed my hair (with the same hand she used to fuck herself no less!) and she teased me that maybe next time I “could do a bit of a show and tell for her”

Reddit, what the fuck do I do? I think my sister wants to watch me fuck myself? I can’t go through with it, right? This is already more than I should have done!! Way more. Please tell me what to do Reddit!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/dzbabp/m_f_mast_inc_my_sister_is_on_tinder_part_2


  1. Absolutely you should go through with it! Stroke it for her but stop and grab her hand and make her do it.

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