Playing Footsies, Chapter 6 [MFFFF] [Foot Fetish]

Will awoke the next morning feeling better than he ever had in the longest time. His mind couldn’t stop playing last night over in his mind as he got dressed and almost skipped down the stairs for breakfast.

“Morning you.” Shivani greeted as he entered the kitchen. “Feeling good?”

Will chuckled. “More that you know.”

Vicki entered from the living room. “Good morning,” she said with a smile.

Will smiled at the blonde girl and looked past her into the living room. Madison glared at him from the table and Dani looked down at her breakfast as soon as she saw him looking. He couldn’t forget his encounter with Dani yesterday either.

He went into the cupboard and pulled down a bowl. “So how did the rest of your night go?” he asked Shivani.

She turned to him with a subtle smile. “Let’s just say that I now swing both ways.”

“Well, there you go.” Will poured cereal into his bowl and it tinkled musically. “I got off and you learned something new about yourself.”

Shivani winked and turned. Her foot came up and tapped his butt playfully as she walked away.

Vicki moved in beside him as he poured milk. “Thanks Will. Everything turned out perfectly.”

“I’m glad it worked out.”

“I owe you one.”

“I may just take you up on that one day,” Will said as ideas filled his head.

Vicki giggled as she exited the kitchen.

Will sat down at the table and Madison stood without a word. She quickly threw her dishes in the sink and disappeared.

“What’s up with her?” he asked Dani.

Dani smiled and took a tiny bite of her toast.

“Oh, how are you feeling today anyway?” He spooned some cereal into his mouth.

“I feel really good.” Her husky voice turned him on instantly. What it did to his body he just couldn’t explain. “I can’t stop thinking about it…”

“Neither can I.” Will smiled. He had too much to think about it was hard to keep up.

Dani’s checks turned red and it looked like she wanted to say something else. Will stayed quiet and waited for her to gain the confidence.

“I want… I want to do it again…” she whispered.

Will grinned. “Of course we can. Anytime you want.”

Dani chuckled awkwardly and promptly ran from the table in embarrassment, leaving her half eaten toast and tea behind.

Will shook his head and finished his breakfast.


The week went by in a flash and before Will knew it, it was the weekend. What was he going to do to celebrate a successful week in the new city? He woke up on Saturday after a long sleep in, ready for the next challenge. Could he achieve it this weekend?

Will got dressed and opened the laptop at his desk. 10am. He decided to do a little study before breakfast. He got lost in it until a knock at his door snapped him out.

He opened the door and Vicki waited smiling. “Morning. We are all going to the beach later. Keen to come?”

Will didn’t have to think about it. “Of course.”

Before he knew it he was in his swim suit and was walking out the front door with the four girls. They all had their flip flops on, even Madison, and he relished in stealing glances when he was sure no one was looking. As usual their toes all held their colour of choice. Vicki’s were red, Shivani’s green, Dani’s purple, and Madison’s were black. A colourful anklet hung loosely off Shivani’s ankle, enhancing the picture. Vicki had one too, hers was silver and sparkly.

They walked along the street as the warm sun bore down on them, kissing the skin gently and lovingly.

Will started off walking at the back of the group until Shivani paused and fell in beside him. “You’ll be loving this huh?” She smirked.

He chuckled and shook his head. “Sometimes I think it could be too distracting…”

“I’m sure you have the Will-power to resist.”

Will couldn’t help but laugh at the pun. “Hey, anything happening tonight?”

Shivani shrugged. “Not that I know of. Do you have some sort of diabolical plan?”

“Well, yeah.” Will nodded, his face straight. “I’m thinking… All of us in the spa tonight.”

“Ah, I see.” Shivani smiled. “I may be able to arrange something if you are prepared for a challenge?”

Will frowned. “Challenge?”

“Your mission is to make friends with Madison and have a real conversation with her.”

“What!?” Will cried. The other three girls turned in surprise. He lowered his voice. “That’s impossible. There’s no way I can do that.”

Shivani nodded. “That’s why it’s a challenge.”

“It can’t be done.” Will shook his head.

“Then I guess you don’t want the spa that bad then.” Shivani turned and walked ahead.

Will pondered. Why does she want him and Madison to be friends so badly? It didn’t seem to make sense. He did want that spa though so perhaps he could at least attempt it. He would kill himself if he missed the opportunity. He quickened his pace and fell in next to Madison.

The young woman rolled her eyes as she noticed him. “What do you want?”

“I just want to talk.” Will pleaded. “I’m sorry about what happened but it did and that’s that. It is what it is really.”

“You’re not sorry,” she scoffed. “You’re glad it happened. You enjoyed it.”

Will sighed. “Alright, I won’t lie. You know I loved it. I can’t help it, it’s just who I am. Don’t the guys you get with indulge you in your kink?”

Madison’s pale faced showed a taint of red. “Well… I guess I do indulge in some pretty weird stuff.”

“Well then, how can you hate me for what I like?”

Madison growled in submission. “Then I guess I’m sorry.”

Will shrugged. “Good enough for me.”

They chatted a while about study and life in the sunny beach side city and before they knew it, they had arrived at the sandy shore. Light waves rolled in, sending soft rushing to the ears.

“Ugh, why is this place always so nice?” Madison said with a frown.

“See,” Vicki said as she stopped next to her. “I told you that this place is going to cure the goth within you.”

Madison barked a laugh. “We’ll see.”

Shivani jogged by and threw her top down on the ground at Will’s feet. Her bronze skin shone brilliantly in the sun, only a small bikini covered her intimate parts. “Who’s coming in?”

The other three young women took off their covers, revealing their bodies to the beaming sun.

Will looked up and down the beach at the hundreds of other woman on the beach half naked and barefoot and he felt himself quickly becoming aroused. Tonight was the night, the culmination of his effort and the big finale, if he were in a movie that is, an erotic movie at that. Or a book…


At dinner that night they all sat around the table, chatting about the day past.

“So, tonight, how about we show Will how the spa bath works?” Shivani suggested over a forkful.

Will looked up too fast and he felt his head go light.

“That sounds like a good idea,” Vicki agreed. “What do you think Dani?”

“Sure.” The shy girl smiled.

Madison rolled her eyes at Will. “Sure, I guess so.” He swore he could see a hint of a smile on her lips.

Will was doing his best not to choke on his food as he listened.

“Come on Madison,” Shivani said with a wink. “It’ll be fun. Right Will?”

He coughed and sputtered. “Y-Yeah, fun, fun.” Something moved up his leg and caused his eyes to go wide. Someone’s foot was getting frisky. He looked at each of them but none gave away that it was her.

Will continued to eat his dinner as the foot travelled further up his leg and slipped into his loose shorts. He held in his gasps of pleasure and tightened his jaw. Soft toes brushed up against his sack and an intense tingle ran though him. They fondled him rapidly and his cock reacted, blood pumping and muscle stiffening.

Dammit, whose is it? Will was desperate to know. He narrowed his eyes in Shivani’s direction.

She gave him a small wink and continued talking. Was it her? She always winked at him so maybe not…

He looked at Vicki who was laughing at the joke someone had told. She was too inexperienced to spontaneously do something like this.

The same goes for Dani. Although, she is experiencing sex for the first time. She just may do something like this for attention. She covered her mouth as she giggled. Her eyes met his and she looked down quickly.

There was no way it was Madison. She hated Will’s fetish. She looked at him with a faint smile and a flick of her fringe.

The hell was going on?

A big toe began traveling from the base up to his knob. It made it to the top and softly pulled back his foreskin, uncovering his head. It rubbed against his frenulum in small jerking movements. He couldn’t help but let out a grunt of pleasure.

“You okay there Will?” The blonde girl asked.

No, it isn’t her. Or is it? I don’t know!
Shivani’s eyebrow rose. “Just slow down there,” she said with a nod to his plate.

“I’m fine.” He almost yelped as the toe pushed down hard. Then the mystery woman grabbed his cock between big toe and second and began to stimulate his shaft.

The conversation continued as Will tried to finish his dinner, taking it one forkful at a time, as someone’s toes pleasured him from below. He could feel himself nearly at completion and the foot sped up, as if it somehow knew.

“That was great thank you.” Vicki put down her fork and sighed.

“Indeed.” Shivani echoed.

The foot withdrew.

Madison stood and began gathering dishes. “Thanks guys.”

Dani nodded her thanks and withdrew behind the goth girl to help with the cleaning.

Will sat there, stunned, as everyone else eventually made their way to their rooms to get ready for the big spa bath. No matter what he did, he couldn’t make his erection fall.


He found himself in his room, debating whether to relieve himself. No, he needed to save it for the big finale. He forced his cock to die down and tried to distract himself with some study.

A light knock sounded at the door and Will stiffened. “Come in,” he croaked.

The door opened and Shivani entered. “Are you ready for this?” She had her towel wrapped around her exotic form, ending just above her knees.

Will swallowed and nodded. “Mmm hmm.”

“You’ll be fine.” She chuckled. Her hand fell on to his shoulder and squeezed. “I’m going to help you in this, okay? Just follow my lead.”

“Right.” Will smiled. “Thanks Shivani.”

“Get your swim shorts on then and let’s go.”

He put them on then followed her down the stairs towards the back of the house where the spa was set up.

The room was dimmed and several burning candles cast erratic shadows all over the warm wood walls. The spa was bubbling and steam rose off it like hot coffee. None of the other young women were here yet and Will breathed a sigh of relief. Now he could get comfortable before they arrived.

“Mmm, looks good.” Shivani’s towel dropped to the floor and she stepped up the small stairway all the way to the lip of the bath showing off plenty of sole as she went. She pointed her green toes and dipped them into the hot water gently.

“Oh, feels amazing.” She put them in again then swung her other leg over the edge until the water engulfed her shapely ass, then her ample breasts, until only her head was showing. “Come on in Will.”

Will threw his towel down and got into the spa as fast as he could. His cock was already trying to get hard and he needed to hide it quickly. The hot water felt great against his skin and he felt himself relax. “Hmm, it’s good…” He put his head back against the side and closed his eyes.

After a few minutes of bliss a voice sounded. “Good evening.” There was no mistaking Dani’s husky voice.

Will opened his eyes and watched as the red head unwrapped her towel, revealing her pale, freckle kissed skin. Her large breasts sat comfortably in a black bikini.
She smiled as she stepped up the stairs then dipped her red toes slowly into the water. “That is good,” she moaned.

The next to arrive was Vicki. Her towel dropped to expose her half naked body. Her breasts were the smallest of the group but no less enjoyable to watch bounce as she walked up the steps. Tiny feet entered first, followed by the rest of her small body. Naturally, she got close to Shivani and they shared a smile.

“Isn’t Madison coming?” Will asked after a few long minutes.

“She said she was.” Shivani glanced at the door.

It opened and Madison walked in. She smiled as she dropper her towel. A black one piece mostly covered her body, except the strategic hole in the midriff, revealing her flat stomach. She stepped up to the spa bath, and naturally, her black nails gleamed in the soft light before entering the water. A moan passed her lips as her body submerged into the toasty water.

Will tried to keep his glee hidden but he could feel his lips beginning to twist in a maniacal smile. I have them all here. The goal is nearly done. He was beyond excited.

“So, Will,” Shivani spoke after a few minutes of relaxation. “You’ve been here for a week now. How are you liking the sunny city of Podotropoils?”

Will laughed in bliss. “So far it’s been the best time of my life, thanks to you four young women.” His wide smile included them all. “Apart from Madison. She hated me at first.”

“That’s because you barged in on me-” She stopped as she realised what she was saying.

“Barged in on you?” Vicki asked. “Where?”

“It was on Will’s first day,” Shivani said. “He walked in on her as she got out of the shower so she punished him for it.”

Madison yelped in surprise. “How did you know!?”

Will panicked. He didn’t think this was going to end well.

“He told me all about how you made him lay down on the floor while you pleasured him with your feet.” Shivani smiled.

Vicki and Dani gasped, eyes wide.

“Wait,” Vicki said. “You’ve had a foot encounter with Madison too?”

At that moment Dani blushed bright red and they noticed.

“He did it with you too Dani!?” Vicki added.

“Yeah…” Dani said as she sunk further into the water.

Everything went tense as they all looked in other directions except Shivani. She look at Will with a huge smile on her face. “Come on guys, it’s not like he forced himself onto us. We volunteered, did we not?”

They all looked down at the water in front of them.

“What happened with you Madison? You forced him, right?” Shivani directed at the goth girl.

She sighed. “Yeah…”

“And Dani, how did he treat you?” She turned to the red head.

“He offered to rub my feet anytime I wanted so I asked him to do it then,” the shy girl explained. “Things escalated when he began sucking on my toes until I felt like I wanted sex, so I asked him to do it…”

“He fucked you!?” Madison said in shock accompanied by Vicki’s gasp.

“He was kind and gentle as made it slow as not to hurt me too much. It was everything I could’ve hoped for…” Dani avoided everyone’s eyes as best as possible.

“Look,” Will finally spoke up. “It’s just that you all have such attractive feet and I’ve had this fascination with them since I was a little kid. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before so I just simply seized what I could when the too perfect opportunities arose.”

“Pervert,” Madison spat.

“All I want now is all four of you at the same time to indulge me.”

“Why the fuck would any of us agree to that?” Madison said as she stood. The water dripped down her pale gleaming skin.

“Wait,” Will pleaded. “Just this once. Then I’ll never bother you again with it.”

Madison paused.

“Come on Madison,” Shivani said with a pout. “You’re curious about the experience right? You’re far too kinky to let this opportunity down. It’ll be fun.”

Madison hesitated for a while longer then she sat down, her face blank.

“Well then.” Shivani smiled at Will.

He smiled back then flinched as a bronze foot rose from the water in front of his face. Her toes wiggled and shone with wetness as drops dripped off her heel. Will moved forward and took her toes in his mouth and began sucking.

The other girls watched with wide eyes at the sudden sexual gravity that fell upon the room.

Vicki smiled then moved from Shivani. Her foot came up and waved in the dark woman’s face. Shivani grabbed it in both hands and began kissing Vicki’s sole passionately while her hands caressed her calf and shin.

Will felt something running up his leg and a look at Dani’s smiling face told him it was her. Toes curled around the waistband of his shorts and began pulling them off. He stood to allow them to slip down to his ankles.

Madison moved, on the other side of Will, and her foot reached out to caress his exposed thigh. Dani mimicked the action with a shy smile at the goth girl.

Will felt his cock pulse with excitement underneath the hot water as two different feet from two different woman ran up his legs. They made it up further until their toes were tickling his sack.

“Hey, Dani,” Madison said softly. “You go for the shaft and I’ll concentrate on the balls.”

Dani nodded. Her foot moved up and began stroking his wet cock lovingly while Madison’s toes caressed and pinched at his sack.

Will moaned around Shivani’s toes as they wiggled inside his mouth. At the same time she continued to make out with Vicki’s sole as the blonde girl sighed in pleasure. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He couldn’t believe his luck. It had to be a dream. When would he wake up?

Vicki took her foot from Shivani and swam to Dani. The red head gasped as Vicki ran kisses up her shoulder to her neck. Suddenly, Dani’s bikini floated up and away across the top on the water. “Ah!” She protested and put her arms across her breasts under the water. Vicki lifted her up and pried her arms away. Ample breasts bounced with perk on Dani’s chest. Her nipples the perfect shade of pink. Vicki’s tongue snaked out and teased the nipple and Will saw it visibly harden. Dani moaned in her husky voice.

Will marvelled at the display and gasped as Dani’s foot rubbed harder in her excitement.

Shivani took her foot back and swam over to Madison.

“What are you-” The goth girl gasped as Shivani lifted her up and sat her on her knee. The black bikini fell off and Shivani’s mouth wrapped around Madison’s Nipple.

Shivani’s feet found Will under the water, one on his balls and the other helping Dani’s foot work his shaft. Just then, Vicki’s tiny foot emerged from the water.

Will took her foot and licked at her sole while watching as she continued to suckle on Dani’s nipple while her other hand caressed the second breast. Vicki’s small hands made Dani’s breasts look a whole lot bigger than the b’s they were.

Everyone in the spa was moaning and gasping in pleasure in one way or the other. Will was sure that other things were going on where the eye couldn’t see.
Shivani took her mouth away from the nipple she was suckling. “Why don’t you sit up on the edge of the spa Will and we’ll do our thing.”

Will nodded and lifted himself onto the rim. His hard cock throbbing out in the cool air, dripping wet.

“Dani, you get up beside him and give him something to suck on.” Shivani instructed.

Dani got out and sat on the edge. She lifted a freckly foot to Will’s face.

“Madison, you get down there are work the balls.”

“Right.” She moved between his legs.
Shivani looked at Vicki. “You and I shall team up and work the shaft.”

Two pairs of feet came from the depth and slid up Will’s legs.

Madison moved forwards and engulfed his sack in her mouth. Her tongue flicking across the sensitive skin and sending jolts of pleasure through him.

The two pairs of feet found his cock and began rubbing.

Dani’s long toes rubbed against his cheek, reminding him that they were there waiting for him. He smiled at the shy girl and wrapped his lips around her big toe. He could taste the slightly chlorinated water mixing with a faint honeyed sweat. He lapped it up between her toes and across her soles.

Madison’s hand tickled one ball while her mouth wrapped around the other, her pink lips looking delicious and perfect. Her green eyes gazed up at him with intensity and grace, the thick eyeliner giving her eyes a sultry and wicked feel.

Shivani’s feet worked in perfect symmetry with Vicki’s as if they had been practicing this all their lives. Had they!? The sudden though nearly blew Will’s mind from his body and he let out a loud groan.

“You okay there?” Shivani asked with much amusement.

Will grunted and took Dani’s toes from his mouth. “What do you think?” Every second was a constant battle with premature ejaculation, holding back as much as his will would allow. He needed this to last as long as possible but he didn’t think that he could for much longer. The finale was upon him.

Shivani’s rubbing halted. “Try this,” she said to Vicki. One set of toes wrapped around the bottom of his cock while the other set wrapped around the top on opposite sides. Vicki nodded and mimicked the motion and they began pumping once more.

It was almost too much. Will engulfed Dani’s toes again and ate at them with unquenchable need. The feeling of twenty toes rubbing his cock at once was incredible and he felt it hardening further. He didn’t think it possible. He could feel each and every toe working its way along his shaft and knob, building him up to an explosive finish. Every vein in his entire muscle was visible and pulsing with life, trying to pump more blood than was needed.

Shivani and Vicki stopped their rubbing. “It’s time for a swap.” The exotic woman announced. Madison and Dani took their place while Vicki went down to work his balls and Will was delighted to find Shivani up on the edge with him. She held out her immaculate feet for him to devourer as water dripped off her athletic body. She sent him a smile and she undid her bikini top and her breasts were unleashed upon his eyes.

Will groaned with pleasure and ran his tongue along her middle toe. He then took it all and began sucking, relishing in the natural taste of her skin mixed with the water.

Madison’s arches held Will’s shaft as Dani’s long lavender toes wrapped around the head of his shuddering cock. “Feels like it’s about to burst.” The redhead said with excitement, no doubt ready to see him cum once again.

Vicki took her mouth from his sack. “His balls are so tight. They feel about ready to let go.” She gave them a loving caress in her tiny hands and he felt them shiver in its pouch.

“Then let’s finish this.” Madison spat. Her feet began moving in unison with Dani’s toes, pumping over and over, determined to extract his seed.

Will could feel it coming but he was adamant then he could hold out. His fingers rubbed at Shivani’s soft soles while he sucked and licked her big toe clean.

“He’s fighting it girls,” Shivani said. “Better turn it up.”

Vicki’s mouth and hand moved with tenfold the passion. Madison slipped her soles back and took him with her black toes. Dani’s fell into rhythm with hers and toes squeezed with every pass of his sensitive head.

He couldn’t take it any longer. He needed, more than anything, to cum all over these eight beautiful feet. “This is it.” He managed through gritted teeth.

“Hmm good boy.” Shivani said as she slid back into the water. She commanded the other three into position.

Vicki was in the middle with her soles pointed at Will. She did have the nicest and daintiest. Madison and Dani were besides her with their toes up, ready to take his seed all over and between them. They had the longest and prettiest toes.
Shivani took her feet and wrapped her toes around his about-to-explode cock and began pumping like nothing else mattered. Her feet were the most skilful and experienced and he would’ve liked no other to finish him in this utopian situation.

“Cum all over my toes,” Dani groaned with a sly smile.

Vicki bit her lower lip. “I want to feel your hot seed all over my soles.”

“Cum for me you dirty little foot pervert,” Madison commanded.

Will felt his balls rise.

Shivani slowed her pumping just in time. “Cum all over our feet.” Her accent think. “Give us what you desire.” Her toes aimed his cock at Dani’s toes.

Will’s breath caught and his whole body seized. Hot cum sprayed out and splashed over Dani’s purple painted toes. Shivani moved him and pumped once more. Another jet exploded all over Vicki’s bare soles, over the bottom of her toes and down her high arches and heel. Shivani moved once more and the third jet spread all over Madison’s black painted toes, white cum contrasting erotically.

Shivani moved her toes up and rubbed right over his hole, catching the next spurt as it came, hitting her big toe and splashing out over the rest. The next jet escaped between her toes and landed on Vicki’s soles. “Oh still more?” she said in surprise.

Shivani moved his exploding cock back to Dani’s and another thick rope fell across her toes. She began wiggling them and his seed spread around and stringed between her toes.

Shivani pulled him back to Madison’s who turned her feet up to reveal her pale soles. Another pump and another explosion slapped against the balls of her feet.

Shivani softly milked the rest out and it dribbled down her caramel toes and soles and onto her heel and ankle. Her feet slowed further as he ran dry then her toes withdrew. She stood and made her way out of the spa. As she passed she leaned in and planted a kiss on Will’s cheek. “You did it. Congrats.”

Dani went by next and the red head looked at him shyly and blushed. She still managed a cute wink.

Vicki smiled at him then looked passed towards Shivani. The dark woman was waiting by the door with a lustful look in her dark eyes.

Madison stepped out and stopped beside him. “You big pervert.” She said with a playful grin. “I will admit, feeling a spray of hot man juice against my feet feels fucking fantastic.”

After the four young women had departed Will shuddered with relief as he sank back into the spa. He had done it. Shared a foot experience with each girl and then achieved a finale with all four at once. Life didn’t get any better than this. Or could it? There was still plenty of time left in the year and he still had four years left of study. What else could he achieve in such a time?

He let out a big laugh that consumed the whole room. He couldn’t wait till Monday.


1 comment

  1. This was epic… both in length and content! But the pacing and humour was great.

    Can’t wait to see what happens to Will next!

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