Jilted Lovers – The Alicia Affair Pt 5 (M/F) (Cheating) (Pregnancy) (Anal)

If you missed any of the previous parts, they can be found [here](https://rileyblackstone.com/category/short-stories/jilted-lovers/)

For three months, Alicia continued to see Eddie nearly every night. Brian, completely oblivious to her absence, continued to work 18-hour days. One morning in September, Alicia stood in her bathroom, holding the pregnancy test in shaking hands. She was now seven days late for her period. Alicia has taken a test each morning for the previous three days. Her heart pounded as the waited for the indicator to show either a plus sign or a minus sign.

[Find out what happened](https://rileyblackstone.com/2019/11/18/jilted-lovers-the-alicia-affair-pt-5/)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/dyb5l1/jilted_lovers_the_alicia_affair_pt_5_mf_cheating