Fun and Games [MF] [exhib] [oral]

For some people, marrying the love of their life and settling down meant the same thing. They’d had their fun. They’d gone on all their wild intimate adventures. Now, they needed to slow things down, build a life together, and settle for a more stable kind of intimacy.

For Jaylan Peppers and the love of his life, Helena Baylee-Peppers, that kind of mundane marriage just wasn’t going to work for them. He knew he’d bucked the trend when he asked Helena to marry him just a couple years after high school. His friends thought he was crazy, passing up his time a young 20-something bachelor. If they had known how he and Helena chose to approach their marriage, they’d have told him he should’ve proposed earlier.

“You’ve outdone yourself again, Helena,” said Daisy Roth, her mother’s best friend and a woman of considerable influence. “This fundraiser is another success that puts others like it to shame.”

“You know me, Mrs. Roth. I like to raise the bar whenever I can,” Helena replied, sounding as professional as ever.

“Please, call me Daisy,” the older woman said. “You’ve more than earned that right. Keep raising the bar and you’ll be on my husband’s short list for the Christmas party this year!”

“I appreciate that, but he may have to get in line. Jefferson Omar is already trying to work me into his holiday plans and he’s not alone.”

“Then, he’d better brace himself because he knows I have deeper pockets and better connections!”

The two women laughed. Daisy then hugged Helena with an enthusiasm that Jaylan had come to expect. His wife had a profound effect on people. She was just that charismatic, but even her best clients only knew part of what made her amazing.

The same could be said for everyone else at the Merit Hall Fundraiser, by far the biggest social event of the summer. It was where the biggest companies in urban development met with planners from the state to rub elbows, make deals, and secure partnerships. Helena, being an event planner for her father’s entertainment company, had spent the past several years establishing herself as the woman they wanted to organize such events. Time and again, she delivered.

Jaylan did his part to help. He worked the human resources department at a prominent company that his best friend’s family had started. While Helena was the beautiful face and the visionary force behind every spectacle, he helped provide the logistics. It didn’t just help him grow in his career, although that was a nice bonus. It also gave him a front-row seat whenever the woman he loved worked her magic.

No matter what event she attended, Helena found a way to steal the show. On top of being drop-dead beautiful by almost every objective measure, she often wore stunning attire, which she got custom-made by her fashion-savvy sister. At an event where most of the women were in pantsuits and sheath dresses, Helena wore a low-cut skirt that perfectly hugged her hips and an embroidered blouse that prominently showed off her ample breasts. More than one man at the event expressed his appreciation.

It was so sexy, but not at all trashy. Helena always carried herself with an elegance that perfectly complemented her beauty. She was someone that a man wanted to kiss, respect, sleep with, and marry, albeit not necessarily in that order.

“Do you ever get tired of having people wrapped around your finger?” Jaylan asked her as he stood by her side, his arm casually draped around her waist.

“How can I get tired of it when it’s so useful?” she said, casting him a curt grin. “It makes my job so much easier. It also makes for great bonuses…such as a three-night, all-expenses-paid stay at Wilbert Rossdale’s luxury resort next weekend.”

“Trust me. I haven’t forgotten about that,” Jaylan said with a wide grin. “I’ve already packed my bags.”

“Well, don’t pack too much. That resort is known for being remote, private, and very accommodating to certain adult activities.”

Her voice quickly took on a deeper, more sensual undertone. She also leaned in closer, clinging to his arm and casting him that loving gaze that always made his heart skip a beat. On top of that, she’d left the top button of her blouse undone, exposing not-insignificant part of her cleavage. It made his heart beat even faster while also diverging the flow blood towards his lower body.

“You know, sometimes you’re almost too charismatic,” said Jaylan.

“Almost,” Helena quipped playfully.

“You work so hard to be this good at your job, but you work just as hard to have fun and enjoy the fruits of your labor. It’s nothing short of amazing!”

“Don’t give me too much credit, my love. None of this would be possible if you didn’t do your part as well. Even before we got together, you took my wild ideas and made them real.”

“They weren’t wild. Just challenging,” he pointed out.

“And your humility about it never fails to turn me on,” Helena said, her sexy undertone intensifying.

She was really testing his ability to maintain his poise during a crowded fundraiser. As Jaylan looked out over the crowd, smiling at the guests as they enjoyed the festivities she’d helped organize, he felt her hand slip into his back pocket. At first, it was just playful affection. Then, she gave his butt a firm squeeze and suddenly, everything got more serious.

He shifted briefly, trying to hide his reaction as a couple of prominent clients from the state walked by and showed their gratitude. He must have looked half-drunk from all the complementary champagne. However, the only intoxication he felt came courtesy of Helena’s unique approach to sexiness. The way she incorporated it into their love life ensured that even a professional environment couldn’t contain their passion.

“You’re not the first one to compliment my capabilities,” Helena said, still squeezing his butt.

“We’re still talking about your job, right?” Jaylan said with a half-grin.

“Since I was a kid, I always strived to be extra passionate about the things I do,” she went on. “Whether it’s planning big events or the karaoke contest I signed up for in middle school, I try to go the extra mile.”

“And it pays off. You won that contest, if I recall,” he noted.

“And big reason why is I had fun with it. Yes, it was hard work, but I found ways to really enjoy the process, every step of the way. It’s something my mother, rest her soul, taught me while watching my father toil at his company all these years. If you’re going to put effort into anything, then don’t just treat it like work. Make it a game! Dare to be daring!”

“Your mother was a wise woman,” said Jaylan.

“She also knew how to remind my dad that it’s okay to have fun,” Helena said, now whispering into her ear. “It’s even okay to be a little naughty, from time to time.”

There was nothing subtle about her words or the tone she used to say them. Even if she weren’t squeezing his butt repeatedly through his overpriced dress pants, Jaylan knew what she was trying to do. It once again reminded him of the kind of woman he married.

Helena worked hard at everything she did and looked great doing it every step of the way. However, one of her most endearing – and her kinkiest, for that matter – was how she squeezed in some fun along the way. She wasn’t just the kind of woman who would sneak in a kiss or two if their paths crossed during a planning session. Helena was the kind of woman who would take her lover by the arm, lead him into the nearest utility closet, and give him oral sex in the middle of a lunch break.

She enjoyed mixing work and play, which was part of how she commanded such dedication and loyalty from everyone around her. However, she loved mixing a little extra passion whenever she could. Helena did not believe that such moments should be reserved for vacations, getaways, or date nights. If she was going to express her love for someone, then she was going to do it on her terms.

Few men could handle that kind of passion. He was among the elite few and among those few, he’d been the only one to capture Helena’s heart to the point where she agreed to marry him and during a conference in Dayton, no less. That passion helped turn him from just some other guy doing logistics to someone who effected real change in the world. It was more than enough to make him want Helena in ways that went beyond their wedding vows.

“Are you sure about your timing?” Jaylan asked under his breath, still standing with her as though they were just another couple. “They just finished serving dinner. It won’t be long before people start making speeches. And trust me, they’re going to lavishly praise you.”

“I know,” she said curtly. “Don’t worry. I’m sure we’ll have time. And if you doubt my confidence, then maybe this will convince you.”

She had him in the palm of her hand and she took full advantage of it. While Jaylan kept trying to maintain his demeanor amidst the crowd, his charismatic wife latched onto his arm and guided his hand behind her back. From there, he directed him down her back and over her shapely butt. His heart raced faster and his mouth went dry, the feeling of her feminine curves adding fuel to the passion she’d so skillfully inspired.

Just when it seemed the teasing got excessive, he felt something else through the soft fabric of his love’s tight-fitting skirt. At first, he thought he was just fantasizing. Then, he remembered that fantasy and reality often blurred around his playful wife.

“Helena…are you not wearing any panties beneath that skirt?” Jaylan asked, as though it were a standard inquiry.

“Hmm,” she said, pretending to think about it, “you know, I might have ditched them an hour ago when I ran out to my car to pick up a file…or I just didn’t bother with panties in the first place. After all, they just get in they way of our little fun.”

As if to remove all level of doubt, she tactfully directed his hand up her skirt. His suspicions were quickly confirmed. Helena, despite standing in a crowded room during a high-end fundraiser, wasn’t wearing any panties. He could feel the exposed features of her womanhood with his hand. On top of that, he sensed she was very wet. Hard work and successful results had a way of turning her on like that.

At that moment, Jaylan stopped trying to make sense of his wife’s playful personality. She’d worked hard and so had he. They’d accomplished great things tonight. Now, in the midst of all their hard work, he was going to make love to her.

“There’s a service elevator that goes right to the second level of the parking garage,” he whispered to her in his manliest voice. “It’s closed off. Nobody will be down there until the night is over.”

“Then, that’s where we better be in the next five minutes!” Helena replied.

“Does that mean we’re making this another one of our games?”

“Babe, the game started before my panties came off!”

It didn’t matter that they were both working. They had an opportunity for some sexy games and they were going to take advantage of it. Jaylan learned early in their relationship that Helena enjoyed balancing work with fun. It was a game to her and one that few could keep up with. Once again, he was among the few.

The game was on and he made the first move. After promptly removing his hand from under her dress, he latched onto his wife’s arm and led her away from the north corner where they’d been lingering. There were still dozens of wealthy, influential people moving about, congregating around the buffet tables to get one last helping for dinner. He and Helena were hungry too, but not for food.

“Excuse me. Pardon us,” Jaylan said as they navigated the northwest hall. “We have a serious matter to tend to.”

“Mr. and Mrs. Peppers,” greeted Michael Dwyer, a prominent businessman who knew them well, “what’s going on? Is everything alright?”

“Everything’s fine, Michael!” Helena assured. “Something just came up, but don’t worry! My husband will help me take care of it.”

He didn’t get a chance to ask for details. He and Helena had already cleared most of the crowd. Some still turned to greet them, but as far as they knew, there was nothing major going on. For all they knew, they were just heading outside to take an important phone call. They had no idea what kind of games he and Helena were about to play.

After passing by the restrooms, they slipped through utility door and down a vacant hallway. They could still hear the noise from the fundraiser through the thick walls, but with each step they took, it got fainter and quieter. As they neared the utility elevator, Helena grew bolder, latching onto his arm and pawing his chest through his dress shirt.

“I’m so hot for you right now,” she said intently. “We haven’t had sex in too long.”

“Helena…we had sex in the shower two days ago,” Jaylan reminded her.

“I stand by my statement.”

She leaned in again and kissed down his clean-shaven neck, giving his earlobes a slight nibble along the way. She knew how much that drove him wild. Already, his pants felt uncomfortably tight. He embraced her closer, trailing his hand up her hips, enchanted by the idea that only a thin skirt separated his skin from hers.

“The elevator!” Jaylan said with more urgency.

With his love still all over him, they practically sprinted to the elevator. He pushed the button at least a dozen times, urging the machinery to work faster. As soon as the door opened, she practically shoved him inside. From there, it only got hotter.

“Going down?” he said.

“Love your choice of words, babe!” Helena quipped.

That sexy glint in her eyes only got more pronounced as the doors closed behind her and the noise from the fundraiser completely disappeared. Now finally in an enclosed area, she stepped up her passionate gestures, kissing him hungrily on the lips while undoing his belt. He returned the feeling every step of the way, twirling his tongue with hers as he hungrily gripped her thighs and skillfully snaked his hands up her skirt.

She was even hotter than she claimed. He could feel the moist heat radiating between her legs, her exposed womanhood emanating with unspoken desire. She craved his intimate touch every bit as much as he craved hers. After loosening his belt and pants, she further stoked that craving, reaching into his pants and feeling his member swell rapidly under her touch.

“So big and hard,” Helena purred. “You really want me, don’t you?”

“Yes, my sexy…adventurous wife,” he said without hesitation. “I want you so bad.”

“We’ve both worked so hard and achieved so much this week,” she noted. “What we want…we’ve earned!”

Shortly after saying those words, the elevator stopped at the second level parking garage. Almost immediately, they slipped out into the dark, dingy area. Just as Jaylan hoped, it was empty. There were a bunch of empty crates and hauling gear, which had been used by his staff to set up all the tables. With so much going on in the main ballroom, they had all the privacy they needed to enjoy their well-earned fun.

“Over here!” Jaylan said, guiding her to a small nook near the locked gate.

“Dark, secluded, and bold…now I’m really glad I ditched the panties!” said Helena.

Their brief journey ended. Jaylan and his love arrived at the dingy, concrete wall next to the gate. From there, stronger passions took hold.

Helena made the first move, grabbing him by the shoulders and kissing him hard on the lips, further affirming the extent of her desire. As he tasted her luscious lips, she pinned him back against the wall, pushed his pants down to his ankles, and dropped to her knees where she came face-to-face with his semi-hard dick.

“Looks like you should’ve ditched the briefs today,” Helena teased as she gripped the base of his shaft.

“Hindsight can be…uncomfortable,” Jaylan said.

“Guess it pays to be proactive. Allow me to demonstrate!”

She stepped up her game and, without a doubt, she was ahead. Like the adventurous, sexy woman he married, she hungrily engulfed his member with her lips and tongue. She then proceeded to give him the kind of intense, urgent oral sex she knew he loved. At the same time, she used her lack of panties to her advantage, fingering her pussy every step of the way.

“Damn, Helena!” Jaylan grunted under the weight of such feeling and spectacle. “You are one…cunning…minx!”

She flashed him a seductive grin, as if to reinforce that she was winning in their sexy game. He had a lot of catching up to do, but for the moment, he just enjoyed the fruits of her blowjob skills.

She was hard and fast with her efforts, sending shivers of bliss coursing up through his body. Jaylan leaned back against the wall, his legs turning to jelly under the weight of the feeling. However, he didn’t once lose focus. He maintained his passionate gaze on his sexy wife, making it clear to her that he intended to play her game as well. It was just a matter of making the right move at the right time.

That time arrived quickly. Helena’s oral sex skills did the trick, getting him fully aroused and very hard, despite the dingy surroundings. Knowing she was still very moist and was perfectly capable of bringing herself to orgasm on her own, Jaylan decided to take the initiative.

“Helena…my darling?” he asked in a coaxing tone as he caressed the side of her head.

“Mmm…yes, my love?” Helena replied after giving his member one last thorough lick.

“Now, it’s my turn!”

With the same initiative that made him so good at managing logsitics, he took his lover by the arms and pulled her back into a standing position. He then turned her around and pinned her up against the stone wall, her back slightly bent so that her heart-shaped butt was pointed right against them.

She offered no resistance. She even squealed in delight, wiggling her hips a little, as if to invite him to enter her world. He gladly accepted, pushing up her skirt to reveal her exposed butt and pussy. He even licked his fingers and rubbed her folds a bit, just to make sure she was still wet. He could feel the sensual eagerness in her body.

“Jaylan…please!” she begged him with a pleading look in her eye.

Jaylan grinned triumphantly. Now, he was winning the game and he intended to widen his lead. Positioning himself behind his horny wife, he aligned his rigid manhood with her moist entrance. Just before he entered her, though, he leaned over and whispered into her ear.

“It’s on!” he said.

At that moment, Jaylan thrust his hips forward and entered her. They both let out deep gasps that filled the darkened area. The hot sensations of their intimate union flowed between them. Warm feminine depths embraced hard male flesh. Together, they absorbed the feeling, but Jaylan made sure he set the tone.

“Helena…ohh Helena! Ohhh you’re so hot!” he moaned out.

“Yes! Oh yes! Do it to me, my love! Do it!” Helena urged.

Encouraged and impassioned, Jaylan established a vigorous sexual rhythm, working his hips and rocking their bodies in an intimate harmony. It was more heated than usual. Doing it outside a bedroom often required a sense of urgency. Doing it in the middle of a major work event added even more, but that only raised the stakes of their sexy games.

Helena never failed to play her part. As their bodies rocked, she leaned up against the wall harder, turning her head and drawing him into an intimate kiss as they humped. Not one to fall behind, Jaylan threw in some tricks of his own, reaching around and undoing the top part of her blouse so that her ample breasts popped free. The feeling of those fleshy mounds in both hands as he fucked her further added to the feeling.

“Mmm…like that, my love? You want it like that?” Jaylan said with his manliest grunts.

“Yes! Just like that!” she exclaimed. “Keep doing it…and you might just make me come!”

“Might, you say?”

Taking that as a challenge, Jaylan made another move, releasing one hand from her swaying breasts and reaching between her legs to fondle her clitoris. It was his way of pulling out all the stops, showing that he could still please his love, even when she tried to get the jump on him. If her reaction were any indication, he got the point across.

“Ohhh Jaylan!” she cried out.

It was music to his ears. It didn’t matter that it echoed throughout the parking garage, their sweaty musk mixing with the dank ambience. If anything, that encouraged them. It was his and Helena’s way of proving that their passion could navigate any environment, no matter the circumstances.

They once again proved the power of that passion. After some skilled stimulation with his fingers, combined with the rapid thrusting of his hips, he had Helena on the brink of orgasm. Jaylan knew his wife well enough to sense the signs. She was always so theatrical when she climaxed. She once said she couldn’t fake an orgasm to save her life. That meant when it came to winning their sexy games, there was little ambiguity.

“Jaylan…my love…you win!” his beautiful wife finally gasped.

With that proclamation, the sexy, fun-loving woman he’d so eagerly married achieved orgasm. He felt her inner muscles contract around his manhood, throbbing hard in accord with her sensual release. Jaylan tightened his intimate hold on her, listening to her euphoric cries. Within the darkened garage, they echoed so beautifully. It was like every intimate noise had been amplified. He loved every sweet second of it.

Jaylan gladly let his wife enjoy her orgasm, leaning in closer and kissing her neck through each intimate gasp. He even ceased his thrusting, just enjoying the hot feeling of her womanly flesh around his manhood. He barely realized that he hadn’t climaxed himself. Just listening to Helena’s orgasmic cries was rewarding enough.

However, she certainly hadn’t forgotten. She made that abundantly clear the moment he withdrew from her.

“Jaylan…” she said breathlessly.

“Yes, my love?” Jaylan replied.

“The game’s not over!”

Before he could say another word, his charismatic wife took over once more. She quickly turned around, grabbed him by the shoulders, and pinned him back against the wall, his rigid member still fully erect and now dripping in her feminine juices. Jaylan barely had time to catch his breath or even loosen his dress shirt. That didn’t stop Helena from making her move.

“Now, you’re going to get yours…even if I have to cheat a little!” she said with a mischievous grin.

Again, she didn’t give him time to react. She just dropped to her knees again, removed her blouse and bra completely, and used those large natural breasts of hers to surround his cock in their fleshy warmth. Using the lingering fluid on his dick to her advantage, she started tit-fucking him with the same intensity as he’d fucked her.

“Ooh Helena! That’s…not fair,” said Jaylan through grunts of delight.

“I know,” she said playfully.

Up and down, with little resistance, she worked his member between her breasts. She wasn’t too fast or too rough. She knew just how to draw him to that special threshold from which there was no return. It really was the sexual equivalent of a cheat code because he soon found himself ready to pop his load.

“Helena…I’m about to…come!” he grunted.

“I’m ready, my love,” Helena said eagerly.

The feeling finally hit. When that hot surged shot through him, Jaylan threw his head back and gasped, bumping it right against the concrete in the process. He barely felt that part, though. The ecstasy that followed did plenty to overshadow it.

Like a spark igniting a fire, his orgasmic release consumed him. His manhood still firmly lodged between his breasts, he released a thick load of his fluid. Most of it splattered right on his lover’s chin and cleavage. She even managed to catch some of it in her mouth, another trick she knew turned him on to no end. She also used those breasts of hers to milk him for every last drop, making sure none went to waste. When it came to sexy games, she left nothing to chance.

“Okay…I think it’s a tie, now,” Jaylan said in his orgasmic daze.

“Only a tie?” Helena teased as she licked her lips clean of his fluid.

“For now,” he told her. “Some games…need an intermission.”

His playful wife laughed as she lingered on her knees until his sexual release was complete. Eventually, she returned to her feet, grabbing her discarded blouse and bra in the process. She already looked eager to get back to work, albeit with a glowing demeanor. Jaylan felt he might need a minute or several, if only to get dress and smooth out his shirt.

Helena gave him all the time he needed, even kissing him on the cheek and embracing him until the strength returned to his legs. Even after raucous, sexy games, she was still the same loving woman he married. Not many men could claim they married a woman who was so skilled at mixing work with sexy games. As he pulled up his pants, still smiling ear-to-ear, he thanked whatever higher power there was that he was one of them.


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