Releasing Their Desires: Phone Sex Interruptous [MF] [MDom] [Public] [SoloF] [SoloM]

Nessa licked her lips as she heard Ian’s voice…deep and husky say “Hey Nessa.”

“You…ah…you usually don’t call during work,” she stammered, feeling like she was sitting on pins and needles. How did this happen? She was just…pleasuring herself to thoughts of him…and he called?!?!

This was definitely a Speak of the Devil moment.

Ian laughed, and the sound sent thrills up Nessa’s spine, “No, I don’t. But I have a little problem.”

Nessa swallowed hard, “I’m sorry….but…ah…I’m probably not much help with a body shop problem.”

Ian smirked, continuing to slowly stroke himself to her voice. He loved when she sounded flustered, “No, you probably aren’t. But this problem is your fault,” he squeezed near the tip of his cock and groaned, “Yeah…definitely your fault.”

Nessa froze at his groan, feeling her stomach tighten in anticipation, “Ian…are you…doing…you know…at WORK?!” her voice came out as an undignified squeak.

Ian chuckled, “It’s called masturbation Nessa. Or jacking off. And yes, I’m doing it at work. I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”

Nessa’s mouth was dry, and her free hand floated down to one of her t-shirt covered breasts and cupped it, fingering her nipple through her bra. She felt the nipple tighten, “Same here…” she admitted shyly, teeth sinking into her lip.

“Put your fingers in your pussy,” Ian’s voice grew hard and commanding. He didn’t know what she was doing, but he wanted to know if she was as turned on as him.

Nessa pulled her phone away from her ear, looked at it, then put it back, “Ah….what?” She said, not sure she was understanding his demand.

Who was she kidding. She had heard exactly what he said. She just….had he really said that?

Ian rolled his eyes, “Put. Your. Fingers. In. Your. Pussy. NOW.” The now came out with a snap, his hand moving to cup his balls and massage them.

Nessa looked around. Why…she didn’t know because she lived alone. She slowly undid her pants and moved her free hand under her underwear. She shifted back on her couch, legs separating to allow her hand to stroke and two fingers to sink all the way into her wetness, her pussy clamping around the fingers. She moaned, holding her phone tightly.

Ian heard her zipper….the springs of the couch…then felt his cock jump at the moan. He stroked himself hard, head tilted back, “How…wet?” He panted out slightly, swallowing hard.

Nessa was about to answer when she heard a loud knock on Ian’s side of the phone.

Ian jumped and shoved himself back into his jeans, “One second!” He hung up on Nessa and arranged himself so his hard-on wasn’t noticeable. He flushed the toilet, turned on the water and looked at his phone.

Nessa heard her phone go off and looked at it.

‘I get off at 6:00. See you at 6:30.’ Ian’s text said.

Nessa closed her eyes. Then smiled in anticipation.
