Play Time and Exploring [MF] [MDom] [Public] [Exhibitionist] [Bar] [Toy]

I walked up the final stairs into the bar above the food hall, black skirt swirling around my thighs. I looked around and took a deep breath. There were a lot of people here.

Somewhere….somewhere up here you were already laying in wait.

As if to remind me that you are here, I feel the Lush vibrator tucked inside me…the outside wand resting against my clit…give one, quick pulse. I have to resist the urge to stagger.

This had been my idea. A fun way to play…to spice things up.

I hadn’t expected you to actually be game for this. But you had been.

So the toy had been bought, and played with at home. We had figured out the settings, exactly how well the signal worked.

There had been multiple rounds of sex…multiple rounds of you watching me climax on the other couch in the living room.

And now I was here. My hair was brushed, curled to brush my chin in its bob. I wore dark smokey make-up, a bold red lipstick.

I fiddled with my shirt. I wore a red and black corset, which pushed my breasts up invitingly. Over that was a white button up shirt, with the top 6 buttons undone so that breasts and the top of the corset was visible.

It was tucked into my skirt, and a pair of black boots finished the outfit. I had wanted to wear heels but…I was a klutz and knew that was a big idea.

A second pulse shoots through my body. I can feel your eyes telling me to move. So I put on a smile and pick a spot at the bar, sitting on a stool and crossing my ankles I rested my feet on the bar at the bottom of the stool.

I knew you were waiting for me to settle. I felt the vibrator start sending out a a steady vibration, and I closed my eyes for a moment. My clit sent thrills and I felt my breasts push more against my corset as I took a deep breath.

“What can I get you?” I popped my eyes open at the bartender, a young man with blonde hair who smiled at me.

“A Long Island Iced Tea please,” I said with a smile. He walked away to fulfill my request and I looked around the bar.

I still couldn’t find you in the crush of bodies. A strong pulse came through and I clenched my legs together as I fought the extremely strong urge to moan in public.

A click, and I turned around to look at the bartender again, “Your tea,” he said, and leaned on the bar in front of me.

I smiled and leaned forward, breasts pushing forward and resting on my arms on the bar, “Thanks,” I watched his green eyes dart down and look at the inviting mounds before meeting my brown eyes.

I closed my mouth neatly around the straw and took a sip, “Mmmm,” I leaned back a little bit and caught a drop of tea from my lip with my tongue, “This is delicious.”

The vibrator kicked up a couple of notches and my knees pushed against each other as I felt my pussy clench around the toy, several tremors racing through my body. I bit my lip and whimpered softly.

“You okay?” The bartender asked, his eyes dark….like he knew something was going on in front of him but didn’t know what.

I coughed, “Yeah, I’m great. This tea is fantastic.” I smiled warmly.

He looked down at my breasts again and then walked away, helping another customer.

The vibrator kicked down a few notches back to a slow and steady pace.

I continued to sit at the bar, flirting with the bartender and other patrons that walked up. Every time I flirted with someone, felt their eyes roam my body, I felt the vibrator pulse strongly.

Twice I felt the climax within reach. Twice you let the vibrator tease and tease until it was everything I could do to keep my mind focused on the conversations I was engaged in. My legs shifted, squeezed, tensed and rocked slightly as my clit was tortured.

After a couple of hours I felt the vibrations gentle and stop. A sign that we had agreed on that it was time to go. I stood up and left a tip. I had only had the one drink and had paid for it earlier.

I walked down and out into the warm night, pulling my keys out of my wallet which I had kept around my wrist while sitting at the bar. I headed into the parking garage and towards the corner where I had parked my car.

It wasn’t a long walk, just up one flight of stairs. I reached my car and closed my hand around the handle, hearing it unlock.

Your hand closed around the back of my neck, pushing me forward against my car so my cheek rested partially on the cool roof. Hands reached under the skirt, stroking up my thighs and pulling the toy out.

My pussy clenched in protest, but before I could say anything you pushed the vibrator against my lips, “Clean it. Clean it you naughty slut.”

I licked it, tasting myself and moaning. Your hand fisted in my hair and you tilted my head back so you could watch me obediently clean the toy.

“Good slut. Good,” you stroked my hair gently. Gently enough that I whimpered, knowing that you mixed gentleness with pain when we played.

“Now…let’s go home.”
