Game Over [MF]

Coming into the living room, she said, “I have a game I want us to play.”

Ben looked at her. “What kind of game?”

“A game for lovers.”

“Vicky, we’ve been married six months. We’re a lot more than lovers,” he said with a smile.

“Please.” She said it with that particular whine in her voice, and gave him the puppy-dog eyes.

He sighed. “Ok.” Then he thought about it a moment more. “How long is this going to take?”

“It doesn’t say.” She caught the look on his face and added, “But I guess you can stop whenever you feel like it.” Games were not fun unless all the players were enjoying it…

“All right. What do we have to do for this game?”

She brought a deck of cards out of a small box. “We do whatever it says on the card we draw. We can shuffle them and then take one from the top or bottom. Or we can fan them out and choose a card at random.” She paused, and said, “There are some other things we have to have. I have them in this bag.” She lifted a plastic grocery sack. After a moment, she said, “Well. Do we shuffle them or just fan them out or what?”

So she was leaving it up to him, then. “How about shuffling, and then we each take one from the top. Seems the simplest.”

“You want to shuffle? I’m not very good at it.” As he reached for the deck, Vicky said, “But you aren’t supposed to look at the cards.”

Ben thought, Oh for Christ’s sake… He said, “OK” and shuffled the cards face down on the end table next to him. “You draw first,” he told her.

She drew a card.

“Tie my hands and kiss me.” She put her card down.

“Seriously?” He was not the slightest bit interested in that kind of kinky stuff.

“Yes. You have to tie my hands together and kiss me.”

Ben opened the sack and rummaged in it, finally pulling up a short length of nylon cord. Vicky knelt in front of him and offered her hands. With a tilt to his head, Ben loosely tied the cord around her wrists with a bow like a shoelace, and then leaned in to give her a peck on the lips. Then he untied her hands. When he glanced at her face, he was surprised to see a huge smile.

“Now you draw,” she said, still smiling.

“Hug me.”

She stood up giggling, then straddled one of his legs and gave him a tackle-style hug. Ben couldn’t help laughing.

“I don’t know, Vicky… That was a bit more than a hug…”

“It didn’t say how I was supposed to hug you,” she said with a wink.

“Your turn,” he said, starting to like this game.

“Breathe on my neck.”

Oh, this was going to be good. Vicky’s neck was really sensitive. Ben stood up, wrapped his arms around her, nuzzled the crook of her neck and then opened his mouth to exhale warm, moist breath on her skin. He felt rather than saw how her knees came together. When he pulled back, he could see goosebumps on her arm.

He drew a card. “Lick my chest.”

She gave him a gentle push, and he sat down on the couch with a whoomp. Then Vicky stood astride his leg, bent toward him, and roughly tugged his tee shirt up. With the shirt over his face, he couldn’t watch her, but he felt her tongue run around his right nipple and then trace a line across his chest to circle his left nipple. When she withdrew, he pulled down his shirt and said –

“Your turn.”

“Kiss my hand.”

He scooched forward, making her back up a bit. He knelt in front of her, lifted her right hand to his lips and kissed it. His first kiss was in the center of the back of her hand. He trailed kisses down her hand to her knuckles. Holding her fingers together so that there was “finger cleavage”, he kissed the cracks between her fingers, up close by the knuckles. They weren’t light pecks, they were moist, heavy kisses. Then he turned her hand over and kissed her wrist.

That was when Vicky’s knees did another knock. This time, he saw it and grinned.

“So you like this game?” he said.


“My turn.” Ben chose a card. “Put lipstick kiss marks on me and play connect the dot.”

Right away, she started digging in the bag. “Here it is!” She held up the lipstick. It still amazed him: Vicky could put her lipstick on without even checking a mirror. Before kneeling in front of him – he was still on his knees – she pulled off his shirt. Kneeling, she unfastened his jeans and pulled them down to the middle of his thighs. Then she started kissing him. She kissed his throat, the middle of his chest, each nipple, three more kisses down his torso, one kiss beneath his belly button. Then she sat back, stuck out her tongue at him, and then proceeded to trace a line from his throat to his left nipple. She pulled her tongue in, then put it back out to trace from his left nipple across his chest to his right nipple. She moistened her tongue again, and tongued a line from his nipple over to the center of his torso, and then licked him all the way down to the kiss mark below his belly button. He was a little disappointed that she actually stopped there.

“Aw… Is that it?” he asked.

“My turn,” she answered with a smile. “Write me a poem with my name in it.”

Ben stared at her. A poem? He rolled his eyes, then started digging in the bag. If he couldn’t find a piece of paper and something to write with, then he couldn’t write a poem, could he? Crap. He found a couple pieces of paper – looked like copy paper – and a pen. He sat down on the couch, his jeans piling at his feet. Vicky? What rhymed with that? Sticky? Icky? Jesus… That was terrible. He scratched on the paper to make sure the pen would write. But Victoria… He could rhyme with that! Euphoria. Suddenly hot to get this down on paper, he wrote:

Victoria, Victoria,

You give me euphoria.

Where do I start

To show you my heart?

I start with your head

Because it is best,

And then I proceed

To love all the rest.

After he read the poem, he looked at her sitting on the floor in front of him, and her mouth – the lipstick all smeared from connect the dot – was starting to tremble. She was trying not to cry.

“No one ever wrote me a poem before,” she said.

“Come here,” he said, giving her a hug. “It’s just a silly little poem.” He kissed her head and said, “Sweetie, do you want to keep playing?”


He picked up a card. “Tell me which part of me is your favorite part.”

“Your heart.”

“That’s your favorite part of me…?” He was hoping for a non-flowery kind of reply, since this was a sexy game. None of that “eyes” or “mind” or “heart” stuff.

“Yes, without your heart, I wouldn’t have any of you at all!” She sat next to him. “Without your heart, I wouldn’t get to play with all of these other parts…” She lightly scratched his nipple with her fingernail. “I think it’s my turn again,” she said, leaning over him to drag her still-clothed boobs over him. “Put whipped cream on me and lick it off.”

When Ben stood up and tore her shirt to take it off, he could tell she was between excited and pissed off. He wasn’t stupid. It wasn’t her favorite shirt. He took more care with the bra, unhooking the band and bringing it all forward, down her arms and off. With his hands, he guided her back onto the couch. He didn’t do that slowly, either. “Don’t move.” He rummaged in the bag and brought out the can of whipped cream. It was still fairly cold. He shook it, turned it upside down and put beautiful white peaks on her nipples. He licked the tip off the nearest peak. Then he opened his mouth wide, and took the whole blob of whipped cream and most of her tit into his mouth.

Feeling her hands winding in his hair, Ben sat up. “No. Huh-uh. I’m still working on my task. You have to lay there quiet.” Only after Vicky put both her hands over her head and gripped the cushion next to her did he proceed to her right nipple and devour the whipped cream from it.

She started to sit up.

“No. Stay right there.”

“But it’s your turn!”

“Nope. It’s still your turn. I’m not done fulfilling your task.”

He undid the waistband of her jeans, and pulled them off, also yanking off her panties. Somewhere along the line, she had lost her shoes. He didn’t remember or care when. He yanked her socks off. She squealed when Ben lifted her legs – one leg went over the back of the couch, the other he pushed up until he could say, “Hold this leg.” Much more delicately, he spread her labia with the fingers on one hand and shook the whipped cream. The mound of whipped cream lay right on her clit. Ignoring the sounds she was making, he lowered his head and suctioned up the whipped cream right along with her clit. When he felt her legs jerking, his head came up.

“Now it’s my turn.”

For a couple seconds, Vicky was frazzled enough not to react.

“Do you want me to pick a card?” he asked. “Are we done playing?”

Finally, “No!” She had let go of her leg, but her right leg was still up over the back of the couch. She got that leg down and sat up.

“Pick a card, Ben.”

He sat down and read the next card. “Take a sip of hot sauce and kiss me.”

Her eyes went wide. “You know I love hot sauce, right?”

He nodded. “So that is not going to be a stretch for me,” she said. Inwardly, Ben felt a tingle in his spine. Hot sauce was not really his thing…

Vicky rooted around in the bag and picked up a little bottle of hot sauce. Opening it, she tilted her head back and drizzled it over her tongue. “Mmmmmm,” she said. Somehow, that hot sauce woke her up fully, no matter what he had done with the whipped cream. Wriggling around, she ended up crawling on her belly toward him on the couch. “What have we here?” she asked, pulling on the waistband of his underpants.

Ben stood up.


He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom.

“But I didn’t get to kiss you!” she protested.

“Game over!” he said. “It’s time we got serious!”

An hour or so later, as they lay in each other’s arms, Ben asked, “How many cards are there in that game?”


He smiled. There was still plenty of play left…


1 comment

  1. Oh, I love this game and the story that tells about it!

    Ben is a very lucky guy to have a wife like Vicky who knows and constantly thinks of new ways on how to seduce him. Hopefully he reciprocates and does the same for her.

    I think you’ve given people, not just a hot, fun, and creatively written story, but also a resource and encouragement to help keep the spark of sexiness alive in marriages.

    How Ben was drawn in from the mundane activity to meaningful passionate engagement with Vicky is nothing short of magical.

    Thank you, Phoenix, for a wonderful story that gives more than just erotic entertainment.

    Best of the best!

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