A German Milf [F] taught me [M] the fine art of intimate seduction, Part 1

This is the second post about my involvement with an older German woman, 48, who taught me (21 at the time) almost everything I know about sex. Only two people, other than her and I, knew about it- I’ve kept it my secret..

As a disclaimer: The dialogue I’m sharing isn’t word for word, it’s based simply on what I recall from those events. There are distinct phrases and ideas (especially those in her dialect, Bayerisch) I remember from my conversations with her, but I remember more the feelings associated with these events, the tone of her voice or how her face looked as she said something, what we did and where, but maybe not the exact words. Her “lessons” were simple, like zen koans, and I usually wrote those down after the fact. It’d be impossible to quote her word for word, but I’ve tried. Also, German is a second language for me, I’m not as fluent as I once was, and, yes, I didn’t capitalize proper nouns as I should have on purpose.

HL, or Heike as we’ll call her now, is a German milf Goddess and my sex ed teacher. Yes, she’s still alive. I’ve not seen her since about 2001 when she was 57 but we’ve stayed in contact via emails and letters over the years. She’s invited me back a few times, but the timing, unfortunately, never really worked out. In 1992, I was 21, in the US Army stationed in Vilseck, Germany and fuck was I young, dumb, and full of cum. I’ve previously shared how she and I came to meet, our first encounter at her house during her Christmas party, and, how her husband had lost interest in her, physically, sexually, and emotionally. Too bad for him. Really.

To me, she was drop dead gorgeous. Shoulder length reddish-amber hair without the pale skin most men associate redheads with. Sure, she was tan from the nude tanning at the solarium, but she also had a naturally darker tone from a a heady mix of gypsy and eastern European. She has deep penetrating, pale-ish green eyes and fantastically delicious mom curves. She has 4 kinder, and her curves were just…. womanly. Her breasts, well her bra’s said 10D, which translates to BIG KNOCKERS in English. They were not the breasts of a teenager. They sagged, they had a few stretch marks in them from when she nursed, but were fucking amazing to me, they were… the breasts of a real, mature woman, something I’d not had the chance nor the pleasure to experience previously at that time in my life. She was the embodiment of those few, rare hot teachers I had in school, the sexy moms of my friends, the secretary’s I’d see on bring your kid to work days, all the ones I’d masturbate to. She was more sensitive in one nipple than the other, and if she was riding me, leaning over and tilted to the left a little, it was an open invitation to suck on her really sensitive nipple. Her chest, as her face, was littered with various shades of brownish, somewhat darkish freckles. They became darker and seemed to multiply in the summertime when we’d hit different schwimmbad’s or drove to a FKK irgendwo. Her nipples were like thick candy corn when erect and her areola were about the size of a half dollar- they weren’t pink or pale, but more towards a rosy sandish color in contrast to her skin tone. I sucked and nibbled on them, maybe worshipped is more accurate, for what seemed like hours at a time. If we spent the night together (which didn’t happen that frequently in the span of two years) after sex, and while embracing, she could get turned on all over again with nipple attention. I could bring her to orgasm by gentle attention to her nips with light strokes on her clit. She had a slight, minimal, belly pooch and a small FUPA mound that I caressed and pulled upwards when I’d go down on her. Her mom belly was the epitome of her sexiness to me. Her labia extended outwards, like a peaceful, gentle butterfly, begging to be licked and sucked. Let’s be clear, she had a sexy mom bod and was definitely not a nubile, tight teen. Didn’t bother me at all- I found her infinitely more sexy than the young German maedels my buddies would bring back to the barracks and fuck for a night. This was before cougars, milfs, and the general acceptance and validity that older, mature, women can be sexy, and, that they could even have an interest in sex after 40.

She never referred to me as her “Sohn / Son”, never wanted me to call her “Mutti / Mom”, our relationship wasn’t like that because of the age difference. We were lovers and formed tief emotional connections from our, at first, purely sexual relationship. I was young and totally inexperienced (bit of an understatement actually), but the 21 year old version of me wouldn’t admit that; he would have said he’s already been through a war, the rest of life is cakewalk and there’s not much else to learn about life. So fucking wrong. I was horny all the fucking time. I was living in a barracks with other young soldiers, also perpetually horny. (Ladies: fucking is literally all men CAN think about when they’re full of testosterone and young. You can’t expect much more than that from us unless you show us how not to be so primitively aggressive in our hormonal fueled state of stupidity. Spoiler, we’re oblivious to it and will not readily acknowledge it because we’re often incapable of seeing past it.)

Heike had a somewhat part time job at her husbands business, but still dedicated the majority of her time to her children, all of whom were going to one uni or another, still living at home either part or full time. She also managed to care for her parents and her husband’s mother also living in her house. Generational homes were a new concept for me as an American when I arrived in Deutschland. Heike’s nature was giving and caring, she never complained to me about any of it, and I’d say she saw it more as a sacred duty. She was very much “The” German Hausfrau and at heim she was Chef. She was married, yes. She mentioned a few affairs before me in our conversations, but told me I was her youngest and her first American. “Die anderen war fuer mich gar nichts, mehr wie Spielzeugen, oftermals haette ich mit sie keinen orgasmus / The others were nothing to me, they were like toys, more often than not I didnt have an orgasm”. It didn’t bother me in the least she was married or loved him while with others. I don’t think I even had the capacity at that time in my life to really understand the complex emotions she must have experienced in our relationship at that time. Yeah, I was mostly oblivious to that. The 95% of my brain consumed with the urge to fuck didn’t care and the remaining 5% told me I was lucky, she was hot, so get my dick wet in an animalistic fashion. We were polar opposites in more than age- she was refined, mature, elegant in both thoughts and movements. I was immature, clumsy, rough, raw and starting to question whether I had PTSD. She accepted completely all of that in me and with graceful patience, tender touches and guided words, schooled my undeserving ass for almost two years, changing me for the better. I was putty in her hands.

I’ve asked her since, when I lived in Germany again in the early 2000’s, what really drove her to be with me. I’m younger than her youngest. When I flirted with her the very first time she thought of her son doing the same thing- not to an older or younger woman, just… any woman. I didn’t seduce her that first time, like I thought, but she allowed it. Of course she wanted the sexual attention, she wasn’t getting that at home, but she also thought if her son were to be in a similar situation, would she want her to teach him, to show him what it meant to be intimate, to express love or lust through touch? When she discovered how terrible, how utterly unrefined I was at fucking, going down, and my generally base and rough approach to sex, like manhandling tits and ass (blaming the testosterone overload!), she knew she should become my teacher. That would be what she would want for her son. She also admitted that I filled her desire to be wanted again. She realized then when we first met that I wanted her more passionately than anyone had in a long time “Sah ich in dein’n Auegen, wie du mir wolltest / I saw it in your eyes, how you wanted me”, “Wie blitz mir traefft / Like lightning struck me”.

I don’t think her husband ever found out, but I’ve never asked. The times I was in her home, because of a party or holiday, and he was there, well if he knew, he never made a comment or even gesture about it. It’s her business and I felt what we had was special enough to her that she wanted us to be the focus when we could be together. “Durch meinen Tagen, allein bei dir, denk ich oft dran / Being alone with you is something I think of often through my days”. We weren’t intentionally obvious, but there were more than a few PDA’s when we were in public. I found it hard to contain myself when we were out together, it was natural for me to put my arm around her placing my hand on her ass. She was absolutely buoyant with infectious happiness- she smiled as she spoke, her eyes gleamed brightly with a passionate energy, she was alive with life and love. We also took our time, she more than I, in planning our meetings. She was ueberhaupt nicht a booty call after a night of heavy drinking, in other words, but would let me treat her like one when the occasion was right and she’d allow me to take her however I chose.

SH, let’s call her Susanne, was a close friend of Heike’s. A modern German divorcee and Lehrerin at a local school, she was pure Deutsch, had never had children, was 55 jahre jung. She stood about 6′ flat footed, deep brown hair and eyes, and was solidly broad. She was fit with a lanky musculature, had perky tits (maybe B cup) with small nipples. I think she was a little jealous of Heike’s way of filling a sweater with her busty chest. She knew English, probably fluently, but only spoke in German with me. It drove me crazy sometimes and I’d revert to English. “Sei dich nicht so faul / Don’t be so lazy” she’d reprimand. She’d grab my jaw, look me straight in the eyes (she was as tall as me) “Von dir will ich nur Woerter auf Deutsch verstehn’ / I’ll only understand you when you speak English”. I’d usually say something like “Seien Sie dann meine Fickfleisch / Then be my fuck-meat” or, “Gut, ich will mein heissen Samen auf Ihre Gesicht spritzen / Good, I want to spray my hot jizz on your face”. Something very impolite, crude but said in Formal, not Informal just to get a rise from her, and she’d usually crack a smile and pinch my nipple. Yes, she had an authoritarian streak that bordered on bitchiness. I’d placate her with bottles of Johnnie Walker and Jack Daniels I’d pick up at the Class VI on base with my ration card. Well, not placate, but the gesture always went a long way in making her happy, especially because she let Heike and I have free use of her apartment whenever we needed it. I didn’t meet Susanne until the end of my leave, when she was returning from her vacation, but came to know her well in the time I was living in Germany and with Heike.

Those two were close friends. They spoke with each other regularly, shopped for groceries and lingerie together, and didn’t have any secrets between them from what I could tell. There were pictures of the two of them through the years on Susanne’s walls. They would occasionally go on vacation together and Susanne was often at Heike’s for the holidays. They were, well, almost sisterly. I always thought it was uebercool how they’d greet each other- a hug and a kiss on the check. A lot of Germans did that with each other I noticed, it’s nice- more warm than the typical American handshake. I did not form the same attachments with Susanne as I did with Heike, if you’re wondering.  

I spent the first two weeks of 1993 in Susanne’s place. As bitchy as she could be with me at times, she often let me sleep on her bed, use her bathroom and towels, eat her food, so she was cool with me in that sense. I don’t know why, but think it was simply because, in her eyes, I became an extension of Heike. I was on leave. Cezchoslovakia had just split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia. I was supposed to go to Plsn, Brno, then Praha with my buddies to, of course, chase some Czech tail and get laid, but didn’t. I was already hearing stories from guys in the other barracks that had gone over, pre-split, about the legendary beauty of the Czechs and how everything was so fucking cheap over there. Nah, being with Heike again was what I wanted.

Heike had shared everything about us with her best friend. Susanne, who would be gone on vacation, offered her place to Heike for our pleasure. Heike was excited, and called me on base when I was at work to tell me. Yes, this was before cell phones were a thing. Seriously, we had German pay phones in the barracks. If you wanted to pay the hundred or so DM’s (Deutschmark’s, this was also pre-Euro) for Deutsche Telekom to run a line to your barracks room they would. My thought process on getting a phone was that the money would be better allocated to my monthly beer/going out/chasing tail budget, which was more often than not my entire paycheck.

It just worked out. I could only meet Heike at her own house under certain circumstances, which wasn’t that often. She was too much of a lady to bring back to my barracks, but there were two times in those years that she was able to come to my barracks room. These first two weeks together allowed us a lot of time for sex, kuscheln / cuddling, deep conversations, and to nakedly explore each others bodies. We took baths together. We walked, hand in hand, on the fussweg’s in the forests behind the apartment. We bonded. More than we thought we would. Her voice was like measured music, her words flowed, to what seemed to me, in short bursts of poetic exhalations.

She came over about every other day and also spent the night with me twice in those two weeks. She became much more to me in that time than a simple fickhase or a piece of ass.

Jan 2d, 1993: my first “lesson” with Heike. She didn’t have a curriculum, there weren’t Unterrichten, keine Hausaufgabe, just conversations and physical examples. She’d often say “Schatzi, gibts’ wirklich so viel ich muss bei dir bringen / Dear, there’s so much more to learn”. Never really knew if she meant that I was just dense, or, if there was really so much that I was bad at she thought she’d never teach me everything she thought she should. We met at Susanne’s around noon, spoke, flirted coyly during a small mittagsessen, then had some wine. Not a big wine drinker, still not, but Heike insisted during those two weeks on teaching me the differences between Reds and Whites, Dinners and Desserts, Sangria, and even Tafelwein- a simple wine most Germans kept out on their tables to eat with their meals, nothing special, just Tafelwein. Something one would bring over to a friend’s house when and if invited over for dinner. Her reasoning was that any woman of worth would appreciate me more if I knew at least something about, and could with confidence order, wine.

We sat on Susanne’s bed in a room filled with her paintings, it was more like an art studio. Her art studio. Landscapes, portraits, nudes, stills- even one of a foreboding, black, fully erect, with engorged monstrous veins, uncircumcised and pierced schwanz. Yeah, Susanne was a bit of a perv. Our conversation continued, Heike let me place my hand on her, but pushed it away when I got to close to her crotch or tits.

“Nein mein Junge, so was machst du nicht / No my young man, not that way”.

“Maennern tun immer das gleiche, kaum niemand auf eine andere weise gehts- dass lernern wir jetzt / Men always do the same thing but few consider doing it differently, which is what we’re learning”. I understood her, kinda.

“Jeden Mann kann ficken, nicht jede Frau moechtest gefickt werden / Every man can fuck, but not every woman likes to get fucked”.

“Das bestes fuer mich waere wenn ich total dir will, nicht du mir / What would be best for me is when I really want you, not so much when you want me”.

“Die unterscheid ist da ohne Woerter, wie ich mich haendeln’, wie du dich in mir rheinsteckst, ich will dass du diese unterscheid verstehen. Ja klar dass du mir ficken willst, traegst du diese energie wie ‘ne mantel. Deinem job, deines arbeit ist einfach, du mir auf gleiche stellung bringen muss. / The difference exists without words, but in how I handle myself when you enter into me, how you handle yourself when you fuck me, and I want you to understand that difference. Clearly, youre ready to fuck and you wear that energy like a coat. Your job, your work, is to get me to that same place.”

“Nur dann gib ich mir dir, total, hemmungslos, ganz, freiwilling im moment bei dir, nur dann laess’ ich dich wirklich drin. / Only then am I able to give myself totally, without restraint, entirely and freely to you in a shared moment and only then can I let you really inside me.” “Nicht nur daruenter sondern hier obern. / Not just down here (as she pointed at her vagina) but up here (as she pointed at her head).”

“Denk dran mein Leiber, unseres erstes mal du mir schon beherrschet hat, vor du einem fuss im haus trat. Du, du auf meinem gedaenke hingte, warst du schon in mir. Deswegen wollt’ ich dir und deswegen im erstes augenblick ist mir nass gewordn’. / Think about it love, our first time together you already had me before you even stepped a foot in my house. You, you hung off my thoughts and were already in me. That’s why I wanted you and that’s why you made me wet when I saw you.” I was beginning to really understand. She had my full attention and was speaking to me in a way that shut down that ever present urge to just fuck. No woman had ever told me this. She was showing me how to channel my clumsy sex drive to something more constructive and meaningful.

“Sag mir warum du mich willst, sag mir was du um mein koerper schoen find’st, sag mir wie gluecklich du bist um mir zu sein, sprichst du an mir nicht meine muschi. Fuer mich sex im kopf ist, nicht im koerper, deswegen muss dir meine gedanke verfuerhen. / Tell me why you want me, tell me what you find beautiful about my body, tell me how lucky you are to be with me, speak to me not my pussy. For me, sex is in my head, not my body, and because of that, you have to seduce my thoughts (to seduce my body).”

“Bestimmt koennen wir uns ficken. Vielleicht habe ich ‘ne orgasmus. Das haette ich schonmals. Manchmal machts spass, hab’ ich lust immer jetzt ‘rauf was anderes, ‘ne zusammnheit, verstehst du? / We could fuck. Maybe I have an orgasm. Ive had that. It’s fun sometimes, but I’ve been desiring something else for a while, a togetherness. Do you understand?”. Yeah- lima charlie. Loud and clear. I wouldn’t be fucking her right about now. I wouldn’t be plunging my schwanz into her gorgeous and eng muschi right now. This time wasn’t going to be a repeat of her Christmas party. It could be, I think she would have let me fuck her senseless, pounding away until I came, but I had the nagging, persistent thought she wouldn’t be into it. She was telling me fucking was base, anyone could, and does, but if I wanted her, really wanted her I’d have to do something I’d never even thought about- engage her mind. Engage every woman’s mind.

I stood up, offered my hand to her while she sat on the bed and said “Na ja, da draussen ist aber wunderschoen, moechte ich gerne bei dir durch’die schnee spazierngeh’n. / Well, it’s gorgeous outside, I’d really like to take a walk through the snow with you”. My version of a cold shower. Her eyes and lips smiled she took my hand, placed her arm around my back, got right in my face, almost nose to nose, then said “Mag ich auch gern’ / I’d also like that”. She kissed my cheek, “Dass war / That was”, then the other cheek “ein richtig / a correct”, then my forehead, “antwort / answer”, then my lips lightly and quickly. It was an answer, anything but fucking would have been correct.

We bundled up and walked hand in hand as it lightly snowed on a foot path through the forests and fields behind the dorf where Susanne’s place was. She told me to speak to her as a person, not someone with tits and parts that I could fuck, but as a person whom I’m very interested in getting to know better. “Als ob du die moeglichkeit eine neue Freudin zu machen haettest / As if I had the opportunity to make a new friend”. She told me sex doesn’t make someone interesting because every man and woman are just born to have sex and continue this cycle. “Natuerlich ja, / Natuarally, yes?” She said sex is just the act, that’s what most men concentrate on, forgetting the intimacy. She asked whether I thought it was possible to share intimacy, without being naked, with someone I didn’t know. She said two people could be intimate, even wearing clothes and walking together.

We spoke about how things were when she was born, her parents, her friends, her children, their sports teams, what they’re majoring in. I never asked directly about her marriage, but she would speak to it sometimes. We walked until the early sunset of that German wintery day, then kept walking, our steps illuminated by slivers of fading light and the few lamps on the path. She asked about my life too, my parents, siblings, school. She asked what I did in the war, how I felt that year in the desert, and wanted to see the scars it left me with. It was cathartic, no one had done that- just asked me about it, and that’s the kind of shit my buddies and I didn’t talk about in the barracks. We were locked together during that walk, either by holding hands or arm in arm, and I think that was part of the togetherness she was showing me. It was around 6 and pitch black when we found our way back to the dorf and Susanne’s place, stomped our boots, and then she hugged me. It was unexpected because I assumed she was coming in, but I hugged her and told her I enjoyed sharing time with her, that I hadn’t really ever done that, not even with the one girlfriend I had in high school (more of a FWB situation than a relationship). She kept hugging me, tighter. I told her I understood that she probably needed to go and was looking forward to the next time she could come over to visit. She looked at me, and she had this way of just radiating her positivity in how she looked at me, placed her hands on both sides of my head and said “Laedst du mir nicht ein? Meine Junge, hast du’es nicht bemerkt? / Arent you going to invite me in? My boy, have you not observed it happening?” Yeah, I was confused right about then. What happened that I missed?!

We went inside. She took my hand and led me to the bedroom. She began to undress me, slowly. Coat, scarf, shirt, undershirt, all off. She ran her fingers over my shoulders, down my biceps, looking at me with her hungry pale green eyes. “Hast du es gefuehlt? als wir durch den weg lauefte? / Did you feel it as we walked the path?” “Wie ich genau bei dir war, wie ich dir umarmt, die naehigkeit, die zusammenheit- im woerter, im gefeuhle.. / How I was very close to you, how I hugged you, the closeness, the togetherness, in words and feelings.”

“Du antowrtetest mir alles was ich vor dir stellte, wie einem buch, du verstecktest nichts, du gab mir alles- die traurig, die gluecklich, die schlecht und gut. / You answered everything I could possibly want to know about you, you were like a book, you hid nothing, you gave it all to me, the sadness, the happiness, the bad, the good.” Ever been with someone that you could just talk to, without fear of judgment, or being embarrassed, that can offer understanding, insight, that holds you up instead of brings you down, that sees the highest version of your Self, not what you’re actually presenting to them? That was Heike. I’m a guy, and in my military world at that time, guys just don’t talk much, especially for over 4 hours about anything. I don’t think I ever, until then, knew how to even have a real conversation with another person. I felt more open and vulnerable in speaking with her on that walk than I have with anyone before. And she knew it.

“Genau da sind wir intim geworden / Exactly then we became intimate.” I was naked. And cold. She was clothed. “Du fand dein weg schon weider ins meine gedaenke / You found your way yet again into my thoughts”. She took my hand and placed it on her breast. I instinctively grabbed. “Nein, langsam…mit gefuehle und sanftigkeit / No, slowly, with feeling and softness.” “Ich will dich jetzt, zieh’ mir aus / I want you, undress me”.

And it came together for me at that moment. She allowed me to undress her, slowly, exposing more of her than I had previously seen. As I laid bare each breast, nipples becoming erect from the cold air, I kissed them. I kissed her chest, her belly, and while on my knees, peeled away her skirt, leggings and panties that were already moist with her wetness. We laid naked under the duvet and heavy quilts, arms and legs wrapped around one another, her hands exploring me, pulling me towards her, closer and closer. It came to me, this type of intimacy is only a different version of the intimacy we shared on the walk. I engaged her mind to get her this far, and now she’s ready and willing, she’s allowing me into her, all of her.

That second time with Heike was magic. The coolness of the air in the bedroom, the frost on the outside edges of the windows, the slowness of time itself. She was laying on top of me, kissing me from one corner of one eye, down to my cheek, chin, landing on my lips. Biting my lip gently, taking my lower lip between hers, her tongue coyly entering my mouth, she had me pinned. Our hands were interlocked by the sides of my head and I could feel her breasts on my hairy chest, the weight of them and her, and her slow gyrations, how she slid her meaty labia up and down, over my cock, letting her wetness drench it. I would thrust upwards to let her know how badly I wanted to be inside her. She hugged me while on top of me, her mouth next to my ear “Schau gut zu / Watch closely”, then we rolled over so that I was on top of her but not yet in her. Her legs wrapped around my back, her hands grabbed my hips, and I slid my cock inside her. She kept me there with her legs, stared at me, and whispered “Langsam, bitte / Slowly, please”, between breaths, “Fuer mich tu es / Do this for me”, “kleine bewegungen / little movements”. I understood, don’t pound her like I did last time, this is for her, this is what she wants. I was deep inside and my cock was pulsating. She could feel it, and was getting off to it. I pulled out a few centimeters, very slowly, then just as slowly back in. Her legs clamped around me only allowed that much until she was sure I knew what to do. With just these tiny movements, her breathing was becoming more erratic and when it also became more rushed, she held me in place with her legs tightly for a few moments until she regained control over her impending orgasm. She relaxed a little, and told me “Jetzt, langsam raus / Now, slowly out” and I did, and it was fucking hard as fuck to do because my instinct was to pull out, plunge in, pull out even more quickly, then shove it back in… as I was pulling out slowly, as slowly as I could manage, my cock pulsated even more. “Mit deine spitze, reibst mir daruenter / With your tip, rub me down there”, and of course I obliged, yes fucking Ma’am. I took the tip of my 7 inch cock and teased her- rubbing it slowly on one side of her vagina, then the other, then topped the circle by brushing it against her engorged clit. She shuddered. I’d do a few circles, then let just the tip enter her pussy and with slow, almost micro movements, teased her with the head of my cock in and out of her wetness. I’d pull out and circle her vagina and clit, then repeat with just the tip inside her. Her chest and face were getting flush, and the urge to cum, at least for me, was subsiding a bit, but not for her. I had more control over myself fucking this way, in this manner. Her nipples were fat and engorged and even a slight touch on them made her quiver. “Jetzt, alles / Now all of you” as she spread her legs wide for me and I very slowly buried my 7 inches into her tight mom pussy again. I was in her, I was in her thoughts, and she was moaning with the slightest movement in or out. She was beyond words now, and that’s when her words, “watch closely,” came back to me. She was still in teacher mode, albeit, pleasured teacher mode. I slowly pulled out and her body was twitching. I teased her clit slightly, then sunk my cock back in, even slower than I had pulled out and saw that she was almost panting now. I kept at it, and learned that she would, with a slight upwards tilt of her hips, pull my cock into her by thrusting up, letting me know to go deeper- she was using her body language to teach me. Her moans, at first slightly controlled, and, well… girlish? were becoming more guttural, deeper, louder. When she shook and twitched, her hands, previously lightly grabbing my hips now gripped me with force. As I was slowly pulling in and out, I understood this was all for her, this is how she wanted me to be intimate with her, this was her giving me all of herself that she could. She grabbed me and brought me forward so that I was directly on top of her. She wrapped herself around me as I was deep inside her, her breath hot on my ear, her body shuddering and quaking under me, her moans and breath intertwined as she came turned me on to the point that my thrusts were getting quicker. I could feel her vagina clamping down on my cock, it’s spasms adding another dimension to my thrusts, and I came deep inside her. She rolled me over so that she was on top- hugging me while I was still inside her, getting limp. She kissed my neck, still out of breath, looked at me, and said “Dass is das erstes mal in jahren dass jemand mir solch’n liebe gabte / That’s the first time in years that someone’s given me love like that”. We laid on that bed, wrapped in each others arms, skin on skin, for another hour or so. Just breathing in and out, lightly touching and kissing each other, lost in our thoughts.

“Jungen, hast du’s gesehen, hast du wirklich angeschaut? / young man, did you see, did you really wacth” I told her yes, and it was an amazing show. She lightly ran her fingers down my chest, to my balls, over my leg then back up my chest while smiling at me.

“Maennern spuerren sex durch dem augen, bestimmt, ja weiss ich / Men experience (feel) sex through the eyes, certainly, I know that”, “Frauen durchs kopf/ Women through their mind/head”.

“Am lauf sind wir intim geworden, teilte ich was um mich und mien’n leben privat ist / On the walk we became more intimate as I shared myself, my private life with you”.

“Laesst ich dir rhein als du mir haettest / I let you in just like you let me in to yours”. She spoke, kissing me while she did.

“Du hast’s geschaefft, mir in gedaenke zu engagierien / You were able to successfully engage my thoughts”, “ohne dein’n schwanz ins weg / without your cock getting in the way.” as she stroked my limp dick, getting a slight rise out of it.

“So geht’s mit den erste stuefe naeher auf meine scheide- weil danach leicht dem weg ‘drauf ist / That’s how the first step goes, to get closer to my pussy, because after that it’s easy”. I was harder, she knew it.

“Und dann, hast du’s gesehen wie meine koerper in der naehe deinem reageriete? And then, did you see how my body reacted to yours when we were close together?” I had- from her breathing, to her flushed red face and chest, to how erect her nipples became, to how wet she was. I had never really noticed that before when having sex with the few women in my past, I wasn’t really concerned with it? Was too much in my own world when previously fucking?

“Die zeichnen sind da, wenn du wirklich schaust an, die zeichnen einer frau die sich total an dir gibt/ The signs are there, if you really look for them, the signs of a woman giving the entirety of herself to you”.

I was erect again, and she was giving herself to me, again, as she leaned over and took my cock in her mouth. She sucked me in a similar manner as I had been in her, slowly. She locked eyes with me and took most of my cock in her mouth, palming my balls and playing with my taint as she did. She knew what she was doing, she was, as they would say there- “Eine Profi”. The pressure on my balls was tighter and her head was bobbing up and down, maintaining eye contact with me. Her fingers were probing the outer part of my asshole, something entirely new for me, and my moans and breathing were signs for her to bring me to climax. I spent another load in her mouth, she swallowed and kept sucking, even harder, and it felt as if she was now squeezing my balls. I thrusted upwards uncontrollably and grabbed her hair until I couldn’t take it anymore and tried to pull out while a second, smaller orgasm made my cock spasm, ejecting a tiny amount of cum outwards- which she captured in her mouth.

We bathed together, and although I think I could have convinced her to stay longer, she did need to get back home. I spent the rest of that night alone, in Susanne’s place, listening to her Miles Davis LP’s, getting drunk on a fifth of Jack, and writing down what I could remember from the lesson. Engage the mind, and the body follows. Turn her mind on, and her body gets turned on. No, that wasn’t right. Engage the mind without my cock getting in the way and her milftastic body is mine, she’ll give me her all. Turn her mind on without my cock getting in the way, and her body will just naturlich be horny for me. Closer to what she had said? I was in over my head and a bit dense in these matters.

The times we met during those two weeks was an introduction to what sex and relationships could be. It was a glacial shift in my perspective, from the way I approached and thought about women, to how I approached the physical and non physical acts of intimacy. I got to know Heike better than any other person in my life at that point. We talked. A lot. There were times she would come over at 0830ish and we would have sex for hours, neither of us speaking but letting our bodies communicate; there were times she came over at noon and we simply talked for hours. She changed too. She was happier? more jubilant and radiant? She used the term “zufrieden bei dir / contentment (or satisfaction) with you” often, which bespoke an underlying deep seated happiness. I don’t take any credit for that- part of her initial attraction to me, besides the hot mom body, the meaty tits, the butterfly labia, the mom pooch and FUPA, the fact that she became my sex ed teacher, was her happiness. How she smiled either with her lips or her eyes, how that could light up her face, how that happiness inflected the tones of her speech, and even how she moved, graciously, with an elegance. How she could put a hand on her hip, tilt slightly sideways, cock her head, and give you a look that spoke volumes. She -her movements, her speech- was light and airy in contrast to myself. Over those two weeks I noticed that she started humming at times during lulls in the conversations or on our walks, which shifted to soft singing, in German, of course.

I was getting to know her so well that when I had to visit a local lebensmittelgescaheft to restock Susanne’s tiny fridge and cupboards I instinctively reached and grabbed for the Rafaello’s by the cash register when I was checking out. They were Heike’s favorite. When she saw them on the counter during one of her visits the second week, she blushed, sauntered slowly towards me with the coconut confections in her hand, bit one in half, then fed me the other. She touched my cheek, a little stubby after not having to shave every weekday morning at 0430, gazed into my eyes with hers reflecting the soft lights above making her pale green eyes glisten, and kissed me, deeply, embracing me, tightly, and quietly, in broken syllables, asked “Warum Rafaello’s meine junge schatzi? Liebst du mir? / Why Rafaello’s my dear, do you love me?” I kept her gaze but couldn’t answer, I didn’t know how. I didn’t know what the right or wrong answer was. Instead I closed my eyes, and kissed her, tasted her, held her tight against me. She pressed herself into me, with one hand on my back and the other on my neck and slowly, enunciating each word, whispered into my ear. “Meine suesse, dass heisst ja / My sweet one, that’s a yes”, “Mir’st auf deinem kopf / I’m in your mind/thoughts”. She broke the hug, extricated herself from me, reached into her coats’ pocket and pulled out a small pack of Dannemann cigarellos. The ones I told her I enjoy puffing on when I drink. The ones I ran out of.

We started to undress in the kitchen, while kissing, made our way slowly into the living room, while kissing and still undressing, and stumbled to the bedroom, still kissing like teenagers in heat. We laid together in an embrace, both on our sides, her hands running through my hair, my hands stroking her back with soft caresses. She turned on her back, and I snuggled up to her on my side. She took my right hand and guided it between her legs. With her hand on mine, she guided my fingers. She had me pull the skin around her clit upwards then pinch gently inwards so that I wouldn’t (as she whispered) “erwacht nicht meine klitoris mit grob bewengungen / awaken her clit with rude movements”. She had me roll the clit around in the surrounding flesh, then use up and down movements, then rubbed my finger down her vagina and into her. She had me finger fuck her for a few strokes, used her hand to urge my head towards her nipple and spoke quietly in hushed breaths, “leck mich genau da / lick me right there”. I obliged, happily, and nursed on her while her hand guided me back to making small circles around her clit now. “Nimm alles in deinem mund / take it all in your mouth”, as I opened my mouth wider to suck on her nipple and areaola, pulling it into my mouth with a light suction, circling the tip of her fat elongated nipple with my tongue. I was getting carried away, and so was she. My finger made a few circles around her clit, stroked her vagina on the way downward to entering her and I was rolling her nipple around my mouth with my tongue. Her hips were thrusting forward as my fingers entered her. I curled the two fingers up when they were in, so the tips, above the second knuckles, could explore upwards to find her g-spot, she had already guided me there with my cock earlier in the week. Her hips were bucking up and down and both her hands were pushing my head into her cleavage while her body shook and quivered while she came. I pulled my fingers out, slowly, which caused some micro quivers, and she turned on her side, back to how we started. “Dreh dich schatz / Turn over dear” and just like that, she became the big spoon to my little one. She wrapped one arm under me, the other over me, wrapped her leg over me, and held me tightly, her head resting on mine. And she sang. Softly. Almost in a whisper. For the longest time, I could only remember one line from her song. I understood the words, but not why she was singing them. When I came back in 2001, I happened to hear a new mom singing it to her baby when I was enjoying a Kaffee in a park. “Er war eine Mutter, die hatte vier Kinder, den Frühling, den Sommer, den Herbst und den Winter. Der Frühling bringt Blumen, der Sommer den Klee, der Herbst, der bringt Trauben der Winter den Schnee.” She sang it several times, lulling me to sleep while in her embrace.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dwekr1/a_german_milf_f_taught_me_m_the_fine_art_of


  1. Oh my. I actually cried. That was amazing!

    As a woman reaching 40, and in a very similar position to Heike’s, I really feel for her. What an amazing woman she was. And so lucky to have found you, as you found her.

  2. Impressive story. I hope that you’ll continue writing your expriences in Deutschland.

  3. What you both had was amazing. I’m glad I get to feel it through your words; I better learn some German to keep up!

    Keep the posts coming, please.

  4. Wow.. this is such a bittersweet and well written story. As a 23 year old man; thank you for sharing your experience. It has really given me a new perspective on life and also makes me sad if i will find a lover like that. A lover who i can completely give everything too and hide nothing. The sadness, the happiness, the bad, the good, my soul, my heart. I’ve never been with someone that you could just talk to, without fear of judgment, or being embarrassed, that can offer understanding, insight, that holds you up instead of brings you down, that sees the highest version of your self.

    Where and how is she doing now? Do you two still talk?

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