After our last appointment, I wondered how much further I could go without getting caught. I mean, taking her tits out of her bra and jacking off on them while I fingered her seemed pretty far as it was. But I also wondered how she felt when she left my office. Did her chest feel tight and sticky? Was there residue of my cum on her body anywhere? I wasn’t sure. Did she perceived any difference in her clothes when she left? Did she notice anything off at all? I really did wonder. But more than that, I just really couldn’t wait to see her again. She had been coming weekly (and so had I) but this week, she cancelled her appointment with my secretary. She mentioned something about going upstate to see her ailing mother, last minute. I didn’t know if I could go an extra week without seeing her. So I decided to do some digging.
I pulled her file and went through her information to find her maiden name. Once I did that, the rest was fairly somple. Her mother lived about three hours north of us, in a very small town with one grocery store. There was a downtown strip of a handful of businesses–one of which was a small diner. I cancelled all of the clients for the rest of the week and decided if she couldn’t come to me that I would go to her. I got in my SUV and began driving. It was sprinkling lightly and the roads were near empty. As I drove I thought about what I may say to her when I found her. I ultimately decided that I’d play it off as a work trip. I decided I was going to tell her that I was visiting a patient in the local hospital and I decided to stay a night to get some down time to myself. It was believable, it gave me a reason for being there and I didn’t think she’d doubt me. Now, how would I find her? I knew what car she drove (I watched her drive away every week, peeking through my shutters in my office like a pervert) so I would go to the hospital, drive through the lot, and find her car. Then I’d wait. There was a chance she would go back to her mother’s house if she was staying there, but I was gambling on her needing a change of scenery and food. So I was hoping she’d drive to the diner.
By the time I got to the hospital, visiting hours were quickly coming to a close. My timing seemed almost too perfect. I spotted her car parked under a large oak tree in the back of the parking lot. There wasn’t much cover for my vehicle near hers so I parked further away but kept my eyes facing her car. As I expected, she did not leave until visiting hours were over. I knew a sweet, sexy loving mother and daughter like herself would spend every last moment she could with her poor, sick parent. I found myself becoming somewhat obsessed with her. No time to think about that now, I told myself. Suddenly she emerged from a sea of car and I locked onto her. She was wearing a pair of faded blue jeans that hugged her ample ass perfectly. It looked like she had on a cream colored blouse and a cream colored cardigan over top. Trying to avoid the rain, she briskly walked to the car, her Sperry top-siders soaking more and more with each step she took. Her hair was damp and messy and she tossed her handbag across to the passenger seat before disappearing into her car. It was go time. I was already at half hard.
She began driving and I pulled out right behind her, nervous I may lose her in the rain and unknown town. She drove cautiously and didn’t go over the speed limit–my good girl. My heart raced as we neared the center of town. Just as I had hoped and suspected, she was stopping at the diner. This was best case scenario. I’d make up a reason to be at the diner once I got in there but as of now, I just need to get in there and start talking to her. I was like an addict needing a fix. I waited for her to get in the diner and take a seat at a small booth right up front. A retro pendant light hung down over her, illuminating her gorgeous face. I waited until the waitress brought her a menu and I made my move.
I pushed open the diner door and gently shook and folded my umbrella, rubbed my hand through my damp hair and wiped my feet. The classic “its raining and I just walked in” move. I pulled my phone out of my pocket in an effort to look busy and have a reason for not noticing her first. The waitress then walked me to a table behind hers. I felt her look up and do a double take. Yes, she noticed. Okay, game on.
I ordered a black coffee and stared down at a menu. If you had asked me to name one single item on that menu for a million dollars I couldn’t do it. My mind was working over time–what if she was going to ignore that her therapist was upstate in this small town coincidentally? How could I approach her? But in true form, she turned around and very quietly and calmly said, “Hello.”
I was getting hard already.
“Oh wow,” I said, folding my menu up. “Hello,” I did my best job to act both happy as well as surprised to see her. I anxiously awaited her asking me what I was doing there, so I could get the worst part over with. “This is a strange coincidence,” she said, smiling. “I cancelled today but you’re here too. Were you going to cancel on me?” I hadn’t thought about this part enough. What is the most believable? “Unfortunately I probably would have cancelled, yes. But don’t worry. You’re being charged.” That’s what most patients worried about. “I have a patient here at the local hopsital. She used to live near my office but moved and I come up here once a month to see her. Today was more of an emergency visit.” She nodded, taking in the story. I could tell she believed it. Hell, I was her shrink. She had no reason to not completely trust and believe me. No reason that she knew of, at least.
“If you’re alone, you are welcome to join me,” I said, motioning the other side of my booth. “It’s not weird?” she scrunched her nose as she spoke. “No, of course not,” I said, knowing that it was indeed very weird and inappropriate. When I looked at her across from me in this diner booth, far away from my professional office, I couldn’t help but remember the way she tasted on my fingertips and the way her breasts looked covered in my come.
She proceeded to tell me about her mom, what was going on, she told me her husband was home with her kids and that she was enjoying her day away. She said she wasn’t going back until the middle of next week and she was kind of happy to have the break from her life. I did my usual nodding and verbal cues of understanding to make her feel heard. We chatted about some books and music, laughed a little and decided it was okay for us to order some pie. We ate our pie in silence, an energy buzzed between us. Patients often became attracted to their psychiatrists. I wondered if that was now beginning to happen. Then she did something I did not expect at all. She ordered a glass of wine.
One glass quickly turned into three. “It was just such a long day,” she said, slurring slightly. We had been sitting talking for nearly three hours. “I understand,” I said, “but it’s getting late and you need your rest. Can I get you home?” We both knew she wasn’t in a position to drive. “That would be nice,” she said, smiling at me in a shy way. I couldn’t tell if she was just friendly or if she was attracted to me. I had to play it by ear.
On the drive back to her Mother’s house we talked about the town, how the shops were quaint and lovely and how it seemed to be a small slice of calm in an otherwise crazy state. When we pulled into her mother’s driveway, there was a moment of awkwardness. She turned to me. “Would you like to come in for some coffee? I’m a little embarrassed that I drank too much to drive myself home. I’m going to have coffee anyway and..” she was trailing off nervously so I jumped at the offer. “Yes, that would be nice. I’m just going back to a hotel room anyway.” We locked eyes in that moment and I think we both knew that socializing was wrong and I became worried she would ask herself why a professional would be fraternizing with a patient and suddenly be creeped-out by me. My plan to avoid that was to keep things constantly moving, so she didn’t have a huge amount of time to think about it while with me.
She brewed us each a cup of coffee and lit a wintergreen scented candle in the tiny kitchen before temporarily excusing herself to the restroom. I seized the opportunity and dumped a small vial of sedative into her cup. Yes, I had a vial of sedative in my pocket. I was prepared for any situation and I came to see her but also to experience her, too. I had also brought some xanax and other pills but they were in the glove box of my SUV. Fortunately I stashed a vial into my pocket before I entered the diner.
We sipped our coffee and chatted about her mom, she still kind of treating me like a therapist or friend. I didn’t mind. I knew within minutes she’d be snoozing and I’d be able to finally touch her again. I hadn’t planned what I was going to do to her. I left some last minute excitement for myself. I just knew that once she finished the coffee, I was golden.
She nodded off at the kitchen table as I talked to her about winter time in New Zealand. Perfect. I carried her into the bedroom down the hall and laid her on the bed. Her chest rose and fell gently as she quietly slept in her medicated state. A blank canvas is what I saw and thinking of the possibilities made me hard. In fact, I got gotten hard a few times throughout our diner meeting and I felt myself a bit damp with precum. But now the time was here.
I unbuttoned her jeans and gently took them off of her. I was so calm and so quick she didn’t even change her breathing. Her cardigan and shoes were already off so it made it all much easier. The camisole she was wearing slipped down each of her shoulders and i pulled it down her torso and off of her legs. I pulled her bra down that way too along with her white thong panties. There she was, completely naked on the bed. My heart should have been racing, I should have been nervous she was going to wake up. But I wasn’t nervous. I was just excited.
I let my hand slide up her long, smooth leg. I felt of her flat tummy and I drug my thumb across her collar bone. She looked like a Parisian statue she was so beautiful. A goddess. I had a full erection already. I unbuckled myself and let my slacks drop to the floor. I got up on the bed and straddled her, her huge DD tits jiggling slightly with each move I made. I leaned down over her and pressed my lips to hers. I slipped my tongue in her mouth and tasted her. I put my lips on top of her right nipple and gently kissed her nipple until it was hard and did it again on her left nipple. I licked her hard nipples and kissed all over her breasts. I took her hand and put it around my throbbing member while I sucked her nipples and kissed her on the mouth. Feeling her soft, cool skin on my rock hard cock made me so horny. I knew I couldn’t penetrate her with the low dose of sedative I had given her so instead I decided she would help me masturbate.
I wrapped her hand around my rod and wrapped my hand around hers, still straddling her, and began slowly jerking my thick cock. Drops of precum rolled down my cock head and into her small, dainty hand. We jerked slowly at first then picked up the pace. I used my other hand to feel her sweet wet pussy. I slipped my fingertip in and out of her tight wet hole several times and then tasted my finger. It was the best thing I’d ever tasted.
I grabbed her face and passionately kissed her while we continued to jerk me off. As I grew closer to coming, I put both of her hands on her stomach and began jerking myself. I wanted to let loose an insanely hot moan as I neared orgasm but was afraid I would bring her out of deep sleep. I rubbed my massive cock a few more times before I came, thick ropes, all over her hands and tits. Seeing her covered in my cum again was the sexiest thing. I hopped off the bed, grabbed my phone out of my slacks pocket and started taking photos of her. I would most definitely be jerking off to these photos later.
I wiped her up, put a blanket on her, put my pants back and and quietly left the house. God I could not wait to violate her again.