Stoned sex leads to mutual orgasm [MF]

On Saturdays I finished work at 4pm, but Zoe finished at 5pm and had to travel from work on the train, which usually got her home at about 6pm. She would text me to say she was on her way home and I’d roll a joint in preparation, as it was a bit of a ritual for us to get a little high before going out to the pubs on a Saturday night.

I’d actually started a little early on that day (crappy shift at work) so was already in a slightly green haze by the time I got her text. I remember putting on something prog rocky then deciding to lay down for a bit and enjoy the weed buzz. Of course; dope, relaxing and lying down tends to only lead to one thing and I must have sparked-out pretty much immediately.

Literally the next thing I was aware of was a weight on my midriff. I had the typical disorientation of someone waking up from an unexpected nap, and upon opening my eyes I found that Zoe was sitting astride my waist, spliff in hand and having apparently stripped down to her bra and panties. My body immediately reacted, blood rushing Southwards as things started stirring in my nether-regions. She didn’t say anything, just looked down at me and smiled before taking a toke, holding it in for a few seconds and releasing the smoke from her lungs with a contented sigh. I didn’t do a damn thing while she repeated this action, just lay there with a very likely stupid grin on my face. She put the joint out in the ashtray on the bedside table and leaned forward to kiss me. It was sloppy. There was a lot of tongue. It was amazing.

My hands came up to roam over her back, just stroking all over with my fingertips. I travelled them up to the back of her neck and into her long, thick, dark blond hair, enjoying the silky, warm feel of it. Then my hands descended South, back down the soft expanse of her back to cup her ample ass through her underwear. There was no grabbing or squeezing, just feeling the weight of her in my hands was enough, all while our tongues met and slowly writhed together and I felt her weight on my frame, revelling in the sensation and blissful feeling of just being connected with this beautiful creature who inexplicably also wanted to be with me.

Seemingly of their own accord; my hands stroked their way upwards again. They had apparently decided that it was time for my good lady’s bra to exit the scene, and who I was I to argue? Only one small problem though; my hands weren’t overly adept at dealing with that pesky clasp at the best of times, and my cognitive capacity at that point was rather impaired. After what felt like an overly long time of grasping, grappling and groping my efforts must have been too much for her, because she started laughing directly into my mouth before breaking off and sitting back up again. My hands, defeated but still eager to be part of proceedings, went about removing my own t-shirt (which they made a hash of doing as well, but at least they tried).

By the time I’d finally gotten my head free, Zoe’s bra had been removed. I’m no good with bra sizes so I can’t offer adequate description, but I can say that they drooped ever so slightly but fit my hands perfectly, their erect nipples pressing gently against the palms of my hands. I ran my thumbs softly over the inner curve of her cleavage as I moved my little fingers back and forth underneath, making sure my palms moved ever so slightly against her nipples. My reward was small, happy sigh along with a gentle gyration of her hips, now resting directly on my groin and the solid bar that was yearning to escape my jogging bottoms.

My hands left her breasts and gently stroked down her sides, tracing the curve of her waist to her hips, over the fabric of her panties and along the tops of her thighs before travelling over her slightly chubby belly and back up to their previous position, this time rubbing my thumbs gently over the now rigid nipples while gently squeezing with the rest of my hands. Another sigh, another gentle grind against the place where our bodies met, a place that was by now getting soaked though with my pre-cum.

We stayed with way for who knows how long, my wandering hands tracing her curves while her own pressed down on my own not-exactly-in-shape-but-not-exactly-fat body as she leaned forward a little. Her grinding was become a little more rhythmic now, and the sensation of the weight and the fabric of my own clothes rubbing against my cock was almost enough to make my explode in my pants, that’s how incredibly turned on I was at this point.

She righted herself and slid a hand into her panties, beginning to rub herself slowly. I don’t know why; but this visual is far sexier to me than seeing a girl completely naked and playing with herself. Her eyes where mostly closed now and her mouth was slightly open as she began to grind slightly harder and faster while he fingers worked. This was beginning to get too much for me, I had to focus on keeping a rhythm with rubbing her nipples with my thumbs, if I let the sensations wash over me unchecked then I would lose control myself and I didn’t want to happen yet, not until Zoe had finished her own journey over the rainbow. Must… concentrate….

Her breathing was getting heavier, giving way to little moans. The grinding was hard now and pants and joggers where now getting wet outside and in. Abruptly she stopped and unsteadily dismounted me, her breath coming hard and heavy. She tried to take off her panties but her balance was off and ended up hopping around on one leg, giggling the entire time. I took the opportunity to remove the rest of my clothes, noting the large wet spot my pre-cum had left in my pants.

She clambered back on top of me, with all the grace of a newborn calf, which set us both off giggling. She adjusted herself so that my member was between her lips, the head of my penis lined up with her clit. My pre-cum had coated most of my shaft by now, and mixed with her own wetness it turned the grinding into a sliding. She came forward and smilingly kissed me again. More tongue. More bliss.

We resumed our positions again; me manning the mammaries with her planting one hand on my chest while the other resumed it’s position in her pleasure zone. She started to grind again while she rubbed, though this time our slickness gave her a much smoother motion. For me the feeling was incredible; her shaved labial lips had a very slight amount of stubble on them, and that coarseness was enough to actually give me the tiniest amount of pain that helped me hold off my own orgasm, though it did coax several of my own moans to mingle with hers in the air, creating our own little breathy symphony.

Her motions where getting faster now as well as more erratic. I could feel tiny little judders in her body, signalling that she was quickly approaching climax. She was pressing herself harder and harder against my cock now, and discomfort or not I was going to blow soon. Just then though she slid herself much further forward than she had done before and lifted herself up slightly, which caused my dick to rise up as well. When she came back down she lined herself up perfectly and I entered her in one completely frictionless motion. I was so surprised that I let out a loud, high “UH!” at the time as she let out a MUCH louder moan of pleasure. She continued to rub herself, much faster now, while continuing to grind me hard, only now with me inside her all the way down to the hilt. It felt utterly incredible. She felt amazing. As she approached orgasm she began to tighten and clench. I couldn’t take anymore. As my breathing quickened, she looked me straight in the eyes before closing them again and throwing her head back, finally cresting the wave of her own juddering climax as I unloaded what felt like gallons of cum inside her. She didn’t scream theatrically, she didn’t claw my chest to ribbons, she just moaned and whimpered and shook; her body continuing to ride me apparently without input from her brain.

Eventually she stopped and came back down to Earth. I was still rock solid inside her, still twitching a little myself in fact. She collapsed forwards onto me, buried her face into my neck. After a while I softened and slipped out of her, at which point she rolled off me. I turned on my side to face her, grinned and said “Hi.” It was the first word that had been said since she arrived. She grinned back and replied “Apparently so.” Giggling began, and carried on through the night.



  1. I’m a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

    – [/r/u_yoursex_toy666] [Stoned sex leads to mutual orgasm [MF]](

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  2. Hottest thing I’ve ever read. Not kidding. Your connection is so apparent, and really really hot. Thank you!

  3. We don’t smoke, but we eat edibles. We’ve definitely had some amazing sex while high. It expands the senses and makes time feel like it stops.

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