The Woman in the Red Lingerie Part 2 (M/F) (Erotic romance) (Oral)

I stared off into the distance as the music continued to play. I vaguely noticed Tiffany performing but I couldn’t focus, the red of the thong seemed to be burned into my mind’s eye. The crowd of cheering patrons sounded like flies buzzing in my ears. The sound of my own breathing cut through the noise and I realized I was hyperventilating. I forced myself to breathe more slowly and took another sip of my whiskey.

I looked around the club, not much had changed in the two years since Shane destroyed my vision. I began searching for things I knew should be red. The Budweiser sign still hung on the wall where it always had, white lettering stood out on a black background. I scanned the room for ruby, hoping to catch a glimpse of the hair from which she chose her name. I spotted her, flirting with a business man who always visited when his wife was out of town at a conference. Her curly hair stood out in monochromatic glory against her pale skin.

I stood and began to walk towards the back, still desperately scanning for any sign of color in my black and white world. Adam intercepted me as before I could exit to the employee only part of the club.

“Can you believe that?” Growled Adam, his voice barely audible over the music playing in the background.

“Believe what?” I asked, confused by my former boss’ anger.

“The new stripper!” Adam snapped. “She didn’t strip! She came out on stage, danced around for half a song then ran back of stage. You were sitting right there, didn’t you see? That’s got to be the worst performance I have ever seen! This is what I get for hiring someone without an audition.”

Adam continued to ramble, I think he said something about replacing Crystal and being desperate, but I had tuned him out. I tried to replay the dance in my mind, comparing what I had seen to what Adam had just said. I remembered Aphrodite in red lingerie, not a stripper too nervous to strip. Adam’s voice trailed off as he saw that I wasn’t listening to him.

“You OK buddy?” Asked Adam as he put a hand on my shoulder.

“I saw her red lingerie.”

“Yeah, we all did, and didn’t see it come off, that’s the problem!” I could tell Adam was about to go on another tirade and cut him off with a slash of my hand.

“No Adam! You don’t understand. I saw red!” I placed emphasis on the last word, and that cut through Adam’s embarrassment of hiring a non-stripping stripper. Adam had spoken to the same doctors I had. He knew that I had no chance of ever seeing color again. The damage to my vision was permanent.

Adam stood dumbfounded. “I’ve got to see her.” I said as I brushed past him. I walked through the door and into the back of the club. I saw her at once, she was sitting at a small vanity, hunched over and crying. The red curve of her thong stood out appealingly against her smooth gray skin.

I saw her spine stiffen as she heard me approach. “I know, I’m fired.” She said, trying to compose herself. She turned, expecting to see Adam. She recoiled when she saw me, not sure if it was my face or the fact that a strange man was back here in the employees only section. Then, I saw the light of recognition in my eyes. She knew who I was, even if I didn’t know her. The woman, probably in her early twenties, ran a hand over her eyes, brushing the tears away.

Finish reading the rest of the story [here]( If you missed part one, it can be found [here](
