An older German [F] taught me [M] how to eat pussy

Been a fan of this sub for some time. Just love how everyone admits to things they really enjoy doing, but might be embarrassed if someone they knew irl found out. Sure, there are some posts that really need to remain in the fantasy erotic fiction realm, but what’s amazing is that generally comments on any of the posts are supportive or encouraging. There’s a dick here or there, but they get downvoted. So, thanks for a fun ride you sexy fuckers!

I’ve only confessed this to two people. One was an Army buddy that knew about it when it happened- his comment was, “Dude, get your head checked, there’s way better and younger madels”. The next was a girl I dated in college, her reply was simply “Maybe you shouldn’t share that experience, it’s not sexy at all”. So, I kept my mouth shut. Haven’t even told my wife.

Sharing here because it’s been on my mind the last few years- and when I see an older woman, in her 50’s or 60’s, at a park where I take my kids, in the grocery store, I can’t help but remember the sexy older ladies I encountered in Germany.

After the first Gulf War I got stationed in Vilseck, Germany. Even by German standards, it’s (still) hick/redneck. It’s in Bayern (Bavaria as we Ami’s call it), and sure they can speak Hoch Deutsch, but among themselves they speak Bayerisch- an even more confounding and guttural version of High German. I once had a beer thrown on me in a local kniepe when I first got there because I asked someone if they could speak in High German otherwise I couldnt understand a fucking word they said. 2 years of high school German classes did nothing to prepare me for Bayerisch.

There was never anything going on in Vilseck- the bars were more of a local Germans only scene, and they just didn’t like the Americans that much at that time. It was all the “No Blood For Oil” protests that had happened during the war. They kept it going and would often organize protests outside the base. On weekends that we weren’t doing FTX’s in Hohenfels or had some type of trivial weekend duties or formations, friends and I would vanish to Weiden, Nuernberg, Ansbach, or Muenchen on 3 or 4 days weekends.

I met, let’s call her HL, at a club called “Die Unverschaemt” in Weiden. It was about 2 in the morning and I was in the front part of the club- the coffee/cafe section trying to sober up to drive my buddies back to the barracks. Further in the building and past a few doors was the bar and the club, so not many people usually hung out in the front. I was drinking espresso’s and tipping the cutie behind the bar. HL came in, and didnt look that pleased to be there. She’s about 5’2″, reddish brown hair, green eyes, and wrapped in a light coat, scarf, and wearing what looked like men’s flannel pajamas. She wasn’t “petite”, and had a few curves, but not what I would call fat. She was older, I thought early 30’s, but later found out she was 48. She was there to pick up her drunk daughter, lets call her EL, who happened to be the object of desire of one of my buddies. They were doing Jaeger and Schnapps shots all night. She was drinking him under the table, at least, that’s what was going on before I left to the front coffee bar.

I could tell she had some trepidation about going further into the club, thought she was pretty fucking cute as is, still had some drunken charm in me, and approached her with my choppy Americanized German. “Na ja, was is’n hier los? Sind Sie verloren? / What’s going on, are you lost?” Seeing I was still a little inebriated she quipped “Meine Junge, wie alt bist du? / Young man, how old are you?” with a little frown and a slight wrinkle between her eyebrows showing some agitation with me, the situation, and being up so late. Not missing a beat, I said something like “Alt genug, ihre Schoenheit zu moegen / Old enough to find you beautiful”. It melted her. She smiled, relaxed her shoulders, removed her scarf, put a hand on my shoulder and said “Dass war aber gut, kauf mir eine Kaffee bitte / That was a good answer, buy me a coffee”.

We sat on the couch by the front window after I got her a black coffee, no sugar. She asked if I was American, what I was doing there alone, told me her daughter called (the house phone, this was before cell phones even) and was too drunk to drive herself home. She told me her daughter’s name, which is more of an uncommon German name, and I mentioned I think she was with one of my friends. She was uncertain about that and asked me what his intentions for her were, and if I could check on them and tell her that her mother was waiting. I made my way to the back of the club, and found my buddy, lets call him MK, passed out next to EL, also passed out in the booth, table full of ashtrays and empties. My other buddies were on the dance floor mixed in with the throng of people. Didnt look promising. Went back to the front and told HL, which didnt do anything positive for the moves I was trying to put on this older German goddess. She recruited me to help her retrieve her girl and get her to HL’s car- and I helped, thinking there might be some type of sexually pleasing reward in it for me… but not at that time. I didn’t think I’d see her again.

By the end of the week, EL and MK were “dating”, well- having sex in the barracks as others watched them. Come on, we were sex hungry grunts that needed entertainment. They both knew the story about me helping her mom, and would tease me- EL telling me her mother was going to call me, MK telling me to get some younger German nookie. They got serious, and by Christmas invited me over for a dinner.

We got there later than I wanted due to some heavy barracks drinking, but I was just driving that night, and actually sober this time. I hadnt seen HL since the Unverscahemt incident, but recognized her immediately. There were about 30 – 40 people in the home, mostly German, with me and two other guys from the barracks, including MK. HL was even better looking than I remembered. She had some curves, and they were sexy, voluptuous, womanly. She was wearing a red and black dress with a lower cut in front, exposing just the top of some meaty cleavage. She had black stockings on and her skirt ended where her calf started. She remembered me, and when she saw me, took my arm and wanted to show me around her house. She excused herself from the conversation and her husband. She thanked me for helping her, since she hadn’t done so that night. She ushered me around, the kitchen, the living room, the balcony overlooking the remains of a castle, the stairs to their second floor and the bedrooms of EL and her siblings, more stairs to her and her husband’s large bedroom and impressive bathroom complete with bidet and a closet sized sauna. She gripped my arm tighter in her bedroom, she hadnt let go at all since the tour started, and asked me something like, now that I’m a little more older and sober than when we first met did I still think she was as attractive as what I thought when I first met her. Yes, fuck yes, I was thinking- but remember saying I thought about her a lot and was trying to figure a way to meet her again through EL and MK, that her green eyes stayed with me and that I thought she was the hottest woman there- at the club and at her home during her party. I asked if she had remembered how much I was flirting with her the first time, and she nodded and smiled, blushing. She wanted to know if she could expect that again, and I grabbed her, pulled her closer to me, and tried to kiss her. She said something like “You can’t have me that easily, arent you worried about my husband?” As we talked, I learned that he had lost interest in her, was having affairs with EL’s friends and possibly paying for hookers on his business trips. She felt that no one paid her attention, that her kids (all around my age) only saw her as a dumpy house wife, and that her husband just didnt respect her any more. We were sitting on her bed, and her hand was on my leg, caressing it, going further up. I couldnt stand it any longer and just turned her head towards me and kissed her. She was hungry for it, and her tongue was in my mouth before I knew what was happening. She straddled me, pushed me back onto the bed, and kissed me more while grinding my crotch. My hands pulled her skirt up and landed on her ass, rubbing it, grabbing it and pulling her further down on me while, still in my jeans, thrusting up to her. We heard some noises in the stairwell, disentangled ourselves quickly, stood up, and we peeked out the door. I was ready to jump out the window of her bathroom if need be! It was a smaller group of her husbands friends, going to the dach room to smoke cigars and drink away from the rest of the party. They hadnt seen us.

She turned around, grabbed my crotch and led me to the bed. She took her panties, stockings and shoes off, lowered my jeans to my ankle, pushed me back again so I’d be on my back, mounted me, found my hard cock with her hand, rubbed it, then asked if I was uncut. She hadnt had sex with an uncircumcised man yet. She guided me into her, and she was so wet I slid right in. I had the impression that even if her husband was cheating on her, she might have had some other lovers too. Not that I wasnt getting laid, but she had me- she was tight and every time she thrusted her body down on me, her pussy grabbed my cock with a strong grip. I only lasted a few minutes to her dismay. As I was getting softer I saw the look on her face, the “fuck, I havent cum yet” look. She told me “Nein, nein, nein!”, dismounted, rolled on her back and commanded me to finish her. That’s what I didnt have much experience with… but she tasted delicious and I tried. She grabbed my head with both hands, guiding me- “Da / there”, “Genau Da! / Right there!”. Her juices were covering my face and I had her labia and more in my mouth. She came, her body shook, and she get even wetter. I was actually impressed with myself, even if she had both hands on my head, guiding me like an utter fool who had no idea what cunnilingus was all about. My jeans were still around my ankles, my dick was hard again, and I plunged it back into her. It wasn’t soft, light sex- it was hard pounding, porn star style. She told me later that she was so excited that I found her sexy and fucked her like a teenager, that she came a second time, something her husband and others had never been able to pull off. She was hot, fucking hot, and I hadnt even seen her tits yet. That first experience was quick, maybe under 10 minutes, and it hit me- we’ve been gone for a while, won’t someone notice she’s gone? She laughed and said it would be the first time in years her husband would have noticed or even looked for her. She took the duvet off her bed, it was a little soaked with evidence of our sex and replaced it. Adjusted her stockings and clothes, and told me I needed a teacher. I wasnt clear what she meant- but she said bluntly, you’re a terrible lover that doesnt know how to treat a woman and doesnt know the first thing about pleasing them. I was maybe a little shocked, and reminded her that I made her cum- and she retorted, her vibrator would have done the same. Then sheepishly said, she wanted more from me and would show me, that even if I just wanted to fuck her she’d let me, but wanted to teach me how to really please women.

I spent the rest of my tour there, about 18 months, in an intense sexual relationship with HL- to the point that it hurt to ship off when I did, I missed her sexually and emotionally. We had sex often, but more importantly, each time was like taking a sex class given by a master. She showed me what gets her off when a man goes down on her, how to grab the folds of skin around her clit with my thumb and finger, gently squeezing the clit to waken it up without shocking it with abrupt, hard strokes. How to bring the pussy mound into my mouth, giving her clit a certain amount of section while teasing it with the underside and top of my tongue. That she could feel the different textures of my tongue on her clit, underside or top, taught me how sensitive clits really are. How to read a womans body for signs of an orgasm building up, and to cool her off by more gentle licks and rolls while blowing on her clit so that the orgasm would diminish, then picking up the pace of attention to build her up to an orgasm again. She showed me how to slowly push my cock in and pull it out, which she loved more than pounding strokes. She showed me that I could build her up to an orgasm by being inside her, then drive her crazy by pulling out and going down on her. She taught me she could orgasm from anal sex, she could experience clitoral orgasms, and when the sex was especially hot and intense, that she could have vaginal orgasms too. Her husband never found out, or, if he knew, he must not have cared. MK and EL knew, but they didnt know that HL and I were getting progressively kinkier and kinkier.

Do you want to hear about HL’s friend, SH, and how HL shared me with her? Do you want to know about SH taking me to a swingers club? Those two ladies taught me so much about sex- my wife would thank them if she knew. The college girl I dated that said I shouldnt share the story also told me those women molested me, and I didnt know I was being “abused”, but I was happy with it at that time and only have fond memories of the experiences.



  1. I had a similar experience with a German woman but she was about 40 and I was 13. My first and she made me do my own dishes. I had sex with her for 8 years and she taught me so much.

  2. I would love to hear more! I don’t think its that strange that you found an older woman attractive and that she taught you how to please her.

  3. The college girl who bashed you and said those things is completely wrong. Nothing nonconsentual or molest-y about it.

    Quite the story. Particularly for me as I’m an American (half-german) living in Germany right now in Bayern actually and recognize some of the cities and have been there. Definitely wouldn’t mind hearing more. :P

  4. Absolutely amazing!

    One thing; next time can you use fake names instead of initials like that.


  5. > The college girl I dated that said I shouldnt share the story also told me those women molested me, and I didnt know I was being “abused”

    yeah…. thats not how that works? like at all? wtf?

  6. I loved reading your story. Any young guy should very happy to have an experienced teacher and should pay attention and learn as much as possible ! Also, its always interesting to hear about sexuality in non-American cultures. I will be looking for more of your stories. Thanks !

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