Optimus’ Captivity [MM] [Transformers] [BDSM] [Machines]

“Wh-where am I?” Optimus groaned, the sting of hard metal shackles digging into his sides.

Wait… something is not right.

Optimus slowly began to regain his full mental capacity, and his eyes quickly darted about the room. To his dismay and disgust, Optimus’ eyes scanned over dozens of dilapidated Autobot bodies. The only distinguishing feature that Optimus could see were the insignias on their helmets; the rest of their bodies had been ravaged and defiled. Most of them were missing large chunks of metal and armor, with a few bodies having no identifiably humanoid features left. Those poor few were nothing more than a mass of wires and tubing.

As the horrible realization of his surrounding slowly penetrated his mind, Optimus began to struggle. He had to get out of this cursed place. But after a moment of violent twisting and grunting, Optimus realized that he had no limbs to struggle with. His body, had been disfigured, his limbs torn haphazardly from his torso and his body’s plating ripped off: he, too, was a pile of wires and inner components, his tender Autobot asshole exposed to the open air for the first time in millennia. He sensed he was suspended in the air, although he could not see behind himself. However, he could see tubes extending from his limb stumps, and within them Optimus spied circulating liquid, which he recognized as medical-grade motor oil. “Why am I being kept alive in this torment?” Optimus screamed in terror and agony.

He screamed and screamed, the sounds echoing over and over in the polished chamber. Eventually, Optimus heard a loud thunk, and on the opposing wall he could see a door open. Through the dingy air, Optimus noticed a small team of what appeared to be humans moving towards him, a forklift and a cart of unknown items in tow. The made their way silently towards the weeping, defeated form of Optimus, and they set up below him. Although he could hear clanking and whirring, Optimus could not see what they were doing, only guess. After a few minutes, the sounds of activity ceased, and were replaced with a more recognizable one. The lift slowly groaned up until it reached Optimus’ lower half, halting right underneath his exposed manhood. Optimus could hear the humans muttering between themselves, but he could not discern their speech. All of a sudden, he felt something massive insert itself into his robo-anus. Crying out in pain, Optimus begged the humans to stop whatever they were doing. “Please, humans, I beg you! Please do not torture me so!” Optimus lamented, his cries drowned out by the sounds of activating equipment. The object removed itself from Optimus’ now gaping asshole, and he felt it be replaced with something else. “Wh-what are you doing?” Optimus cried, before he felt something clamp down hard on his massive robot cock. Suddenly, he felt a whooshing sensation upon his goods as the machine activated, and his cock was massaged. At the same time, the device within his asshole began pounding his prostate. Groaning in unimaginable pleasure, Optimus felt a pressure building within him. Said pressure was released only seconds after, the wave of a massive orgasm rocking his crippled body. Gallon after gallon of hot, ropey cum shot out of Optimus’ cock and was pumped down the machine attached to his manhood and into a reservoir below him. Newly exhausted, Optimus began to drift back into unconsciousness, hearing the humans muttering distantly below him.

“He is ready for Master”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/dtgjus/optimus_captivity_mm_transformers_bdsm_machines