Pokegirls, Gotta Fuck ’em All! (Part 2: Decisions) [Story] [Suggestive]

Part 2 is here, Enjoy! This one is all about the plot, but I’ll post a link to a POV of Anisa during their phone call soon.

Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/sexstories/comments/dstnjq/pokegirls_quickie_awakward_phhone_call_solo_f/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


After the great pounding i gave the professor, I went back home, where my mom was waiting for me with dinner ready.

“So…” She started, she didn’t seem to be affected by Jirachi’s wish, not that I want her to, but it was relieving to see that i still had control over who got seriously horny for me.

“Are you going to attempt the gym challenge?” She asked, snapping me back to reality.

“I… Don’t know…” I said trailing off. This was a touchy topic as my mother was left pregnant by my father when they were both 18 when my father left to complete his gym challenge, while my mom was stuck. She never saw him again.

“If you wish to participate, I will not stop you, ” she said as she swallowed her rice.

“Chick!” Torchic squealed and blew flames as he finished his spicy pokepuff.

“You have a good partner, ” she continued, looking at torchic, “don’t let my past get in the way of your dreams.”

After finishing dinner, I retreated back to my room, contemplating my options. On one hand, it’s a basic tradition in the region to at least attempt the gym challenge. On the other, that would mean that my mom would be left at home for months, maybe even years as I tried to fight the challenge.

“Bzzzzt!” My Pokegear buzzed on my wrist, snapping me back to reality.

I looked at the dial screen and flipped it open, realising it was Anisa calling.

“Hey, Steve!” She shouted as her face popped up.

“Hey, Anisa…” I said, nowhere near as enthusiastic as she was.

“So I’ve been thinking, ” she said, ignoring my tone, “I want to try the gym challenge, and I hope you can come with me!”

Her face suddenly turned red with embarrassment, before going back to her original cheerful smile, though it seemed a lot more forced now.

“You want me to follow you?”

“Yeah!” She said. I noticed as the left shoulder of her shirt started creasing and straightening repeatedly as we spoke, her breath grew louder and deeper every second.

“I’m not sure if I want to go…” I said, slumping back in my seat. Her shirt stopped creasing as she put her face to the camera, clearly upset.

“Why not?”

“Just a thought, ” I said quickly, not wanting to upset her, “I probably will still go.”

“Thats great!” She said, her right shoulder shifted, and started rotating in a circular pattern.
“I’ll ask my mom later… I might even be able to meet my dad!”

Her breaths grew short and fast, her cheeks starting to blush red. Beads of sweat rolled down her forehead.

“Your dad?”

“Yeah, we… are bound to meet him on the way… aren’t we?”

I thought back and recalled that her father was the powerful fairy type gym leader, despite many people belittling him at the start for choosing such a “girly” type, he soon gained the respect of everyone for crushing his opponents quickly and swiftly.

“I guess so.”

“So… Are… You… Coming?” She said, taking quick breaths between every word.

“Are you okay? You look like you’re burning up.”

“I’m fine!” She said quickly, through clenched teeth. She suddenly seized up, before relaxing back down onto her bed.

“Okay then, don’t catch a fever.”

“I won’t, ” she said breathlessly.

“Okay then, see you tomorrow?”

“Okay then, goodnight….”


The screen turned black as I hung up, reflecting my face through a dark mirror.

“What am I going to do…”

I reached over to my desk drawer, picking up Torchic’s Pokeball.

“Go, Torchic”

“Torchic!” He cried as he was released from his Pokeball. He ran up to me and started lightly packing my calf.

“What am I going to do…” I said, picking up Torchic. I started into his oval black eyes, hoping for an answer, a sign, anything at all.

All I saw behind those eyes myself, and elevator music, it seemed as if nothing was going on back there.

I sighed as I put him down on the bed, where he immediately ran over to my pillow and started rolling on it.

“I guess I should start packing.”

Before I knew it, dawn struck, and another sleepless night passed for me. I didn’t mind though, it was the norm for me.

I looked out the window, and sighed loudly, realising autumn had hit. A regular occurrence of the regions which had distinctive seasons was that the change was instantaneous, we rarely had gradual changes in the season. Yesterday, the leaves were green and full of colour, but today, they were red, yellow and brown.

A wonderfully cool breeze greeted me as I opened the window, I looked around town as the children rejoiced the start of autumn, while the adults sighed and brought their brooms out to clean the leaves.

I put on black jeans and a black long-sleeved shirt, along with a red cap and a blue jacket.

As i headed downstairs, i heard my mom and Anisa’s mom talking to each other.

“I’m so sorry for the inconvenience…” Anisa’s mom mumbled.

“No, really it’s fine.”

“This was my fault, I did not make things clear with my girl, and now i think she influenced your son to go.”

“Again, it’s fine Evelyn, I think he wanted to go anyways.”

“I just hope he’s fine doing it without Anisa.”

“He will be, isn’t that right Steve?” My mom shouted, catching me off guard. She had an instinct to know when I was eavesdropping on her.

“What do you mean Anisa won’t be coming?” I said as I walked down the stairs, clearly discovered.

“You should go talk to her…” Miss Evelyn said, “I think she may be able to explain better than I can.


“But dad!” I heard Anisa shout as I climbed the stairs to her room.

“No means no!” I heard a gruff voice shout, “you are not going to travel the region with that bastard child!”

“Stop calling him that! You have me in no better a position!”

“I’ve worked hard to get into my position now Anisa, what has he done?”

“His father doesn’t define him, they haven’t even met before!”

“I’m putting my foot down on this one!”

“Go to hell with your pretty link explosions!”

“What did you just-”

The line cut off as I hear Anisa start sobbing. Was this the best time to be here? They were talking about me after all.

Suddenly, I heard a loud crash, coming from her room.

“Anisa?” I asked, worried, “can i come in?”

An awkward silence ensued before I heard her sniffling, “You can come in.”

I walked into her room, looking around for what had broken when I spotted a childhood picture of Anisa and her father, laying on her desk, the frame and glass shattered.

“I heard from your mom…”

“I’m sorry,” She said, hugging me tightly, her breasts pressed up against my chest, “I’m so sorry.”

I felt her body heating up, and her face turned red, “No, ” I thought, “not her, don’t make my best friend horny for me.”

I hugged her back, and her blush started to fade, she wiped the tears from her face, “Are you still going to go?”

“If you want me to…”

“Please, ” she said, “complete the gym challenge for me.


I am TIRED ;-;

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/dstmlr/pokegirls_gotta_fuck_em_all_part_2_decisions