Pokegirls, Gotta Fuck ’em All! (Part 1: Wish Wish) [Story] [Deepthroat] [Blowjob] [Anal] [Creampie] [Light BDSM] [69] [Fdom/Msub] [Mdom/Fsub] [Thighjob]

I’M BACK BABY! BETTER THAN EVER!!!! The longest story I’ve written, hope y’all enjoy, the fucking is like, halfway down. Leave a comment on what you think.


I jolted awake I heard my mom calling me from downstairs, “Get up Steve, you’re gonna be late!”

“Late?” I asked groggily as I sat up on my bed, “late for what? I’ve graduated!”

“It’s your sixteenth birthday today remember? Professor Acacia is going to give you your first Pokemon!”

“That’s right!” I clambered out of bed excitedly and pulled on my clothes and sling bag, “I gotta go!”

I rushed down the stairs and nearly crashed into my mom, “Steve!” she shouted, “I know you’re excited, but watch where you’re going!”

“Sorry, mom!” I said grabbing a slice of bread from the plate she was holding, “Love you!”

I dashed out the door and turned around the corner, only to crash into someone else. My hands grabbed wildly as we fell, before grabbing something soft and round as we tumbled to the ground.

A familiar female voice screamed as I fell on top of her.

I looked at the girl’s face and realised who it was, my best friend Anisa. My shock turned to horror as I realised during the fall, my hand had latched on to one of her breasts.

I quickly pulled away and sat up in front of her, “I’m so sorry Anisa!” I said, my face red with embarrassment.

“Oh, it’s you, Steve, ” she said, her hand over her supple breasts. She was still sprawled on the floor, her long brown hair now frazzled and dirty.

Anisa is my best friend from my childhood. We were born on the same day, of the same year. We live in a tiny town of Old Branch (I know, a terrible name). We grew up together sharing birthdays and playing with each other, as we were the only children in this town. I watched her grow from a young, unconfident girl to the beauty she is now. She had a curvy body since she was 14, her breasts developed and became perfect to suit her, a large C cup, possibly bordering on a small D cup. She was rather short and cute, accentuating her figure. I’ve had a crush on her since I was 13, but I never dared to say it.

Anisa wore a black tee shirt today, with a knee-length pink skirt to complement it. I could see up her skirt from my perspective, she had what seemed to be pink underwear on, they were right fitting and pressed into her lips to form a camel toe.

She must have noticed me staring as she pressed down her skirt, “Steve!” she shouted exasperatedly.

“S-sorry…” I muttered, my member started swelling as I looked at her, there was an obvious bulge in my jeans.

Anisa eyed the large bulge, “Are you-” she started.

“N-no!” I cut her off, knowing what she would ask

“Then what’s with the bulge?”

“It’s nothing!” I said frantically, standing up and covering my erection with my bag.

“You have nothing to be embarrassed about you know, ” she said as she sat up and brushed the dirt off herself, “not gonna help me up?”

I quickly offered my hand and pulled her up, so that we were standing inches from one another. I could feel her heavy breath and smell her favourite Combee perfume. I stared down into her hazelnut brown eyes for a second too long before she pulled away.

“Come on, ” she said, giggling, “we need to get to the professor’s lab.”

I watched as she sashayed towards the lab, swinging her beautifully rounded ass from side to side as she walked off.

“Why does my best friend have to have such a great body…” I muttered to myself as I started after her.

As we walked into Professor Acacia’s lab, We heard a scream followed by several massive crashes.

“What the…” we said in unison as we ran forth to see what happened.

When we got to the back of the lab, we saw the professor sprawled across the floor, a shelf lay near her feet while Pokeballs were scattered across the floor.

“Oh dear…” Professor Acacia said as she sat up, straightening her glasses, “Cindy, could you help me clean this up?”

“Professor?” Anisa asked, “what happened here?”

“Oh, you two are here, I am so sorry for the mess, I was arranging the Pokeballs by the region of which the starters we’re in them so you could choose them easily… But it seems that my effort was wasted.” the Professor said with a sheepish smile.

Professor Acacia was a rather new person in town, having only moved here last year. She looked like she was in her mid-twenties, her long wavy black hair fell all the way down to her waist, framing her beautiful face. She was tall and slim, though curvy in all the right places. Her boobs were as solid c-cup, but her ass was her winning point. It stuck out like a heart from behind, and whenever she walked, it looked like she was sashaying. I had thought of doing many “things” to her before.

Anisa helped the professor get up on her feet, “We better clean this up, huh, ” she muttered as she started picking up pokeballs. The professors young assistant, Cindy had just then come from the second storey of the lab.

“What happened… Here…” she trailed off as she looked around, she gave an exasperated sigh before starting to pick the pokeballs up.

Eventually, we were all on our knees, picking up the last of the fallen Pokeballs from the floor, and putting them back on the shelf.

“That’s all 23 of them, ” the professor said, counting the pokeballs, “now they’re not sorted in any way, so just pick and choose whichever you want.”

“You go ahead and pick first Anisa, ” I said, motioning for her to go first.

“Thanks, Steve, ” she said as she pecked me on the cheek. I felt my cheeks burning up from the friendly gesture as Anisa bent over to inspect the Pokeballs.

She pulled out a Pokeball with a grass symbol on it, “I want this one.”

“Okay then, let’s see what it is.” The professor said as Anisa sent the pokemon out.

At first, all I saw was a huge yellowish-brown leaf as Anisa squealed in delight, “It’s so cute!”

The leaf moved towards Anisa before turning around to face me, “A Chikorita, ” I said, realising what it was, “but why is it yellow?”

The Chikorita’s body was supposed to be pale green, however, it looked more yellowish, with brown eyes and a brown leaf, as if it was in autumn.

“That Chikorita is special,” the professor said, smiling, “it seems to be a different colour than every Chikorita we have ever come across, however, it seems to have the same stats as all the others.

“That’s so adorable!” Anisa said, picking up the Chikorita and hugging it tightly, her breasts pressed up against the Chikoritas body.

I stared for a moment before the professor snapped me out of my trance, “Now it’s your turn, Steve.”

“Yeah…” I muttered, hoping no one noticed.

I walked up to the shelf, picking up a Pokeball with a fire symbol on it, “I choose this one.”

“Oh really clever Steve, ” Anisa snapped, “let me pick first so you could have the type advantage?”

“Not really,” I confessed, “it’s just that I really want a Torchic.”

I sent out the Pokeball, praying hard that I chose correctly. An orange chick with short stubby legs and tint wings came out to greet me, “Torchic!” it said as it came over to me, and promptly nuzzled my leg.

“Aw, it’s cute too, ” Anisa said as she bent down and put her Chikorita beside Torchic.

“Well, now that we have our own pokemon, there’s only one thing left to do!” Anisa said in excitement.

“I know what you’re thinking, outside, now, ” the professor said sternly.

“Okay, okay we’re going.”

We headed over to a clearing in the forest beside our houses, we used to play there when we were young.

We had a short-lived battle, where I came out victorious. We laid on the warm grass in a clearing, as we fell into a deep sleep.

As I woke up feeling the late summer sun on me, I looked to my left and saw Anisa snoring lightly beside me. Her cheat rising and falling slowly as the sunlight made her perfect body glow golden.

I sat up, looking at my Pokegear, “Oh crap!” I shouted, accidentally waking up Anisa.

“What is it?” she asked sleepily.

“It’s five o’clock, we’ve been here for almost 6 hours!”

We sprinted back to town and agreed to meet again at her house tomorrow morning.

“Bye Stevey, ” she said as she pecked me on the cheek.

As I entered my house, the fresh smell of Pecha berries wafted through the air. I sent out my Torchic and got it to follow me to the kitchen.
There it was in the oven, a Pecha berry pie, my moms best dish. I noticed some leftover Pecha berries we’re placed beside the sink, and i grabbed one. Who knows when I’d use it?

“Mom I’m home!” I shouted.

“Be right down, dear,” she said.

When she got to the kitchen, she immediately noticed my Torchic and came over to check it out.

“Is that your starter Pokemon?” my mom asked.

“Yes, it is, ” I said, picking it up, “it’s a fire type!”

“Yes, I can see that from its colour dear,” she said as she strolled over to the kotatsu and picked up something red, “that reminds me, the professor asked me to pass you this.”

“What is it, ” I asked, pressing a button on its side.

“It’s a Pokedex! The professor said you can use it to identify any Pokemon in the world! Isn’t that amazing?”

I flipped open the Pokedex and scanned my Torchic with it.

“Torchic, ” a feminine robot voice said, “the chick Pokemon, Torchic stores it’s fire inside its body, being able to release it at temperatures of 1800°F, however it is soft and warm when you hug it.”

“Wow, this is cool!” I exclaimed as i checked out its features. It showed me the base stats of Torchic and the moves it has learnt, along with many other pages which gives information about Torchic.

“Yes, it is! You kids should be glad to have such technology, we used to memorise our Pokemon one by one!” she said, sighing. No doubt remembering the days of her youth, when she met my dad, “You should go spend more time with your Torchic outside, I’m not finished with dinner yet anyways.”

“Okay then.”

As I headed out, I heard a Pokemon crying in pain from my backyard. I rushed to the back with Torchic in tow, I saw a yellow and white Pokemon, with small flaps on the underside of its arms, it’s belly had a curved line which resembles a pocket, and it’s head had three yellow points on it, each with a teal blue tag on them. Its face was purple and contorted with clear agony, i looked to the left and i saw a Salandit. I wondered where it came from as it was not native here, at least not in this part of the region. I scanned the yellow pokemon with my Pokedex.
“Jirachi, the Wish Pokemon, Jirachi is said to make wishes come true, while it sleeps, a tough crystalline shell envelops it’s body, protecting it from enemies.”

I looked at the health of Jirachi, which was slowly deteriorating, beside it’s HP bar, was a purple mark, with the letters BP on it.

“It’s badly poisoned, ” i said to myself as i dug around my bad for that Pecha berry i took. Torchic was bouncing around Jirachi excitedly, occasionally nuzzling Jirachi.

“AHA!” I said as i produced the Pecha berry, i quickly fed it to the poor Pokemon. Almost instantly, the purple mark was gone, and Jirachi’s face showed relief. It floated upwards and spoke in my mind.

“Jirachi!” at this, Torchic bounded up and down, occasionally blowing small embers in excitement.

“Jirachi…” It’s pocket opened to reveal a large eye, the sides of my vision went black, and I fainted to the ground.

I woke up in my bed, i took a look at my pokegear, as i recalled my encounter with Jirachi.

“5.10..?” I whispered in confusion, as i whipped out my Pokedex, searching for Jirachi.

“Number of encounters?” I said into the microphone installed in the Pokedex.

“You have encountered this pokemon, twice.”

My eyes grew wide as i bolted down the stairs and out the house, sprinting for the professor’s lab.

“PROFESSOR ACACIA!” I shouted as i flung the door to the lab open.

“Steve?” she asked, looking at me quizzically, “Is something wrong?”

“I… I, ” I panted breathlessly, “I saw Jirachi!”


I showed her my Pokedex and described my encounter vividly, not missing a detail.

“That’s Salandit must have poisoned it…” the Professor said, standing up, “did it grant you a wish?”

“I don’t know, but it did say something about my purest wish.”

The professor had started blushing deeply, looking down as to not make eye contact.

“Professor Acacia..?” I asked, dipping my head lower to look at her face.

“Well, ” she said, her tone of voice lustful and horny. “Looks like I’ll have to run some tests on you.”

She dropped her lab coat, leaving her with just a black button-up dress, which extended to just above her knees. She pushed me onto a small chair and wheeled me over to one of her patient examining tables. Wait why did she have one of those, she’s a pokemon professor?

“Take off your clothes, “, she said, as she gingerly touched herself. I did not want to deal with her mega Metagross so I complied without asking.

I laid on the patient examining table, as she gingerly touched my flaccid dick.

“Tell me, are you a virgin? Have you fucked that girl Anisa?” My dick was now semi-erect, she grabbed it and started moving her hands up and down the shaft.

“N-no…” I said, “But what are you doing?”

I was now completely hard from the stimulation, The professor unbuttoned two of the top buttons of her dress and said, “Giving you a test.”

She plunged down on my dick roughly, she sucked on it hard and desperately, creating a suction vacuum within her mouth. I flinched in surprise as she took all eight inches down without a problem. Her saliva was viscous and plentiful, serving as good lube as she deepthroated me.

She slowly manoeuvred herself so that we were in the 69 position, she was dripping wet as I watched her white lingerie turn sheer from her own fluids. Every time she went down on me she hummed, giving me even more stimulation, before coming back up for air.

“You like this don’t you?” She said sultrily before slamming her ass down on my face. I could taste her wonderful nectar through her lingerie. She sat up on my face and started rubbing herself on me.

I could no longer resist when she shifted her panties aside, exposing her sopping wet cunt to me. I plunged my tongue deep into her, forcing out a fresh wave of cream as she moaned loudly.

“That’s a good boy now, ” she said as she returned to deepthroating me.

I bucked up and thrust my hips forward into her mouth as I unloaded my sperm straight into her mouth. I pumped rope after rope of my cum into her throat, I thought it would never end. I hugged her ass tightly as she drenched my face with yet another wave of juices, squirting her honey into my mouth.

“What have i done…” I whispered to myself.

Suddenly, I heard Jirachi’s voice in my head, “Do not fret human, for I have granted you the power to copulate with any woman you wish, any girl you talk to would want to copulate with you.”

“Doesn’t that mean I’m basically raping them?”

“Oh, don’t worry about that either, you have 6 months of fun, 6 months before this wish wears off and I ask you for your true wish, a wish which you will have time to think out carefully. Everyone will forget their experiences in bed with you, except you. They also cannot be impregnated unless you actively want them to be.”

“Really?” I said out loud, Professor Acacia turned back and looked at me, clearly confused.

“Yes, ” Jirachi said, “You are my greatest benefactor, and I wish to reward you greatly for being so selfless. That is why I gave you this wish so that you could enjoy as you think about what you truly want.”

Six months of fun, I thought about it for a second before deciding to fully utilise this wish, besides, everyone would forget everything.

I tore off Professor Acacia’s dress violently, leaving her in only her underwear.

“Oh!!” she squealed in delight as I got her to stand up. I felt up her body, mostly her ass and thighs. I grabbed handfuls of her sexy ass and released them, producing the perfect amount of jiggle.

“Twerk on me,” I commanded her as she bent down and started rubbing her perfect ass on my semi-erect dick.

Finally, my dick stood up and full mast. I pushed the professor over to the table and bent her over it, lining up my dick with her rosy sphincter. Still wet from our juices, I slammed my dick into her, her ass stretched to accommodate my dick as I buried myself to the hilt in her depths.

She cried in pain as i started pistoning myself in and out. Her ass was so tight, and it squeezed my dick so perfectly as I anally fucked her. I grabbed her boobs and kissed her as i continued ramming myself into her.

“Are you okay professor?” Cindy’s young voice called out from above.

“You should probably reply to your assistant, ” I said while still pounding her violently.

“Professor?” Cindy called out again, we could hear her footsteps as she decided the stairs.

“It’s fine Cindy!” The professor finally shouted. “Just knocked over a few things while changi-”

The professor suddenly covered her mouth with one hand and shuddered violently, her other hand grabbing onto the table for support.

I stopped pumping for a moment to let her recover, “answer her, quickly!”

“Do you need help cleaning up?”

“N-no it’s fine, I just need you to prepare dinner for us okay Cindy?”

“Okay then…”

Finally, she retreated back up the stairs. I pulled out of the professor and locked the doors to the stairway quietly.

The professor laid her upper body on the table, breathing heavily as she tried to catch her breath, her heart-shaped ass still pointing out perfectly at me. I walked over and gave her perfect ass a delectable slap.

“Oh!” She moaned as i continued groping her ass, I pulled her further out from the table and put my dick between her thighs, and started rubbing her with it.

I could feel her soak herself again as she felt my dick rub her clit and cunt at the same time. “Mm…” She moaned, careful not to make too much noise to make Cindy come down again.

“You’ve been a bad girl,” I bent down and whispered into her ear, groping her boobs at the same time.

“How are you going to punish me? I think this bad little slave deserves some spanking.”

I stopped for a moment, not realising that she had such kinks, this, of course, made me grow even harder.

“Ten spanks should do the trick!” I said as i sat on the table, bending her over my lap. I gently groped her ass for a little while, even gently teasing her lips, before suddenly delivering a stinging blow to her left cheek.

“Oh!” She yelped as she felt the blow, the impact site already turning red. I touched her lips once again, confirming that they were coated with a fresh layer of fluids.

I delivered blow after blow, making her ass jiggle beautifully as she moaned on my lap. Finally, the last blow came, and she seized up and came straight onto the floor.

“Unh! Please, Steve! I need you in me now!”

I pushed her off gently and put her on the table missionary style, as i aligned myself with her love canal. I plunged into her vagina, which was even wetter than before. Her fluids we’re even thicker and felt even better than her saliva.

I started pistoning and realised there was no way i could last long within her.

I bent down and took a nipple into out and was rewarded with a scream. I sucked relentlessly as she squirmed on the table, clearly unable to do anything from the sheer pleasure she was feeling.

“I’m gonna cum!” I said as I pushed myself all the way in, unloading more of my seed than i ever had before. I lost count after seven ropes and i filled her to the brim. I was still cumming as I pulled out and shot my seed at the professor, covering her chest and face with my thick white semen.

Cum fell out of her pussy like a waterfall, she scooped up what she could and shoved it into her mouth, drinking every last drop.

“Looks like you passed the test…” Professor Acacia said sultrily as she scooped up more of my cum and tasted it, “you better go, in case Cindy comes back down.”

“Right,” I said as I zipped up my pants.

As i got out of the lab, i looked up into the sky, pondering what adventures awaited me next.


My thumbs hurt ;-;

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/dsba9p/pokegirls_gotta_fuck_em_all_part_1_wish_wish