[MF] I fucked my ex-girlfriend’s best friend, Part 7.

Read part 6 here:


It’s been about a month since I last posted because things have been busy on my end. A few things have happened over the last few weeks that I am just getting to write about.

First thing I want to mention just to get it out of the way, Heather’s family took a trip down to Florida and while there, her parents “Baker acted” Heather. The Baker Act is a law in Florida that allows mentally ill people to be committed to a mental health facility for 72 hours, against the will of the mentally ill person. (I had to google what it meant). That’s all we know so far.

Now to the good stuff.

Kelly’s dad’s medical practice is looking to expand their clinic and the medical complex they are at has a number of vacant offices. Kelly and her mom went to check out a vacant dental facility to see if it would work for her dad’s new clinic.

I went to Kelly’s house that evening and she and her mom were at the coffee table working on some office stuff when her mom realized she must have left a folder in the dental office. Kelly and I volunteered to go get it since it was only a 10 minute drive and also pick up some dinner. Her mom said “thank you” and she said she will watch Kelly’s son while we were away.

We got to the clinic and walked around to find the folder. I told Kelly that going to a dentist office, even an empty one gives me the shivers. I was never too fond of going to the dentist. Just looking at the dental machines gave me goosebumps.

Kelly laughed. She said that when she was growing up their family dentist was a well-endowed woman. Her mom often said that her dad was the only person she knew who enjoyed going to the dentist.

“I would too.” I said and Kelly smacked me on the chest. Then as if a light bulb lit up inside her head, she took my hand and led me to one of the dental chairs and told me to sit.

I knew exactly where this was going. I sat down on the dental chair. Kelly tried to lay it down but there was no power to it.

Then she told me to close my eyes and open my mouth wide. I did and a few seconds later I had one of her tits in my mouth. Kelly undid my pants and pulled my dick out. She rubbed my dick as I alternated sucking on her tits. About a minute later, she put my dick in her mouth to get me hard and wet and 30 seconds later she pulled up her skirt and brushed her panties to the side and put me inside her pussy. She leaned over so I can suck her tits while she rode me. It is her current favorite thing to do.

Somehow the elastic on her panties were rubbing my dick the wrong way and I told her so she got off, took her panties off and got back on top of me. We fucked for about another minute and I came inside her. She bent over to kiss me and I stayed inside her for a good minute or so.

Then we heard a knock on the door and Kelly got up to answer it while I fixed myself. It was security guard from the complex and it was a good thing it was somebody that Kelly knew. She told her that we came back to pick up something and I had to use the bathroom. I guess this satisfied the security guard and I heard her say good night to Kelly and went on her way.

A couple of weekends ago, there was a break in the cold weather and Kelly and I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and ride our bikes through the nearby bike trail. About half way through, it started to rain and eventually the rain got heavier and heavier. Kelly and I made it to a rest shed (kinda like an open air, covered bus stop) and took shelter.

We sat there shivering, since we were soaked and we held each other close to warm up. As I held her, my hand wandered to her right boob and I gave it a playful squeeze. Kelly took my hand, put it under her shirt and her sports bra.

“That feels nice and warm”. She said.

As if on cue, we both looked around to see if anyone was coming and then I pulled up her shirt and fondled her tits as we kissed. Soon Kelly was naked except for her shirt and bra pulled up to under her arms and I laid her on the bench and ate her pussy. A few minutes later, she told me to fuck her. I took off my shorts, lifted her legs and fucked her as she laid on the bench. Kelly payed with her tits and her nipples as we fucked and then she asked if she can come on top of me so I can suck her nipples as we fucked. I sat on the bench and she straddled me and she fed me her tits as we fucked. I came inside her and we stayed holding each other for about 5 minutes. The rain let up about 15 minutes later and we got dressed. As we were getting on our bikes, a ranger on an ATV pulled up next to us and asked if we were okay. We told him we got caught in the rain and chilled out on the shed.

He commented that we were the only people he saw on the trail so far and he advised to head back since there will be another rain storm coming in the next 20 minutes or so.

Kelly and I headed back in time before we got drenched yet again.

The last story a lot of you might think it’s BS because I am not even sure if it’s true or not. But regardless, it makes for a good story.

Last weekend there was a party at Kelly’s parent’s house. A lot of the guests was Kelly’s family and some cousins that she has not seen in ages. We ended drinking too much and staying later than we thought. After the party ended, I crashed on the couch and Kelly went to bed with her son in her old bedroom.

Sometime in the night I woke up to go to the bathroom and when I came out, Kelly was sitting on the couch waiting for me. I asked her if she was okay and she said her son pee’d on her bed. She cleaned him up, put him back to sleep on her side of the bed and she felt to crowded and will crash on the couch with me.

I said that’s fine and I laid down on my side and Kelly snuggled up next to me.

I know there is a theme here about my hand on her boobs, but hey what can I say, I love her boobs.

With that being said, my right hand snuggled on her boobs. A few minutes later Kelly said “Honey, can we have sex so I can fall asleep?”. I was not going to argue and I asked her where and how she wants to do it.

There was really not much room if we did it side to side, so she said she will be on top so I can suck her tits. Kelly was wearing a shirt and panties. She got up and took both off. I took off my pants and brought them to my knees. Kelly put me in her mouth and then got on top of me and we started to fuck. I put her right tit in my mouth and put my hands on her ass. Kelly was riding me more vigorously than I expected and I looked up at her and saw she was biting her lips. My middle finger found her asshole and Kelly seemed to be turned on by this and started to ride me faster and harder. It did not take me long to cum deep inside her.

Kelly got up, went to the bathroom and laid beside me as we fell asleep.

Yesterday, Kelly and her mom drove around to look at other potential office spaces. I got to her house before she did. She walked in the door about 20 minutes later. I asked her how her day was and she answered “you would not believe it!!!”.

I asked her to tell me and she said she will later after she puts her son to sleep. Part of me was worried and anxious. Kelly would not give me a hint on what it was about. That was probably the longest 3 hours of my life, waiting for her son to go to bed.

I laid in bed and waited for her as she tucked her son in. Kelly said she was going to jump in the shower and I told her no, to tell me what happened with her day. She sighed and sat on the bed.

“Remember last weekend when we had sex in my parent’s house? Well, apparently the noise we made woke my mom up and when she checked on was making the noise, she saw us having sex.”

“Oh” was all I could say.

“Oh it gets worse. Not only did she see us, she hid and watched us until we were done.”

“Are you kidding me?” I asked, shocked.

“Oh it get alot worse. She actually told me she got so aroused, wait… she said “horny” that she tried to have sex with my dad, but since he did not wake up, she took advantage of him as he slept. She tried to give me details and I asked her to stop.”

I did not know what to say. I guess Kelly and her mom have that kind of relationship and I have to admit it weirded me out. And I told Kelly. She said, no that’s not the kind of relationship they have and she is also quite shocked on what her mom told her.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dshyq5/mf_i_fucked_my_exgirlfriends_best_friend_part_7

1 comment

  1. Hey man. Just FYI, “Baker Acted” may have been done if the mentally ill person is liable to hurt themselves (meaning suicidal) and must be enacted by either a doctor, the police or a judge.

    I know because my ex-wife was “baker-acted” by her Psychiatrist after her recent husband (the guy after me) left her. Since I was the closest thing she had to family, I had to take care of all her affairs here including informing her work and her family out of state. She was held in a mental facility for almost three months.

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