[MF] Dating Lakshmi part 4

**Part 3** ([continued](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dqc3g9/mf_dating_lakshmi_part_3/))

I turn on the shower letting it run to start the hot water and feel Lakshmi come up behind me pressing her sticky self against my back, “Want to join me” I ask. Lakshmi breaks her hold on me stepping into the shower adjusting the water to her liking. I leave the bathroom briefly to get more towels then step in and join her. She is running the water through her hair as I step in to the shower, the water is hotter than I expected and it takes me a while to get used to the heat. She turns to embrace me as I find some soap and shampoo, we soap each other up feeling all over each other, exploring every curve, bump and crevice. I get down on my knees to explore her further washing between her legs, feeling her bottom running my fingers between each cheek before washing her vulva, gently spreading the soap through her pubic hair and over her skin but never spreading her open or pushing inside her outer lips. Lakshmi moans as I soap up her sensitive spots letting me tease her with my touch. We don’t kiss just watch each other as our hands move across our skin.

I gently wash her hair, careful to not pull too harshly or get shampoo in her eyes. We begin to stop every now and again to kiss which is hard as the water splashes on our faces and we laugh trying not to drown ourselves. I finish washing her hair and she embraces me tightly, my penis awakens again pressed up against her tummy. Lakshmi is too short for me to reach her bottom without bending over and I think she realises this as she places her hands on my penis. I try to bend to reach her but she pulls me in tighter to our embrace and whispers “not this time”. She breaks her hold on me reaching down, beginning to stroke me up and down being careful as she touches my foreskin. I relax and let her pleasure me with one hand stroking me and another now gripping my bottom. Lakshmi listens to my breathing with each stroke and soon I am moaning and groaning underneath the sound of the running water.

I desperately want to touch between her legs again and am distracted slightly by the idea of buying a stool for the shower before being jolted back to reality by my orgasm building inside of me. I look down at Lakshmi, “I’m going to come soon” I say and to my surprise she slowly backs away her strokes and moves her hand from my bottom cupping my testicles. The feeling is electric as she moves her head down my body kissing me first on my chest, then stomach and bends to kiss my abdomen and then my hips. I start to wonder if she is about to go down on me as she kisses around the line of my pubic hair brushing her hands against her face as she continues to stroke me. The tension between us is electric and I feel my orgasm begin to build again. Lakshmi looks up at me and smiles knowing she has full control over me. She intensifies her strokes and I feel my orgasm begin to build again as she rises, kissing up my body stopping when her breasts are at the same height as my penis. Lakshmi keeps stroking, moving her other hand back to my ass. She looks up at me and says, “tell me when”. I completely lose it, she gets in 3 more strokes before I grown “now” as she takes her hands away from my penis and pushes her soapy breasts against me engulfing my penis in her cleavage. I place my hands on her shoulders as she kisses my abdomen grinding against me. I feel my orgasm build beyond my control and wait for it’s release. I groan as the pumping of my glands begins and I shoot hot cum onto Lakshmi’s cleavage and chest. As my orgasm subsides Lakshmi stands up and away from the water. Looking down she giggles seeing my cum covering her chest. Before she can clean herself up I pull her in for a kiss, I kiss her deeply, Lakshmi standing on the tips of her toes to reciprocate. We kiss intensely letting the water fall over us washing away the sticky mess we have created.

Realising we are getting cold away from the water and wondering how long we have been in the shower we quickly rinse off and I jump out and grab the towels. Lakshmi turns the water off and steps out of the shower, shivering slightly as I surprise her getting down on my knees to dry her off. We run the towels over each others bodies stopping to kiss and only breaking when we got cold.

I’m still pretty wired up from Lakshmi’s handiwork in the shower and as she finishes wrapping towels around her body and head, I pick her up in my arms, lifting her off her feet, Lakshmi lets out a little scream in surprise, laughing as I carry her back to the bed. I place her down with her head on the pillow laying on top her as she embraces me, wrapping her arms around my back. I look into her eyes and she lifts her head off the pillow to kiss me. We kiss softly for a time before I break away, “tell me if this is too far” I say as I begin to slide down her body unwrapping the towel as I go. I kiss down her neck, over her collar bone and down her chest. I feel her pulse begin to race again and her breathing deepen. I take each nipple in my mouth sucking slowly on each one, squeezing each breast with my hands making sure to gently move by hands around her sides and under boob as I explore each one. Lakshmi grabs the back of my head as I lower myself again kissing her tummy, running my tongue around her navel. Moving down her abdomen I completely unfold the towel leaving it to fall under her on the bed and her naked body underneath me.

I remove my hands from her breasts sliding them down her curves and gently spread her legs. I kiss the bulge of her pubic bone feeling her pubic hair brush my face before lowering myself to kiss along the inside of her thighs. With my right hand I gently spread her outer labia watching her open up in front of me, she is pink inside contrasted beautifully with her dark brown skin. I move my index finger up and down her inner labia hearing her moan and feel her pull on the back of my head and hair grow tighter. I turn my hand so my palm is facing the ceiling and begin to push my index finger deep inside her. She moans loudly again, “keep going” as I inch deeper and deeper inside of her. I move slowly and feel the tip of my finger reach her cervix, I lightly brush against it scared to hurt her. She moans again and I look up at her, “tell me if this hurts or is too sensitive”. Lakshmi pushes my head down into her as I continue to kiss around her thighs and vulva. I start to stroke the top side of her vagina and gently against her cervix using longer strokes. Lakshmi moans loudly again I and pull my head back to look up at her. She looks down at me almost begging. “Want me to stop?” I ask making sure, “no keep going” she moans as I guide my tongue into her labia. I start at her vaginal opening above my finger and trace up slipping the tip of my tongue below her hood. Lakshmi arches her back and I bring my left hand up to her breasts pinning her back to the bed.

I move my lips up sucking on her clit, listening to each sound she makes and feeling her as she moves against me. I alternate slowly between licking her clit and sucking on it feeling her begin to grind up against me. She tastes amazing and I feel her juices covering my beard and face, her aroma filling my nostrils every time I breath in. I listen for subtle changes in Lakshmi’s moans and breathing discovering with each change what she likes and what makes her moan in delight. I settle on long stroke with my tongue adding a little flick when I reach her hood. I feel Lakshmi strain against me and with my left hand I lightly pinch her nipples as she begins to grind against me faster.

“Just like that” she struggles to get out between moans and I increase the pace of my strokes with my tongue. Inside of her I arch my finger placing more pressure on the upper walls stroking between her g-spot and her cervix. Lakshmi releases my head gripping the sheets and I have to hold her down to keep my head and tongue in just the right place. “I’m going to come, Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop, she says as I begin to feel her body tense up arching against the weight of my arm holding her down. I hear one last guttural moan as she reaches climax, pushing my head and tongue away from her clit. Lakshmi roles her head back arching her back, straining against my weight pinning her to the bed. In front of me, I see the muscles around her vulva and anus clenching and releasing and feel her grip the finger I have inside her stronger than she ever has before.

As I feel her orgasm subside I slowly remove my finger again admiring the sight before me, her skin glistening from her wetness and at the centre of it all her pink labia and opening. I kiss my way back up her body, I feel her spasm with each kiss and as our faces meet she pulls me in kissing me deeply. We lay like this for a while, her legs spread either side of me as if we were making love in missionary, only my towel separating our intimate parts. My full weight is on her as we kiss gently, her hands run along my skin feeling up and down my back while I run my hands through her hair. “I really have to get some work done today” she says breaking our embrace and I slowly rise up and head to the bathroom to wash my face while Lakshmi reassembles the towels she was wearing.

When I return Lakshmi is in the kitchen scrambling through her bag looking for yesterdays clothes to wear. Knowing she didn’t have anything clean I ask if she wants to steal something from my wardrobe. She dives in coming back wearing a black band t-shirt which even on me is a little large but fits her easily as a dress. I get dressed finding a t-shirt and some jeans as she twirls in front of me laughing at how big my clothes are on her.

I let Lakshmi use my study to get some work done and do some house work before, settling into the couch in the living area to play a game for a bit. Try as I might I can’t get the aroma of her out of my beard and can still taste her hours later. It takes more effort than I care to admit not to pull her away from her work.

I head out at lunch time to find us some food leaving Lakshmi in my apartment. I grab some takeaway Thai food and some snacks and on my way back find that our clothing order is sitting with the concierge. The box of clothes is much bigger than I thought it would be and I struggle a bit with the elevator and again while trying to get my key into the door lock of my apartment. Upon opening the door I drop the box which makes a bang hitting the tile floors and only just manage to keep hold of our food. Lakshmi comes out of the study wondering what the commotion is, “that looks like a lot more than I ordered” she says suspicious of the large box sitting between us. I put the food down on the bench and leave Lakshmi to dish up as I take the clothes order to the bedroom to unpack it away from her prying eyes. I check everything is there, remove all the plastic and throw a few items I know Lakshmi will want later into the washer dryer to get rid of the plastic smell. Walking back out into the living area the smell of Thai food is starting to take over my apartment and we snuggle up on the couch to watch a movie and eat.

At the end of the movie, I check on the washing, everything is dry so I lay each item out on the bed for Lakshmi to chose from. I call back to her from the bedroom “want to go for a swim?”, I hear this puzzled response from the living room as Lakshmi walks in seeing the selection of clothes on the bed. She turns and punches me lightly on my arm “That’s a lot more than I ordered” she exclaims before examining everything. On top of the essentials Lakshmi chose I had added in some more casual outfits, a black one piece bathing suit and a white bikini set using her measurements from her underwear. Lakshmi had added in some flat dress shoes and I snuck in some heals to go with her dress. I cheekily also ordered some more lacy and slightly more see-through versions of the underwear she bought for underneath her evening dress. “I can return these if you don’t like it” I say as she looks over everything. She looks at me and says “thank you” as she picks up the one piece bathing suit. I take the hint and dig into the wardrobe to find my swimmers. As I come back I see Lakshmi putting on the final adjustments. The one piece is a little tighter than I hoped unfortunately which pushes out her breasts and I can already see the crotch riding up a little and her nipples pressing through slightly. She looks into my bedroom mirror examining her curves, satisfied she takes a towel from my hand before putting my shirt back on and we head for the pool.

The pool is on the roof and shared between both the residents and the hotel guests. We take the lift to the roof and were a little disappointed to find a number of other guests floating around. The pool is heated over the cooler months and we could already see the steam coming off it. We found a lounge chair to place our stuff and head for the water.

I jumped in first, diving in from the deep end to get over the cold water shock, Lakshmi dipped her toe in and required a bit of encouragement to slip in further. She sat on the edge of the pool before I come along and lift her off the edge and into my arms. She hugs me for warmth as I lower her into the water and we kiss briefly mindful of the other guests around us. Under the water I lower my hands to her bottom and she wraps her legs around me and places her chin on my shoulder. We float around for a bit, Lakshmi holding on to me in the deeper section of the pool but it was nice to just float around and talk. From the pool high up on the 20th floor and from the waters edge we can see the sky line blessed by the afternoon sun.

We hang around in the pool until a cool breeze starts to bring the temperature down and decide it’s was time to head back to my apartment. Lakshmi almost bolted for the shower when we got in as she was still shivering. She left the door to the bathroom open and from the living room I could see her strip off and turn the water on. She walks over to the bathroom door, staring out at me, teasing me with her curves before closing the door behind her.

I let her shower in peace not entirely sure if she wants me to join her or not and take the time to look for something to wear for that evening. I pick out a new pair of jeans, coat, shirt and dress shoes making sure my colour choice doesn’t clash with Lakshmi’s new dress. Lakshmi takes less time in the bathroom than I thought and gives me a dirty look when she come out, “Where were you!” she exclaims as I realise she wanted me in there after all. I apologise and steal the bathroom for myself now acutely aware I smell like chlorine and chemicals from the pool.

I finish in the bathroom, throwing our swimmers in the wash and find Lakshmi sitting up in bed reading, wearing nothing but a towel. She is trying to pick a restaurant for tonight but can’t make our minds up, we look for a while but in the end decide just head down to the nearby restaurant strip and see what we can find. She watches me get dressed first then kicks me out of the bedroom to get changed herself which I find amusing considering we have spent most of the day naked together.

Lakshmi comes out half an hour later, dressed, hair and make up done, ready to go. She tries on the new shoes and picks a pair of flats. The black dress accentuates her curves covering her from her neck down to her calves. Her arms are bare and the material over her breasts is sheer partially obscuring her cleavage. “You look beautiful” I say, Lakshmi grabs her purse and coat and we hold hands as we head out into the night.

We walk through the city enjoying the crisp autumn air, it rains on and off lightly, the city lights reflecting off each wet surface. We don’t say much as we walk and things feel a little awkward after the previous evening and this mornings activities. We wander past a few restaurants before we stumble upon an Indian Restaurant, the menu on the window having some of Lakshmi’s favourite dishes none of which I’ve tried before. We find a seat inside and Lakshmi orders off the menu in Hindi leaving me guessing as to what we will be eating. I order a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses. Lakshmi lightens up telling me about her life and family back in India and her childhood. Mine sounds positively boring and believably white in comparison having grown up out in the country. We talk about our time at college and everything naughty we did, I leave out the sex bits as at this point those parts horrify even me.

Our food arrives and she tells me about each dish, all vegetarian, cooked in a particular way with special spices. Lakshmi tells me about how her grandmother used to cook some of these for her back home and she didn’t often see them here. We start to eat having at this point gone through most of the wine. I love each of the dishes Lakshmi has chosen and we share everything and I have to order more rice to handle the chiles which Lakshmi finds hilarious. We laugh as I try to pronounce the name of each dish desperately trying to avoid sounding like Apu from the Simpsons.

As we empty the last of the wine into our glasses Lakshmi looks at me and says “I want to do it”, a little tipsy and not entirely sure what “it” is I say “start an Indian restaurant?”, she smacks my hand and laughs. “No, I want to have sex” she says, the couple at the next table look over at us and they are almost as surprised as I am.

I call for the cheque and we head back out onto the street in search of desert and a little bit more privacy. We find a nice ice cream place around the corner with benches and stools and Lakshmi picks up where we left off in the restaurant. “I want to do it, I’m not scared any more” she says, I’m still a bit taken a back by how fast things are going and unsure if it’s the wine or what she really wants. I look into her eyes and ask her “if you want to we can, but only if you’re sure. I don’t want to push you if you feel you aren’t ready. You don’t have to do it for me either only if it’s something you really way”. She snuggles into me as we eat our ice cream, at this point grateful to have something to calm the burning sensation from the food. “Do you want to do it tonight“ I ask unsure about where we stood. Lakshmi sits there for a bit thinking, “maybe we should go somewhere warm, I haven’t been on holidays in ages” she says. We dig into our phones and start pulling up travel destinations and trying to work out how much leave we have. We settle on somewhere in Asia looking for a small and romantic destination. Lakshmi finds this lovely island getaway off the cost of Vietnam and we bookmark it for later. We finish our ice cream and decide to head back to my place again and head back out into the street, warmed by the wine and still a little tipsy, holding hands on as we walk back to my apartment.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dsfw9l/mf_dating_lakshmi_part_4

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