Doubly Fucked – Part 3

I did this for a certain person on here who has since stopped responding to queries… so please just remember it is copyrighted and if it appears elsewhere I will find out. #Sex #Masturbation #Threesome


Brent’s fingers spread her pussy open, and a sigh escaped Angie. His middle finger began to explore her wetness, engulfing his finger, and he felt a spread of the liquid from her coat his fingers spreading her lips open.

“Oh.. My..God!.. Just..” she moaned as he began thrusting slowly, curling his hand and driving his middle finger deeper, little by little. He took her free hand and placed it onto his shorts where his cock was now firm and hard inside them.

“Your turn now Angie, I want to get out of these shorts, I want your hand on my cock. I want you to have a feel of what will be yours soon, oh yes, I want to be inside you so much right now, but first,” he said softly, almost a whisper, “your needs are more important right now. I need you to cum for me baby, I need your juice all over my hand first, then all over my face.”

“Uuuhhh.. aahhh .. uhhh,” She moaned as Brent drove his finger slightly faster into her, and she began to rock back and forward on her ass, also helping the thrusting of his finger, making it drive even deeper. Her eyes were closed as she rocked her head back and forth. Reciprocating, Angie moved the material of his shorts where the hard length of his cock was. He changed position slightly, allowing him to free himself, he managed to get the shorts down around his knees and moved to a kneeling position. Free at last, his cock stood proud, and his foreskin was pulled back below the head and bobbing slightly, as Angie took hold of it. She marvelled at the feel of his thick cock, and slowly moved her hand down the length of it. She cupped his balls softly, played with them in her palm as she opened her eyes and stared at him, so long and firm. His hand was still moving at a regular pace, slowly making her body twitch as she rode his middle finger. She reached up to the tip of his cock and placed her palm over it, covering it like a hood.

“Angie.. that feels real nice, what you’re doing right now, but please… keep moving, I want you to get me even harder before I fuck your brains out completely. Take your time, take it slowly, build up the pleasure nicely for me,” Brent said softly, as he continued his ministrations. He decided to adjust his finger, and added the index finger as well, and pulled the middle finger right out, and a flood of Angie’s juices poured out from her.

“Oh Fuck! Why… do that?” she panted, and laid her head back, just as Brent added the index finger and slid his hard fingers back inside her. The deep moan that escaped her was electric, and her back arched again in utter unadulterated pleasure. This time, he pushed hard into her, she responded by bringing her knees up and spreading herself wider as well as letting him go.

“Holy… “ was all they both heard from the edge of the deck, where a strange voice had come from a rather wide eyed young man carrying a rather large box. “I.. I was.. Just coming round the side… Mrs Archer and… wow!”

“Who? What?…” Angie cried out, realising that she had just been caught, out in the open with someone else other than her husband. “Fucksakes, Get inside, both of you!” she cried as she quickly sat up, grabbing her towel and attempted to cover herself. She staggered inside and began to wrap the towel around herself, succeeding slightly, just before a hastily bundled young man was dragged into the house by his left arm, still clutching the box tightly.

“Who the fuck are you?” Angie asked angrily, embarrassed that she had been caught out by a total stranger whilst nearly orgasming. Her body was still needy with lust and she needed to do something about it. Inspiration struck her as she looked at the two of them standing there, one very naked Brent, with a very firm cock, and one clothed delivery man, with a now very obvious erection.

“You young man, caused this,” she said as she pointed at her throbbing pussy, “Thank you Brent for bringing him here, now I can carry on my mission. I wanted to get fucked badly today and you were going to do just that.” She pointed at Brent and blew him a kiss.

“Now that you have turned up, both of you are going to fuck me until I scream, and I want it rough. I am so fucking horny I could easily rape both of you right now, so first, you will each be eating me out until I cum so hard, then we will begin the real test of endurance,” she said harshly, pointing at the delivery guy. The Young red-headed guy just grinned, nodded and licked his lips.

“Do you mind if I put this down then Mrs Ashe? After all it is your delivery that you ordered and I was the lucky guy who was chosen to deliver this parcel today. I must be the luckiest guy alive, I reckon, I mean this guy sure is sexy and all,” he said sweetly, winking at Brent who smiled back.

“Dude, I am flattered that you think I am sexy. I will take that as a compliment. I am definitely up for a bit of sharing the bounty, so…” Brent said and turned to Angie who grinned back at both of them.

“Well, this is a bit of a turn out for the books… are you both bi? I mean after those remarks, I would definitely think so,” Angie remarked, gazing in fascination at both of them.

“Well, I do like muscular guys, and by the way, my name is Pete. Nice to meet you mrs Ashe. Can I assume this handsome specimen is NOT your husband by the way he grabbed me and bundled me into the house?” he asked cautiously, still smiling as well as ogling Angie. “Besides, my proclivities are not just limited to men, I might add. You are an amazing woman! What a great figure you have, and such a nice tasty looking little treat!” he continued as he studied her body, from her slim ankles and legs, all the way up her legs to her sex and on up to her breasts, still very pink and flushed. “You are a definite MILF. If you want, we can both,” pointing to Brent as he spoke, “take this beyond your expectations! I am sure Mr. Handsome here will happily want to be part of this little shindig!”

“Well, seeing as you have so eloquently put it… Pete, was it? No, I am not bi, but I can certainly share!” Brent said coolly, looking over at Pete, “as long as missy here can keep us happy, we can fuck her until she screams her beautiful lungs out. So, let’s see what you’re all about then and see if we can accomodate this brazen hussy!”

“Now I think that is the best idea I have heard all day, but wasn’t there something about a pussy? And it being very wet and needing a good licking?” asked Pete looking at Angie, besides: like I said before, I like MILF’s and I know that you are one. There are pictures of your kids on the shelf over here,” he stated as he picked up the framed photo of Angie’s daughter. “So, how about it? Do you still want us to have a feast on your body? Are you willing and able to take us both on for your little feast?”

Angie gaped at the pure brass balls of this kid, the way he had sussed out everything from his brief time inside the house was absolutely true, and now she was aching for some action, some proper action. Not just fingering like earlier, she wanted to be ravaged and consumed by these two men, these two… mother fuckers!”

“Well, where would you gentlemen suggest we have us a party? I could easily offer you some Iced Tea, but I think it is still outside on the deck. Can one of you go and get it? I am feeling parched…” she trailed off, letting her eyes wander over to Pete, “seeing as you are still clothed, Pete, maybe You should get it for us? While he does that Brent, can you stroke that magnificent cock of yours, just keep it nice and thick for me?”

“Sounds good, I am also feeling thirsty, although not for tea, something else! I can’t wait to dive into this,” Pete said, insinuating more than the tea as he eyed both Angie and Brent. He moved toward the door and before stepping outside, first checked to see if there was anyone watching, then he retrieved the iced tea and made his way back inside. He saw Brent stroking his cock slowly, hand held loosely around the thick shaft, and smiled. He was definitely into big men and this guy was no exception! Placing the jug of tea down on the kitchen counter, he looked around the kitchen, wanting to see if this could be the perfect place for their encounter. He watched as Angie poured herself a tall glass of iced tea, reaching up into the cupboard to retrieve a glass for herself. When she stretched her arm up, she pulled her breasts tighter, forming sharp points on her body. Both Pete and Brent grinned wolfishly as they enjoyed the view they were presented with from their vantage points.

“Well, I suppose I had better show you the goods, then if you like and see whether you approve of the package. No, not that package Mrs Ashe, MY package that I want to bring to the party!” Peter retorted as he began taking off his shirt. He was not massively muscled, but he was nicely toned from running and cycling, although not as tan as Brent, he was not lily-white either. Stripping out of his trousers, then down to his boxers, Angie and Brent got an eyeful of Pete’s ‘package’, and Angie smiled brightly.

“Well, this is nice, two big cocks for me to play with, one slightly darker and thicker, but the other,” she said gazing at Pete’s impressive cock, “will be making me gag! First though, I have been promised a good tongue fuck, so I want you two to decide who will be going first.”

With that, Angie made her way over to the dining room table, a stout wooden slab that had been in her family for generations. It had been carved and built by an ancestor who had been a woodworker. Great care had been taken in the choosing and assembling the table, and Angie knew it had the strength to hold her and her two lovers if needed. Clearing away the scant occupiers, she put down a thick tablecloth, then lay down on top of.the table, widthwise to accommodate her stature. She wanted to have her ass on the edge of the table and her legs dangling down so whoever went first was going to be able to access her pussy easily enough. Deciding to up the game, she took a cloth and blindfolded herself, then spread her legs ready for the first tongue to invade her.

“Tell you what, let us both invade her pussy with our tongues at the same time, if we both get cheek to cheek, we could both lick her hard and properly,” Pete said softly to Brent, “or do you have another suggestion?”

“How about we both do that with a slight variation, just one from above and one from below. I will quite happily spend time on her clit, if you want to go for the lips of her pussy?” Brent suggested eagerly, “Then we can see how that works out.”

“Sounds good man, I like your way of thinking. I mean I will quite happily do that, then we can get to the main course in a little bit. Let’s get her so wet for our cocks, I definitely want to get mine buried inside her,” said Pete softly, “just don’t tell her who is who, I see she has put on a blindfold to make it more interesting.”

“Oh boys… I am waiting and so is my hungry little pussy…” Angie called out in a sing-song voice, urging them to hurry up.

“Now that’s what I call an invitation… but let’s make this a lot more interesting for her, let’s tie her arms to the table, so she cannot get up. Then when we fuck her, she will not be able to protest or move!” Brent suggested with a sadistic grin.

“Great idea, I always wanted to have a willing and tied up woman like that. What an opportunity!” Pete replied, “start so long without me, and I will go find something to use. I might be a few minutes. I will see if she has any scarves I could use.”

Brent nodded and walked toward Angie, who was lying there, ready for her pleasure. He walked around the table, studying her as she lay there, breathing softly. “So, who is this I wonder, is it the wonderfully adept Brent, or will it be the cute delivery guy?” she asked impatiently, shaking her head slightly side to side, “COME on, just get on with it! I want to fucking cum so badly, I have been since this morning.”

That was the moment Brent put his face between her legs, kissing first the right thigh, then the left, and began to lick down the left leg, towards her open, wet pussy.

“Oh God! That feels… oh so… nice,” she gasped out, waiting for the tongue to settle on her slit. Finally the tongue licked, stroking her lips softly, then began earnestly working on the clit. Strong measured strokes made her shiver, the tongue wet and warm, as the tip of i teased her clitoral hood, centering on the hard little bud and continued to tease. His tongue firmed up and began working earnestly on slowly covering the whole nub. the pressure mounted as he continued his flicking of it.

Angie moaned, her body responding to the tongue working hard at making her body tense up in her lower abdomen, as she felt the familiar stirrings.

Pete had quickly made his way to the upstairs part of the house, and discovered the Main bedroom. Admiring the decor and colours, Pete studied the painting of Angie and nodded to himself. He quickly searched and found two long red silk scarves, with gold thread woven in and smiled. ‘So this is where all the action normally happens?’ he thought as he made his way out the door and started his journey back downstairs.

Not saying anything, he held the scarves up in the air as he came down the stairs and seeing Brent busily burying his head in Angie pussy, he walked softly over and began making a loop with the first scarf, whilst watching the action. Quickly fashioning the next one, he rapped Brent on the shoulder and he looked up at a smiling Pete holding the two scarves. Disengaging just as Angie’s pussy began pulsing, he took one of the scarves from his partner in crime and stepped over to the right arm. Angie nearly screamed in frustration as the tongue was quickly removed and she felt some cum escape her pussy, dribbling down onto her asshole and she nearly screamed again, just managing to keep her moans down.

“Wh.. what the hell?” she said through her fog of lust, wondering what was going on as her arms were grabbed and something was put on her wrists, something soft and binding.

“These are to keep you from hurting yourself, just relax and let us work our magic baby, Pete and I will be making you scream very shortly,” Brent said softly into her ear as he secured her arm down flat on the table.

“We are going to fuck you until you are sore, then we will make sure you are never going to forget us,” said an excited Pete, ” so much so that we will have to xome vack and give you a repeat performance next week. I will make some excuse to get here, as will Brent.”

With that she felt him also the left arm down, so she could not move. Restricting her movement was essential as it would prevent her from escaping easily and stopping them.

Angie silently pleaded for the tongue to get back on her pussy as she could not see what was happening at all. Then she decided to voice her anguish.

“Can someone please just push me over the edge please, my pussy is still throbbing and I am in need of some fucking relief right now!” Angie mewled plaintively, then added,”tyiong me up like this was a fucking great idea, I love the idea of it. You guys deserve a medal, this is what I call imaginative!” Just as the tongue delved deep into her pussy, this time she could tell it was not the same as earlier, this one was broader, not so firm, but it was absolute heaven, spreading her pussy lips apart, the tongue flicked and licked. Suddenly the mouth created suction on her clit after stopping and she screamed. The suction into his mouth was causing the clit to be expanded inside the vacuum and she began to shake, A finger snaked into her pussy and she contracted around it firmly. She screamed as her head began to spin, her thoughts raced as she tried to keep her thoughts focused on the finger and mouth on her pussy. Rough hands pinched the nipples, a thumb and forefinger on each hand pulling the hard nubs of her firm nipples, causing a jolt of ecstasy to course through her. Suddenly, she began to convulse, then realised that the nipples were no longer being pinched, and suddenly there was another tongue lapping at her clit, while the other was busily licking and sucking her lips, both guys were occupying the same space!

‘Oh my god, what an experience!’ she thought as she contracted her muscles again, her pussy throbbed with pure desire a she began to cum. Her whole body shook with the effects of her orgasm, her twitching became frenetic and unending and she barely felt the two tongues stop their licking and sucking or felt the finger being pulled out of her. Mind overloading, Angie could not think of anything other than her orgasm right now, right up until she felt something slowly invading her pussy.

Brent had agreed to fuck her first, allowing Pete to get himself hard and get his cock inside her mouth, as she lay on the table. He positioned himself between her legs, and slowly but carefully pushed himself inside Angie, pulling her legs apart, making it easier for himself to push inside her. He leaned forward slightly and slid himself in, not wanting to hurt her, but also with enough force to slip inside easily. That was not a problem as Angie was already wet enough to begin with after the tongue fucking she had received from them both.

Pete had moved to the other side of the table and had positioned himself just near her head, then took it and pulled her head back, making her throat as straight as possible. He slowly touched his cock to her lips, readying it to be slid down her throat.

Angie realised what was happening after she felt the tip of a cock on her lips and breathed deeply, while feeling her pussy being invaded by the other cock. She had no idea who was who, but was enjoying the sensations from her pussy so much that she immediately stuck out her tongue and licked the underside of the shaft being presented. Slowly, it was pushed inside her mouth, slowly she swallowed it, grateful that the cock was being moved slowly and carefully into position. Her tongue played around the thick shaft and she thought to herself, ‘Is this Brent or Pete?’ then she began sucking and licking in earnest. Her Mind reeled at the thought of her body being ravaged like this, and centred her focus on trying not to cum again too quickly, and felt the thrusting of the cock in her mouth as well as the cock inside her pussy. Again the pressure was too much, and Angie decided to distract herself from the overwhelming pleasure in her pussy by taking more pleasure in the shaft that was buried in her mouth. She sucked and licked harder, her tongue tasting the underside and trying to flick along the length, but it was so thick she could not get access to all of it, it was so thick. She focused her energy on it, but could feel her wet pussy contracting again, nearing orgasm once more. Finally she could hold it no more and her body bucked as she exploded in orgasm, but did not feel any cum inside her yet. She realised that the cock had been withdrawn from her pussy and she moaned louder, wanting it to be retuned once more. Her mouth immediately felt the withdrawal of the cock as well, and she screamed as it was withdrawn fully.

Nodding, Brent motioned for Pete to take his place, and he watched fascinated as Angie realised that her pleasure was going to change. He slowly held his very wet cock on Angie’s lips, and watched as she eagerly inserted it into her mouth, swallowing his length down greedily. He knew he was near to exploding, but was waiting for Pete to get himself inside her pussy before he would begin his thrusting. Angie immediately tasted her cum on the cock, and moaned softly, it was delicious, knowing that this cock had come from her freshly fucked pussy.

Pete moved around to the other side of the table, and slid himself inside the very wet pussy, sliding inside easily, he did not care that it had recently been vacated by Brent, and immediately began thrusting, deep and slowly, stroking his entire length inside her, pulling nearly all the way out, then sliding in all the way again. Pete saw brent mimic his actions and smiled, this was indeed the best delivery he had ever done. He smiled at the pun he had just made, then continued fucking the gorgeous Milf in front of him.

Angie realised who she had in her mouth instantly, when Pete slid his length inside her, and she screamed around Brent’s cock. He was definitely longer than Brent, and he was pushing himself all the way into her small pussy. It was absolute heaven, being fucked on either end, and finally she felt the cock inside her mouth begin to tense, her muffled cries pushed him harder inside her throat, just as she felt the balls slapping her ass begin to tense, she felt a load of hot cum shot inside her pussy, pulsing all of it out and she screamed, gagging as cum also hit her throat, and she felt him pull out slightly, giving her breathing space. Then it retracted fully, not having shot all of it’s cum, she felt dripping onto her face and makeshift blindfold, while her pussy was still being thrust into by the other cock. It was still hard and she felt the frenetic pumping as it continued pulsing cum inside her. She screamed as one final thrust emptied inside her and she shuddered as he withdrew. Her body spasmed shook with the after effects of the makeshift orgy she had just experienced and she could not think straight. The blindfold had added an extra dimension of mystery to the whole affair and she relished more of these adventures. She swallowed the cum in her throat, desperately wanting more and licked hopefully at the hovering cock, as Brent guided himself to her lips, he pumped slowly with his hand and more cum seeped out.

Finally, Angie’s body stopped jerking and twitching, and her mind returned to her body and she giggled loudly.

“That was the best thing I have ever experienced you two, now can you untie me. I have to get myself showered and ready for later. I have to go and pick up my kids!” she said breathlessly, lying on the table completely satiated, her body sore from the fucking she had just received.

Brent and Pete untied her, rubbing her wrists slowly to bring back the circulation. Both were still breathing hard, and both of them were grinning stupidly.

“So, are we going to do this again?” asked Brent, eagerly awaiting a response from both Angie and Pete.

“Well that is a big fat YES from me,” replied Pete, who was still semi-erect and also very happy.

“Fuck, you two certainly know how to show a lady a good time!” replied Angie, and looking at Both Pete and Brent nodded. “Next week, I want you both here again, same time as today, and we will have some more fun!”

The End…

Copyright Jack Walker, Author – 2019


1 comment

  1. Damn! Sorry to see it end but I loved every minute. Is their going to be more?

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