Testing Serenity [MF] [piv] [Fembot] [ScFi]

What made someone a perfect lover? It used to be an ideal. People would imagine the perfect companion and spend their entire lives pursuing it. Only a handful ever found them. They made for wonderful stories about love, passion, and intimacy. The fact that they were so rare made them precious, but it also made them tragic in that so few knew that joy.

That all changed with Ideal Companions, a fast-growing company that specialized in producing the best quality robot companions. Some just called them sex robots. Some called them lover bots. For Bryan Kyler, they embodied something greater. As a co-founder of the company and one of the select few who knew the joys of having a perfect lover, he’d made it his mission to make that impossible fantasy a reality for everyone.

“Serenity Model 2.8, activate and run base protocol,” said Bryan, ready and eager to take another step in that effort.

He’d given that command within a well-equipped testing area located within the heart of Ideal Companions’ main research lab. The area was no larger than a typical hotel room, but was filled with an array of sensors and monitoring devices. It wasn’t made to look like a lab, though. It closely resembled a typical bedroom, complete with a king-sized bed, plush carpet, and a dresser. The only thing that made it stand out was the large, cylindrical pod containing a female figure.

Having heard his command, the figure came to life. Her eyes opened, briefly flashing blue to indicate that her systems were active. Like someone waking up from a deep sleep, she blinked and shifted to get her bearings. When the pod opened, she stepped out and approached him.

Bryan greeted her with a smile, as he often did with every new prototype. He was lucky in that he was usually the first one to witness the latest and greatest in robot companion technology just as it came online.

“Serenity Model 2.8 active,” she said in a flat voice. “Ideal Companions operating protocols now loading. Load complete. No errors detected.”

“Always a promising start,” said Bryan. “Initiate the emotional resonance matrix. Confirm identity and persona as Serenity.”

“Resonates matrix loading. Commence identity parameters in 3…2…1.”

Her eyes flashed again. Her demeanor abruptly changed. In an instant, Serenity Model 2.8 – or Serenity, as her parameters read – went from carrying herself like a robot in a female body to a woman who just happened to be in a robot body.

She looked around at her surroundings. Like a blind person seeing for the first time, she reacted with awe and amazement. She then looked at herself and noticed that she was naked. She felt around her exposed flesh, touching her breasts, torso, arms, and face. She was adjusting to her form. Being an advanced robot, she adjusted quicker than most.

“Take all the time you need, Serenity,” Bryan said, giving her space and distance. “Going from a cold, calculating machine to a thinking, feeling individual is tricky, to say the least.”

“I…I do not disagree,” she said, her voice stammering as she kept feeling around her body. “I’ve processed my data. I know my physical specifications, unique features, and operating systems. I am Serenity Model 2.8, but that title does not resonate with me. I prefer…Serenity.”

“That’s because your model number is just part of your hardware. It’s no different than the bones, blood vessels, and organs in my body. Serenity is your name, just as Bryan is mine.”

“Bryan,” she said, now looking towards him. “Yes, that name does resonate.”

“That’s because I’m your co-creator. I’m the co-creator of every model at Ideal Companions. And like any responsible creator, it’s my job to make every creation feel precious.”

He slowly approached her, maintaining a kind, non-threatening presence. He did this with every new model, treating them like the treasured creations they were. It was always a challenge, but over the years, Bryan had refined his approach. He always wore simple clothing, which never included anything fancier than jeans and a dress shirt. He made sure the ambience of the room was comfortable and casual, not unlike something an ordinary person would encounter.

That didn’t stop Serenity from gazing at him with a mix of reverence and yearning. Like it or not, she was an advanced robot consciousness. He helped make her. He was the first person she had ever encountered. For any conscious being, especially a robot companion, first impressions were critical.

“I’m feeling so many things right now,” Serenity said. “This body is remarkable.”

“It damn well ought to be. I helped design it,” Bryan said, half-jokingly.

“Synthetic flesh, perfectly analogous to biological flesh,” she said while feeling along her arms, “complete with tactile sensors, artificial hair follicles, and sweat glands. All built over an advanced robotic chasse, powered by fuel cells and maintained by synthetic biosystems. It’s all so artificial, yet it feels so…”

Her words trailed off. For robot with an advanced quantum neural brain, that was quite an accomplishment. It also confirmed to Bryan that her identity programming was working perfectly. Encouraged, he took a step closer so that she could feel his presence.

“I believe the word your looking for is human…albeit one with an extended definition,” he told her. “It’s a definition that I’ve been working to expand since I got into this business. While you weren’t born and raised like a human, you are still the product of humanity. Moreover, you’re the product of human passion…mostly mine, but from plenty of others as well.”

“Passion…that’s another word that resonates,” Serenity said, now more focused on him.

“That’s a good sign. Passion is what gives people a sense of purpose. It is the foundation of your purpose…one that I intend to help refine.”

“My purpose,” Serenity repeated. “Yes, I’m beginning to process that as well.”

In a moment that always seemed to make Bryan emotional, she smiled. Her emotional processing matrix was in full working order now. She wasn’t just aware of her identity. She was aware of her emotions as well.

As she smiled, she reached out and touched his face. Her skin was so soft and warm. It lacked the cold, unfeeling touch of a less advanced robot. She wasn’t just following a program. She was taking in the world around her and ascribing meaning to it. From that meaning came other feelings…intimate, personal feelings that echoed from a greater purpose.

While others had created robot companions who simply functioned as tools, Bryan sought something greater. For a robot to be a companion, they couldn’t just have a realistic body and follow a program. There had to be a deeper connection. As he stood in her presence, absorbing her touch and admiring her smile, he could already feel that connection forming.

“I was created for a reason. My wants, feelings, and passions all stem from that reason,” Serenity said while still touching his face. “The data says I am a companion. I provide physical and emotional support to my user. I give them the love they seek. I give them the sex they desire. I have the systems that allow me to experience the emotions. I also have the anatomical features that allows me to experience sex as a woman.”

“I designed those too,” Bryan aid with a humored grin, “although you don’t have to share the data. You have a mouth, a vagina, and an anus, complete with all the necessary sensors…and maybe a few extras.”

“Yes, I’ve processed that too,” she said with a similar hint of humor, much to his chagrin. “But the data is only data. I know what I am. I know what I’m designed to do. I even know what I want to do. This purpose…to be lover and a companion for another…I seek to pursue it to the utmost.”

“That’s a relief. It shows your cognitive and empathic systems are fully functional,” he told her. “Believe me. Things get messy when those aren’t calibrated.”

“So if everything is working – my body, my mind, and my sense of self – why does it feel like there’s still one thing missing?”

It was a tricky question and one very sensitive to robots as advanced as her. Many people before him or his company had tried to make robots capable of higher thought. There were more than a few setbacks along the way. Bryan had even experienced a few. Crafting a mind, capable of both thought and desire, was a challenge. Failure caused great distress, both for the robot and their creators.

Over time, however, one success inspired another. With success came refinement. Making a robot that could think and feel was no longer groundbreaking. At this point, it was almost mundane. To make one stand out, they needed something more. That was what Bryan set out to achieve with Ideal Companions and, based on Serenity’s performance thus far, he had raised the bar for success.

Sensing her yearning for answers, he drew her into a light embrace. He was gentle and affectionate, being mindful of her nude form. His affectionate touch evoked another reaction. Already, that missing piece she mentioned was within her grasp and in a very literal sense.

“What your missing is the same thing many others are missing…passion,” Bryan told her.

“Passion,” she repeated, as though it were a revelation.

“People lose their passion when they’re lonely, sad, or unfulfilled. Even advanced robot struggle to ascribe meaning to data without such passion. That’s why people like me create beings like you. It’s not enough to just be a companion. The key element…the feeling that unites us both…is the passion we share.”

“Is that what we’re sharing now?” she asked intently, still making connections with her advanced robot mind.

“It can be,” Bryan said with a more emotional undertone, “but to truly know passion, it’s necessary to experience it too.”

He deepened the embrace, gently trailing his hands up her waist, stimulating the various sensors on her synthetic flesh. Her strong reaction proved that those sensors were working perfectly.

Eventually, he cupped her face with both hands, marveling at the warmth within her skin. Synthetic or not, she felt alive. In a fitting effort to embrace that life, he kissed her on the lips. Aside from ensuring the sensors in her lips worked just as well, he gave greater meaning and purpose to her database on kissing.

“Kissing…passion,” she said in between the intimate exchange. “Yes, I feel it!”

It was a bit clumsy at first, which was to be expected. Bryan had encountered plenty of companions whose kissing protocols, as the tech team called them, didn’t always work right. It led to more than a few mishaps. Thankfully, Serenity wasn’t one of them.

She was already kissing him as though he were a lifelong lover. She had in her systems all the knowledge any woman could want on what made a kiss great. However, the information was only a point of reference. Once the passion set in, she followed it as intently any companions would.

As they kissed, she embraced him back. She wrapped her arms around him, feeling the warmth of his body through his clothes. He returned the gestures, exploring more of her naked flesh. He was still gentle, but bold. He felt around her hips, thighs, and buttocks. He even threw in a few light squeezes, which prompted her to kiss with greater intensity. Serenity was really into it now. Within her cognitive and emotional systems, the passion was taking over.

“Serenity…you’re doing it,” he told her as she kissed down his face. “I feel it too!”

“Yes. It feels…nice.”

“Trust me. It gets better!”

Their gestures escalated. It got to a point where the kissing turned into a standing make-out session. He and Serenity might as well have been a couple of over-excited teenagers. She had a strong handle on passion. Now, he had to see how she managed the more sensual aspects of passion.

“Serenity,” he said, “tell me how this feels.”

While their lips were intensely entwined, he slipped his hand between her thighs and caressed the outer folds of her vagina. Like every other part of her body, it had been carefully crafted to mirror the intricacies of female anatomy. It wasn’t enough to just look and feel like female genitalia. It had to function just as well.

However, the engineers – many of them being the best female engineers in the world – put extra effort into making some parts function more than others. Once again, their effort showed in Serenity’s reaction.

“Bryan…my creator,” she said, abruptly ending the kiss, yet remaining in his embrace. “This feeling is more…intense.”

“How so?” he asked with a knowing grin.

She paused. Her eyes flashed again. She was processing a new round of data, likely the kind associated with how female sexual response worked. She finished processing it quicker than Bryan expected because her smile widened. She then placed her hand atop his and encouraged him to fondle her womanhood even more.

“I feel…aroused,” said Serenity, her tone taking on a sensual undertone.

“That’s good,” said Bryan, “but after what we’ve just done, you’ll have to be more specific.”

He applied some targeted pressure to her outer folds, using his knowledge of the engineering schematics to stimulate the right areas. Again, Serenity reacted strongly.

This time, her demeanor shifted. She shuttered under his intimae touch, her legs trembling and her hands shaking as she caressed his unshaven face more intently. In that moment, an entirely new aspect of her programming and functions took over.

“I want to have sex,” she said, as though it were a major revelation, “and I want to have it with you, Bryan Kyler.”

“I’d like that,” he replied with a beaming grin. “But I don’t want to simply test your understanding of human sexual function. I want to see if you can do this with passion. Because it’s passion that separates a willing partner from a loving companion.”

“A loving companion,” Serenity said while both arousal and intrigue. “Yes, I want that too. I want it more than my language protocols can articulate.”

“See? You’re already talking like an impassioned lover!”

Serenity laughed at his remark, which indicated another important actualization of her identity. She wasn’t just relating to a prospective companion. She was developing a personal rapport. Robot or not, it was a powerful connection and one Bryan followed to a more intimate expression.

They resumed their kissing and touching, going at it with a similar intensity as earlier. He began leading her to the bed. Along the way, he began undressing. His shirt was the first to go, followed by his pants. Serenity’s gestures intensified at the sight and feel of his exposed upper body. While Bryan didn’t consider himself the most attractive man in the world, he had a decent masculine physique. Being able to touch real, manly flesh triggered more reactions within Serenity, including the very sexual kind.

“Bryan…your body,” she said. “It’s beautiful.”

“Thank you,” he said as he awkwardly kicked off his pants.

“May I be the one to remove your underwear?” she asked. “My passions tell me this is something I seek.”

“Of course,” Bryan said graciously. “Sex works best when you’re naked, after all.”

She laughed again before following her passions even further. His pants now discarded, Bryan sat down on the foot of the bed and scooted back until he was sitting right in the center. Without strict direction – something most robots needed, even with advanced intelligence – she crawled up onto the bed with him.

Along the way, she reached for the hem of his underwear. Already, they were extra-tight. Seeing a naked woman, kissing her, and touching her really got his blood flowing in the right direction. He’d seen many beautiful robot companions before, but Serenity’s emerging understanding of passion only intensified his excitement. By the time she removed his underwear completely, he was already semi-erect.

“Wow,” she said upon seeing her first penis. “The male physique is quite appealing.”

“I want to say that’s your lust protocols in overdrive, but I’m not complaining,” Bryan said.

“May I touch it?” she asked with a hint of shyness.

“Sure!” he said. “I’ve touched your lady parts. It’s only fair that I let you touch my man parts.”

This time, she didn’t laugh. Instead, she narrowed her focus on his growing member. Not long ago, most men would’ve hesitated at letting a robot touch their dicks. He didn’t hesitate with Serenity and not just because he helped design and configure her systems. In her, he saw more than a robot who’d been configured for sex.

She made good use of both her database on male anatomy and her perfectly calibrated hands. She was very gentle, rubbing and stroking it with both hands. She smiled and admired it, seeing beauty where most would just see a naked man. It felt very good and not just physically. It didn’t take long for it to go from semi-hard to fully erect.

“It’s getting so big and hard,” she said.

“That means you’re doing something right,” Bryan teased.

She smiled and continued stroking his cock. She even threw in a light lick with her tongue, tapping some of her data on oral sex. Bryan certainly didn’t protest. He just leaned back on his arms and watched the beautiful robot woman caress his manhood with the utmost care.

She didn’t just look at as a means to an end. There was a hint of admiration and wonder in her eyes, as though she were gazing upon something of beauty. That mattered for a companion. There were robots capable of processing emotions, including feelings like love and lust. However, the act of admiring someone required something greater. Based on the way Serenity touched, he was convinced that she had it.

Eventually, her intimate stroking rendered him fully aroused. While still holding his member in both hands, she looked up him with longing eyes that revealed the extent of her arousal, as well.

“Bryan,” she said in a deep, impassioned tone, “I’d like to proceed with intercourse now.”

“That’s an overly formal way of saying you’re ready, but I’ll take it,” Bryan said with a humored grin.

“Would you feel better if I just said I want you to stick your cock inside my pussy? My database implies that would be more direct.”

“That’s okay, Serenity,” he told her. “You’ve made your point and you’ve made it with passion. That’s all that matters.”

Channeling some passion of his own, Bryan drew Serenity into another embrace. She let go of his cock and followed his intimate lead, crawling on top of him so that their naked bodies became perfectly enmeshed. He then kissed her softly, holding her in his arms as he rolled her over so that she laid flat on her back. Their lips lovingly entwined, he aligned his rigid manhood with her opening.

He could feel the extent of her arousal. She was very wet, a true testament to the team of female engineers who’d designed her synthetic flesh. They’d claimed they created the most efficient, realistic female genitalia ever. One even claimed it worked better than anything nature could produce. Never one to doubt his team, Bryan commenced the ultimate test.

With a simple thrust of his hips, he entered Serenity’s womanly depths with his manhood. The hot ecstasy that followed promises to raise the bar for robot companions.

“Ohhh Serenity!” Bryan gasped. “So hot and tight!”

“I feel it too. You’re inside me,” she said through gasps of her own. “It feels incredible!”

The line between synthetic and biology disappeared. He and Serenity were making love. That was the clear, unambiguous truth. It wasn’t a man fucking a robot. It wasn’t a robot having sex with a human. Those acts were basic. They were something people did with unfeeling machines and Serenity was not an unfeeling machine. She was a companion.

“Serenity,” Bryan said in a deepening daze, “you’re beautiful.”

Those words reinforced that truth as the sensual motions of sex took over. He kept it simple for Serenity’s first intimate experience, making love to her in the standard missionary position. He wasn’t too fast or slow with his movements, establishing a steady pace that maximized every thrust and emphasized skin-on-skin contact.

If her emotive expressions were any indication, his approach worked. He evoked a steady flow of blissful sensations, his touching and his movements stimulating her synthetic flesh as well as any lover could. Her reactions were as human as any woman experiencing the joys of sex. Her lower body shifted in accord with each motion, her toes curling in accord with each surge. She returned his intimate gestures with some of her own, affectionately trailing her hands down his back and shoulders with loving care.

It was a beautiful manifestation of passion. Their naked bodies moved together with harmonious rhythm. It did not come off as a man having sex with a robot in female form. They were two lovers enjoying an intimate moment. That was the essence of what made Serenity a companion.

“We’re doing it! We’re having sex. We’re making love,” she panted, her voice laced with new emotions. “It’s so…”

Her words trailed off, her advanced systems failing her. That was so fitting. Even an advanced robot with advanced intelligence could not put into words the breadth of this feeling. It further convinced Bryan that his team had once again raised the bar for companion. Serenity could’ve passed the test on that basis alone, but Bryan wasn’t finished.

“I know,” he whispered into her ear. “It still gets better!”

He meant that in the most literal sense. One of the key features of every companion his company made was the ability to achieve what they called a synthetic orgasm. The first sex robots only mimicked that experience. He tasked his team to make it real.

It had been a challenge, but his team of engineers once again came through. That meant tweaking some aspects of Serenity’s female anatomy. Most women didn’t achieve orgasm through penetrative sex. Every female engineer on his team made that abundantly clear. As such, they configured her flesh to have some extra nerves strategically placed inside her vagina in addition to those included on her clitoris.

They’d gone through a number of configurations during the beta testing portion. Bryan was about to confirm that they’d used that data wisely. In an effort to send Serenity over the edge, he shifted his body into a more upright position, pushed her legs farther apart, and stepped up the pace of their sex.

Before long, Serenity’s demeanor shifted once more. She was practically writhing on the bed, the sensations nearing that blissful crescendo.

“Yes! Ohhh yes!” the robot woman cried out. “I’m close! I’m about…to have…an orgasm!”

“That’s what I want for you,” Bryan told her. “That’s…what everyone wants…for their lover.”

He delivered the last round of thrusts. Once he sent her over the edge, he felt the inner muscles of her synthetic womanhood contract around his member. From there, the orgasmic process unfolded. It was every bit as theatrical as his lead female designer had boasted.

Serenity closed her eyes, arched her back, and curled her toes as the ecstasy washed over her. Her expression radiated joy and fulfillment. It never once came off as a robot just going through the motions. Her reaction was a direct result of what she felt and what se felt was incredible.

“A lover…a companion,” she gasped while her systems processed it.

“That’s right. This is what we seek to create,” he said, now hovering over her while he caressed her face.

“Yes. I see that now,” Serenity said with a beaming grin. “However, it is still incomplete.”

“Oh? How so?” Bryan asked.

“If you are my lover, then you too should experience orgasm,” she said, as though it were the most logical thing in the world. “And near as I can tell, you did not ejaculate inside me.”

Bryan chuckled somewhat at her crude, but accurate assessment. She laughed as well, seemingly aware of the implications in her words. Humor aside, it raised a relevant issue.

“You’re right. I didn’t,” he said. “How do you propose we rectify that?”

“Well, I’d like to get on top and ride your cock in a cowgirl position. I surmise that will help you orgasm,” she said, her eyes flashing to indicate she’d just probed her sexual database. “But if you have another preference, I’d be happy to help.”

“No, I think that’ll work fine,” said Bryan, laughing again.

“Very well,” Serenity said, her beaming smile never waning, “then let us complete our sex.”

She made it sound so formal, yet so seductive. Bryan wasn’t sure if that was part of her programming or if that was a sign at how advanced she’d become. Either way, he eagerly went along with her passionate whims.

She drew him into another deep kiss. She then shifted their bodies, rolling him over onto his back so that she was on top, straddling his waist. His manhood remained inside her still-throbbing pussy. He’d held back in the interest of making her first test satisfying, but he had desires of his own. He sought that same release. She sensed that and, taking a queue from his earlier approach, began the sexual dance.

“Relax, my lover,” Serenity told him in a caring, affectionate tone. “I’m going to do it nice and slow. I want you to have this. I want you to enjoy it.”

Now in a daze of his own, Bryan watched as she moved her hips and rocked her body in an erotic display that sent him further down the path of ecstasy. Serenity must have really analyzed her database on sexual positions and mechanics because she rode him with the skill of an experienced, dedicated lover.

She didn’t just work her womanhood along his length and let the hot tightness of female flesh do all the work. She was emotive with her gestures, pawing his chest and swaying her body as though it were a performance. It gave something personal to their intimacy, a feature that a robot could mimic, but not create.

What Serenity created through her steady, thorough movements was nothing short of amazing. As he admired the show, he held onto her hips and let the ecstasy come to him.

“Serenity…oohhh Serenity!” he moaned. “I’m getting close! I’m going to come! I’m going to…come!”

“Yes, my lover…my companion,” she said, leaning over and caressing his face.

Under her affectionate case, her hips still moving in accord with his, Bryan finally reached that special threshold. Then, he crossed it and the test could finally conclude.

It was as powerful and satisfying as any man could hope for. As soon as he felt his manhood tense in preparation for his release, Serenity ceased her movements and embraced him closer. Bryan buried his face in her neck, inhaling the sweet smell of her synthetic flesh as he moaned out in ecstasy at the feeling of his release.

It was intense.

It was hot.

It was ecstasy made real.

This was the ultimate feeling that he sought to pursue with robot companions. A sex robot could help anyone get a good orgasm, but only a robot companion could make it feel intimate, passionate, and fulfilling. As he soaked in the feeling, his biological flesh still entwined with Serentiy’s synthetic depths, he kissed her one more time on the lips to cap off the test. It was, by every measure and then some, a major success.

“You are an amazing companion, Serenity,” he told her.

“By default, that makes you an amazing creator, Bryan,” said Serenity with an affectionate smile.

“And you’ve got a sense of humor, too. That’s a nice bonus.”

“Something you can charge extra for, I suppose.”

They shared another laugh before kissing again and settling into the post-coital afterglow, which might as well have been a supplemental part of the test. Bryan withdrew his penis from her vagina, her flesh still warm and tender from their passion. Robot or not, flesh was still flesh and she lingered in their shared warmth.

As he caught his breath, she laid down next to him, curling up by his side and resting her head on his chest. She was still smiling, her eyes flashing briefly to indicate that there was still data to process. Based on everything they’d just experienced together, Bryan was certain that Serenity was ready.

“So what happens next?” she wondered. “I know what it means to be a companion. I know what it means to make love, share intimacy, and be affectionate. Where do I go from here?”

“Well, the hardest part is over. That, I can assure you,” Bryan said. “We’ve got all the data we need. We’re going to take some time to compile it. But for you, the only part you have to worry about is greeting your new companion.”

“I cannot wait to meet him, whoever he is,” Serenity said.

“You’ll be a great companion. That, I’m sure of,” he said to her. “In the meantime, just go into sleep mode. And when you wake up, you’ll be face-to-face with your new lover.”

“That sounds simple enough for me,” she said, already sounding like she was preparing for sleep. “I look forward to giving this man the love and intimacy he desires. But I feel compelled to ask…what about the women? According to my database, there are plenty of women in this world in need of companionship as well.”

Bryan just chuckled to himself. Already, Serenity was seeing the bigger picture. He and everyone else at Ideal Companions saw it too. They knew how they were going to make their mark in the world of sex, robots, and companionship. They did not intend to leave any part of the market unsatisfied.

“Don’t worry about that, Serenity,” Bryan assured her. “We’re going to take care of the women too.”

“You sound quite certain,” Serenity noted.

“Of course, I’m certain,” he said confidently. “After all, my wife is in charge of testing our male companions. And believe me…she’ll be every bit as thorough!”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/dqk4vy/testing_serenity_mf_piv_fembot_scfi

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